Synthesis and application of a radical trapping agent

Synthesis and application of a radical trapping agent Synthesis and application of a radical trapping agent
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Synthesis and application of a radical trapping agentChemistry:Techniques:Catalyzed oxidation with hydrogen peroxideTrapping of a free radicalAcquisition and interpretation of ESR spectraTime Required:Ca. Two lab periods.IntroductionReactions that are believed to involve radical intermediatesare often difficult to investigate because most odd-electronspecies are highly reactive and very often cannot be detecteddirectly. It is possible however to convert reactive radicals tospecies whose structures can be determined and related to theradical. One way in which this can be accomplished isconversion of the reactive radical to a persistent radical,whose identity can be determined by ESR (electron spinresonance spectroscopy), 1 through the use of moleculesknown to react with radicals in predictable way. Suchmolecules are referred to as radical traps or spin traps. Oneclass of molecules that reacts with radicals to give persistentradicals is the nitrones, 1, which are also known as alkylideneamine N-oxides.RH1NOR'One advantage of ESR as a detection tool is its very highsensitivity (as few as 10 15 unpaired spins can be detected),which makes the use of radical traps especially useful inbiological systems where radical intermediates are suspected.The objectives of this experiments are the synthesis of 2and its application as a radical trap.Ph+ R"H2NOThe persistent nitroxide radical generated in the trappingreaction will be examined by ESR spectroscopy.Preparation of 2 will be done by the Na 2 WO 4·2H 2 Ocatalyzed oxidation of N-tert-butyl benzylamine by H 2 O 2 .The oxidation of secondary amines to nitrones involves theintermediate formation of the corresponding hydroxylamine asshown in Scheme 1. In this scheme the nitrone is formed by amulti-step process that begins with conversion of thesecondary amine to the hydroxylamine where “O” refers to aspecies capable of transferring an oxygen atom derived fromhydrogen peroxide to a nucleophilic nitrogen, first in thesecondary amine and then in the hydroxyl amine. Secondaryamine oxides are intrinsically unstable with respect to tautomerizationto the hydroxylamine as in (2). The hydroxylamineN-oxide formed in reaction (3) eliminates water to form thenitrone. In at least one case reaction (4) has been shown to bethe rate determining step in forming the nitrone. As a resultRR"HNOR'careful control of conditions and stoichiometry maysometimes allow synthesis of hydroxylamines. 2Ph O"O"PhCH (1)2 NHC(CH 3 ) 3NH HHPhHHPhHHPhHHNNNOOHOHOH"O"-H 2 OScheme 1The nature of “O” in Scheme 1 for the WO 2- 4 catalyzedoxidation is not entirely certain, but the available evidencesuggests that it is most likely a species that contains a “sideon”bound peroxo species, i.e.,OOWHHPeroxo species such as this are well known to undergonucleophilic attack at oxygen with transfer of an oxygen atomto the nucleophile. 3Schematically, the overall oxidation reaction can be viewedas follows:H 2 O 2 + N(III) ÷ H 2 O + N(V)-OThe oxidation state change for each oxygen is formally from-1 to -2. Although H 2 O 2 is a fairly strong oxidant from athermodynamic viewpoint, it often reacts only slowly, if at all,in the absence of a catalyst. While not all steps in thecatalyzed reaction have been elucidated, the availableevidence suggests the following steps are likely:WO 2- 4 + H 2 O 2 ÷ O 3 W(O 2 ) 2- + H 2 OO 3 W(O 2 ) 2- + N(III) ÷ WO 2- 4 + N(V)-OPhPhHHPhHNNNOOOHOH(2)(3)(4)

<strong>Synthesis</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>of</strong> a <strong>radical</strong> <strong>trapping</strong> <strong>agent</strong>Chemistry:Techniques:Catalyzed oxidation with hydrogen peroxideTrapping <strong>of</strong> a free <strong>radical</strong>Acquisition <strong>and</strong> interpretation <strong>of</strong> ESR spectraTime Required:Ca. Two lab periods.IntroductionReactions that are believed to involve <strong>radical</strong> intermediatesare <strong>of</strong>ten difficult to investigate because most odd-electronspecies are highly reactive <strong>and</strong> very <strong>of</strong>ten cannot be detecteddirectly. It is possible however to convert reactive <strong>radical</strong>s tospecies whose structures can be determined <strong>and</strong> related to the<strong>radical</strong>. One way in which this can be accomplished isconversion <strong>of</strong> the reactive <strong>radical</strong> to a persistent <strong>radical</strong>,whose identity can be determined by ESR (electron spinresonance spectroscopy), 1 through the use <strong>of</strong> moleculesknown to react with <strong>radical</strong>s in predictable way. Suchmolecules are referred to as <strong>radical</strong> traps or spin traps. Oneclass <strong>of</strong> molecules that reacts with <strong>radical</strong>s to give persistent<strong>radical</strong>s is the nitrones, 1, which are also known as alkylideneamine N-oxides.RH1NOR'One advantage <strong>of</strong> ESR as a detection tool is its very highsensitivity (as few as 10 15 unpaired spins can be detected),which makes the use <strong>of</strong> <strong>radical</strong> traps especially useful inbiological systems where <strong>radical</strong> intermediates are suspected.The objectives <strong>of</strong> this experiments are the synthesis <strong>of</strong> 2<strong>and</strong> its <strong>application</strong> as a <strong>radical</strong> trap.Ph+ R"H2NOThe persistent nitroxide <strong>radical</strong> generated in the <strong>trapping</strong>reaction will be examined by ESR spectroscopy.Preparation <strong>of</strong> 2 will be done by the Na 2 WO 4·2H 2 Ocatalyzed oxidation <strong>of</strong> N-tert-butyl benzylamine by H 2 O 2 .The oxidation <strong>of</strong> secondary amines to nitrones involves theintermediate formation <strong>of</strong> the corresponding hydroxylamine asshown in Scheme 1. In this scheme the nitrone is formed by amulti-step process that begins with conversion <strong>of</strong> thesecondary amine to the hydroxylamine where “O” refers to aspecies capable <strong>of</strong> transferring an oxygen atom derived fromhydrogen peroxide to a nucleophilic nitrogen, first in thesecondary amine <strong>and</strong> then in the hydroxyl amine. Secondaryamine oxides are intrinsically unstable with respect to tautomerizationto the hydroxylamine as in (2). The hydroxylamineN-oxide formed in reaction (3) eliminates water to form thenitrone. In at least one case reaction (4) has been shown to bethe rate determining step in forming the nitrone. As a resultRR"HNOR'careful control <strong>of</strong> conditions <strong>and</strong> stoichiometry maysometimes allow synthesis <strong>of</strong> hydroxylamines. 2Ph O"O"PhCH (1)2 NHC(CH 3 ) 3NH HHPhHHPhHHPhHHNNNOOHOHOH"O"-H 2 OScheme 1The nature <strong>of</strong> “O” in Scheme 1 for the WO 2- 4 catalyzedoxidation is not entirely certain, but the available evidencesuggests that it is most likely a species that contains a “sideon”bound peroxo species, i.e.,OOWHHPeroxo species such as this are well known to undergonucleophilic attack at oxygen with transfer <strong>of</strong> an oxygen atomto the nucleophile. 3Schematically, the overall oxidation reaction can be viewedas follows:H 2 O 2 + N(III) ÷ H 2 O + N(V)-OThe oxidation state change for each oxygen is formally from-1 to -2. Although H 2 O 2 is a fairly strong oxidant from athermodynamic viewpoint, it <strong>of</strong>ten reacts only slowly, if at all,in the absence <strong>of</strong> a catalyst. While not all steps in thecatalyzed reaction have been elucidated, the availableevidence suggests the following steps are likely:WO 2- 4 + H 2 O 2 ÷ O 3 W(O 2 ) 2- + H 2 OO 3 W(O 2 ) 2- + N(III) ÷ WO 2- 4 + N(V)-OPhPhHHPhHNNNOOOHOH(2)(3)(4)

It is possible that species involving more than one peroxolig<strong>and</strong> are (also) formed. The proposed species O 3 W(O 2 ) 2-corresponds to “O” is Scheme 1.Radical spin <strong>trapping</strong>Direct detection <strong>of</strong> <strong>radical</strong>s (by ESR) is usually extremelydifficult because most are highly reactive <strong>and</strong> (<strong>of</strong>ten) presentin low concentrations. As a result indirect methods must beutilized to obtain evidence for their presence <strong>and</strong> structure.There are two common indirect methods. The first is CIDNP 4(chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization), which isan NMR technique in which resonances for <strong>radical</strong> speciesmay be observed because the intensities <strong>of</strong> their resonancesare much greater than expected for the concentration <strong>of</strong> thespecies present. This results from preferential polarization <strong>of</strong>nuclear spins by unpaired electron spins. Because thesepolarizations may be positive or negative the anomalouslyintense resonances may reflect absorption or emission. Thesecond technique is spin <strong>trapping</strong>. 5 Spin <strong>trapping</strong> re<strong>agent</strong>sreact with <strong>radical</strong>s to give a long-lived (persistent) <strong>radical</strong>which can be detected by ESR. The structure <strong>of</strong> the trapped<strong>radical</strong> is inferred on the basis <strong>of</strong> electron spin-nuclear spincoupling (hyperfine coupling) patterns in the persistent <strong>radical</strong><strong>and</strong>/or by independent synthesis.To successfully trap a highly reactive <strong>radical</strong> requires thatthe spin trap have a high rate <strong>of</strong> reaction (low activationenergy) toward <strong>radical</strong>s, but not with other reactioncomponents 6 <strong>and</strong> that the product be sufficiently long-livedunder reaction conditions for detection. It is usually necessaryto use a large concentration <strong>of</strong> the <strong>trapping</strong> re<strong>agent</strong> to generateenough product for detection. Nitrones are efficient <strong>radical</strong>traps, but are otherwise relatively unreactive both chemically<strong>and</strong> photochemically. Certain derivatives, including 2, havebeen used for in vivo biological <strong>application</strong>s.In this experiment you will utilize 2 to trap a <strong>radical</strong>generated from a common initiator for <strong>radical</strong> polymerizations<strong>and</strong> detect the persistent nitroxide <strong>radical</strong> product by ESR.ExperimentalN-Benzylidene-tert-butylamine N-Oxide (2). In a 50-mLflask equipped with a stirring bar place N-tert-butylbenzylamine (5 mmol), Na 2 WO 4 .2H 2 O (0.066 g, 0.20 mmol),<strong>and</strong> methanol (10 mL). Cool the solution in an ice bath <strong>and</strong>add to the stirred solution 30% aqueous hydrogen peroxide(1.70 g, 15.0 mmol). After addition is complete, remove theice bath <strong>and</strong> stir the reaction mixture for at least one h, thenstopper the flask <strong>and</strong> let it st<strong>and</strong> unstirred until the next labperiod. Remove the methanol using a rotary evaporator <strong>and</strong>then transfer the residue to a separatory funnel using 25 mL <strong>of</strong>methylene chloride. Wash the methylene chloride solutiontwice with 10 mL portions <strong>of</strong> saturated aqueous sodiumchloride, then dry the methylene chloride solution overanhydrous sodium sulfate. Remove the drying <strong>agent</strong> byfiltration <strong>and</strong> evaporate the methylene chloride on a steambath. The residue should crystallize upon cooling. Theproduct should be recrystallized from a small amount <strong>of</strong>hexane. Collect the purified product by filtration <strong>and</strong> air drythe product. Obtain a melting point <strong>and</strong> 1 H NMR spectrum <strong>of</strong>your purified product.Trapping a <strong>radical</strong> using nitrone 2. Place 10 mg <strong>of</strong> nitrone<strong>and</strong> 15 mg <strong>of</strong> benzoyl peroxide, or 10 mg 2,2'-azobisisobutylronitrile in a vial. Add 1 mL <strong>of</strong> benzene <strong>and</strong>then carefully sparge the solution with nitrogen for 2-3 min.Transfer about 0.5 mL <strong>of</strong> the solution to a serum-capped,nitrogen-flushed ESR sample tube. Heat the sample tube in a60-70 EC water bath for about 5 min <strong>and</strong> immediately obtainthe ESR spectrum.Calculate the g value <strong>and</strong> hyperfine coupling constants foryour spectrum. For information about ESR spectroscopy seereference 1. In preparing your report you should be careful toprovide the structure <strong>of</strong> the <strong>radical</strong> whose spectrum you haverecorded <strong>and</strong> to compare your results with a literaturespectrum (give the literature reference to the data that youcite).References <strong>and</strong> footnotes(1) ESR is the equivalent <strong>of</strong> NMR for electrons. A physicalmodel for the phenomenon is a spin flip <strong>of</strong> the electron in themagnetic field under resonance conditions. Electron spinnuclearspin coupling occurs (hyperfine coupling) whichprovides structural information. A satisfactory introduction tothe fundamentals to ESR spectral interpretation can be foundin Atkins, P. Physical Chemistry, 6 th Ed, W.H. Freeman, NewYork, NY, 1997, Chapter 18, sections 10-11(2) Yamazaki, S. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 1997, 70, 877.(3) Espenson, J.H. Chem. Commun. 1999, 479 <strong>and</strong> referencescited.(4) For an explanation <strong>of</strong> CIDNP see Pine, S.H. J. Chem. Ed.1972, 49, 664. Ward, H.R. Acc. Chem Res. 1972, 5, 18.Lawler, R.G. Acc. Chem. Res. 1972, 5, 25.(5) A lucid article on this topic is Janzen, E.G. Acc. Chem.Res. 1971, 4, 31.(6) This includes electromagnetic radiation since many<strong>radical</strong>s are generated by photolysis.2

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