RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute

RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute

RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute


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INSECT PESTS IN RATOON <strong>RICE</strong> 201Table 2. Abundance of four SB species on a ratoon and seeded second crop. a <strong>IRRI</strong>. Nov 1983-Feb 1984.Seeded secondMain crop bRatoon c crop cStem borer species Larvae + pupae Species Species Larvae + Species(no./m 2 ) compo- No./m 2 compo- pupae d compositionsition (no./m 2 ) sitionStubble Straw (%) L1-L3 L4-pupa (%)(%)Chilo suppressalisC. polychrysusScirpophagaincertulasSesamia inferensTotal1110212432331140341511a AV of 3 replications. Av of TPR and WSR treatments, b Sampled at harvest. c Sampled weeklyfrom 15 d after ratooning or planting until date of ratoon harvest. L = larval instar. d All larvaeyounger than L3.21115542616013492220944311233332592. Population dynamics of hoppers and their predators on the transplanted main rice crop, ratoon crop,and transplanted second crop. <strong>IRRI</strong>, Aug 1982-Jan 1983.

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