RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute

RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute

RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute


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Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. 1. Observations of main and ratoon crops of 23 rice genotypes, Tungabhadra River Project, Karnataka.Main crop Ratoon crop aRegene-Stem Shoot Root Shoot Root1000-Genotype Tillers/ Days to 50% Yield rated Ratoongirth wt (g) wt (g) wt (g) wt (g) Days to Ratoon Yield grain %plant flowering (t/ha) tillers vigor b (cm) 1 MAR 1 MAR 2 MAR 2 MAR flowering ht(cm) (t/ha) wt(g) germination HI(no.)IR509.699 2.02 13.4 5 0.32 4.981.38 7.30 0.90 46(46.5)lR308649.699 3.83 17.80 5 0.32 3.26 0.34 8.30 1.40 51(51.5)PUSHPA 11.299 3.15 16.20 9 0.40 2.20 0.32 8.15 1.60 50(50.5)IET7575 11.0 118 2.52 14.40 5 0.43 8.04 2.08 10.45 1.40 51(42.2)KNS5914 18.2 135 3.38 14.20 1 0.40 5.04 1.86 8.90 1.50 49(36.3)PUSA-150 11.6 102 3.23 16.00 9 0.38 6.84 3.04 6.90 2.55 51(50.0)BPT-2685 13.0120 2.26 16.2 1 0.38 10.04 8.70 16.05 8.30 53(44.2)IET-8110 15.21212.94 17.61 0.40 11.30 4.20 9.00 4.90 52(43.0)IET-8101 10.41172.94 19.8 5 0.40 15.15 9.35 17.75 12.25 51(43.6)IET-8114 11.01024.73 24.2 1 0.33 7.40 5.50 13.75 6.90 53(53.0)IET-7431 11.01233.55 23.2 1 0.36 8.36 3.65 12.25 3.15 54(43.9)IET-6463 14.41192.85 24.4 5 0.40 12.80 6.35 17.75 8.10 50(42.0)IET-6211 14.0 1253.39 20.0 5 0.45 11.35 3.05 14.50 3.25 51(40.8)IET-7297 11.61252.66 26.41 0.44 13.65 14.10 19.50 12.95 48(38.4)ET-7300 16.0 1243.23 27.0 1 0.43 10.70 6.00 17.50 7.20 51(41.1)ET-7999 10.21162.65 25.01 0.42 17.15 4.50 18.5 5.75 47(40.5)IET-8004 10.61144.62 28.6 1 0.41 17.40 6.60 21.05 3.60 45(39.5)IR5416.5 99 4.03 23.2 5 0.47 6.10 2.95 7.95 3.50 51(51.5)ET-8614 17.6 114 3.06 26.01 0.42 11.75 6.80 12.55 7.10 45(39.5)BPT-5204 21.2 120 3.83 17.31 0.44 7.40 1.05 7.57 2.25 51(42.5)S-927122.4112 4.54 18.8 1 0.44 16.10 5.75 15.85 2.00 51(45.5)RNR-52147 19.6113 3.94 18.4 1 0.44 10.75 3.10 12.65 2.15 52(43.7)BPT-2226 20.4114 3.51 30.2 1 0.42 11.75 6.00 13.30 4.40 45(38.5)a MAR = months after ratooning, HI = harvest index. Figures in parentheses are % of main crop.b 1 = Very good, 5 = medium, 9 = low. 3.17)0.32(12.70)0.47(13.90)0.70(21.67)1.61 (71.24)1.50(52.04)1.23(41.83)0.94(19.87)1.81(50.99)1.53(53.68)1.07(31.56)1.37(51.50)0.65(20.12)1.48(55.84)0.75(16.23)0.52(12.90)0.80(29.41)1.01(26.37)0.89(19.60)1.13(28.68)1.56(45.67)

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