RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute

RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute

RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute


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N FERTILIZER MANAGEMENT FOR MAXIMUM RATOON YIELDS 191Applying main crop N at heading or 2 wk after initial heading rather than atPD tended to increase ratoon crop yields of Labelle by 0.1-0.4 t/ha and ratoon cropyields of Lemont by 0.3-0.7 t/ha at Beaumont and by 0.3-0.6 t/ha at Ganado.Along with the increase in ratoon crop yields where N was applied at or nearheading, there was a decrease in main crop yield, apparently because no N wasapplied at PD. N application at heading did not significantly increase total riceyields. However, since ratoon crop yields seem independent of main crop N rate andmain crop yield, it is reasonable to assume that a N application at PD followed by anapplication at or near heading would have increased ratoon crop and total riceyields.Table 2. N management effects on main and ratoon crop yields of Lemont grown at Beaumont,Texas, in 1984 and 1985.N fertilizer rate andTreatment application time a Total N Yield (t/ha)(no.)PP PF PD Hd Hd2(kg/ha)Main crop Ratoon crop b Total167 kg N/ha12345224 kg N/ha123455050505050676767676767676767679090909090050250006733.5000 00 025 050 00 500 00 033.5 067 00 671171671671671671572242242242247. (.05) = PP = preplant, PF = permanent flood, PD = panicle differentiation, Hd = heading, Hd2 = 2 wkafter initial heading. b Ratoon crop yield when no N was applied at main crop harvest.Table 3. N management effects on main and ratoon crop yields of Lemont grown at Ganado,Texas, in 1985.N fertilizer rate andTreatment application time a Total N Yield (t/ha)(no.)PP PF PD Hd Hd2(kg/ha)Main crop Ratoon crop b Total167 kg N/ha12345224 kg N/ha123455050505050676767676767676767679090909090050250006733.50000255000033.5670000050000067117167167167167157224224224224LSD (.05) PP = preplant, PF = permanent flood, PD = panicle differentiation, Hd = heading, Hd2 = 2 wkafter initial heading. b Ratoon crop yield when no N was applied at main crop harvest.

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