RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute

RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute

RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute


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<strong>RICE</strong> <strong>RATOONING</strong> IN MADAGASCAR 133Table 1. Main and ratoon crop yields and green straw yields of six rice varieties atLac Alaotra, Madagascar (adapted from Dobos [3]).Variety Yield Ratoon crop Duration of Yield ofyield ratoon crop green straw(t/ha)(t/ha) (d) (t/ha)Kaoshung 21Nahda-11No. 1300 (1 cal)No. 1300/Taichung-150No. 1300/ShineilR356-1-46B-4-6-– 81 3.42.294 2.05.099 3.0Table 2. Ratooning ability of three rice varieties grown in varyaloha (Apr-Feb)season around Antananarivo (average of 10 hills in farmer's field).Variety Tillers (no.) Ratoons (no.)Rojofotsy (local)Rojofotsy mixtureNo. 1300 (japonica type)10.56.819.48.03.820.1Table 3. Local varieties mentioned as good for ratooning in different regions.Variety Region Culture typeRojofotsyMangakelyBotohavanaChianung-8TsipalaKalilaAndramotaMampanaTsimatahotrosaEengizaAntananarivoAntananarivoAntananarivoAntananarivoMarovoayMarovoayMarovoayMananjary (East coast)Mananjary (East coast)Mananjary (East coast)VaryalohaVaryalohaVaryalohaVakiambiatyJebyJebyJebyHosyJebyJebyplateau. Not all areas in the high plateau can grow a ratoon crop, but somemid-altitude (800-1,200 m) valleys can grow ratoon crops as fodder for animals.Varieties mentioned in Tables 1 and 2 can be used with proper managementpractices.Varieties for Marovoay region should have deepwater tolerance and goodratooning ability for the jeby season culture. Some local varieties such as Tsipala,Kalila, and Andramota can be used and some new tropical varieties such as IR44,TNAU 13613, CR 156-5021-207, and IET 3600 can be tested. Some of these varietiesare mentioned in Table 2.Varieties for the east coast need special consideration because rainfall is highertoward the north than the southeast. The temperature is most ideal for ricecultivation. In some areas a ratoon crop could produce as much as the main cropwith fertilizer management and varietal selection. Varieties should have strongdormancy, and disease and insect resistance. The east coast is known for pests and

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