Target NEO: Open Global Community NEO Workshop Report

Target NEO: Open Global Community NEO Workshop Report

Target NEO: Open Global Community NEO Workshop Report


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DRAFT: RELEASED FOR PUBLIC COMMENTAcronyms and AbbreviationsANSER Analytical Services, Inc.APL The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryARC NASA’s Ames Research CenterAU Astronomical UnitBall Ball Aerospace & Technologies CorporationC 3 Characteristic Earth Departure EnergyCNRS Centre National de la Recherche ScientifiqueCSS Catalina Sky SurveyESMD NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission DirectorateEVA Extra-Vehicular ActivityGCR galactic cosmic rayGEODSS Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space SurveillanceGSFC NASA’s Goddard Space Flight CenterH Absolute MagnitudeHQ NASA HeadquartersHSF Human Space FlightIAU International Astronomical UnionIMLEO Initial Mass in Low Earth OrbitIR infraredISS International Space StationJPL Jet Propulsion LaboratoryJSC NASA’s Johnson Space CenterL 1 Sun-Earth Libration Point 1L 2 Sun-Earth Libration Point 2LaRC NASA’s Langley Research CenterLEO Low Earth OrbitLINEAR Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid ResearchLSST Large Synoptic Survey TelescopeMid-IR Mid InfraredDRAFT: RELEASED FOR PUBLIC COMMENT 29

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