Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp

Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp

Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp


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Index 379HVAC, 318–19MCU with integrated pressure sensor,321–23microangular rate sensor, 321personal ID smart sensor, 324–25requirements, 315–16semiconductors and, 313–15smart loop, 328–29speech recognition andmicromicrophones, 319–20summary, 329–30wireless sensing, 323–24Fuzzy-inference unit (FIU), 156, 157Fuzzy logic, 155–57adaptive control in, 161, 162applications, 155control decisions, 168defined, 155defuzzification, 156example, 156FIU, 156, 157hardware/software requirements, 156–57implementation, 156with multiple sensors, 157neural networks combined with, 160PID vs., 155sensor input for, 158See also ControlGaAs semiconductors, 177GaN film, 25Gas sensors, 263Gaussian minimum shift keying(GMSK), 179Global positioning system(GPS), 181, 185–86defined, 185–86satellites, 186technology, 186See also RF sensingGlob top packaging, 239, 240Hall-effect, 50, 60HART protocol, 132Hidden Markov modeling (HMM), 164Home automation protocols, 134–35CEBus, 135list of, 125LonTalk, 135See also ProtocolsHVAC sensor chip, 318–19Hybrid integration, 8Hybrid packaging, 231–35BGA, 234–35ceramic, 232dual-chip, 233–34multichip modules, 232–33uses for, 231–32See also PackagingHydrocarbon sensor, 61Hypertext markup language (HTML), 304IEEE 1394, 299IEEE 1451 family, 297elements of, 274member summary, 275reference implementation, 302working relationship, 275IEEE 1451.1, 276–81client-server model, 278, 279defined, 274, 276example, 280–81functionality, 281NCAP, 276–78network communication models, 278–80object-identifying properties, 277object model components, 276publish-subscribe model in, 278–80smart transducer object model, 277, 278summary, 275top-level object relationships, 277IEEE 1451.2, 281–91Boeing 777 adaptation of, 306calibration/correction engine, 286–89defined, 274, 281–82pressure measurement, 291sensor definition, 282SI base units in, 290sourcing power to STIMs, 289STIM, 282–84summary, 275TEDS physical unit representation,289–91TII, 285–86transducer electronic data sheet, 284–85transducer types, 282–83IEEE P1451.3, 291–92

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