Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp

Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp

Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp


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The Next Phase of Sensing Systems 331[4] Studt, T., “<strong>Smart</strong> <strong>Sensors</strong> Widen View on Measuring Data,” R&D Magazine, Mar. 1994,pp. 18–20.[5] Haystead, J., “SIA Roadmap Highlights Contamination Control,” Cleanrooms, Vol. 9,No. 2, Feb. 1995, pp. 1, 10.[6] Stock, A. D., and D. R. Judd, “Interoperability Standard for <strong>Smart</strong> <strong>Sensors</strong> and ActuatorsUsed in Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment,” Proc. <strong>Sensors</strong> Expo, Philadelphia,Oct. 26–28, 1993, pp. 203–222.[7] Tepermeister, I., “<strong>Smart</strong> <strong>Sensors</strong>: The Next Evolutionary Step in Metrology,” Solid StateTechnology, Mar. 1997, pp. 167–168.[8] Jerman, J. H., D. J. Clift, and S. R. Mallinson, “A Miniature Fabry-Perot InterferometerWith a Corrugated Silicon Diaphragm,” Technical Digest of IEEE Solid-State Sensor andActuator Workshop, Hilton Head Island, SC, June 4–7, 1990, pp. 140–144.[9] Raley, N. F., et al., “A Fabry-Perot Microinterferometer for Visible Wavelengths,” TechnicalDigest of IEEE Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, Hilton Head Island, SC, June22–25, 1992, pp. 170–173.[10] Frank, R., and D. Walters, “MEMS Applications in Energy Management,” Proc. <strong>Sensors</strong>Expo, Boston, May 16–18, 1995, pp. 11–18.[11] http/www.sandia.gov/media/acoustic.htm[12] Donham, C., et al., “A Neural Network Based Intelligent Acoustic Sensor,” Proc. <strong>Sensors</strong>Expo, Philadelphia, Oct. 26–28, 1993, pp. 121–127.[13] Ried, R. P., et al., “Piezoelectric Microphone With On-Chip CMOS Circuits,” J. MicromechanicalSystems, Vol. 2, No. 3, Sept. 1993, pp. 111–120.[14] http://www.darpa.mil/dso/darpa40/future/90Fmesocool.html[15] Zarabadi, S., et al., “A Resonating Comb/Ring Angular Rate Sensor Vacuum PackagedVia Wafer Bonding,” SAE 99011043, reprinted from <strong>Sensors</strong> and Actuators 1999 (SAESP-442), Internat’l Congress, Detroit, Mar. 1–4, 1999.[16] Yoshii, Y., et al., “1 Chip Integrated Software Calibrated CMOS Pressure Sensor WithMCU, A/D Convertor, D/A Convertor, Digital Communication Port, Signal ConditioningCircuit and Temperature Sensor,” Proc. Transducers ‘97, Chicago, June 16–19, 1997.[17] Frank, R., and D. Zehrbach, “Testing the System on a Chip,” Proc. <strong>Sensors</strong> Expo, San Jose,CA, May 19–21, 1998, pp. 235–238.[18] Frank, R. “Embedded Micromachines Can Eliminate Unnecessary Appendages,” 98C041Proc. Convergence 96, Oct. 21–23, 1996, pp. 349–354.[19] Miller, B., “Vital Signs of Identity,” IEEE Spectrum, Feb. 1994, pp. 22–30.[20] Zhang, Y., S. B. Crary, and K. D. Wise, “Pressure Sensor Design and Simulation Usingthe CAEMEMS-D Module,” Technical Digest of IEEE Solid-State Sensor and ActuatorWorkshop, Hilton Head Island, SC, June 4–7, 1990, pp. 32–35.

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