Grease Guzzler Brochure

Grease Guzzler Brochure

Grease Guzzler Brochure


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GREASE GUZZLERP a t e n t e d G r e a s e M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e mI n n o v a t i n g W a s t e w a t e r S o l u t i o n s| c o m m e r c i a l p r o p e r t i e s | h o s p i t a l i t y i n d u s t r y |

The WPL <strong>Grease</strong> <strong>Guzzler</strong> ® isan innovative, self containedgrease management systemdesigned for commercialcatering facilities serving hotfood and producing wasteFATS, OILS and GREASE (FOG).The system utilises patentedbio-technology, ensuringefficient and effective draincleansing with minimal impacton the environment.Main Features:Principal Benefits:Main Features• Utilises a patented bacteriapre-activation incubationtechnology to ensuremaximum drain cleansingis achieved• Completely digests FOGusing naturally occurringmicro-organisms• Meets Building Regulations2002 (Part H) specificationson managing waste FOGfrom commercial kitchensserving hot food• Aesthetically designedto be space saving andcomplement commercialkitchen design• Designed on the principleof ‘fit and forget’, it iscompletely automated andself-contained, requiringno daily maintenancePrincipal Benefits• Helps prevent drain blockageand pump station failurecaused through the buildup of FOG deposits• Eliminates foul drainodours caused by rancidgrease and improveshygiene, helpingprevent rodent andinsect infestation• Reduces grease trapmaintenance or the needfor a grease trap• Can completely replace thecommon grease trap• Requires no space consumingdrums of bio-chemicals,unlike some alternativeproducts• Variable dosing timeand frequency to suit• Approved by the WaterRegulations AdvisoryScheme (WRAS) andmarked

Typical installations• Fast food restaurants• Pubs• Restaurants• Hotels• Leisure & health centres• Cafe• MOD• Food processing plants• In-house catering facilities• Schools, Colleges & UniversitiesHow the <strong>Grease</strong> <strong>Guzzler</strong> worksThe need for grease managment - how the <strong>Grease</strong><strong>Guzzler</strong> worksIn an environment where cooking oils and fats are usedin large quantities, it is often difficult to imagine the highvolume of grease that finds its way into the drainagesystem. <strong>Grease</strong> build up can be problematic even in thebest designed drains.The <strong>Grease</strong> <strong>Guzzler</strong> releases S65 ® , a bio-fluid concentrateinto an incubation tank filled with cold water. The tank isgently heated for five hours, to stimulate the micro-organismsto multiply, resulting in a rich soup of pre-activated, greasehungry bacteria. At a pre-programmed time, the <strong>Grease</strong><strong>Guzzler</strong> releases the incubated solution into the drain line.Once the system has dosed, the pipe work will be coatedwith a layer of enzymes. This continues to actively preventthe build up of any grease that finds its way into thedrainage system during the dosing off periods.

What is S65 ® & how does it work?What is S65 and howdoes it work?S65 is a culmination of six year’sresearch and development intobacteria pre-activation andbiological grease management.Formulated to combat thedifferent types of FOG foundin commercial kitchens, itcomprises of 58 differenttypes of bacteria, producing anaturally occurring cocktail ofenzymes and micro-organisms,rigorously screened to eliminatepathogens.Degradation is a result oftwo simultaneous processes.Enzymes make the first assaultbreaking the grease intosimpler food particles, whichare edible to micro-organisms;these then digest and degradethe grease further. As thehungry micro-organisms grow,they reproduce rapidly bysplitting, which at the sametime releases more enzymes toperpetuate the process until allthe grease is broken down.The result is the conversionof grease into fatty acidsand glycerol; water solubleproducts that form anemulsion. Harmless to thedrain, this transformationis irreversible. As theseproducts continue theirway through the drain line,degradation continues untilthe grease is broken downinto carbon dioxide and water.

System RequirementsSystem Requirements• Single phase, 5 amp (fused spur)electrical supply• Cold water supply• Discharge point into drain• Internal wall mountingDimensions (mm)Approximate size:540560205A custom made wallbracket is suppliedwhich is pre-fitted tothe wall to simplifyinstallationWhere to install the <strong>Grease</strong> <strong>Guzzler</strong>Where to install the<strong>Grease</strong> <strong>Guzzler</strong>It is designed for simplemounting on to an internalwall, normally in the kitchen,close to the drainage wastepipe. Connections are verysimple - cold water andelectricity in, drain access out.Dosing should occur closeenough to the first sink ordrainage discharge point sothat grease cannot solidify inpipe work upstream.Service andMaintenanceThe <strong>Grease</strong> <strong>Guzzler</strong> has beenengineered for completereliability. Absolutely no usermaintenance is necessary,when purchased with aservice contract.In order to keep kitchendisruption to a minimum,fluid replacement is onlyrequired every six monthson standard dosing.

Supply OptionsThe following table illustrates WPL’s standard supply options. These have been designedto give complete flexibility, whatever the application. Trade enquiries welcomed, with tradediscounts available.Supply Option Price WarrantySupply Only (unit) POA 2 year parts & labour (RTB * )Supply Only (S65 ® ) POA 2 year performance promiseSupply & Install POA 2 year parts & labour (RTB * )Supply, Install & Maintain POA 2 year parts & labour (On Site)Maintenance Only POA On-site parts & labour (Minimum 1 year)3 Year Loan Option POA 3 year onsite parts & labour5 Year Loan Option POA 5 year onsite parts & labourOn-site warranty is offered as part of a maintenance contract. A call out charge may be applied to site visits where a maintenance contract has not been taken. * RTB (return to base)WPL LimitedUnit 1 & 2 Aston RoadWaterloovilleHampshire PO7 7UXWPL is recognised internationallyas a principle designer andmanufacturer of high qualitypackage and turnkey sewagetreatment systems, and greasemanagement solutions.It has over 14 years’ industryexperience and services anextensive customer portfoliocomprising the UK’s majorwater utilities, all areas of thecommercial sector and thedomestic market place.The company’s consistent focus onecology, coupled with extensiveresearch & development intonew technology, have enabledit to far exceed all existing andproposed discharge consentstandards enforced by theEnvironment Agency, SEPA andother regulatory authorities.For sales, advice or details of your local distributor,please contact WPL.Tel: +44 (0) 8454 504820Fax: +44 (0) 2392 242624email: greasemanagement@wpl.co.ukwww.grease-guzzler.co.ukWPL Limited registered in England & Wales NI 2583411 VAT No. 568 3801 15. <strong>Grease</strong> <strong>Guzzler</strong> and S65 are registered trademarks of WPL limited.WPL Limited has a policy of continual product development and the above information may be subject to change without notice.WPL Limited are fully compliant with the British Water Codes of Practice.

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