Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp

Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp

Understanding Smart Sensors - Nomads.usp


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140 <strong>Understanding</strong> <strong>Smart</strong> <strong>Sensors</strong>Table 6.6MCUs With Integrated CAN Modules and Additional FeaturesFeature X4 X16 X32MC68HC05 CPU Yes Yes YesBasic CAN protocol (Rev. 2.0 part A) Yes Yes Yes8-bit ID mask register for optional message filtering Yes Yes Yes1 Tx message buffer Yes Yes Yes2 Rx message buffers Yes Yes YesBytes of user program (EP)ROM 4,096 15,120 31,248Bytes of EEPROM — 256 256Bytes of use data RAM 176 352 352Programmableinput/outputpins,()input only 16 24 (8) 24(8)Port B wired OR interrupt operation — Yes YesSerial communication interface (SCI) — Yes Yes8-channel ADC — Yes Yes16-bit timer with _ input capture + _ output compares 1 + 1 2 + 2 2 + 22 pulse length modulation systems — Yes YesChip operating properly (COP) watchdog (with COP Yes Yes Yesenabled on reset option)EPROM and EEPROM protection — Yes YesPackage (number of pins) 28 64/68 64/68entication, background diagnostics, software timers, network management,and routing functions are handled by this unit. In addition to communicationwith the MAC processor, it communicates with the application processorthrough application buffers.The application processor executes the code written by the user and theoperating services requested by user code. The primary programming languageis Neuron C, a derivative of the C language. Enhancements in Neuron C fordistributed control applications are supported in firmware. As a result, the usercan write complex applications with less program memory.Both Neuron® chips include a direct-mode transceiver and 25 applicationI/O models. Other integrated functions include the network communicationport; several I/O functions, including two timers/counters, clocking and

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