Register now! Classes begin January 6, 2014 - Seattle Central ...

Register now! Classes begin January 6, 2014 - Seattle Central ...

Register now! Classes begin January 6, 2014 - Seattle Central ...


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<strong>January</strong> 6–March 26, <strong>2014</strong> winter Quarter<strong>Register</strong> <strong>now</strong>! <strong>Classes</strong> <strong>begin</strong> <strong>January</strong> 6, <strong>2014</strong>seattlecentral.edu « seattlecentral.edu/facebook

Pay for College4Tuition & FeesCASHIER: Room BE1104A, 206.934.4108M-F 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Open until 6 p.m. every Tuesdayseattlecentral.edu/tuitionAccess the amount owed on your tuition and fees atseattlecentral.edu.Tuition and fees are due seven business days from the date you register forclasses or by the first day of school, whichever comes first. If you register onor after the first day of the quarter, tuition is due immediately. Studentswill be dropped for non-payment if tuition is not received withinthe established timelines. Tuition can be paid by major credit card atseattlecentral.edu. Payment can also be made in person by cash, check,money order or credit card. Checks returned because of stop payment willbe charged $30.75 and the student will be withdrawn from all courses.Drop Box Location: A payment drop-off box is located outside theCashier’s office. Be sure the student name and ID number are on the checkor money order. It is the student’s responsibility to verify payment hasbeen made. Financial aid students must ensure the Cashier’s officehas processed their payment.Tuition and fees are subject to change. For academic, SocialSecurity, VA, insurance and loan guarantor purposes, 12 or more credits isconsidered full-time. In order to be verified as enrolled, tuition and feesmust be paid in full.Pursuant to state law (RCW 28B.10.293 and RCW 19.16.500) any debts tothe college will be increased by costs and expenses incurred in the collectionof such debts.Tuition Resident Non-resident1-10 credits (per credit) .............................$106.84 .........$278.8411-18 credits (per credit surcharge) ................... $52.99 .......... $58.0019-25 credits (per credit surcharge) ................... $96.26 .........$268.2619-25 credits (per credit surcharge-vocational) ........ $14.45 .......... $40.25High school completion tuition1-10 credits (per credit) .............................. $21.37 .........$106.8411-18 credits (per credit surcharge) ................... $10.60 .......... $52.9919-25 credits (per credit surcharge) ................... $14.45 .......... $96.26Note: If you are 19 years of age or older and are a Washington state resident,you are eligible for a discounted tuition rate for high school completioncourses. Non-residents are charged resident tuition rate.FINANCIAL AIDDivision of Student Financial Services and Veterans AffairsRoom BE1104C 206.934.3844M,W,Th,F 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.; Tuesdays 8 a.m.–6:30 p.m.email: scccfinanacialaid@seattlecolleges.eduweb: seattlecentral.edu/finaidThe Financial Aid office staff can assist students with all aspects of thefinancial aid application process. Students who may need help paying forcollege are encouraged to apply for financial aid. Because there is no simple“income cutoff” for determining aid eligibility, students must complete theentire financial aid application process in order for us to determine if theyqualify for need-based financial assistance.Application deadlinesThe federal financial aid process is lengthy and can often take two monthsor more to complete. We strongly recommend that students <strong>begin</strong> theapplication process at least two months prior to the deadline date.Complete steps 1-5 (and 6, if applicable)Quarter/year:of the financial aid application process by:Winter <strong>2014</strong> November 29, 2013Spring <strong>2014</strong> February 28, <strong>2014</strong>VeteransPlease call Tony Diaz, Veterans Affairs Program Coordinator, at 206.934.4147for information on Veterans Education Assistance Benefits or for questionsregarding eligibility, advance pay, career goals, tuition discounts for veterans,and evaluation of military credits.<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Upper division tuition for Bachelorof Applied Science (B.A.S.) Program Resident Non-resident1-10 credits (per credit) .............................$245.45 .........$598.4211-18 credits (per credit surcharge) .....................$9.88 .......... $10.5719-25 credits (per credit surcharge) ..................$234.87 .........$587.84Special tuition ratesGED Prep ....................................................... $25 per qtr.Parent Education Co-op .......................................$16 per creditAdult Basic Education ........................................... $25 per qtr.Community Service: based on actual operating costs.FeesDrop. ...........................................................$6.00 per classLab fee. ................................................................$46.00Additional computer lab class. ........................................ $27.00Maximum computer lab fee per qtr.(for students enrolled in more than one CL-coded class) ............... $73.00Late registration (after 10th day of quarter) .................$10.00 per crediteLearning online course fee.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.00 per crediteLearning hybrid course fee. ..................................$5.25 per courseVideo course fee ($33 licensing fee, $32 DVD rental) ..............$65 per courseTranscript (official copy) . ........................................$4.50 eachFor program-specific fees, contact the division office.Mandatory feesUniversal Technology fee ...............$3 per credit (max $54 per quarter)Exemptions: 1-3 credits, ABE/ESL (Below 090) /GED, ungraded courses.Student Activity fee ......................................$23.00 per quarterStudents enrolled in 5 or more credits of state-funded courses.Transportation Management fee .........................$15.00 per quarterStudents enrolled in 10 or more credits of state-funded courses.Student Photo ID Card (one time charge) ..............................$5.00State support for education Washington state contributes to the cost ofresident students’ education. The average total cost of resident full-time tuitionfor a year of education is $6,168. Resident students pay an average of $2,849 ofthis amount; the remaining $3,319 is paid for by the State of Washington.Visit seattlecentral.edu/payforcollege.For updates, see seattlecentral.edu/tuitionHow to applyAll students who want to apply for available federal, state, and institutionalfinancial assistance must complete steps 1-5. In addition, students applyingfor Summer Quarter <strong>2014</strong> aid must complete step 6.1 New students must complete an admissions form.Complete the 2013-<strong>2014</strong> Free Application for Federal StudentAid (FAFSA).23 Submit your FAFSA to the Federal Processor.4 After you receive your Student Aid Report (SAR), eitherrespond to the “2013-<strong>2014</strong> Required Actions Letter” sent fromthe Financial Aid Office– or –Contact us by bringing your SAR to the Financial Aid Office orby phone to request a “Required Documents Letter.”5 Submit all additional required documents to the Financial Aidoffice as requested.6If you plan to attend Summer Quarter <strong>2014</strong> and would like tobe considered for financial aid, you must submit a SummerQuarter Supplemental Financial Aid Application to theFinancial Aid Office.Federal Direct loans are <strong>now</strong> available.

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>Start a new career!Get started on a new career or upgrade your skills. Programs are taughtby industry professionals in facilities that mirror real-world workenvironments. For more information and complete class schedule:seattlecentral.edu/proftech<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Community Collegeis committed to providing a skilled workforcefor today and the future. <strong>Seattle</strong> ison the leading edge of innovation andthe college trains students to be highly skilled,nimble and adaptive in a rapidly changing world.We all benefit when everyone has the opportunityto be successful. Our role as an educational institutionis to help students find challenging andmeaningful jobs. A quality education providesa path to success not only for students, but forgenerations that follow them.Begin a new career and/or update your skillsby enrolling in one of the professional/technicalprograms below. Visit seattlecentral.edu/proftechfor more details.Applied Behavioral ScienceBachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) 60 upper division credits in Applied Behavioral ScienceRequires A.A.S. degree in Social and Human Services,Chemical Dependency, Child and Family Studies, orInterpreter Training.Creative ArtsApparel Design & Development – FSix-quarter A.A.S. degree<strong>Classes</strong> in fashion, computers, design, color, and sewingprepare students to work in the apparel manufacturingand design industry.Commercial Photography – FSix-quarter A.A.S. degreeEquips students with technical k<strong>now</strong>ledge, creativevision and business acumen to be successful professionalphotographers.Graphic Design – FSix-quarter certificate or seven-quarter A.A.S. degreeCombines traditional and computer-based instruction inprofessional design, illustration and typography.CulinaryCulinary Arts – FWSpSix-quarter certificate or seven-quarter A.A.S. degreeChef-instructors transform students into chefs by teachingculinary theory and management combined with thereal-life experience of preparing meals for two restaurants.Specialty Breads & Desserts – FWSpFive-quarter certificate or six-quarter A.A.S. degreeStudents learn a combination of traditional and cuttingedge curricula from chefs in the classroom and in a pastryshop.HealthAllied Health – FWSpSSix-quarter, A.A.S.-T degreePrepare students to enter the workplace in an AlliedHealth career.Dental Hygiene – F Seven-quarter, A.A.S.-T degreeTheory, lab, business and health courses, and clinicalpractice at <strong>Central</strong>’s state-of-the-art dental facility.Nursing – F Six-quarter, A.A.S.-T degreePrepare students to work as registered nurses. LPN toRN transition degree available.Opticianry – FWSeven-quarter, A.A.S. degreeDesign and fit eyewear and contact lenses. Students getreal-world experience in the campus optical shop.Respiratory Care – F Seven-quarter, A.A.S. degreeLearn to evaluate, treat, and care for patients withbreathing disorders. Class and lab instruction combinedwith clinical experience.Surgical Technology – FThree-quarter certificate/degree optionSurgical technologists assist surgical teams in medicaloperations. Students learn science, medical terminology,and surgical skills in lab and clinical settings.Information Technology / ITApplications Support –FWSpS Three-quarter certificate or five- to six-quarter A.A.S. degreeStudents learn software applications and how to supportusers. <strong>Classes</strong> prepare students for Microsoft OfficeSpecialist exams.Business Information Technology – FWSpS Three-quarter certificate or six-quarter A.A.S. degreeOffice skills such as customer service, management,and professionalism are taught along with IT skills.Database Development – FWSpS Four-quarter certificateTrains students to organize data, install database managementsoftware, create and secure databases anddesign database driven applications.Mobile Product Development – WThree-quarter certificate<strong>Classes</strong> in mobile application programming, smallbusiness management, design, and social marketing.Prerequisites include either a degree in programmingor website development.New students can <strong>begin</strong> program: F – fall quarter Sp – spring quarterW – winter quarter FWSpS – any quarter of the year Prerequisite courses required (before enrollment)A.A.S.-T Associate of Applied Science Transfer degree (contains 20 transferable general education credits)A.A.S. Associate of Applied Science degreeB.A.S. Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Applied Behavioral ScienceNote: Some programs have waitlists and/or prerequisite class requirements.Network Design and Administration – FWSpS Four-quarter certificate or three-quarter certificate forCisco, five- to six-quarter A.A.S.-T degreeStudents learn to design, evaluate, and manage systemssuch as local and wide area networks and otherdata communications systems.Programming – FWSpS Four-quarter certificate or five- to six-quarter A.A.S.-TdegreeTrains students to write, test, and maintain computerprograms with an emphasis on object-oriented design.Web Design – FWSpS Four-quarter certificate or five- to six-quarter A.A.S.-TdegreeEvening program trains students to create graphics,design navigational elements and structure content toproduce Web sites.Web Development – FWSpS Four-quarter certificate or five- to six-quarter A.A.S.-TdegreeCombines programming, Web design, and using databasesto produce Web sites.MaritimeMarine Engineering Technology – FWSpS Three-quarters plus at-sea internshipCombines shipboard experience, engineering, andcomputation to train students to become professionalmariners.Marine Deck Technology – FWSpS (under HIATUS)Three-quarters plus at-sea internshipOn-board experience plus classes in nautical science,computation, and communication prepares students fora career in the maritime industry.Social & Human ServicesChemical Dependency – FWSpS Four-quarter certificateGraduates will train to practice in direct service positionsin Washington state licensed chemical dependencyfacilities.Child & Family Studies – FWSpS Three- to four-quarter certificateFoundation for students interested in working withchildren and families. Courses meet licensing requirementsfor child care providers and Child DevelopmentAssociate clock hours.Social & Human Services – FWSpS Six-quarter A.A.S. degreeTrain to work in human service occupations or preparefor a B.A. degree in human services, counseling, or socialwork.Wood TechnologyCarpentry – FWSpSFour-quarter certificate, five or more quarter A.A.S. degreeStudents prepare for employment in the home construction,remodeling, and light commercial constructiontrades with hands-on shop learning.Cabinetmaking – FWSpSFive-quarter certificate, six-quarter A.A.S. degreeThe combination of technical information with practicalshop application prepares students for careers incabinetmaking and fine woodworking.Marine Carpentry – FWSpSSix-quarter certificate, eight-quarter A.A.S. degreeStudents work in a boat shop environment repairingand building both wood and fiberglass boats.5

<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Start or finish your four-year degreeat <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Don’t get lost in the masses at a big university. Take your freshmanand sophomore classes at <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> and enjoy smaller classeswith dedicated instructors who want you to succeed. You’ll alsosave money as community college tuition is considerably less than fouryearschools. Plus, <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> offers tutoring programs, academic assistanceand enrichment programs to help you adjust to college life. Developan academic plan with <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> advisors so you can transfer to theschool of your choice and move right into your major field of study. Or stayright at <strong>Central</strong> to earn a B.A.S. degree.Academic AdvisingCenter206.934.4068, Room BE1102Mon-Fri: 8- 4:30 pmadvisorcentral@seattlecolleges.eduDrop-in: Mon, Thurs: 1-4 p.m. Tues: 9-noon.The Academic Advising Center helps with longrangeeducational plans, assistance with scheduling,guidance for transfer plans, unofficialtranscript evaluation and referrals to collegeservices and resources.This Center does NOT advise Running Start,International, Professional/technical, BasicStudies or B.A.S. students as these programs havetheir own advising divisions. Please see thosedepartments for more information. The Centeroffers both drop in and scheduled appointments.First week of quarter is drop in only.Complete yourB.A.S. degree hereYou can earn a Bachelor’s Degree in AppliedBehavioral Science without ever leaving <strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Central</strong>. This degree, <strong>now</strong> in its fourth year, createsa continuing educational and professionalpathway for students interested in humanservices professions including:• Social services• Early childhood education/child welfare• Chemical dependency counseling• Family support services• Public/community health• Prevention and early intervention• Interpreting/translation servicesMore information: seattlecentral.edu/BASCertificate Programs<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> offers more than 30 certificateprograms that provide specialized k<strong>now</strong>ledgeand job ready skills. We realize the workforceof today and the workforce of the future mustbe highly skilled so our certificate programs arecontinually updated to stay current with changingtechnologies. A certificate program is idealfor a person who wants to pick up additionaltraining or plans to make a career switch. Someof our students already have college degreesand come to <strong>Central</strong> to gain practical skills tofind a job. We help them stay competitive in arapidly changing, global economy.Programs range from two to seven quartersand cover a variety of professional and technicalcareers. Credits earned in certificate programsgenerally apply toward an A.A.S. degree, althoughmany non-credit certificate programs also areavailable for students more interested in updatingwork-related skills. Details: seattlecentral.edu/course/degreesandcerts.phpTransfer Degrees<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> offers several types of TransferDegrees as well as a Bachelor of Applied ScienceDegree. Students planning to transfer shouldwork with an advisor to select the best programsfor their educational goals.■■The Associate of Arts (AA-DTA) and theAssociate of Science (AS-DTA) degrees aredesigned for students who plan to transferto a four-year college/university. Bothdegrees consist of 90 credits and fulfill someor all of the general education requirementsfor most four-year colleges in WashingtonState.■■■■The Associate of Science degrees (AS- andAS-T) are intended for those wishing topursue a four-year degree in the sciences.Two options are available, each requiring 90applicable credits with a minimum 2.0 GPA.The Associate in Elementary Education(DTA/MRP) and the Associate in MathEducation (DTA/MRP) degrees prepare studentsto go into teacher education programsat schools in Washington State. Eachrequires 90 credits that will transfer.For more details on all thedegrees offered, visitseattlecentral.edu/transfer/index.php6

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>Ways to pay for your educationIf you are ready to become a college student, <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Community College can help you succeed.Whether your goal is to obtain anassociate degree and transfer intoa bachelor’s program, earn a skillbasedcertificate or just take a few classes toadvance your career, the college has a programdesigned for you. In addition to classesheld on campus, we offer online only options,or a combination of online and classroom. Wealso feature an array of evening and weekendContinuing Education classes.The college has an open admissions policy,so even if your previous academic record wasspotty, you can start fresh at <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>. Aslong as you are committed to attending classesand completing homework assignments, youwill be successful. Some departments arededicated to assisting special populations suchas veterans, the disabled, and women. Classsizes are small and tutoring is available.Need help with basic reading, writing andmath? Or, do you want to improve your Englishspeaking skills? There are programs to get youready for the next step—college level coursesand a bright future.Paying for college<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Community College helpsmake your education affordable by offeringa variety of options to cover tuition and otherexpenses. Students can apply for scholarships,grants, loans and work study programsthrough the Financial Aid Office.In all cases, the first step to apply for anyfinancial help is filling out the Free Applicationfor Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) located online.www.seattlecentral.edu/finaidScholarshipsThere are numerous scholarships availableand made possible by generous donors, corporationsand foundations. The <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Foundation awarded over $400,000 in scholarshipslast year and just announced a new initiativecalled the <strong>Seattle</strong> Promise. The goal is toprovide a full scholarship to every low-income<strong>Seattle</strong> student who maintains a 3.0 gradepoint through out college. The Career ServicesCenter can help you find and apply for scholarships.Visit seattlecentral.edu/careercenterGrants<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> offers these grants—theFederal Pell Grant, the Federal SupplementalEducational Opportunity Grant, <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Community College grants for Washingtonresidents, and Opportunity Grants. Thesegrants are considered “gift aid” so you don’thave to repay them provided you completeyour college program.Federal Direct LoansTo provide our students with another waytoward a successful college outcome, <strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Central</strong> <strong>now</strong> offers Federal Direct Loans. Sincethese loans have less stringent requirementsfor acceptance, we encourage students toborrow wisely as the loans must be paid backupon college completion.Work-studyAnother funding option is work-study, whichis an opportunity to earn a paycheck and gainreal-world experience while in college. Sincethese funds must be earned, the money isn’tavailable to pay for tuition at the <strong>begin</strong>ning ofa quarter. However, the money can be used tomeet current expenses or saved for the nextquarter. Available work-study positions areposted each quarter in the Career ServicesCenter, room BE1102E1. seattlecentral.edu/careercenterPay for schoolwith your smart phone oron the Web at tinyurl.com/scccpayforcollegeCredit CARDS ONLY.No debit CARDS, please.Special programsIf you meet certain requirements, you mayqualify for these special programs for tuitionand other college-related costs.The Worker Retraining Program providesresources to individuals on unemploymentor those who have exhausted those benefitsbut need additional skills to find a job. TheBasic Food Employment and Training providesfunding for those receiving food stampsthrough DSHS. Check out details for bothprograms at www.startnextquarter.orgWorkFirst Tuition Assistance provides help forparents receiving TANF (Temporary Assistancefor Needy Families-DSHS) To see if you qualify,call 206.934.3854.Financial aid distribution<strong>Seattle</strong> Community Colleges has partneredwith Higher One, a financial services companythat distributes funds to students through severaloptions. Students must select one optionafter they receive their <strong>Seattle</strong> Colleges Cardsin the mail in a bright green envelope.Options to receive funds:■■Money deposited directly into a HigherOneaccount■■Money deposited to an existing bankaccount■■Money Issued as a paper check and sentby mailMore details can be found here:tinyurl.com/seattle-payforcollege7

8Student resourcesCheck out our wide array of services at seattlecentral.edu/student/stu_resources.php.Call for specific department hours.Advising Center206.934.4068, Room BE1102seattlecentral.edu/advisingProvides information about program requirements andassists students with course scheduling.Art GalleryThe M. Rosetta Hunter Art Gallery206.934.4379, Room BE2116 Atriumseattlecentral.edu/artgalleryBasic & Transitional Studies206.934.4180, BE3122seattlecentral.edu/basicAdult literacy, English as a Second Language, and GEDpreparation classes for eligible adults.The Bookstore206.934.4148, Room MAC250Campus Optical206.934.5440 (call for hours), BE2123Fill prescriptions, fits eyeglasses and contacts. Licensedoptometrist appointments available. Open to the public.Career Services Center206.934.4383, Room BE1102Eseattlecentral.edu/careercenterParent/Child Center & Parent Ed206.934.6906seattlecentral.edu/parentchildcenterCollege Success Program206.934.3168, Room BE1102D5seattlecentral.edu/collegesuccessEmail: dale.oberlander@seattlecolleges.eduFinancial assistance and support for former foster youth.College Transfer Center206.934.5469, Room BE1102Fseattlecentral.edu/transfercenterGet help transferring to four-year schools.Computer Center206.934.4194, Room BE3148Available to all <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> students. Offers use of PCand Mac computers. Current quarter enrollment and astudent identification card required.Cosmetology206.934.5477, 1500 Harvard AveOffers a wide range of services at a reasonable cost tothe public in its full-service salon.Counseling206.934.3851, seattlecentral.edu/counselHelp with career and personal issues by faculty withmaster’s or doctoral degrees in counseling/guidance.Disability Support Services (DSS)206.934.4183, Room BE1112Call for an appointmentseattlecentral.edu/disability-supportProvides accommodations such as sign language interpreters,assistive technology, and exam modifications.Food ServicesAtrium grill and deli, “The Buzz” espresso café,Square One Bistro, One World DiningOpen to the public.Information <strong>Central</strong>206.934.4030. Room BE1105Students helping students navigate college.Program Information Sessions206.934.3851seattlecentral.edu/course/infosessions.phpPrograms and information sessions.International Student Information206.934.3893, Room BE1113seattlecentral.edu/internationalLearning Support Network206.934.0973,seattlecentral.edu/learningsupportnetworkFree individual and group tutoring for many collegetransfer classes and career training programs.Library (Instructional Resource Center)206.934.4050, Room BE2101seattlecentral.edu/libraryLibrary/Media Center206.934.4053, Room BE2101Provides audio and visual equipment and facilities.Charles H. Mitchell Activity Center (MAC)206.934.6315, 1718 Broadway, Room MAC314seattlecentral.edu/macPersonal training, weight room, cardio machines, gymnasium,indoor track, racquetball and more!Multicultural Services206.934.4085, Room BE1103M-Th 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.Helps new students access college support services.Outreach & Recruitment Services (ORS)206.934.3898, seattlecentral.edu/outreachEmail: scccoutreach@seattlecolleges.eduProfessional/technical programsseattlecentral.edu/course/infosessions.phpHigh skill, high demand programs that respond to workforceneeds. Information sessions are held throughouteach quarter.Running Start206.934.3820, Room BE 1102seattlecentral.edu/runstartEligible junior and senior high school students earnhigh school AND college credit simultaneously.Security /Lost and Found206.934.5442, Day: Room BE1108seattlecentral.edu/securityKeep in your cell phone. Call if needed or in case ofemergency. Campus lost and found.Student Academic Assistance206.934.3852, BE1102B1seattlecentral.org/academic-assistanceStudent Support Services, TRIO Project( funded by the U.S. Department of Education)Academic, career, personal counseling and tutoring forfirst generation, low-income students, veterans, or studentswith disabilities.Student Injury/Health Insurance206.934.6924Student Leadership, Room SAC350Student Leadership206.934.6924 1710 Broadway, SAC350(above the Bookstore)seattlecentral.edu/stu-lead/seattlecentral.edu/SLfacebookJoin a club, committee, or student government.<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Student Online Servicesseattlecentral.edu/sosLook up your scheduleView the quarterly class schedule<strong>Register</strong> online (Online Registration Tutorial)Check your registration appointment timeWaitlist inquiries and updatesPay for courses onlineGet your grades (unofficial transcript)Get your A.A. Degree AuditCheck your Financial Aid statusHope Scholarship tax credit informationChange your PINChange your addressSee updated instructor namesStudy Abroad/Global Impact/Teach in China206.934.0971seattlecentral.edu/international-educationContact: Nikki.overway@seattlecolleges.eduSVI <strong>Seattle</strong> Vocational Institute206.934.4950, 2120 S. Jackson St.sviweb.sccd.ctc.eduShort-term workforce/vocational training programs.Teacher Training/Education Program206.934.3895 North Plaza Room 115seattlecentral.edu/wp/teachertraining/Testing Center206.934.6344, Room BE1106seattlecentral.edu/testingProvides assessment and testing services. COMPASS,GED exams and proctoring services offered weekly.Transportation and Parking Services206.934.6932, Room BE1143seattlecentral.edu/transportationVeterans Services206.934.4147, Room BE1104seattlecentral.edu/veterans/index.phpHelps veterans and eligible dependents receive andmain tain VA educational benefits while in school.Women’s Programs/Workforce Services206.934.3854 Room 202 Fine Arts Building(corner of Harvard & Pine St.)seattlecentral.edu/student-supportTuition Assistance and books/supplies for studentswho qualify for WorkFirst; Basic Food Education &Training; Worker Retraining; Opportunity GrantSupport services.Workforce Programs206.934.4188seattlecentral.edu/workforce/index.phpQualifying students receive financial assistance fortuition, books, and fees as well as academic planning,job training and placement services.Worker Retraining206.934.3854, Room FA202 Fine Arts Bldg.seattlecentral.edu/wrpRetraining opportunities are available for unemployedworkers who meet eligibility. Emphasis is on short-termprograms and re-employment. Advising and financialassistance is available for qualified students.

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>Instructional AreasAllied HealthRoom BE3210, 206. 934.4347OpticianryRespiratory CareSurgical TechnologyDental HygieneNursingApplied Behavioral SciencesBE3220, 206.934.6900B.A.S., Bachelor of Applied Behavioral ScienceBasic & Transitional StudiesRoom BE3122, 206.934.4180Business, Information Technologies& Creative ArtsRoom BE5166, 206.934.3830BusinessApplications SupportBusiness Information TechnologyCreative ArtsApparel Design & DevelopmentGraphic DesignPhotographyInformation TechnologyDatabase Admin and DevelopmentNetwork Design/CISCOProgrammingWeb DesignWeb DevelopmentHumanities & Social SciencesRoom BE4128, 206.934.4164Instructional Resource Services/LibraryRoom BE2101, 206.934.4050International ProgramsRoom BE1113, 206.934.3893<strong>Seattle</strong> Culinary AcademyRoom BE2120, 206.934.5424Culinary ArtsSpecialty Desserts and BreadsSocial & Human ServicesRoom BE3220, 206.934.6900Social and Human ServicesChild and Family StudiesChemical Dependency<strong>Seattle</strong> Maritime Academy4445 Shilshole Ave. NW. (off-site)206.782.2647Marine Engineering TechnologyScience and MathematicsRoom SAM110, 206.934.3858<strong>Seattle</strong> Vocational Institute2020 S. Jackson St. (off-site)206.934.4950sviweb.sccd.ctc.eduWood Technology Center2310 S. Lane St., Room 104 (off-site)206.934.5460CabinetmakingCarpentryMarine CarpentryStatement of Non-DiscriminationEnglishThe <strong>Seattle</strong> Community Colleges District, which includes<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>, North <strong>Seattle</strong> and South <strong>Seattle</strong>Community Colleges and <strong>Seattle</strong> Vocational Institute, iscommitted to the concept and practice of equal opportunityfor all its students, employees, and applicants ineducation, employment, services and contracts, anddoes not discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity,color, age, national origin, religion, marital status, sex,gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, status as aveteran or disabled veteran, political affiliation or belief,citizenship/status as a lawfully admitted immigrantauthorized to work in the United States, or presence ofany physical, sensory, or mental disability, except wherea disability may impede performance at an acceptablelevel. In addition, reasonable accommodations will bemade for k<strong>now</strong>n physical or mental limitations for allotherwise qualified persons with disabilities. Inquiriesregarding compliance and/or grievance procedures maybe directed to the college’s Title IX/RCW 28A.640 officerand/or Section 504/ADA coordinator.Spanish/Español<strong>Seattle</strong> Community Colleges District, que incluye <strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Central</strong>, North <strong>Seattle</strong> y South <strong>Seattle</strong> CommunityColleges y <strong>Seattle</strong> Vocational Institute, tienen un compromisocon el concepto y la práctica de la igualdad deoportunidades para todos sus estudiantes, empleados ypostulantes con respecto a educación, empleo, serviciosy contratos, y no discriminan pormotivos de raza o grupoétnico, color, edad, nacionalidad, religión, estado civil,sexo, género, orientación sexual, identidad de género,condición de veterano o veterano discapacitado, afiliaciónpolítica o creencia, ciudadanía /condición de inmigranteadmitido legalmente y autorizado a trabajar enlos Estados Unidos, o presencia de alguna discapacidadfísica, sensorial o mental, excepto cuando la discapacidadpudiera impedir un desempeño de un nivel aceptable.Además, se implementarán todas las adaptaciones razonablespara las limitaciones físicas o mentales conocidaspara todas aquellas personas que cumplieran con losdemás requisitos y tuvieran discapacidades. La personaque se menciona a continuación ha sido designadapara manejar las consultas con respecto a las políticasantidiscriminatorias, incluso aquellas relacionadas conla Sección 504 de la Ley para los Estadounidenses conDiscapacidades (ADA, por sus siglas en inglés) y el TítuloIX como sea listado.Russian/РусскийОкруг двухгодичных колледжей Сиэтла (<strong>Seattle</strong>Community Colleges District), в состав которого входятдвухгодичные колледжи Центрального (<strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Central</strong> Community College), Северного (North <strong>Seattle</strong>Community College) и Южного Сиэтла (South <strong>Seattle</strong>Community College), а также Профессиональнотехническийинститут Сиэтла (<strong>Seattle</strong> VocationalInstitute), придерживается принципов и практикиравенства возможностей для всех студентов,работников и соискателей в сфере обучения,занятости, услуг или заключения контрактови не дискриминирует на основании расовой илиэтнической принадлежности, цвета кожи, возраста,национального происхождения, вероисповедания,семейного положения, пола, половой ориентации,гендерной самоидентификации, статуса ветеранаили инвалида войны, политической принадлежностиили политических убеждений, гражданства илистатуса иммигранта, законно допущенного в США сразрешением на работу, или наличия нарушенийфизического, сенсорного или психического развития,за исключением случаев, когда такие нарушениямогут воспрепятствовать приемлемой деятельности.При этом всем выявленным лицам с физическимиили психическими нарушениями, допущеннымк учебе или работе, предоставляются адекватныеусловия в разумных пределах. Запросы и/илижалобы, связанные с политикой недискриминации,можно направлять ответственному по колледжу засоблюдение поправки Title IX/RCW 28A.640 и/иликоординатору по разделу Section 504/ADA.Somali/Af SoomaaliDegmada Kulliyada Jaaliyada <strong>Seattle</strong> «<strong>Seattle</strong> CommunityColleges District», oo ay ku jiraan Bartamaha <strong>Seattle</strong>,Kulliyadda Jaaliyada Woqooyiga iyo Koonfurta <strong>Seattle</strong>iyo Dugsiga Mihnadda <strong>Seattle</strong> ayaa u daacad ah aaraadaguud iyo ku- dhaqanka u sinnaanta fursadaheeda dhammaanee ay siiso ardaydeeda, shaqaalaheeda iyo kuwasoo codsada waxbarashada, shaqadda, adeegyada, qandaraasyada,kala soocna aassaas uguma dhigto jinsiyadama qolo, midab, da’, qowmiyadda asalka qofka, diin,xaalad guur, jinsi, jandarka, u-jeedka isu-tagga, aqoonsisinji, xaaladda qof askari ahaan jiray ama askarinimo kunaafoobay, ku lug la haahaanshaha siyaasad, aaminaad,xaaladdiisa muwaaddinnimo wadankan si sharci ahaanloogu ogolaadey inuu ugu soo haajirey oo loo ogol yahayinuu ka shaqeysto ama jiritaanka naafada jirka, dareenka,ama naafada maskaxda, laga reebo markay naafonimaduka hor istaageyso howsha shaqada ee laga rabo. Waxaintaa dheer, u-waafajin (accommodations) macquul ahoo xaddidan ee la og yahayyaa loo sameyn ee jirka ahaanama maskadaee dhammaan dadka naafonimada leh eearrinta u qalma. Qofka hoos ku qoran ayaa loo magacaabayinay wax ka qabato weydiimaha ku saabsan arrimahaujeeddooyinka kal-sooc-la’aanta oo ay ku jirto kuwa laxiriira Sec 504 ADA iyo Title IX.Simplified Chinese/ 简 体 中 文西 雅 图 社 区 学 区 包 括 西 雅 图 中 央 社 区 学 院 、北 西 雅 图 社 区 学 院 和 南 西 雅 图 社 区 学 院 以 及西 雅 图 职 业 学 院 , 致 力 于 在 教 育 、 就 业 、 服务 及 合 同 方 面 推 行 其 所 有 学 生 、 员 工 和 申 请者 在 教 育 、 就 业 、 服 务 及 合 同 方 面 机 会 均 等的 理 念 和 做 法 。 我 们 不 会 因 种 族 或 族 裔 背 景 、肤 色 、 年 龄 、 国 籍 、 宗 教 、 婚 姻 状 况 、 性 、性 别 、 性 取 向 、 性 别 认 同 、 退 伍 军 人 或 伤 残退 伍 军 人 身 份 、 政 治 派 别 或 信 仰 、 公 民 身 份 /是 否 拥 有 能 在 美 国 合 法 工 作 的 移 民 身 份 , 或者 因 患 有 任 何 身 体 、 感 官 或 精 神 残 疾 而 歧 视他 们 , 除 非 这 些 残 疾 阻 碍 其 发 挥 可 接 受 限 度的 正 常 表 现 。 此 外 , 我 们 会 為 那 些 在 身 体 或 精神 方 面 有 已 知 殘 疾 但 符 合 其 它 方 面 资 格 的 人士 提 供 合 理 的 照 顾 。 关 于 合 规 和 / 或 申 诉 程 序的 咨 询 , 可 提 交 给 学 院 的 教 育 修 正 案 第 九 章 /RCW 28A.640( 性 别 平 等 ) 专 员 和 / 或 康 复 法案 第 504 节 协 调 员 。Vietnamese/TiếngViệtNhững Trường Đại Học Cộng Đồng <strong>Seattle</strong>, bao gồmTrường Đại Học Cộng Đồng Trung <strong>Seattle</strong>, Bắc <strong>Seattle</strong>,Nam <strong>Seattle</strong> và <strong>Seattle</strong> Vocational Institute, cam kết vớicác khái niệm và thực hành của các cơ hội bình đẳng chotất cả các sinh viên, nhân viên và các đương đơn tronggiáo dục, việc làm, dịch vụ và hợp đồng. Trường cũngkhông phân biệt đối xử dựa trên sắc tộc hoặc chủngtộc, màu da, tuổi, quốc gia nơi xuất thân, tôn giáo, tìnhtrạng hôn nhân, phái tính, giới nhận dạng giới tính, địavị cựu chiến binh hoặc cựu chiến binh tàn tật, sự liên kếtchính trị hoặc quan điểm chính trị, tình trạng công dân/diện di trú nhập cảnh hợp pháp được phép làm việc tạiHoa Kỳ, hoặc có tình trạng khuyết tật về thể chất, giácquan, hoặc tâm thần, trừ khi tình trạng khuyết tật có thểgây trở ngại tới khả năng sinh hoạt ở mức độ chấp nhậnđược. Ngoài ra, trường sẽ cung cấp các phương tiện trợgiúp đặc biệt cho tất cả những người khuyết tật hội đủđiều kiện nếu có các hạn chế về thể chất hoặc tâm thần.Yêu cầu về tuân thủ hoặc thủ tục khiếu nại, xin vui lòngliên hệ đến nhân viên của trường đại học Danh IX/ RCW28A.640 và / hoặc Phần phối 504/ADA như được liệt kê.9

Credit classes10Class locationsAS Siegal CenterBE Broadway EdisonBF Broadway PlayfieldBPH Broadway Performance HallET Erickson TheatreFA Fine Arts BuildingOC Off-Campusitemnumbersectionnumbercourseabbrev. &numbercourse titleACCOUNTING FUNDAMENTALS I1720 ACC 101 01 5 BE3200 MWF 8:00am-8:50am Johnsoncreditsbuildingand roomnumberclass daysAccounting/Business AdministrationBE5166 206.934.3830 • seattlecentral.edu*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING I*0001 ACCT&201 01 5 BE4149 MTWTh 8am - 8:50am BlackLAB BE3156 F 8am - 8:50am*0002 ACCT&201 02 5 BE4106 MTWTh 9am - 9:50am O’NeillLAB BE3173 F 9am - 9:50am*0003 ACCT&201 03 5 BE4106 MTWTh 10am - 10:50am BlackLAB BE3156 F 10am - 10:50am*0004 ACCT&201 04 5 BE3212 TTh 6:30pm - 9pm StaffLAB BE3173 T 6:30pm - 9pm*0009 ACCT&201 IP 5 BE4148 MTWTh 2pm - 2:50pm StaffLAB BE3174 F 2pm - 2:50pmPRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING IIPREREQ: ACCT& ACCT& 201 with a grade of 2.0 or better or permission.*0005 ACCT&202 01 5 BE4106 MTWTh 8am - 8:50am O’NeillLAB BE3173 F 8am - 8:50am*0006 ACCT&202 02 5 BE4106 MTWTh 11am - 11:50am O’NeillLAB BE3173 F 11am - 11:50am*0007 ACCT&202 03 5 BE4148 MW 6:30pm - 9pm StaffLAB BE3173 M 6:30pm - 9pm*0010 ACCT&202 IP 5 BE4148 MTWTh 3pm - 3:50pm StaffLAB BE3174 F 3pm - 3:50pmPRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING IIIPREREQ: ACCT&120, 202, or permission.*0008 ACCT&203 01 5 BE3212 MTWTh 11am - 11:50am BlackLAB BE3156 F 11am - 11:50amINTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS0115 BUS&101 01 5 BE4159 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Brankovan0116 BUS&101 02 5 BE4159 DAILY 10am - 10:50am BrankovanBUSINESS LAW0117 BUS&201 01 5 BE4149 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Tennyson0118 BUS&201 02 5 BE4149 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm TennysonCredit <strong>Classes</strong>NP North PlazaSA South AnnexMAC Charles H. Mitchell StudentActivity CenterSAM Science and MathematicsTR Maritime AcademyWC Wood Technology CenterCourse designation key‘IS’ & ‘S’ special requirements Students must take (a) a minimum of 10 credits of ‘IS’(in te grat ed studies) designated individual courses, linked courses or coordinated studies programsand (b) a minimum of 5 credits in speech ‘S’ (speaking component) designated courses.Consult your counselor or advisor.Prerequisite Eligibility for English 101. Consult your counselor or advisor.Prerequisites for all college courses Unless otherwise noted, all courses require readingand writing above Adult Basic Education level. Consult your counselor or ad vi sor.Prerequisites for all natural & physical science courses Unless otherwise noted,all Natural Science courses require el i gi bil i ty for MATH 084 - Algebra I. All math and science prerequisitesshould have been completed within the last three (3) years. Consult your counseloror advisor.class start andend timeinstructorname<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC STATISTICSPREREQ: Completion of MATH 098 with a grade of 2.0 or better. ENGL&101 is strongly recommendedor permission of instructor.*0119 BUS210 01 5 BE4149 MTWF 11am - 11:50am TennysonLAB BE3165 Th 11am - 11:50am*0120 BUS210 02 5 BE3212 MTWF 2pm - 2:50pm StaffLAB BE3174 Th 2pm - 2:50pmOur campus comes to youDistance Education and e-LearningWith eLearning and Distance Education, your learning is mobile. Wehave flexible classes which allow you to choose where and when tostudy. Our courses cover the full range of options, from online andDVD courses that you can take on your computer or mobile device tocorrespondence and semin ar courses that require no technology at all.All of our eLearning and Distance Education courses count for collegecredit that can be applied to your degree or certificate.Find out more today! Call 206-934-4060 or visitseattlecentral.edu/distanceCampus Seminar CoursesBE1140 206.934.4060PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING II8957 ACCT&202 S01 5 Seminar RoweDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING I8806 ACCT&201 C01 5 Correspondence O’Neill9100 ACCT&201 OL 5 Online StaffPRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING IIPREREQ: ACCT& ACCT& 201 with a grade of 2.0 or better or permission.8807 ACCT&202 C01 5 Correspondence O’NeillPRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING IIIPREREQ: ACCT&120, 202, or permission.8808 ACCT&203 C01 5 Correspondence O’Neill9106 ACCT&203 OL 5 Online StaffINTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS8828 BUS&101 C01 5 Correspondence Staff9105 BUS&101 OL 5 Online Staff9117 BUS&101 WOL 5 Washington Online StaffBUSINESS LAW9108 BUS&201 OL 5 Online StaffAllied Health SciencesBE3210 206.934.4347Distance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY8810 AHE168 C01 5 Correspondence GreimesAnatomy & PhysiologySAM 110 206.934.3858*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 1PREREQ: BIOL& 160 (better recommended) or CHEM& 121 w/ a 2.0 or better or permission ofinstructor and eligibility for MATH 084 and ENGL&101.SCIENCE LAB FEE$46.00*1040 BIOL&241 01 5 SAM104 MTTh 9am - 9:50am MoffatLAB SAM306 WF 8am - 9:50am*1041 BIOL&241 02 5 SAM104 MTTh 11am - 11:50am GongLAB SAM306 WF 11am - 12:50pm*1042 BIOL&241 03 5 SAM203 MTTh 1pm - 1:50pm Mclean-RiggsLAB SAM306 WF 2pm - 3:50pm*1045 BIOL&241 11 5 SAM105 MW 5:30pm - 9pm Morefield

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 2PREREQ: BIOL&241 with a 2.0 or better.SCIENCE LAB FEE$46.00*1046 BIOL&242 01 5 SAM203 MWF 9am - 9:50am GongLAB SAM306 TTh 9am - 10:50am*1047 BIOL&242 02 5 SAM105 MWF 11am - 11:50am YoolLAB SAM306 TTh 11am - 12:50pm*1049 BIOL&242 12 5 SAM105 TTh 5:30pm - 9pm MorefieldSURVEY OF HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGYPREREQ: Eligibility MATH 084 and ENGL& 101.SCIENCE LAB FEE$46.001018 BIOL128 01 5 SAM105 MTWF 1pm - 1:50pm DavisLAB SAM306 Th 1pm - 2:50pmAnthropologyBE4128 206.934.4164*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00AMERICAN MOSAIC1454 ANTH106 02 5 BE4105 DAILY 10am - 10:50pm Al-madani1461 ANTH106 01 5 BE4105 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Al-madaniARCHAEOLOGY1472 ANTH&204 01 5 BE4171 DAILY 10pm - 10:50pm OrtolevaBIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY1471 ANTH&205 01 5 BE4105 MW 1pm - 3:30pm Knutson1473 ANTH&205 02 5 BE4175 DAILY 10am - 10:50am StaffCULTURES OF THE MIDDLE East*1479 ANTH228 01 5 BE3212 DAILY 9am - 9:50am BarclayMEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY1481 ANTH275 01 5 BE4105 DAILY 8am - 8:50am BarclaySPECIAL TOPICS IN ANTHROPOLOGYPREREQ: Permission of dean.1491 ANTH298 01 5 BE4128 ARR ARR LaneSPECIAL PROBLEMS/ANTHROPOLOGYPREREQ: Permission of dean.1492 ANTH299 01 5 BE4128 ARR ARR LaneDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060SURVEY OF ANTHROPOLOGY9115 ANTH&100 OL 5 Online KriegCULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY9000 ANTH&206 VI 5 Video/DVD Krieg9102 ANTH&206 OL 5 Online KriegApparel DesignBE5166 206.934.3830 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/apparel*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00AD&D SKILL DEVELOPMENT 1PREREQ: None.1721 APPRL096 01 2 BE1149 T 6pm - 9pm StaffAD&D SKILL DEVELOPMENT 2PREREQ: APPRL 096 or prior sewing experience with understanding of patterns, grainline andlayout.1722 APPRL098 01 2 BE1149 W 6pm - 9pm Staff1723 APPRL098 02 2 BE1149 T 1pm - 4pm StaffAD&D SKILL DEVELOPMENT 3PREREQ: APPRL 098 or permission through successful completion of a skill test.1724 APPRL100 01 2 BE1149 Th 6pm - 9pm StaffFirst YearCONSTRUCTION 2 - PROFESSIONAL TECHNIQUESPREREQ: APPRL 101.*1820 APPRL102 01 4 BE1149 W 9am - 3pm Staff*1821 APPRL102 02 4 BE1149 Th 9am - 3pm StaffPATTERNMAKING 2 - DRAPINGPREREQ: APPRL 111.*1822 APPRL112 01 4 BE1149 Th 9am - 3pm Staff*1823 APPRL112 02 4 BE1149 W 9am - 3pm StaffBUSINESS PRACTICES IN FASHION*1824 APPRL131 01 3 BE1139A M 9am - 12pm Staff*1825 APPRL131 02 3 BE1139A M 1pm - 4pm StaffDESIGN 2 - FABRIC SCIENCE AND TEXTILES*1826 APPRL142 01 2 BE1139A T 1pm - 4pm Staff*1827 APPRL142 02 2 BE1139A T 9am - 12pm StaffCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR APPAREL DESIGN 2PREREQ: APPRL 151.*1828 APPRL152 01 3 BE1150 M 9am - 12pm Staff*1829 APPRL152 02 3 BE1150 M 1pm - 4pm StaffSecond YearACTIVE SPORTSWEAR CONSTRUCTION*1920 APPRL202 01 4 BE1149 Th 9am - 3pm Staff*1921 APPRL202 02 4 BE1149 W 9am - 3pm StaffPATTERN DESIGN FOR ACTIVE SPORTSWEARPREREQ: APPRL 211.*1922 APPRL212 01 4 BE1149 W 9am - 3pm Staff*1923 APPRL212 02 4 BE1149 Th 9am - 3pm StaffCOMPUTERIZED PATTERN GRADINGPREREQ: APPRL 221.*1924 APPRL222 01 4 BE1149 M 9am - 3pm Staff*1925 APPRL222 02 4 BE1149 T 9am - 3pm StaffLINE DESIGNPREREQ: APPRL 241.*1926 APPRL242 01 2 BE1149 T 9am - 3pm Staff*1927 APPRL242 02 2 BE1139 M 9am - 3pm StaffApplications SupportBE5166 206.934.3830 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/appsupport*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00For a complete listing of MIC 101 courses, please see the ‘Computers/MicrocomputerManagement’ section.ENGLISH COMPOSITION0665 ENGL&101 08 5 BE4143 DAILY 10am - 10:50am MoirINTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION0809 HUM105 02 5 BE4130 DAILY 8am - 8:50am HenggeMATH IN SOCIETYPREREQ: Math 098 w/ 2.0 or better or placement exam w/in the last 3 years.1310 MATH&107 01 5 SAM200 MTWTh 1pm - 2:05pm KangasQ APPLICATIONS OF MATH TO MANAGEMENT LIFE & SSCIPREREQ: MATH 098 w/ 2.5 or better or placement exam w/in the last 3 years.*1315 MATH116 01 5 SAM301 MTWTh 12pm - 1:05pm SolowanSUP MS EXCEL W/CERT PREP*1965 MIC160E 01 4 BE3174 MW 5pm - 6:50pm StaffSPECIAL TOPICS: one note*1978 MIC190 01 1 BE3184 Sa 9am - 11:50pm StaffClass Meets From 2/22 - 3/8 on SaNETWORK ESSENTIALS - COMPTIA NETWORK +PREREQ: MIC 101 with 2.0 or better or ability to use MS Office. This course satisfies ‘RestrictedIT Elective’ requirement.*3214 NET120 01 5 BE3183 MW 1pm - 3:15pm MesserlyApplied Behavioral Science B.A. ProgramBE3220 206.934.6900PREREQ: Current enrollment in the Applied Behavioral Science B.A. Program.*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00PROFESSIONALISM AND ETHICAL PRACTICE4310 ABS310 01 5 BE4104 MW 6pm - 8:30pm StaffAPPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGYPREREQ: PSYC& 100.4320 ABS320 01 5 BE3189 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm StaffINFORMATION LITERACY AND PROGRAM ASSESSMENT*4330 ABS330 01 5 BE3214 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm StaffLAB BE3167 TTh 6pm - 8:30pmAPPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE4340 ABS340 01 5 SAM104 MW 6pm - 8:30pm ChenuINDEPENDENT STUDY AND RESEARCH4399 ABS399 01 5 BE3220 ARR ARR SullivanECONOMIC & POLITICAL SYSTEMS-IMPLICATIONS PUBLIC4410 ABS410 01 5 BE4144 MW 6pm - 8:30pm BonsuCROSS-CULTURAL COMPETENCY IN HUMAN SERVICES4415 ABS415 01 5 BE4151 MW 6pm - 8:30pm HackettADVANCED FIELD PLACEMENT I4497 ABS497 01 5 TBA ARR ARR HackettADVANCED FIELD PLACEMENT II4498 ABS498 01 5 TBA ARR ARR HackettINDEPENDENT STUDY AND RESEARCH4499 ABS499 01 5 BE3220 ARR ARR SullivanCredit classes11

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>MAJORS CELLULARPREREQ: One quarter of college chemistry or permission of instructor and eligibility for MATH084 and ENGL&101.SCIENCE LAB FEE$46.001031 BIOL&211 01 5 SAM203 MWThF 8am - 8:50am WiseleyLAB SAM302 T 12pm - 2:50pm1032 BIOL&211 02 5 SAM203 MTWF 11am - 11:50am WiseleyLAB SAM302 Th 12pm - 2:50pm1033 BIOL&211 03 5 SAM203 TTh 2pm - 3:50pm AinsworthLAB SAM302 F 1pm - 3:50pmMAJORS ANIMALPREREQ: BIOL&211 or BIOL 201.SCIENCE LAB FEE$46.001036 BIOL&212 01 5 SAM105 MTTh 12pm - 12:50pm WhorleyLAB SAM302 WF 8am - 9:50am1037 BIOL&212 02 5 SAM105 MTTh 12pm - 12:50pm WhorleyLAB SAM302 WF 11am - 12:50pmHUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 1PREREQ: BIOL& 160 (better recommended) or CHEM& 121 w/ a 2.0 or better or permission ofinstructor and eligibility for MATH 084 and ENGL&101.SCIENCE LAB FEE$46.00*1040 BIOL&241 01 5 SAM104 MTTh 9am - 9:50am MoffatLAB SAM306 WF 8am - 9:50am*1041 BIOL&241 02 5 SAM104 MTTh 11am - 11:50am GongLAB SAM306 WF 11am - 12:50pm*1042 BIOL&241 03 5 SAM203 MTTh 1pm - 1:50pm Mclean-riggsLAB SAM306 WF 2pm - 3:50pm*1043 BIOL&241 04 5 SAM104 MWF 3pm - 4:50pm DavisLAB SAM306 TTh 2pm - 3:50pm*1045 BIOL&241 11 5 SAM105 MW 5:30pm - 9pm MorefieldHUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 2PREREQ: BIOL&241 with a 2.0 or better.SCIENCE LAB FEE$46.00*1046 BIOL&242 01 5 SAM203 MWF 9am - 9:50am GongLAB SAM306 TTh 9am - 10:50am*1047 BIOL&242 02 5 SAM105 MWF 11am - 11:50am YoolLAB SAM306 TTh 11am - 12:50pm*1049 BIOL&242 12 5 SAM105 TTh 5:30pm - 9pm MorefieldMICROBIOLOGYPREREQ: Two CHEM and/or BIOL lab classes w/ a 2.0 or better AND eligibility for MATH 098 andENGL&101.SCIENCE LAB FEE$46.001051 BIOL&260 01 5 SAM105 MWF 10am - 10:50am YasudaLAB SAM303 TTh 10am - 11:50am1052 BIOL&260 02 5 SAM105 MWF 10am - 10:50am YasudaLAB SAM303 TTh 12pm - 1:50pm1054 BIOL&260 12 5 SAM203 TTh 6pm - 9:30pm LegtersINDEPENDENT STUDYPREREQ: Permission.1069 BIOL299 01 5 SAM110 ARR ARR StaffBotanySAM 110 206.934.3858THE PLANT KINGDOMPREREQ: Eligibility for Math 084 and ENGL&101.SCIENCE LAB FEE$46.001070 BOT112 01 5 SAM105 TTh 9am - 10:20am GreeneLAB SAM303 MW 9am - 10:50amBusiness Information TechnologyBE5166 206.934.3830 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/businfotech*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00PERSONNEL/HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT0019 BUS103 01 3 BE3214 MWF 8am - 8:50am StaffThere is an optional service-learning component for an additional 2 credits.KEYBOARDING*0021 BUS104 01 3 BE3174 DAILY 9am - 9:50am StaffKEYBOARDING/SKILLBUILDINGPREREQ: Keyboarding of 25 net wpm.*0022 BUS106 01 3 BE3174 DAILY 9am - 9:50am StaffDIVERSITY ISSUES IN BUSINESS*0023 BUS113 01 3 BE4159 MWF 8am - 8:50am StaffBUSINESS MATH/SPREADSHEETS*0024 BUS116 01 5 BE3178 MWF 9am - 9:50am NatoliLAB BE3175 TTh 9am - 9:50amINTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS I0025 BUS131 01 5 BE3192 DAILY 11am - 11:50am StaffINTERGRATED COMMUNICATIONS II*0026 BUS132 01 5 BE3178 MWF 12pm - 12:50pm NatoliLAB BE3175 TTh 12pm - 12:50pmCUSTOMER RELATIONS0027 BUS140 01 5 BE3214 DAILY 9am - 9:50am PalazzoCAREER DEVELOPMENT II0050 BUS165 HY 2 BE3189 T 1pm - 1:50pm StaffItem 0050 is a Hybrid section of BUS 165. This course will meet 1 hour per week on campus and1 hour per week on-line. Additional Distance Learning fees will be applied.INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IPREREQ: eyboarding rateof 25 net wpm.*0028 BUS170 01 4 BE3214 TTh 10am - 10:50am NatoliLAB BE3175 MWF 10am - 10:50amINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IIPREREQ: BUS 170 and 37 n.w.p.m.*0029 BUS171 01 4 BE3214 MW 10am - 10:50am PalazzoLAB BE3174 TThF 10am - 10:50amBUSINESS DATABASE APPLICATIONS*0032 BUS184 01 5 BE3175 DAILY 8am - 8:50am StaffSMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT*0033 BUS185 01 5 BE3178 MWF 11am - 11:50am NatoliLAB BE3175 TTh 11am - 11:50amPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT0035 BUS216 01 5 BE3214 DAILY 11am - 11:50am PalazzoDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060KEYBOARDING9107 BUS104 OL 3 Online ArgonKEYBOARDING/SKILLBUILDINGPREREQ: Keyboarding of 25 net wpm.9110 BUS106 OL 3 Online ArgonChemistrySAM 110 206.934.3858*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00CHEMICAL CONCEPTS W-LABPREREQ: MATH 084 and ENGL&101 with a 2.0 or better within the last 3 years (MATH 085recommended).1077 CHEM&110 01 5 SAM401 TWThF 9am - 9:50am NaeemiLAB SAM403 M 9am - 10:50am1078 CHEM&110 IP 5 SAM401 TTh 2pm - 3:50pm StaffLAB SAM403 M 2:30pm - 4:20pmINTRODUCTION TO CHEMISTRYPREREQ: MATH 085 with a 2.2 or better within the last 3 years (MATH 098 recommended) ORMATH 091 AND MATH 092 (MATH 136 recommended). NOTE: CHEM& 121 doesn’t serve as aprereqfor CHEM& 161. Students planning to take CHEM& 161 must take CHEM& 139.1080 CHEM&121 01 5 SAM400 DAILY 10am - 10:50am StaffLAB SAM405 W 11am - 1:50pm1081 CHEM&121 02 5 SAM400 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm WickLAB SAM405 T 1:30pm - 4:20pm1085 CHEM&121 12 5 SAM401 TTh 5:30pm - 9pm StaffLAB SAM405 T ARRINTRODUCTION TO ORGANIC CHEMISTRYPREREQ: CHEM& 121 with a 2.0 or better within the last 3 years.1087 CHEM&122 01 5 SAM401 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm SchultzLAB SAM405 M 1pm - 3:50pmGENERAL CHEMISTRY PREPPREREQ: MATH 098 with a 2.5 or better within the last 3 years. NOTE: Student may take the SCCCChem Placement Exam at the Testing Center (BE1106) to test out of the CHEM& 139 prereq forCHEM& 161.1101 CHEM&139 01 5 SAM401 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Staff1102 CHEM&139 02 5 SAM401 DAILY 11am - 11:50am VillarbaCredit classes13

Credit classes14GENERAL CHEMISTRY WITH LAB IPREREQ: MATH& 141 with a 2.0 or better AND CHEM& 139 with a 2.0 or better within the last 3years. Student may test out of the CHEM& 139 prereq by taking the SCCC Chem Placement Examat the Testing Center (BE 1106).*1104 CHEM&161 01 6 SAM400 DAILY 9am - 9:50am StaffLAB SAM406 T 12pm - 2:50pm*1105 CHEM&161 02 6 SAM401 MWF 1pm - 2:20pm StaffLAB SAM406 W 2:30pm - 5:20pm*1106 CHEM&161 03 6 SAM400 DAILY 9am - 9:50am StaffLAB SAM406 W 6pm - 8:50pm*1107 CHEM&161 04 6 SAM401 MWF 1pm - 2:20pm StaffLAB SAM406 W 6pm - 8:50pmGENERAL CHEMISTRY WITH LAB IIPREREQ: CHEM& 161 with a 2.0 or better within the last 3 years.1108 CHEM&162 01 6 SAM400 DAILY 1pm - 1:50pm VillarbaLAB SAM406 Th 2:30pm - 5:20pmGENERAL CHEMISTRY WITH LAB IIIPREREQ: CHEM& 162 with a 2.0 or better in the last 3 years.1110 CHEM&163 01 6 SAM400 DAILY 11am - 11:50am WickLAB SAM405 Th 2pm - 5:20pmORGANIC CHEMISTRY IIPREREQ: CHEM& 241.1120 CHEM&242 01 4 SAM401 MTWTh 8am - 8:50am NaeemiORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB IPREREQ: CHEM&241.1124 CHEM&251 01 4 SAM403 TTh 1pm - 4:30pm NaeemiLAB SAM403 TTh 1pm - 4:30pmSPECIAL PROBLEMSPREREQ: CHEM&160 or CHEM&163 and permission.1127 CHEM299 01 5 SAM110 ARR ARR StaffChild & Family StudiesNP304 206.903.3270Note about CFS Sections: CDA = Child Development Associate Certificate PrepClass DBS = Daybreak Star Students CHI = Cantonese or Mandarin IBS = I-BESTSPA = Spanish VT = VietnameseDEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE ACTIVITIES ENVIRONMEPREREQ: Eligibility for ENG 101 and MAT 084.2595 CFS110 IBS 3 BE3193 T 6pm - 8:50pm StaffLAB ARR ARR2596 CFS110 01 3 BE3193 T 6pm - 8:50pm Staff2598 CFS110 SPA 3 W 6pm - 9pm StaffPHYSICAL & INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENTPREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL&101 and MATH 084. SPRING 2012 class taught in Spanish & English.2606 CFS120 01 3 BE4123 W 1pm - 4pm WolfeMATH AND SCIENCE WITH YOUNG CHILDREN2616 CFS215 01 3 BE3201 Sa 9am - 5pm WolfeCHILDREN WITH DISABILITIESPREREQ: Eligibility for ENG 101 and MAT 084.2597 CFS263 01 3 BE3189 W 1pm - 3:50pm Terjeson2633 CFS263 02 3 BE3201 W 6pm - 9pm TerjesonCommunicationBE4128 206.934-4164INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONPREREQ: Placement into ENGL& 101.0601 CMST&101 01 5 BE4175 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Lyles0603 CMST&101 03 5 BE4175 MW 2:30pm - 4:45pm Staff0604 CMST&101 04 5 BE4171 TTh 2:30pm - 4pm Maki0605 CMST&101 05 5 BE4104 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm Makimulticultural COMMUNICATION0602 CMST&205 01 5 BE4175 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Lyles0606 CMST&205 02 5 BE4175 DAILY 10am - 10:50am LylesPUBLIC SPEAKINGPREREQ: Placement into ENGL& 101.0607 CMST&220 01 5 BE4175 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Staff0608 CMST&220 02 5 BE4175 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Staff0609 CMST&220 03 5 BE4171 MW 2:30pm - 4pm Norton0610 CMST&220 04 5 BE4175 TTh 2:30pm - 4:45pm Staff0611 CMST&220 05 5 BE4171 MW 6pm - 8:30pm Norton<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Distance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060INTRODUCTION TO MASS MEDIA8907 CMST&102 C01 5 Correspondence SheppardComputer ScienceSAM 110 206.934.3858*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMINGPREREQ: MATH 098 with 2.0 or better.*1168 CSC110 01 5 SAM202 MWF 9am - 9:50am McConeLAB SAM202 W 1pm - 2:40pm*1169 CSC110 02 5 BE3165 MWF 11am - 11:50am McConeLAB SAM202 M 1pm - 2:40pmCOMPUTER PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERSPREREQ: MATH&141 with a 2.0 or better AND CSC 110 with a 2.0 or better, or permission.*1185 CSC142 01 5 SAM202 MWF 10am - 10:50am LepeintreLAB SAM202 T 1pm - 2:40pmComputers / Microcomputer ManagementBE5166 206.934.3830*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00INTRODUCTION TO MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS*1951 MIC101 01 4 BE3173 MTWTh 8am - 8:50am Staff*1952 MIC101 02 4 BE3168 MTWTh 10am - 10:50am Staff*1953 MIC101 03 4 BE3174 MTWTh 11am - 11:50am Taylor*1954 MIC101 04 4 BE3175 MTWTh 9am - 9:50am Staff*1955 MIC101 05 4 BE3174 TTh 4pm - 5:50pm Taylor*1956 MIC101 06 4 BE3156 MTWTh 12pm - 12:50pm Taylor*1957 MIC101 07 4 BE3175 Sa 9am - 12:40pm Staff*1958 MIC101 HY 4 BE3173 F 12pm - 1:50pm StaffItem 1958 is a Hybrid course that will meet 2 hours per week on campus and 2 hours per weekon-line. Additional Distance Learning fees will be applied.*1959 MIC101 HY 4 BE3174 T 1pm - 2:50pm TaylorItem 1959 is a Hybrid course that will meet 2 hours per week on campus and 2 hours per weekon-line. Additional Distance Learning fees will be applied.USING COMPUTERS I*2010 MIC102 CA1 1 BE3173 F 2pm - 2:50pm Staff*2011 MIC102 CA2 1 BE3173 Th 2pm - 2:50pm StaffMS EXCEL*2003 MIC102E 01 1 BE3184 Sa 9am - 11:50am StaffClass Meets From 2/1 - 2/15 on SaMS WORD*2001 MIC102W 01 1 BE3184 Sa 9am - 11:50am StaffClass Meets From 1/11 - 1/25 on SaCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDERS*1981 MIC103 WC 3 WTC0204 TTh 7:15am - 8:30am ChaplanDREAMWEAVER*1975 MIC104D 01 2 BE3174 Sa 2pm - 3:50pm Staffpowerpoint*1971 MIC104T 01 2 BE3175 TTh 10am - 10:50am StaffFLASH*1974 MIC104F 01 2 BE3174 Sa 11:50am - 2pm StaffPHOTSHOP*1973 MIC104P 01 2 BE3174 Sa 9am - 10:50am StaffMS WORD L*1972 MIC104W 01 2 BE3174 MW 10am - 10:50am StaffSUP MS EXCEL W/CERT PREP*1965 MIC160E 01 4 BE3174 MW 5pm - 6:50pm StaffSPECIAL TOPICS: one note*1978 MIC190 01 1 BE3184 Sa 9am - 11:50pm StaffClass Meets From 2/22 - 3/8 on SaINTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING & DESIGNPREREQ: MIC 103 or permission.*1982 MIC203 WC 3 WTC0204 MW 7:15am - 8:30am ChaplanDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060INTRODUCTION TO MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS9138 MIC101 OL 4 Online StaffHTML AND WEB PAGE DEVELOPMENTPREREQ: Strongly recommended MIC 101 or MIC 150, or equivalent experience.9142 MIC151 OL 5 Online Staff

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>The Coordinated Studies Program might be just right for you!In the CSP, instructors from different teaching disciplinescombine their areas of expertise and teaching approachesto create one unique course. Students have the opportunity toapply what they’ve learned to solving real-world problems while earningup to 15 credits.CSPs are unique in how they build strong learning communities;throughout the quarter, with direction from the instructors, studentswork within smaller sub-groups to examine important local and globalissues from all sides. As a result, students often develop lasting cohortsto support the success of the group as well as the individuals withinthese learning communities. Over the last several years, CSPs have leadto a 97 percent student success rate.Why take a CSP?■■Examine important issues from all sides■■Work in smaller groups and get more instructor attention■■Benefit from lectures, field trips, seminars, films, and guest speakers■■Take Fridays offArt and AnarchyThis learning community considers the artistic and political questions posed by those whorefuse business as usual in civilization. Who is civilized? Who is savage? Proceed throughimprov, performance and discussion of images and texts drawn from primary sources inhuman history from the Paleolithic to the present.You will select 10 credits from these courses: ANTH 201: Contemporary Issues inAnthropology; ANTH&206: Cultural Anthropology; ART 105: Survery of Modern Art; ART255: History of the Art of Asia.0500 CSP175 01 10 BE4151 MTWTh 10am - 12:30pm King/KnutsonINTRODUCTION TO DREAMWEAVER9143 MIC215 OL 4 Online StaffCoordinated Studies/Learning CommunitiesBE4128 206.934.4164COORDINATED STUDIESPlease see Coordinated Studies section on page 15 for a full description.4815 CSP175 AA 10 BE4151 MTWTh 10am - 12:30pm StaffCulinary Arts-<strong>Seattle</strong> Culinary Academy/Culinary ArtsBE2120 206.934.5424 • seattlecentral.edu/seattleculinary/*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00First QuarterFOOD THEORY IPREREQ: Admission to program.2101 CUL101 01 6 BE2119 WF 8:30am - 9:50am ShiosakiBE2119 TWTh 2pm - 2:50pmINTRODUCTION TO PROFESSIONAL COOKING: PRACTICUMPREREQ: Admission to program.2111 CUL111 01 6 BE2118 TWThF 10am - 1:30pm ShiosakiSUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS PRACTICES IPREREQ: Admission to program or permission.2151 CUL151 01 1 BE4140 F 7:30am - 8:20am JurgensenCUSTOMER SERVICE PRACTICUM IPREREQ: Admission to program.2201 HOS101 01 1 ARR ARR ARR DillardPRINCIPLES OF SANITATION2210 HOS110 01 3 BE2122 TTh 8:30am - 9:50am StaffUSING COMPUTERS I*2010 MIC102 CA1 1 BE3173 F 2pm - 2:50pm StaffSecond QuarterFOOD THEORY IIPREREQ: CUL 101.2102 CUL102 01 5 BE2119 TTh 7:45am - 8:50am MiyataBE2122 WF 7:45am - 8:50amQUANTITY COOKING: PRACTIcUMPREREQ: CUL 111.2112 CUL112 01 8 BE2107 TWThF 9am - 1:30pm MiyataCUSTOMER SERVICE PRACTICUM IIPREREQ: HOS 101.2202 HOS102 01 1 ARR ARR ARR DillardINTRODUCTION TO CUSTOMER SERVICE: THEORYPREREQ: HOS 110.2211 HOS111 01 1 BE2111 F 2pm - 2:50pm DillardPURCHASING AND INVENTORY: THEORYPREREQ: HOS 101.2222 HOS122 01 1 BE2122 Th 2pm - 2:50pm DillardFOOD COSTING PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONPREREQ: HOS 101.2223 HOS123 01 1 BE2122 T 2pm - 2:50pm DillardThird QuarterRESTAURANT BAKING: THEORYPREREQ: CUL 102.2055 BAK105 01 1.5 BE2115 F 7:30am - 8:50am JordanRESTAURANT BAKING: PRACTICUMPREREQ: CUL 102.2065 BAK115 01 1 BE2109 ARR ARR MartinNUTRITION FOR FOOD SERVICE PROFESSIONALS1013 BIOL103 01 3 BE4106 TTh 2pm - 3:20pm StaffFOOD THEORY IIIPREREQ: CUL 102.2103 CUL103 01 4 BE2115 TWTh 8am - 8:50am JordanBE2115 F 2pm - 2:50pmRESTAURANT COOKING: PRACTICUMPREREQ: CUL 112.2113 CUL113 01 8 BE2107 TWThF 9am - 1:30pm JordanSUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS PRACTICES IIPREREQ: CUL 151 with 2.0 or better or permission.2152 CUL152 01 1 BE2121 W 2pm - 2:50pm WongCUSTOMER SERVICE PRACTICUM IIIPREREQ: HOS 102.2203 HOS103 01 1 ARR ARR ARR DillardFourth QuarterFINE DINING BAKING: PRACTICUMPREREQ: BAK 115.2066 BAK116 01 1 BE2109 ARR ARR MartinFOOD THEORY IVPREREQ: CUL 103.2104 CUL104 01 6 BE2116 TWTh 7:30am - 8:50am JurgensenTh 2pm - 3pmINTERNATIONAL COOKING: PRACTICUMPREREQ: CUL 113.2114 CUL114 01 8 BE2107 TWThF 9am - 1:30pm JurgensenCUSTOMER SERVICE PRACTICUM IVPREREQ: HOS 1032204 HOS104 01 1 ARR ARR ARR DillardCOMPUTERIZED MENU PLANNINGPREREQ: MIC 102.*2224 HOS124 01 2 BE3175 W 2pm - 2:50pm DillardLAB BE3174 F 8am - 8:50am WongFifth QuarterINTRODUCTION TO CHEESE MAKING2067 BAK117 01 1 BE2121 F 8am - 8:50am ClarkINTRODUCTION TO WINEPREREQ: BAK 103 or CUL 104.2120 CUL120 01 1 BE2121 T 1:30pm - 3:30pm JordanSUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS PRACTICES IIIPREREQ: CUL 152 or permission.2153 CUL153 01 1 BE2121 T 8am - 8:50am ShiosakiADVANCED CULINARY THEORYPREREQ: CUL 104.2165 CUL205 01 1 BE2121 Th 2pm - 2:50pm WongCredit classes15

Credit classes16ADVANCED CULINARY PRACTICESPREREQ: CUL 114.2175 CUL215 01 4.5 BE2116 WThF 9am - 1:30pm WongLAB ARR ARRLAB BE2121 T 7:30am - 8amDINING ROOM AND KITCHEN MANAGEMENTPREREQ: CUL 104.2208 HOS108 01 4 ARR ARR 9am - 1:30pm DillardFUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT2261 HOS201 01 2 BE2121 WTh 8am - 8:50am DillardCulinary Arts-<strong>Seattle</strong> Culinary Academy/Specialty Desserts & Breads2BE2120 206.934.5424 • seattlecentral.edu/seattleculinary/*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00First QuarterINTRODUCTION TO DESSERTS & BREADS: THEORYPREREQ: Admission to program.2051 BAK101 01 4 BE4140 TTh 7:30am - 8:50am MartinBE4140 W 7:30am - 8:20amINTRODUCTION TO DESSERTS & BREADS: PRACTICUMPREREQ: Admission to program.2061 BAK111 01 6 BE2109 TWThF 10am - 1:30pm Reed/MartinINTRODUCTION TO CULINARY ARTS: THEORYPREREQ: Admission to program.2106 CUL106 01 1.5 BE2119 TTh 9am - 9:50am ShiosakiSUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS PRACTICES IPREREQ: Admission to program or permission.2151 CUL151 01 1 BE4140 F 7:30am - 8:20am JurgensenCUSTOMER SERVICE PRACTICUM IPREREQ: Admission to program.2231 HOS101 02 1 ARR ARR ARR DillardPRINCIPLES OF SANITATION2212 HOS110 02 3 BE4140 WF 8:30am - 9:50am StaffUSING COMPUTERS I*2011 MIC102 CA2 1 BE3173 Th 2pm - 2:50pm StaffSecond QuarterBREAD AND FOOD PRESERVATIONPREREQ: BAK 101.2052 BAK102 01 3 BE2111 TWTh 8am - 8:50am ReedBEGINNING DESSERTS AND BREADS: PRACTICUMPREREQ: BAK 111.2062 BAK112 01 8 BE2109 TWThF 9am - 1:30pm ReedINTRODUCTION TO CHEESE MAKING2068 BAK117 02 1 BE2111 F 8am - 8:50am Reed/BernardINTRODUCTION TO CULINARY ARTS: PRACTICUM2116 CUL116 01 1 BE2107 ARR ARR Miyata/JordanCUSTOMER SERVICE PRACTICUM IIPREREQ: HOS 101.2232 HOS102 02 1 ARR ARR ARR DillardPURCHASING AND INVENTORY: THEORYPREREQ: HOS 101.2222 HOS122 01 1 BE2122 Th 2pm - 2:50pm DillardFOOD COSTING PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONPREREQ: HOS 101.2223 HOS123 01 1 BE2122 T 2pm - 2:50pm DillardThird QuarterADVANCED THEORY2053 BAK103 01 4 BE2109 TWThF 8am - 8:50am BernardINTERMEDIATE DESSERTS AND BREADS: PRACTICUMPREREQ: BAK 112.2063 BAK113 01 8 BE2109 TWThF 9am - 1:30pm Bernard/ReedNUTRITION FOR FOOD SERVICE PROFESSIONALS1013 BIOL103 01 3 BE4106 TTh 2pm - 3:20pm StaffSUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS PRACTICES IIPREREQ: CUL 151 with 2.0 or better or permission.2152 CUL152 01 1 BE2121 W 2pm - 2:50pm WongCUSTOMER SERVICE FOR SPECIALTY DESSERTS BREADSPREREQ: HOS 1022205 HOS105 01 1 ARR ARR ARR Dillard<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Fifth QuarterADVANCED DESSERTS AND BREADS: PRACTICUMPREREQ: BAK 113 or permission.2075 BAK125 01 8 BE2109 TWThF 9am - 1:30pm Reed/BernardLAB BE2109 WThF 9am - 1:30pmADVANCED FOOD PRESERVATION2076 BAK126 01 3 BE2109 WTh 2pm - 3:30pm Bernard/ReedINTRODUCTION TO WINEPREREQ: BAK 103 or CUL 104.2120 CUL120 01 1 BE2121 T 1:30pm - 3:30pm JordanSUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS PRACTICES IIIPREREQ: CUL 152 or permission.2153 CUL153 01 1 BE2121 T 8am - 8:50am ShiosakiFUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT2261 HOS201 01 2 BE2121 WTh 8am - 8:50am DillardDeaf StudiesBE4128 206.934.4164 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/deafstudiesAMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE I0142 ASL&121 01 5 BE1114 DAILY 11am - 11:50pm Roberts0144 ASL&121 02 5 BE1114 TTh 6:30pm - 9pm WilsonAMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE IIPREREQ: Successful completion of ASL& 121 passed with 2.0 or better, or demonstration ofequivalentskill, or with permission of instructor.0150 ASL&122 01 5 BE1114 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Vincent0151 ASL&122 02 5 BE1114 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Roberts0152 ASL&122 03 5 BE4179 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Vincent0155 ASL&122 05 5 BE1148 TTh 6:30pm - 9pm BernsteinAMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE VPREREQ: ASL& 221 with a 2.5 GPA or better or permission.0181 ASL&222 01 5 BE4179 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Vincent0184 ASL&222 03 5 BE1114 MW 6:30pm - 9pm WilsonINTRODUCTION TO AUDIOLOGY0360 SPS201 01 5 BE1148 TTh 3:30pm - 6:30pm KlarmanDental HygieneBE3191 206.934.4186 • www.seattlecentral.edu/programs/dental*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY4054 DHY104 01 2 BE3201 M 10am - 11:50am TononPERIODONTOLOGY I4059 DHY108 01 2 BE3201 T 8am - 10:50am AlibhaiDENTAL RADIOLOGY II*4053 DHY113 01 3 BE3189 W 10am - 11:50am TononLAB SVI407 ThF 8am - 12pmRESTORATIVE PRACTICE AND MATERIALS I4056 DHY114 01 3 BE3201 M 8am - 9:50am GarciaLAB ARR F ARRFUNDAMENTALS OF DENTAL HYGIENE II4055 DHY120 01 2 BE3189 W 8am - 9:50am BowmanCLINICAL DENTAL HYGIENE II*4058 DHY121 01 4 MTThF 1pm - 5pm BowmanLAB SVI407 Th 8am - 5pmSELECTIVE POPULATIONS4086 DHY215 01 2 BE3189 Th 1pm - 2:50pm JuhlCOMMUNITY DENTAL HEALTH III4087 DHY224 01 2 BE3199 Th 3pm - 3:50pm JuhlFUNDAMENTALS OF DENTAL HYGIENE VI4088 DHY230 01 3 BE3189 Th 9am - 11:50am HartnettCLINICAL DENTAL HYGIENE VI*4090 DHY231 01 8 SVI407 W 8am - 5pm HartnettLAB SVI407 M ARRRESTORATIVE PRACTICE AND MATERIALS V*4093 DHY235 01 2 SVI407 T 8am - 5pm TubleAPPLIED PRACTICUM IN DENTAL HYGIENEPREREQ: Permission of Program Director4094 DHY247 01 2 SVI000 Sa 8am - 5pm NguyenDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060HUMAN PATHOPHYSIOLOGY9189 DHY105 OL 2 Online Braun9197 DHY109 OL 3 Online Braun

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>DramaBE4128 206.934.4164INTRODUCTION TO CONCERT DANCE - JAZZ I0621 DRMA204 01 5 FA113 TTh 6pm - 9pm KuroiwaINTRODUCTION TO CONCERT DANCE - JAZZ II0623 DRMA205 01 5 FA113 TTh 6pm - 9pm KuroiwaINTRODUCTION TO CONCERT DANCE - JAZZ IIi0625 DRMA206 01 5 FA113 TTh 6pm - 9pm KuroiwaDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060INTRODUCTION TO THE THEATRE9109 DRMA&101 OL 5 Online NicholsEconomicsBE5166 206.934.3830 • seattlecentral.eduECON&201 and ECON&202 meet the requirement Q for the A.A. degree.SURVEY OF ECONOMICS0191 ECON100 HY 5 BE4148 MTThF 9am - 9:50am HubertItem 0191 is a Hybrid section of ECON 100. This course will meet 4 hours per week on campusand 1 hour on-line.MICRO ECONOMICSPREREQ: completion of MATH 098 with a grade of 2.0 or better. ENGL& 101 is recommended. Thiscourse meets the Global Studies requirement for the A.A. degree.0192 ECON&201 HY 5 BE4148 MTThF 8am - 8:50am HubertItem 0192 is a Hybrid section of ECON& 201. This course will meet 4 hours per week on campusand 1 hour on-line and meets the Global Studies requirement for the A.A. degree.0193 ECON&201 02 5 BE4149 DAILY 2pm - 2:50pm StaffMACRO ECONOMICSPREREQ: Completion of MATH 098 with a grade of 2.0 or better. ENGL&101 is recommended.0194 ECON&202 HY 5 BE4148 MTThF 11am - 11:50am HubertItem 0194 is a Hybrid section of ECON& 202. This course will meet 4 hours per week on campusand 1 hour on-line.0195 ECON&202 02 5 BE4149 TTh 6:30pm - 9pm StaffDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060MICRO ECONOMICSPREREQ: completion of MATH 098 with a grade of 2.0 or better. ENGL& 101 is recommended.8843 ECON&201 C01 5 Correspondence Hubert9114 ECON&201 OL 5 Online HubertMACRO ECONOMICSPREREQ: Completion of MATH 098 with a grade of 2.0 or better. ENGL&101 is recommended.8845 ECON&202 C01 5 Correspondence Hubert9116 ECON&202 OL 5 Online HubertEducation: Math Ed & Elem Ed DegreeNP115 206.934.3895INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION WITH k-12 classroom observationIncludes a 30 hour classroom observation practicum in a K-12 classroom outside of lecture.State and Federal financial aid tuition eligible. College transfer course meets AA, Elem Ed/MRP& Math Ed/MRP degree program distribution requirements. For more information contact TT/EDU 206.934.3895. Hybrid seminar education course 9163: Meets one evening on campus, restof class online. Additional $5.25 Canvas platform fee applies.9162 EDUC205 01 5 BPH0101 TWThF 10am - 10:50am Williams9163 EDUC205 HY 5 BE4167 T 6pm - 8:20pm WilliamsEducation: Science & MathematicsSAM 110 206.934.3858PEER TUTORINGPREREQ: Permission of dean.1192 EDUC200 01 5 SAM110 ARR ARR Gibbons1193 EDUC200 02 5 SAM110 ARR ARR FirpoEngineeringSAM 110 206.934.3858*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00DYNAMICSPREREQ: ENGR&214 w/2.5 or better and MATH&152.1207 ENGR&215 01 5 SAM202 DAILY 11am - 11:50am LepeintreMECHANICS OF MATERIALSPREREQ: ENGR&214 and MATH&152.1210 ENGR&225 01 5 SAM205 DAILY 10am - 10:50am HellerENGINEERING ORIENTATION1202 ENGR110 01 2 SAM206 M 3pm - 4:50pm HellerCOMPUTER PROGRAMMINGPREREQ: MATH&141 w/ a 2.0 or better AND CSC 110 w/ a 2.0 or better.*1204 ENGR142 01 5 SAM202 MWF 10am - 10:50am LepeintreLAB SAM202 T 1pm - 2:40pmEnglishBE4128 206.934.4164*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00BASIC WRITING IMPROVEMENT IThis class is linked to #0644 ENGL093 at 10am.0642 ENGL092 01 5 BE4134 DAILY 9am - 9:50am LevineREADING AND STUDY SKILLS IIThis class is linked to #0642 ENGL 092 at 9am.0644 ENGL093 01 5 BE4134 DAILY 10am - 10:50am LevineCOLLEGE PREPARATORY READING AND STUDY SKILLS III0645 ENGL095 01 5 BE4135 DAILY 9am - 9:50am CaseyItem #0645 is linked to #0650 ENGL096 at 10am.0646 ENGL095 02 5 BE4123 DAILY 10am - 10:50am ColeItem #0646 is linked to #0651 ENGL096 at 10am.0647 ENGL095 03 5 BE4130 DAILY 11am - 11:50am SilvermanItem #0647 is linked to #0652 ENGL096 at 12pm.COLLEGE PREPARATORY WRITING IIIPREREQ: ENGL 092 with 2.5 or better.0648 ENGL096 05 5 BE4104 DAILY 10am - 10:50am JeffriesItem #0648 is linked to #0669 ENGL&101 at 11am.0649 ENGL096 04 5 BE4168 DAILY 9am - 9:50am MoirItem #0649 is linked to #0665 ENGL&101 at 10am.0650 ENGL096 01 5 BE4140 DAILY 10am - 10:50am CaseyItem #0650 is linked to #0645 ENGL 095 at 9am.0651 ENGL096 02 5 BE4123 DAILY 11am - 11:50am SilvermanItem #0651 is linked to #0646 ENGL095 at 10am.0652 ENGL096 03 5 BE4130 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm SilvermanItem #0652 is linked to #0647 ENGL095 at 11am.0653 ENGL096 06 5 BE4138 DAILY 10am - 10:50am JewellItem #0653 is linked to #0673 ENGL&101 at 11am.UNDERSTANDING LANGUAGE*0752 ENGL204 01 5 BE4134 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm OakleyLAB BE3151 F 12pm - 12:50pmENGLISH COMPOSITION0658 ENGL&101 01 5 FA405 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Troxclair#0658 is a fragrance free classroom.0659 ENGL&101 02 5 FA302 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Sinai0660 ENGL&101 03 5 FA406 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Staff0661 ENGL&101 04 5 BE4185 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Baldwin0662 ENGL&101 05 5 BE4136 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Kline0663 ENGL&101 06 5 FA302 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Troxclair#0663 is a fragrance free classroom.0664 ENGL&101 07 5 FA405 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Staff0665 ENGL&101 08 5 BE4143 DAILY 10am - 10:50am MoirItem #0665 is linked to #0649 ENGL096 at 9am.0666 ENGL&101 09 5 BE4185 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Baldwin0667 ENGL&101 10 5 BE4144 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Kline0668 ENGL&101 11 5 FA125 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Wyman*0669 ENGL&101 12 5 BE4104 DAILY 11am - 11:50am JeffriesItem #0669 is linked to #0648 ENGL096 at 10am.0670 ENGL&101 13 5 BE4159 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Woods0671 ENGL&101 14 5 BE4160 DAILY 3pm - 3:50am Waluconis0672 ENGL&101 15 5 BE4118 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Sinai0673 ENGL&101 16 5 BE4138 DAILY 11am - 11:50am JewellItem #0673 is linked to #0653 ENGL096 at 10am.0674 ENGL&101 17 5 BE4159 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Woods0675 ENGL&101 HY2 5 BE4123 TTh 12pm - 1:30pm Staff*0679 ENGL&101 19 5 BE4118 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm Nollan0680 ENGL&101 20 5 BE4118 MW 6pm - 8:30pm Staff0753 ENGL&101 21 5 BE4130 DAILY 9am - 9:50am SilvermanCOMPOSITION IIPREREQ: Satisfactory completion of ENGL&101.0682 ENGL&102 01 5 BE4160 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Horton0683 ENGL&102 02 5 BE4137 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Croon0684 ENGL&102 03 5 BE4168 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Staff0685 ENGL&102 04 5 BE4168 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Mcentire0686 ENGL&102 05 5 BE4160 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Horton0687 ENGL&102 06 5 BE4137 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Croon*0688 ENGL&102 07 5 BE4119 DAILY 11am - 11:50am FaucetteSee next page for more Composition I sections.Credit classes17

Credit classes0689 ENGL&102 08 5 FA125 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Wyman*0690 ENGL&102 09 5 BE4123 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Mcentire0691 ENGL&102 10 5 BE4119 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Faucette0692 ENGL&102 11 5 BE3116 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Staff0693 ENGL&102 12 5 BE4140 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Nollan0694 ENGL&102 13 5 BE4123 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Cole0695 ENGL&102 14 5 BE4137 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Croon*0696 ENGL&102 15 5 BE4136 DAILY 11pm - 11:50pm Mckenna0697 ENGL&102 16 5 BE4119 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Wyman0698 ENGL&102 17 5 BE4134 DAILY 1pm - 1:50pm Oakley*0699 ENGL&102 18 5 BE4134 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm Malody*0701 ENGL&102 HY 5 BE4136 TTh 1pm - 2:30pm Bachar0702 ENGL&102 19 5 BE4149 MW 6pm - 6pm Malody0703 ENGL&102 20 5 BE3114 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm DoumaAPPLIED COMPOSiTIONPREREQ: Satisfactory performance on English placement test.0740 ENGL105 WC 3 WTC0000 M 7:15am - 8:30am StaffTECHNICAL WRITING*0714 ENGL106 IT 3 BE4137 MWF 12pm - 12:50pm StaffINTRODUCTION TO POETRYPREREQ: Placement into ENGL& 101 or permission.0725 ENGL&113 01 5 BE4135 TTh 12pm - 2:30pm RamseyINTRODUCTION TO DRAMAPREREQ: Placement into ENGL& 101.0727 ENGL&114 01 5 BE4119 MW 6pm - 8:30pm DoumaCREATIVE WRITING0739 ENGL152 01 5 BE4179 DAILY 12:00pm-12:50pm BacharUNDERSTANDING LANGUAGE0752 ENGL204 01 5 BE4134 DAILY 12:00pm-12:50pm OakleyAMERICAN LITERATURE IIPREREQ: ENGL& 101 placement.0766 ENGL&245 01 5 BE4148 DAILY 10pm - 10:50pm WoodsNOVELS OF WESTERN LITERATURE0767 ENGL253 01 5 BE4149 DAILY 10:00am-10:50am McKennaWORLD LITERATURE IIIPREREQ: Placement into ENGL& 101.0749 ENGL&256 01 5 BE4119 DAILY 1pm - 1:50pm JeffriesAFRICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE0762 ENGL259 01 5 BE4119 DAILY 9:00am-9:50am FaucetteBIBLE AS LITERATURE0763 ENGL263 01 5 BE4136 MW 1:00pm-3:30pm WaluconisLITERATURE BY WOMEN0764 ENGL291 01 5 BE4138 DAILY 9:00am-9:50am JewellSPECIAL TOPICS - ENGLISH0781 ENGL299 01 5 BE4128 ARR ARR LaneEnglish as a Second Language (ESL)BE3122 206.934.4180BASIC ENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVE SPEAKERSPREREQ: Appropriate placement on the ESL COMPASS Placement Test or permission.5277 ESL 093 01 5 BE3117 DAILY 10am-10:50am StaffCOLLEGE PREPARATORY ENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVES I-ReadingAppropriate placement on the English Placement Test or permission. See also ESL-T 090.Thiscourse offers extensive work increasing reading comprehension and speed, improving vocabulary,and building confidence using college preparatory materials. For further informationregarding this program, see the Basic Studies Division, BE3122 or phone 206.934.4180.5278 ESL 096 01 5 BE3120 DAILY 8am-8:50am Conley5651 ESL 096 01 5 BE4182 MW 6pm-8:20pm StaffCOLLEGE PREPARATORY ENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS I-WritingPREREQ: Appropriate placement on the English Placement Test or permission. See also ESL-T091.This course offers practice in writing correct English sentences and developing coherentparagraphs into short essay answers and lab reports. Emphasis is on strengthening writing skills.5281 ESL 097 01 5 BE3000 DAILY 9am-9:50am Conley5662 ESL 097 03 5 BE4119 TTh 6pm-8:20pm StaffCOLLEGE PREPARATORY ENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS II-readingPREREQ: Grade 2.0 or better in ESL096, appropriate placement on the English Placement Test orpermission. See also ESL-T 090.This course offers advanced work in reading comprehension, improving vocabulary, and criticalreading skills using college materials.5284 ESL098 01 5 BE4166 DAILY 9am-9:50am Staff5653 ESL098 02 5 BE4182 MW 6pm-8:20pm Staff<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>COLLEGE PREPARATORY ENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS II-WritingPREREQ: Grade 2.0 or better in ESL097, appropriate placement on the English Placement Test orpermission. See also ESL-T 091.This course will develop advanced writing skills by using various formats and devices typicallyfound in college compositions and reports.5287 ESL099 01 5 BE4115 DAILY 9am-9:50am Vaughn5664 ESL099 04 5 BE4119 TTh 6pm-8:20pm StaffESL-T 090 READING COLLEGE PREP ENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVESEligible students have placed into either ESL096 or 098. Students can earn credit for eitherESL096 or 098 based on performance in class. This course is designed for ESL students to increasereading comprehension and skills in using college materials.5650 ESL-T090 01 5 BE4182 MW 6:00pm-8:20pm StaffESL-T 091 WRITING COLLEGE PREP ENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVESEligible students have placed into either ESL097 or 099. Students can earn credit for eitherESL097 or 099 based on performance in class. This course is designed for ESL students tostrengthen writing skills for college courses.5660 ESL-T091 01 5 BE4119 TTH 6:00pm-8:20pm StaffIntegrated ESL Reading and WritingThis course will integrate both the ESL Reading & Writing skills taught in ESL098 and 099 so thatstudents can work on skills together. Students must register for both classes.5282 ESL098 01 5 BE4179 DAILY 9:00am-9:50am Staff5283 ESL099 01 5 BE4179 DAILY 8:00am-8:50AM StaffCampus Seminar CoursesBE1140 206.934.4060ENGLISH COMPOSITION I8852 ENGL&101 S01 5 BE4151 Campus Seminar WaluconisCOMPOSITION IIPREREQ: Satisfactory completion of ENGL&101.8858 ENGL&102 S01 5 BE4151 Campus Seminar WaluconisDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060ENGLISH COMPOSITION I8854 ENGL&101 C01 5 Correspondence Waluconis9015 ENGL&101 VI 5 Video/DVD Bachar9118 ENGL&101 OL 5 Online Ramsey9119 ENGL&101 OL2 5 Online WaluconisCOMPOSITION IIPREREQ: Satisfactory completion of ENGL&101.8856 ENGL&102 C01 5 Correspondence Waluconis9020 ENGL&102 VI 5 Video/DVD Cole9120 ENGL&102 OL 5 Online Douma9121 ENGL&102 OL 5 Online StaffINTRODUCTION TO FICTIONPREREQ: Placement into ENGL& 101.8860 ENGL&112 C01 5 Correspondence BabinecAMERICAN LITERATURE IIIPREREQ: ENGL& 101 placement.8868 ENGL&246 C01 5 Correspondence BabinecEnvironmental ScienceSAM 110 206.934.3858ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND PROBLEMSPREREQ: Eligibility for MATH 084 and ENGL& 101.1219 ENVS150 12 5 SAM201 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm PouxSUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS EMPLOYMENT SEMINARPREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL& 101 and MATH 084.1223 ENVS200 01 2 SAM104 T 3pm - 4:50pm SparksINTRODUCTION TO SOIL SCIENCE RESTORATION CONSERVATIONPREREQ: Eligibility for MATH 084 and ENGL& 101.SCIENCE LAB FEE$46.001222 ENVS204 01 5 SAM104 TTh 1pm - 2:20pm SparksLAB SAM305 W 1pm - 4:50pmDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND PROBLEMSPREREQ: Eligibility for MATH 084 and ENGL&101.8874 ENV150 C01 5 Correspondence Castell9126 ENV150 OL 5 Online Castell9127 ENV150 OL 5 Online Castellprinciples of environmental sustainabilityPREREQ: Eligibility for MATH 084 and ENGL&101.9117 ENV160 OL 5 Online Chenu18

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>Expanded Function Dental AuxillaryBE3210 206.934.4186PROCEDURES I4100 EFDA100 01 1 BE3189 M 6pm -7pm GarciaRESTORATIVE LAB I4150 EFDA101 01 3 ARR Sa ARR GarciaDENTAL CORONAL ANATOMY4200 EFDA110 IK 2 ARR ARR GarciaDENTAL MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUE4250 EFDA111 01 2 BE3201 M 7pm - 9pm GarciaGeographyBE4128 206.934.4164*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHY*1493 GEOG&100 01 5 BE4182 DAILY 10am - 10:50am GidayLAB BE3156 Th 10am - 10:50amURBANIZATION IN DEVELOPING NATIONS*1495 GEOG230 01 5 BE4182 DAILY 11am - 11:50am GidayLAB BE3156 Th 11am - 11:50amDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHY9040 GEOG&100 VI 5 Video/DVD Giday9128 GEOG&100 OL 5 Online LeeGeologySAM 110 206.934.3858PHYSICAL GEOLOGYPREREQ: Eligibility for MATH 084 & ENGL& 1011226 GEOL&101 HY 5 SAM201 Th 8am - 9:50am HullItem # 1226 is a Hybrid Course and includes both face-to-face and online study.1227 GEOL&101 01 5 SAM201 MTW 10am - 11:15am HullLAB SAM201 Th 10am - 11:50am1228 GEOL&101 11 5 SAM201 MW 6pm - 9pm HarrellGraphic DesignBE5166 206.934.3830 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/graphicdesign*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00MEDIA PUBLISHING I - DIGITAL ASSETS*3347 DES114 01 3 BE5128 TTh 5pm - 7pm SullivanMEDIA PUBLISHING II - DIGITAL PUBLISHING*3339 DES115 01 3 BE5104 MW 5pm - 7pm StaffFirst YearTYPOGRAPHY I*3344 DES121 01 3 BE5140 W 9am - 1pm Vartenigian*3345 DES121 02 3 BE5128 T 9am - 1pm VartenigianGRAPHIC DESIGN II*3352 DES132 01 3 BE5140 M 9am - 1pm Lenon*3353 DES132 02 3 BE5128 W 9am - 1pm LenonGRAPHIC PRODUCTION II*3358 DES146 01 3 BE5140 Th 9am - 1pm Staff*3359 DES146 02 3 BE5128 M 9am - 1pm StaffINTERACTIVE II*3360 DES152 01 3 BE5140 T 9am - 1pm Staff*3361 DES152 02 3 BE3128 Th 9am - 1pm StaffNEW MEDIA II*1990 NME120 01 6 BE5148 F 9am - 12pm SalverdaLAB BE5148 TTh 2pm - 4pmSecond YearGRAPHIC DESIGN*3378 DES233 01 4 BE5126 T 9am - 2pm Vartenigian*3379 DES233 02 4 BE5124 W 9am - 2pm VartenigianGRAPHIC DESIGN VII*3380 DES234 01 4 BE5126 Th 9am - 2pm Lenon*3381 DES234 02 4 BE5124 F 9am - 2pm LenonGRAPHIC DESIGN XI*3382 DES238 01 4 BE5126 W 9am - 2pm Salverda*3383 DES238 02 4 BE5124 M 9am - 2pm Salverdainteractive iv*3390 DES252 01 4 BE5126 M 9am - 2pm Staff*3391 DES252 02 4 BE5124 Th 9am - 2pm StaffSPECIAL PROJECTS II*3392 DES271 02 4 BE5126 F 9am - 2pm Sullivan*3393 DES271 02 4 BE5124 Th 9am - 2pm SullivanHealthSAM110 206.934.3858HEALTH AND WELLNESSPREREQ: Eligibility for MATH 084 and ENGL& 101.1236 HEA125 01 5 SAM103 TTh 2pm - 4:20pm YoolGLOBAL HEALTHPREREQ: Eligibility for MATH 084 and ENGL&101.1238 HEA225 01 5 SAM105 TTh 2pm - 4:20pm Mclean-RiggsINDEPENDENT STUDY1240 HEA299 01 5 SAM110 ARR ARR Mclean-RiggsDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060HEALTH AND WELLNESSPREREQ: Eligibility for Math 084 and ENGL& 101.8962 HEA125 C01 5 Correspondence Ocken9172 HEA125 OL 5 Online OckenHistoryBE4128 206.934.4164*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00WORLD CIVILIZATIONS III1515 HIST&128 01 5 BE4122 MW 6pm - 8:30pm WestonUS HISTORY 1*1520 HIST&136 01 5 BE4140 DAILY 11am - 11:50am CardenasLAB BE3175 MF 11am - 11:50am*1521 HIST&136 02 5 BE4140 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm CardenasLAB BE3174 MF 12pm - 12:50pmUS HISTORY 21526 HIST&137 01 5 FA302 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Moerschel1527 HIST&137 02 5 BE3192 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm Schwartzwomen, race, and class1529 HIST145 01 5 TBA DAILY 9am - 9:50am LaiPACIFIC NORTHWEST HISTORY1581 HIST&214 HY1 5 BE4140 MW 1pm - 2:30pm Cardenas1582 HIST&214 HY2 5 BE4140 TTh 1pm - 2:30pm CardenasSPECIAL TOPICS IN HISTORYPREREQ: Permission of dean.1586 HIST298 01 5 BE4128 ARR ARR LaneSPECIAL PROBLEMS - HISTORYPREREQ: Permission of dean.1587 HIST299 01 5 BE4128 ARR ARR LaneDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060WORLD CIVILIZATIONS III8889 HIST&128 C01 5 Correspondence LiUS HISTORY 18895 HIST&136 C01 5 Correspondence Weston9130 HIST&136 OL 5 Online LaiUS HISTORY 28897 HIST&137 C01 5 Correspondence Weston9132 HIST&137 OL 5 Online MoerschelHuman DevelopmentFA202 206.934.3855For other HDC <strong>Classes</strong> see Study Skills.WOMEN IN SOCIETY3975 HDC190 01 2 BE1110 W 12pm - 1:50pm EvansCredit classes19

<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>We have classes off-BroadwayIn addition to the MAin campus on cAPitol Hill, <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> offersspecialized training for in-demand careers at three other <strong>Seattle</strong> locations. Tuition isreasonable and most programs can be completed in less than two years.<strong>Seattle</strong> Vocational InstituteSVIischoose to enter the workforce or transfer into academic programs ata division of <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Community College. It offers programsthat provide work-ready skills in just a few quarters. Students can then<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>.At SVI you will find:• A positive and nurturing environment.• Tuition assistance for those who qualify.• Basic skills courses to improve reading,writing, math and critical thinking skills.• Classwork with hands-on training throughoff-campus training, clinical lab, office, worksiteand career environments.• Job training programs (1-5 quarters) thatlead to real-world jobs with livable wages.Vocational programs at SVIAdministrative Office Professional .....2 quartersCosmetology ....................... 5 quartersComputer Support Technician ..... 3 quartersDental Assistant .................... 4 quartersMedical Administrative Specialist ... 3 quartersMedical Front Office ................ 2 quartersFoundation Office Clerk ............. 1 quarterPhlebotomy ......................... 1 quarterPACT (Pre-ApprenticeshipConstruction Training) ............. 2 quartersAdditional programsBasic Studies• Adult Basic Education (ABE)• English as a Second Language (ESL)• GED preparationBright FutureFor high school juniors and seniors wanting toearn a high school diploma at the same time asa professional/vocational certification.Interested? Call 206.934.4950 to attend a freeeducational planning course, Tues., Wed. &Thurs., 1–5 p.m., SVI Room 312.For more information:sviweb.sccd.ctc.edu or call 206.934.4950.SVI is located at 2120 S. Jackson St.The Wood Technology Center is anew state-of-the-art facility that trains studentsto work in the building or marine trades. The56,000-square foot campus is equipped toteach students the fundamentals of woodworking.Students specialize in one of three areas:Cabinet Making, Carpentry or Marine Carpentry.Upon completion of a career track, studentsearn a Certificate or an Associate of AppliedScience degree.For more information:seattlecentral.edu/woodtech or call206.934.5460. The Wood TechnologyCenter is located at 2310 S. Lane St.<strong>Seattle</strong> Maritime Academy trainsstudents to work in the maritime industryand is fully accredited by the U.S. CoastGuard. Students can specialize in Marine DeckTechnology or Marine Engineering Technology.In addition to classroom instruction, studentsspend 30 to 90 days at sea aboard a large commercialvessel. The Academy just added a newvessel to its training fleet—a 224 foot, formerocean surveillance ship—the OSV BOLD.For more information: seattlecentral.edu/maritime/index.php or 206.782.2647.SMA is located at 4445 Shilshole Ave. NW.20Find out how <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> can help you start a new career. Visit seattlecentral.edu

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>Do more than study!Enrich your college experience by taking advantageof extra-curricular activities. Attend lectures, visit art exhibits,enjoy concerts and cultural events, join an athletic club or take afitness class at the Mitchell Activity Center (MAC).Join a clubClubs are a great way to meet new peopleand gain marketable skills, too. Learn eventplanning, public speaking, fundraising, leadershipskills and marketing in a safe atmosphere.Check out the posters around campus thatpromote activities for students. Don’t miss theopportunities that are only available to collegestudents!Become a leaderDevelop your leadership skills in a comfortableenvironment by joining boards, councilsand committees. Keep track of your activitiesthrough the Student Development Transcript,an official way to document involvement inStudent Leadership activities. This documentis valuable to add to scholarship requests andfour-year college and employment applications.By taking advantage of all the extra-curricularactivities available, your resume will describe awell-rounded individual who excelled in college.For more information aboutstudent activities, visit theStudent Leadership office abovethe bookstore at SAC350, orscccstudentleadership.org.“Interacting with student leaders and being with the community hasbeen worthwhile. It sounds clichéd but it’s true.” Kerlyn Ngu, 2013There’s a club for that!Do you want to protect the environment,learn technology skills, practice French, playsoccer, badminton, learn photography orsing? Or connect with other students who arestudying for the same career?Maybe you just want to make new friends.That’s why students have created dozens ofclubs at <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> and clubs re-organizeeach fall to match student interests.So, if you don’t see a club that fits your passion,create your own! Joining a club is a greatway to become connected to your collegeand enrich your experience at <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>.American Indian Student AssociationAnthropology ClubArt ExposedBadminton ClubBusiness Student AssociationByte Club<strong>Central</strong> Success Modern Dance ClubChinese ClubClinton Global Initiative University (CGIU)College Success ClubConscious VibesDental HygieneDrawing ClubEnvironment HelpersEthiopia Development AssociationFeminist ClubFirst Generation ClubFrench ClubG.E.M.S ( Gender Equality in Media Society)Global Health ClubHa-Kehilah, The Community, Jewish ClubIndonesian ClubIntellectual GamesIntervarsity Christian FellowshipJapanese Community ClubM.E.C.H.AM.E.S.AMuslim Student AssociationNursing ClubOpen Mic ClubPool ClubPhotography ClubPre-med SocietyRespiratory Care ClubScholastic Optician Society<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Capoeira Club<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Glee Club<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Red Cross<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Soccer Club<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Student Enrichment<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Ultimate Frisbee ClubSocialist Alternative ClubStudent Engagement ClubStudent Interpreter ClubStudent for C.L.A.S.S.<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Tennis ClubSocial & Human Service ClubSocial PsychologyS<strong>now</strong>boardingStudent Veterans AssociationSurgical Technology ClubTaiwanese Student AssociationTriangle ClubUNICEFVietnamese Student AssociationWiSE (Women in Science, Engineering)21

Credit classes22HumanitiesBE4128 206.934.4164INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION0808 HUM105 01 5 BE4134 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Andresen0809 HUM105 02 5 BE4130 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Hengge0810 HUM105 03 5 BE4105 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Enderle0811 HUM105 04 5 BE4166 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Hunt0812 HUM105 IP 5 BE4119 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Faucette0813 HUM105 05 5 BE4166 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Hunt0814 HUM105 06 5 BE4171 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Ortoleva0815 HUM105 07 5 FA125 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Staff0816 HUM105 08 5 BE4122 DAILY 1pm - 1:50pm Staff0817 HUM105 IP2 5 BE4143 MTWTh 4pm - 5:05pm Bonsu0818 HUM105 09 5 BE4135 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm Andresen0819 HUM105 10 5 BE4134 DAILY 11am - 11:50am ZaragozaINTRODUCTION TO FILM0820 HUM110 01 5 BE4105 TTh 1pm - 3:30pm Rifasworld cinema0825 HUM130 01 5 ARR MW 1pm - 3:30pm RifasSPORTS & CULTURE0821 HUM155 01 5 BE3196 DAILY 11:00am-11:50am AbeSPECIAL TOPICS - HUMANITIES0829 HUM299 01 5 BE4128 ARR ARR LaneDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION8901 HUM105 C01 5 Correspondence Abe9050 HUM105 VI 5 Video/DVD Giday9134 HUM105 OL 5 Online AbeINTRODUCTION TO FILM9055 HUM110 VI 5 Video/DVD RifasInformation TechnologyBE3176 206.934.3150 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/careers/infotech.php*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00TECHNICAL WRITING*0714 ENGL106 IT 3 BE4137 MWF 12pm - 12:50pm StaffINFORMATION SYSTEMS CONCEPTS*3177 ITC102 01 3 BE3173 MTW 10am - 10:50am StaffINTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER HARDWAREPREREQ: ITC 102 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor permission. This course satisfies ‘Restricted ITElective’ requirement.*3197 ITC140 01 5 BE3180 TTh 1pm - 3:15pm StaffINTRODUCTION TO MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONSNote: Please see the “Computers” section for more options.*1951 MIC101 01 4 BE3173 MW 8am - 9:50am StaffNETWORK ESSENTIALS - COMPTIA NETWORK +PREREQ: MIC 101 with 2.0 or better or ability to use MS Office. This course satisfies ‘RestrictedIT Elective’ requirement.*3214 NET120 01 5 BE3183 MW 1pm - 3:15pm MesserlyWEB AUTHORING IPREREQ: MIC 101 w/ 2.0 or better or pass SAM Challenge in the testing center.*3233 WEB110 01 4 BE3173 MW 1pm - 2:50pm Staff*3235 WEB110 02 4 BE3167 TTh 7pm - 8:50pm StaffInformation Technology/A.A.S.-T DegreesBE3176 206.934.3150 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/careers/infotech.phpENGLISH COMPOSITIONPlease see the “English” section for more options.0657 ENGL&101 01 5 ARR DAILY 8am - 8:50am StaffINTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONPlease see the “Humanities” section for more options.0808 HUM105 01 5 BE4134 DAILY 8am - 8:50am AndresenMATH IN SOCIETYPREREQ: Math 098 w/ 2.0 or better or placement exam w/in the last 3 years.1310 MATH&107 01 5 SAM200 MTWTh 1pm - 2:05pm KangasDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060MATH IN SOCIETYPREREQ: Math 098 w/ 2.0 or better or placement exam w/in the last 3 years.9160 MATH&107 OL 5 Online Staff<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Information Technology/ DatabaseAdministration and DevelopmentBE3176 206.934.3150 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/database/*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00CUSTOMER RELATIONS0027 BUS140 01 5 BE3214 DAILY 9am - 9:50am PalazzoPROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALSPREREQ: MAT 085 with a 2.0 or better or instructor permission.*3190 ITC110 01 5 BE3156 MW 7:15pm - 9:20pm PlanteCOMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEMSPREREQ: MIC 101 with 2.0 or better or ability to use MS Office. This course satisfies ‘RestrictedIT Elective’ requirement.*3195 ITC134 01 5 BE3179 TTh 1pm - 3:15pm StaffUNIX OPERATING SYSTEMPREREQ: MIC 101 and ITC 102 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor’s permission. This course satsfies‘Restricted IT Elective’ requirement.*3196 ITC136 01 5 BE3183 MW 10am - 12:15pm StaffINTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER HARDWAREPREREQ: ITC 102 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor permission. This course satisfies ‘Restricted ITElective’ requirement.*3197 ITC140 01 5 BE3180 TTh 1pm - 3:15pm StaffNET WEB PROGRAMMINGPREREQ: ITC 110W/ 2.0 or better or instructor’s permission.*3183 ITC172 01 5 BE3179 TTh 10am - 12:15pm CongerDATABASE DEVELOPMENTPREREQ: MIC 101 witha 2.0 or better or pass SAM Challenge in the testing center.*3206 ITC220 01 5 BE3179 MW 1pm - 3:15pm Conger*3207 ITC220 01 5 BE3179 TTh 5pm - 7:05pm StaffSQLPREREQ: ITC 220 with 2.0 or better.*3208 ITC222 01 5 BE3179 MW 10am - 12:15pm CongerWEB APP PROGRAMMING 1PREREQ: WEB 110 w/ 2.0 or higher or instructor permission.*3209 ITC240 01 5 BE3156 MW 1pm - 3:15pm StaffWEB APP PROGRAMMING 2PREREQ: ITC 240 w/ 2.0 or higher or instructor permission.*3210 ITC250 01 5 BE3156 TTh 1pm - 3:15pm StaffCOMPUTER USER SUPPORT*4912 MIC175 02 4 BE3180 TTh 5pm - 6:50pm StaffNETWORK ESSENTIALS - COMPTIA NETWORK +PREREQ: MIC 101 with 2.0 or better or pass SAM Challenge in the testing center. This coursesatisfies ‘Restricted IT Elective’ requirement.*3214 NET120 01 5 BE3183 MW 1pm - 3:15pm MesserlyWEB AUTHORING IPREREQ: MIC 101 w/ 2.0 or better or pass SAM Challenge in the testing center.*3233 WEB110 01 4 BE3173 MW 1pm - 2:50pm Staff*3235 WEB110 02 4 BE3167 TTh 7pm - 8:50pm StaffInformation Technology/Network Design and AdministrationBE3176 206.934.3150 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/network/*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00CUSTOMER RELATIONS0027 BUS140 01 5 BE3214 DAILY 9am - 9:50am PalazzoPROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALSPREREQ: MAT 085 with a 2.0 or better or instructor permission.*3190 ITC110 01 5 BE3156 MW 7:15pm - 9:20pm PlanteUNIX OPERATING SYSTEMPREREQ: MIC 101 and ITC 102 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor’s permission. This course satsfies‘Restricted IT Elective’ requirement.*3196 ITC136 01 5 BE3183 MW 10am - 12:15pm StaffDATABASE DEVELOPMENTPREREQ: MIC 101 witha 2.0 or better.*3206 ITC220 01 5 BE3179 MW 1pm - 3:15pm Conger*3207 ITC220 01 5 BE3179 TTh 5pm - 7:05pm StaffCOMPUTER USER SUPPORT*4912 MIC175 02 4 BE3180 TTh 5pm - 6:50pm StaffNETWORK OPERATING SYSTEMS 1 - WIN2K PROFESSIONALPREREQ: NET 120 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor permission.*3215 NET122 01 5 BE3183 TTh 5pm - 7:05pm Messerly

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEMS 2 - WIN2K SERVERPREREQ: NET 134 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor permission.*3217 NET124 01 5 BE3183 TTh 1pm - 3:15pm MesserlyNETWORK OS 3 - WIN2K NETWORK INFRASTRUCTUREPREREQ: NET 122 AND NET 134 W/ 2.0 better or instructor permission.*3219 NET126 01 5 BE3183 TTh 10am - 12:15pm MesserlyNETWORK COMMUNICATIONS - TCP/IPPREREQ: NET 122 (may be taken concurrently)*3220 NET134 01 5 BE3183 TTh 7:15pm - 9:20pm MesserlyNETWORK MANAGEMENT - CISCO IPREREQ: ITC 140 W/ 2.0 better or instructor permission.*3223 NET142 01 5 BE3180 MW 5pm - 7:05pm JacksonNETWORK MANAGEMENT - CISCO IIPREREQ: NET 142 w/ 2.0 or better.*3224 NET144 01 5 BE3180 MW 1pm - 3:15pm HigdonInformation Technology/ ProgrammingBE3176 206.934.3150 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/programming/*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00CUSTOMER RELATIONS0027 BUS140 01 5 BE3214 DAILY 9am - 9:50am PalazzoINTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMINGPREREQ: MATH 098 with 2.0 or better.*1168 CSC110 01 5 SAM202 MWF 9am - 9:50am McconeLAB SAM202 W 1pm - 2:40pm*1169 CSC110 02 5 BE3165 MWF 11am - 11:50am McconeLAB SAM202 M 1pm - 2:40pmCOMPUTER PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERSPREREQ: MATH&141 with a 2.0 or better AND CSC 110 witha 2.0 or better, or permission.*1185 CSC142 01 5 SAM202 MWF 10am - 10:50am LepeintreLAB SAM202 T 1pm - 2:40pmPROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALSPREREQ: MAT 085 with a 2.0 or better or instructor permission.*3190 ITC110 01 5 BE3156 MW 7:15pm - 9:20pm PlanteOBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMINGPREREQ: ITC 110 w/ 2.0 or better.*3192 ITC115 01 5 BE3179 MW 5pm - 7:05pm PlanteCOMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEMSPREREQ: MIC 101 with 2.0 or better or pass SAM Challenge in the testing center. This coursesatisfies ‘Restricted IT Elective’ requirement.*3195 ITC134 01 5 BE3179 TTh 1pm - 3:15pm StaffUNIX OPERATING SYSTEMPREREQ: MIC 101 and ITC 102 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor’s permission. This course satsfies‘Restricted IT Elective’ requirement.*3196 ITC136 01 5 BE3183 MW 10am - 12:15pm StaffINTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER HARDWAREPREREQ: ITC 102 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor permission. This course satisfies ‘Restricted ITElective’ requirement.*3197 ITC140 01 5 BE3180 TTh 1pm - 3:15pm StaffNET WEB PROGRAMMINGPREREQ: ITC 110W/ 2.0 or better or instructor’s permission.*3183 ITC172 01 5 BE3179 TTh 10am - 12:15pm CongerDATABASE DEVELOPMENTPREREQ: MIC 101 witha 2.0 or pass SAM Challenge in the testing center.*3206 ITC220 01 5 BE3179 MW 1pm - 3:15pm Conger*3207 ITC220 01 5 BE3179 TTh 5pm - 7:05pm StaffWEB APP PROGRAMMING 1PREREQ: WEB 110 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor permission.*3209 ITC240 01 5 BE3156 MW 1pm - 3:15pm StaffWEB APP PROGRAMMING 2ITC 240 w/ 2.0 or higher or instructor permission.*3210 ITC250 01 5 BE3156 TTh 1pm - 3:15pm StaffSPECIAL TOPICS-Advanced Javascript*3186 ITC298 01 3 BE5104 MW 11am - 12:30pm StaffCOMPUTER USER SUPPORT*4912 MIC175 02 4 BE3180 TTh 5pm - 6:50pm StaffWEB AUTHORING IPREREQ: MIC 101 w/ 2.0 or better or pass SAM Challenge in the testing center.*3233 WEB110 01 4 BE3173 MW 1pm - 2:50pm Staff*3235 WEB110 02 4 BE3167 TTh 7pm - 8:50pm StaffInformation Technology/ Web DesignBE3176 206.934.3150 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/webdesign/*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00MEDIA PUBLISHING I - DIGITAL ASSETS*3347 DES114 01 3 BE5128 TTh 5pm - 7pm SullivanUNIX OPERATING SYSTEMPREREQ: MIC 101 and ITC 102 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor’s permission. This course satsfies‘Restricted IT Elective’ requirement.*3196 ITC136 01 5 BE3183 MW 10am - 12:15pm StaffWORKING ON A WEB PROJECT*3230 WEB105 01 3 BE3175 MW 5pm - 6:30pm SinkulaWEB AUTHORING IPREREQ: MIC 101 w/ 2.0 or better or pass SAM Challenge in the testing center.*3233 WEB110 01 4 BE3173 MW 1pm - 2:50pm Staff*3235 WEB110 02 4 BE3167 TTh 7pm - 8:50pm StaffTYPOGRAPHYPREREQ: WEB 110 w/ 2.0 or better or concurrent enrollment.*3231 WEB112 01 3 BE5104 TTh 2pm - 3:20pm SinkulaPHOTOSHOP FOR THE WEBPREREQ: WEB 110 w/ 2.0 or better or concurrent enrollment.*3232 WEB114 01 3 BE5104 TTh 5:30pm - 6:50pm StaffWEB AUTHORING IIPREREQ: WEB 110 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor permission.*3234 WEB120 02 4 BE3174 MW 7:15pm - 9:05pm Staff*3237 WEB120 01 4 BE3156 MW 10am - 11:50am StaffINTRODUCTION TO JAVASCRIPTPREREQ: WEB110 with 2.0 or better or instructor permision.*3239 WEB150 01 4 BE3173 MW 11am - 12:50pm Plante*3240 WEB150 02 4 BE3167 MW 5pm - 6:50pm StaffTHEORY OF WEB DESIGNPREREQ: WEB 110 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor permission.*3242 WEB200 01 4 BE3175 MW 7pm - 8:50pm SinkulaInformation Technology/ Web DevelopmentBE3176 206.934.3150 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/webdev/*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMINGPREREQ: MATH 098 with 2.0 or better.*1168 CSC110 01 5 SAM202 MWF 9am - 9:50am McconeLAB SAM202 W 1pm - 2:40pm*1169 CSC110 02 5 BE3165 MWF 11am - 11:50am McconeLAB SAM202 M 1pm - 2:40pmCOMPUTER PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERSPREREQ: MATH&141 with a 2.0 or better AND CSC 110 witha 2.0 or better, or permission.*1185 CSC142 01 5 SAM202 MWF 10am - 10:50am LepeintreLAB SAM202 T 1pm - 2:40pmPROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALSPREREQ: MAT 085 with a 2.0 or better or instructor permission.*3190 ITC110 01 5 BE3156 MW 7:15pm - 9:20pm PlanteOBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMINGPREREQ: ITC 110 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor permission.*3192 ITC115 01 5 BE3179 MW 5pm - 7:05pm PlanteUNIX OPERATING SYSTEMPREREQ: MIC 101 and ITC 102 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor’s permission. This course satsfies‘Restricted IT Elective’ requirement.*3196 ITC136 01 5 BE3183 MW 10am - 12:15pm StaffNET WEB PROGRAMMINGPREREQ: ITC 110W/ 2.0 or better or instructor’s permission.*3183 ITC172 01 5 BE3179 TTh 10am - 12:15pm CongerDATABASE DEVELOPMENTPREREQ: MIC 101 witha 2.0 or pass SAM Challenge in the testing center.*3206 ITC220 01 5 BE3179 MW 1pm - 3:15pm Conger*3207 ITC220 01 5 BE3179 TTh 5pm - 7:05pm StaffWEB APP PROGRAMMING 1PREREQ: WEB 110 w/ 2.0 or better or instructor permission.*3209 ITC240 01 5 BE3156 MW 1pm - 3:15pm StaffWEB APP PROGRAMMING 2ITC 240 w/ 2.0 or higher or instructor permission.*3210 ITC250 01 5 BE3156 TTh 1pm - 3:15pm StaffSPECIAL TOPICS-Advanced Javascript*3186 ITC298 01 3 BE5104 MW 11am - 12:30pm StaffWORKING ON A WEB PROJECT*3230 WEB105 01 3 BE3175 MW 5pm - 6:30pm SinkulaCredit classes23

Credit classes24WEB AUTHORING IPREREQ: MIC 101 w/ 2.0 or better or pass SAM Challenge in the testing center.*3233 WEB110 01 4 BE3173 MW 1pm - 2:50pm Staff*3235 WEB110 02 4 BE3167 TTh 7pm - 8:50pm StaffWEB AUTHORING IIITC 240 w/ 2.0 or higher or instructor permission.*3234 WEB120 02 4 BE3174 MW 7:15pm - 9:05pm Staff*3237 WEB120 01 4 BE3156 MW 10am - 11:50am StaffINTRODUCTION TO JAVASCRIPTPREREQ: WEB110 with 2.0 or better or instructor permision.*3239 WEB150 01 4 BE3173 MW 11am - 12:50pm Staff*3240 WEB150 02 4 BE3167 MW 5pm - 6:50pm StaffInformation Technology/Mobile Product DevelopmentBE3176 206.934.3150 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/mobile/index.php*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00KEYBOARDING*0021 BUS104 01 3 BE3174 DAILY 9am - 9:50am StaffPROJECT MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW0041 BUS118 01 5 BE3175 TTh 5pm - 7:05pm StaffSMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT*0033 BUS185 01 5 BE3178 MWF 11am - 11:50am NatoliLAB BE3175 TTh 11am - 11:50amTECHNICAL WRITING*0714 ENGL106 IT 3 BE4137 MWF 12pm - 12:50pm StaffINFORMATION SYSTEMS CONCEPTS*3177 ITC102 01 3 BE3173 MTW 10am - 10:50am StaffPROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALSPREREQ: MAT 085 with a 2.0 or better or instructor permission.*3190 ITC110 01 5 BE3156 MW 7:15pm - 9:20pm PlanteOBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMINGPREREQ: ITC 110 w/ 2.0 or better.*3192 ITC115 01 5 BE3179 MW 5pm - 7:05pm PlanteCOMPUTER OPERATING SYSTEMSPREREQ: WEB 110 w/ 2.0 or higher or instructor permission. This course satisfies ‘Restricted ITElective’ requirement.*3195 ITC134 01 5 BE3179 TTh 1pm - 3:15pm StaffINTRODUCTION TO MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS*1951 MIC101 01 4 BE3173 MW 8am - 9:50am StaffDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060KEYBOARDING9107 BUS104 OL 3 Online AragonLanguagesBE4128 206.934.4164*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE I0142 ASL&121 01 5 BE1114 DAILY 11am - 11:50pm Roberts0144 ASL&121 02 5 BE1114 TTh 6:30pm - 9pm WilsonAMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE IIPREREQ: Successful completion of ASL& 121 passed with 2.0 or better, or demonstration ofequivalent skill, or with permission of instructor.0150 ASL&122 01 5 BE1114 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Vincent0151 ASL&122 02 5 BE1114 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Roberts0152 ASL&122 03 5 BE4179 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Vincent0155 ASL&122 05 5 BE1148 TTh 6:30pm - 9pm BernsteinAMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE VPREREQ: ASL& 221 with a 2.5 GPA or better or permission.0181 ASL&222 01 5 BE4179 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Vincent0184 ASL&222 03 5 BE1114 MW 6:30pm - 9pm WilsonINDEPENDENT STUDY - JAPANESE0239 JAPN299 01 5 BE4128 ARR ARR LaneChinese i0240 CHIN&121 01 5 FA403 DAILY 10am - 10:50am StaffFRENCH IPREREQ: ENGL& 101 eligibiity recommended. There is an optional service-learning componentto this class for an additional 2 credits.*0200 FRCH&121 HY 5 BE4138 MTWTh 12pm - 12:50pm JewellLAB BE3173 Th 12pm - 12:50pm<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>FRENCH IIPREREQ: FRCH& 121 or permission. Item #0217 & 0218 has an optional service-learning componentfor an additional 2 credit.*0217 FRCH&122 H1 5 FA126 MTWTh 10am - 10:50am StaffLAB BE3173 Th 10am - 10:50am*0218 FRCH&122 H2 5 BE4168 MTWTh 11am - 11:50am StaffLAB BE3173 Th 11am - 11:50am*0219 FRCH&122 03 5 BE4130 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm BodiLAB BE3184 Th 6pm - 8:30pmGERMAN IIPREREQ: GERM& 121 or permission.0231 GERM&122 01 5 BE4130 DAILY 10am - 10:50am HenggeCOMPARATIVE LINGUISTICS: ASL AND ENGLISHPREREQ: Completion of ASL 221 (ASL 4) or equivalent with permission of instructor.0349 LAN110 01 5 BE1114 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm RobertsSPANISH IPREREQ: ENGL& 101 eligibility recommended.*0248 SPAN&121 01 5 FA125 DAILY 8am - 8:50am RobertsonLAB BE3151 F 8am - 8:50am*0249 SPAN&121 01 5 BE4122 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm TamburoLAB BE3156 F 12pm - 12:50pm*0250 SPAN&121 02 5 BE4123 MW 6pm - 8:30pm QuintanaSPANISH IIPREREQ: SPAN& 121 or permission.*0251 SPAN&122 01 5 FA125 DAILY 9am - 9:50am RobertsonLAB BE3156 F 9am - 9:50am*0252 SPAN&122 H1 5 BE4167 MTWTh 10am - 10:50am QuinteroLAB BE3151 Th 10am - 10:50am*0253 SPAN&122 H2 5 BE4167 MTWTh 11am - 11:50am QuinteroLAB BE3151 Th 11am - 11:50am*0254 SPAN&122 04 5 BE4123 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm QuintanaCHICANO NARRATIVE*0275 SPAN238 HY 5 BE4167 MTWTh 12pm - 12:50pm QuinteroLAB BE3151 Th 12pm - 12:50pmINDEPENDENT STUDY IN SPANISHPREREQ: Permission of dean.0276 SPAN299 01 5 BE4128 ARR ARR LaneLibraryBE2101 206.934-5420Researching Information Age IssuesDevelops strategies to locate, evaluate and use information safely and ethically. Course contentincludes extra language support for non-native English speakers.4008 INFO110 01 3 0000 ARR ARR KanneDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060RESEARCH FOR THE 21ST CENTURYPREREQ: Placement in ENG101.9174 LIB180 WOL 5 Washington Online StaffMarine Technology206.782.2647 http://seattlecentral.edu/maritime/(off campus) 4455Shilshole Ave. NWFUNDAMENTALS OF MARINE ELECTRICITY7150 MGO127 01 4 TRA0000 ARR ARR Bruce7175 MGO127 02 4 TRA0000 ARR ARR BruceMARINE ENGINEERING PRACTICUMPREREQ: MGO 111, MGO 113, MTS 217OR permission.7170 MGO147 01 6 TRA0000 ARR ARR Staff7171 MGO147 02 6 TRA0000 ARR ARR CrumAT SEA INTERNSHIPPREREQ: Successful completion of 9-month course study.7182 MGO200 01 4 TRA0000 ARR ARR StaffMARINE REFRIGERATION7230 MTS233 01 5 TRA0000 ARR ARR Clapper7231 MTS233 02 5 TRA0000 ARR ARR ClapperPROPULSION SYSTEMS7240 MTS263 01 3 TRA0000 ARR ARR Marcontell7241 MTS263 02 3 TRA0000 ARR ARR MarcontellMARINE BOILERS7223 MTS285 01 3 TRA0000 ARR ARR Marcontell7224 MTS285 02 3 TRA0000 ARR ARR Marcontell

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>MathematicsSAM110 206.934.3858 • www.seattlecentral.edu/learn/math/*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00Items 1243, 1244, 1245 are taught using ALEKS, a mastery based, computerizedinstructional application. ALEKS will assess your current math k<strong>now</strong>ledge andcreate a custom plan for your learning. To register for ALEKS (MATH 080), youmust place into or qualify for: MATH 081, MATH 084, or MATH 085. ALEKS providesthe opportunity to complete more than one level of developmental math inone quarter. You will earn credit for the highest level that you complete. Onlinetextbook required.PREPARATORY MATHEMATICS*1243 MATH080 01 5 SAM202 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Firpo*1244 MATH080 02 5 BE3167 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Bartlett*1245 MATH080 03 5 BE3167 TTh 2pm - 4:30pm Levybasic math skillsPREREQ: Placement Exam. NOTE: Your section of this math course may be taught in anALTERNATIVE FORMAT! Check here to find out if your section is one of these: www.tinyurl.com/mathsections1249 MATH081 02 5 BE4184 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Chin1250 MATH081 03 5 BE4156 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Dressler1251 MATH081 04 5 SAM200 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Denzler1252 MATH081 11 5 BE4184 MW 6pm - 8:30pm AkhlaghiALGEBRA IPREREQ: Math 081 with 2.0 or better, or Placement Test within the last 3 years. NOTE: Your sectionof this math course may be taught in an ALTERNATIVE FORMAT! Check here to find out if yoursection is one of these: www.tinyurl.com/mathsections1260 MATH084 01 5 SAM101 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Terefe1261 MATH084 02 5 BE4183 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Sweeney1262 MATH084 03 5 SAM200 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Denzler1263 MATH084 04 5 BE4184 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Chin1264 MATH084 05 5 BE4184 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Chin1259 MATH084 06 5 BE4184 DAILY 9am-9:50am Staff1265 MATH084 11 5 SAM103 MW 6pm - 8:30pm Culevski1266 MATH084 12 5 SAM200 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm AkhlaghiALGEBRA IIPREREQ: Math 084 with 2.0 or better, or Placement Test w/in the last 3 years. NOTE: Your sectionof this math course may be taught in an ALTERNATIVE FORMAT! Check here to find out if yoursection is one of these: www.tinyurl.com/mathsections1272 MATH085 01 5 BE4181 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Morales1273 MATH085 02 5 BE4181 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Morales1274 MATH085 03 5 BE4181 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Bartlett1275 MATH085 04 5 SAM103 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Sweeney1276 MATH085 05 5 BE4156 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Mcguire Guy1277 MATH085 06 5 BE4183 DAILY 1pm - 1:50pm Levy1278 MATH085 11 5 SAM307 MW 6pm - 8:30pm Solowan1279 MATH085 12 5 SAM103 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm KnudsonDESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS WITH ALGEBRA 1PREREQ: MATH 081 With 2.0 or better or placement into MATH 084. NOTE: Your section of thismath course may be taught in an ALTERNATIVE FORMAT! Check here to find out if your section isone of these: www.tinyurl.com/mathsections*1286 MATH091 ST1 5 BE3167 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm VerschuerenDESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS WITH ALGEBRA 2*1289 MATH092 ST2 5 SAM101 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Wright*1290 MATH092 ST3 5 BE3151 TTh 2pm - 4:30pm VerschuerenTechnology Note: The Texas Instruments TI-83/84 are the preferred calculators forcourses <strong>begin</strong>ning with MATH 098. Classroom instruction will be provided for thismodel only. <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> operates a calculator rental program for students whodo not own or are unable to purchase a TI-83/84. We recommend that studentsnot purchase other TI models or other brands of graphing calculators. Modelsother than the TI–83/84 may not be allowed during in-class exams; see instructorfor details.INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRAPREREQ: MATH 085 with a 2.2 or better or a year of high school algebra and placement examwithin the last 3 years. NOTE: Your section of this math course may be taught in an ALTERNATIVEFORMAT! Check here to find out if your section is one of these: www.tinyurl.com/mathsections1292 MATH098 01 5 SAM200 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Aregaye1293 MATH098 02 5 SAM207 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Firpo1294 MATH098 03 5 BE4156 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Tiu1295 MATH098 04 5 BE4183 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Dressler1296 MATH098 05 5 BE4183 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Aregaye1297 MATH098 06 5 BE4183 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Kopp1300 MATH098 11 5 SAM207 MW 6pm - 8:30pm Gray1301 MATH098 12 5 BE4184 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm StaffQ-COLLEGE ALGEBRAPREREQ: MATH 098 with a 2.0 or better, or 71-80+ on COMPASS Algebra Test within the last 3years OR instructor’s permission.1307 MATH102 01 5 SAM200 DAILY 9am - 9:50am AregayeCOMPUTERS IN MATHEMATICS*1150 CSC102B 01 2 SAM301Class Meets From 1/8 - 2/5 on WW 1:15pm - 3:05pm Solowan*1151 CSC102B 02 2 SAM301Class Meets From 1/9 - 2/6 on ThTh 3pm - 4:50pm Solowan*1152 CSC102B 03 2 SAM301Class Meets From 1/10 - 2/7 on FF 12pm - 1:50pm SolowanCOMPUTERS IN MATH*1160 CSC102Q 01 1 BE3175Class Meets From 1/13 - 2/3 on MM 3pm - 4:50pm Langkamp*1161 CSC102Q 02 1 BE3175Class Meets From 1/14 - 2/4 on TT 1pm - 2:50pm Langkamp*1162 CSC102Q 03 1 BE3175Class Meets From 1/14 - 2/4 on TT 3pm - 4:50pm Langkamp*1163 CSC102Q 04 1 BE3175Class Meets From 1/15 - 2/5 on WW 3pm - 4:50pm Langkamp*1164 CSC102Q 05 1 BE3175Class Meets From 1/16 - 2/6 on ThTh 1pm - 2:50pm Langkamp*1165 CSC102Q 06 1 BE3175Class Meets From 1/16 - 2/6 on ThTh 3pm - 4:50pm Langkamp*1166 CSC102Q 07 1 BE3175Class Meets From 1/17 - 2/7 on FF 1pm - 2:50pm LangkampMATH IN SOCIETYPREREQ: Math 098 w/ 2.0 or better or placement exam w/in the last 3 years.1310 MATH&107 01 5 SAM200 MTWTh 1pm - 2:05pm KangasAPPLIED MATH FOR TECHNICIANSPREREQ: Satisfactory performance on Math placement test.1312 MATH110 CA 3 SAM400 TTh 2pm - 3:15pm KnudsonQ APPLICATIONS OF MATH TO MANAGEMENT LIFE & SSCIPREREQ: MATH 098 w/ 2.5 or better or placement exam w/in the last 3 years.*1315 MATH116 01 5 SAM301 MTWTh 12pm - 1:05pm SolowanPRECALCULUS IPREREQ: MATH 098 with 2.5 or better OR 1.5 years of high school algebra AND placement examwithin the last 3 years. NOTE: Your section of this math course may be taught in an ALTERNATIVEFORMAT! Check here to find out if your section is one of these: www.tinyurl.com/mathsections1323 MATH&141 02 5 SAM207 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Perkins1324 MATH&141 03 5 SAM207 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Perkins1325 MATH&141 04 5 BE4181 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Firpo1326 MATH&141 05 5 SAM207 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Faust1327 MATH&141 11 5 SAM102 MW 6pm - 8:30pm Hsieh1328 MATH&141 12 5 SAM207 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm BellPRECALCULUS IIPREREQ: MATH&141 with a 2.2 or better or 2 years of high school math AND placement examwithin the last 3 years. NOTE: Your section of this math course may be taught in an ALTERNATIVEFORMAT! Check here to find out if your section is one of these: www.tinyurl.com/mathsections1331 MATH&142 01 5 SAM103 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Langkamp1332 MATH&142 02 5 BE4156 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Tiu1333 MATH&142 03 5 SAM103 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Hartzler1334 MATH&142 04 5 SAM200 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Botz1335 MATH&142 05 5 SAM103 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Mozeleski1336 MATH&142 06 5 BE4181 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Bonicalzi1337 MATH&142 07 5 SAM207 DAILY 1pm - 1:50pm Pepe1339 MATH&142 12 5 SAM102 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm HsiehINTRODUCTION TO STATISTICSPREREQ: MATH 098 with 2.5 or better or MATH 116 with 2.0 or better within the last 3 years.NOTE: Your section of this math course may be taught in an ALTERNATIVE FORMAT! Check hereto find out if your section is one of these: www.tinyurl.com/mathsections*1342 MATH&146 01 5 SAM102 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Wright*1343 MATH&146 HY1 5 SAM102 MWF 11am - 11:50am MozeleskiItem # 1343 is a Hybrid Course and includes both face-to-face and online study.*1344 MATH&146 02 5 SAM102 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Wright*1345 MATH&146 HY3 5 SAM301 T 6pm - 8:30pm GrayItem # 1345 is a Hybrid Course and includes both face-to-face and online study.Technology Note: Students taking MATH&151 and higher should be proficient inMathematica and must take CSC 102Q.Credit classes25

Credit classes26CALCULUS IPREREQ: MATH& 142 with 2.2 or better within the last 3 years. NOTE: Your section of this mathcourse may be taught in an ALTERNATIVE FORMAT! Check here to find out if your section is oneof these: www.tinyurl.com/mathsections*1350 MATH&151 01 5 SAM102 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Ellingston*1351 MATH&151 02 5 SAM301 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Pepe*1352 MATH&151 03 5 SAM301 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Botz*1353 MATH&151 04 5 SAM301 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Solowan*1354 MATH&151 05 5 SAM307 DAILY 1pm - 1:50pm Botz*1355 MATH&151 06 5 SAM101 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Pepe*1356 MATH&151 11 5 SAM101 MW 6pm - 8:30pm SwisshelmCALCULUS IIPREREQ: MATH& 151 with a 2.0 or better within the last 3 years AND, if not MATHEMATICAproficient, concurrent enrollment in CSC 102-Q.*1361 MATH&152 02 5 SAM101 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Terefe*1362 MATH&152 03 5 SAM101 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Terefe*1363 MATH&152 04 5 SAM307 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Johns*1364 MATH&152 05 5 SAM307 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Johns*1366 MATH&152 12 5 SAM101 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm SwisshelmCALCULUS IIIPREREQ: MATH& 152 with 2.0 or better within the last 3 years, AND, if not MATHEMATICA proficient,concurrent enrollment in CSC 102-Q.*1369 MATH&153 01 5 SAM307 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Perkins*1370 MATH&153 02 5 SAM307 DAILY 10am - 10:50am KangasQ - DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSPREREQ: MATH& 152 with 2.0 of better within the last 3 years; MATH& 153 strongly recommended.*1371 MATH238 01 5 SAM102 DAILY 9am - 9:50am LangkampINDEPENDENT STUDYPREREQ: Permission.1374 MATH299 01 5 SAM110 ARR ARR StaffDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICSPREREQ: MATH 098 with 2.5 or better or MATH 116 with 2.0 or better within the last 3 years.9196 MATH&146 OL 5 Online TiuMeteorologySAM110 206.934.3858Distance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060METEOROLOGY8919 MEY100 C01 5 Correspondence CastellMusicBE4128 206.934.4164*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00introduction to music of the western world0853 MUSC110 01 5 ARR DAILY 10am - 10:50am StaffMUSIC THEORY I*0848 MUSC&141 01 5 BPH101 DAILY 8am - 8:50am KirkLAB BE3151 TTh 8am - 8:50amINTROduction TO WORLD MUSIC0853 MUSC110 01 5 BE4151 DAILY 10:00am-10:50am CauterBEGINNING GROUP INSTRUCTION: VOICE0858 MUSC119 01 2 BPH202 MWF 11am - 11:50am MeslerINTERMEDIATE GROUP INSTRUCTION: VOICEPREREQ: MUSC 119 or permission.0859 MUSC120 01 2 BPH202 MWF 11am - 11:50am MeslerBEGINNING GROUP PIANO - 1ST QUARTER0860 MUSC126 01 2 BPH202 MWF 8am - 8:50am Sasaki0861 MUSC126 02 2 BPH202 MWF 9am - 9:50am Sasaki0862 MUSC126 03 2 BPH202 MWF 10am - 10:50am Sasaki0863 MUSC126 04 2 BPH202 MWF 12pm - 12:50pm Sasaki0864 MUSC126 05 2 BPH202 MWF 1pm - 1:50pm MeslerBEGINNING GROUP PIANO - 2ND QUARTERPREREQ: MUSC 126 or permission.0870 MUSC127 01 2 BPH202 MWF 8am - 8:50am Sasaki0871 MUSC127 02 2 BPH202 MWF 9am - 9:50am Sasaki0872 MUSC127 03 2 BPH202 MWF 10am - 10:50am Sasaki0873 MUSC127 04 2 BPH202 MWF 12pm - 12:50pm Sasaki0874 MUSC127 05 2 BPH202 MWF 1pm - 1:50pm Mesler<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>BEGINNING GROUP PIANO - 3RD QUARTERPREREQ: MUSC 127 or permission.0880 MUSC128 01 2 BPH202 MWF 8am - 8:50am Sasaki0881 MUSC128 02 2 BPH202 MWF 9am - 9:50am Sasaki0882 MUSC128 03 2 BPH202 MWF 10am - 10:50am Sasaki0883 MUSC128 04 2 BPH202 MWF 12pm - 12:50pm Sasaki0884 MUSC128 05 2 BPH202 MWF 1pm - 1:50pm MeslerINDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION SERIES0890 MUSC130 01 2 BE4128 ARR ARR Mesler0974 MUSC130 02 2 BE4128 ARR ARR King0975 MUSC130 03 2 BE4128 ARR ARR Lee0978 MUSC130 05 2 BE4128 ARR ARR StrandbergINDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION: WOODWINDSPREREQ: Permission.0894 MUSC134 01 2 BE4128 ARR ARR AntolinINDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION: PERCUSSIONPREREQ: Permission0895 MUSC135 01 2 BE4128 ARR ARR KirkINDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION: COMPOSITIONPREREQ: Permission.0896 MUSC136 01 2 BE4128 ARR ARR MeslerINDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION: GUITARPREREQ: Permission.0898 MUSC138 01 2 BE4128 ARR ARR Mardis0988 MUSC138 02 2 BE4128 ARR ARR Catford0989 MUSC138 03 2 BE4128 ARR ARR ContrerasPOP VOCAL ENSEMBLE0902 MUSC145 01 2 BPH202 MWF 2pm - 2:50pm MeslerJAZZ ENSEMBLE IPREREQ: ability to play an instrument at a 12th-grade level or better.0904 MUSC146 01 5 BPH104 MWF 1pm - 3:30pm KirkJAZZ ENSEMBLE IIPREREQ: MUSC 146 or permission of instructor.0905 MUSC147 01 5 BPH104 MWF 1pm - 3:30pm KirkJAZZ ENSEMBLE IIIPREREQ: MUSC 147 or permission of instructor.0906 MUSC148 01 5 BPH104 MWF 1pm - 3:30pm KirkPERFORMANCE EXPERIENCE0912 MUSC151 01 2 BPH202 TTh 1pm - 2:30pm MeslerHISTORY OF AMERICAN POPULAR MUSIC0913 MUSC161 01 5 BPH101 DAILY 9am - 9:50am CauterINDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION: PIANOPREREQ: Permission.0891 MUSC171 01 2 BE4128 ARR ARR Sasaki0981 MUSC171 02 2 BE4128 ARR ARR Mesler0982 MUSC171 03 2 BE4128 ARR ARR WillrichINDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION: BRASSPREREQ: Permission.0897 MUSC173 01 2 BE4128 ARR ARR GrassoCOMPUTER MUSIC AND RECORDING*0914 MUSC185 02 5 BE3151 MW 10am - 12:30pm KirkJAZZ MASTERS OF THE 20TH CENTURY*0915 MUSC205 01 5 BPH104 TTh 2:30pm - 4:30pm KirkGROUP PIANO - 4TH QUARTERPREREQ: MUSC 128 or permission.0876 MUSC221 04 2 BPH202 MWF 12pm - 12:50pm Sasaki0877 MUSC221 03 2 BPH202 MWF 10am - 10:50am Sasaki0879 MUSC221 05 2 BPH202 MWF 1pm - 1:50pm MeslerGROUP PIANO - 5TH QUARTERPREREQ: MUSC 221 or permission.0878 MUSC222 03 2 BPH202 MWF 10am - 10:50am Sasaki0887 MUSC222 05 2 BPH202 MWF 1pm - 1:50pm Mesler0889 MUSC222 02 2 BPH202 MWF 9am - 9:50am SasakiGROUP PIANO - 6TH QUARTERPREREQ: MUSC 222 or permission. Practicum in various skills in music, such as tutorial assistantin piano theory, coaching vocal students or apprenticeship in use of electronic equipment(Broadway Performance Hall).0888 MUSC223 05 2 BPH202 MWF 1pm - 1:50pm MeslerPRACTICUM IN MUSICPREREQ: Permission of dean.0925 MUSC299 01 5 BE4128 ARR ARR Lane

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>Campus Seminar CoursesBE1140 206.934.4060ROCK MUSIC - HISTORY AND PERSPECTIVES I8927 MUSC116 S01 5 BPH101 Campus Seminar CauterHISTORY OF JAZZ8903 MUSC204 S01 5 BPH101 Campus Seminar CauterDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060ROCK MUSIC - HISTORY AND PERSPECTIVES I8925 MUSC116 C01 5 Correspondence Cauter9144 MUSC116 OL 5 Online CauterHISTORY OF JAZZ8821 MUSC204 C01 5 Correspondence Cauter9146 MUSC204 OL 5 Online CauterNursingBE3204 206.934.4123 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/nursingNURSING II: MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING4500 NUR102 01 3 BE3189 MT 10am - 11:20am Parker4501 NUR102 02 3 BE3199 MT 3pm - 4:20pm ParkerNURSING PRACTICE IIPREREQ: Current enrollment in the Nursing program.4504 NUR112 01 3 ARR ARR Staff4506 NUR112 02 3 ARR ARR Staff4508 NUR112 03 3 ARR ARR Staff4510 NUR112 04 3 ARR ARR Staff4512 NUR112 05 3 ARR ARR Staff4514 NUR112 06 3 ARR ARR StaffPHARMACOLOGY FOR NURSINGPREREQ: Current enrollment in the Nursing program.4520 NUR123 01 4 BE3189 MT 8am - 9:50am Staff4521 NUR123 02 4 BE3199 MT 1pm - 2:50pm StaffADN PROGRAM STUDY GROUP II4524 NUR191 01 2 BE3201 MT 12pm - 12:50pm StaffLAB ARR ARR4526 NUR191 02 2 BE3202 MT 12pm - 12:50pm StaffLAB ARR ARRNURSING V: MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSINGPREREQ: Taken concurrently with NUR 217 and NUR 220.4530 NUR207 01 4 BE3199 MT 9am - 10:50am Staff4532 NUR207 02 4 BE3193 MT 1pm - 2:50am StaffNURSING PRACTICE VPREREQ: Current enrollment in the Nursing program.4534 NUR217 01 5 ARR ARR Staff4536 NUR217 02 5 ARR ARR Staff4538 NUR217 03 5 ARR ARR Staff4540 NUR217 04 5 ARR ARR Staff4542 NUR217 05 5 ARR ARR Staff4544 NUR217 06 5 ARR ARR StaffHEALTH PROMOTIONS AND MANAGING CAREPREREQ: Current enrollment in the Nursing program.4548 NUR220 01 2 BE3199 MT 11am - 11:50am Staff4549 NUR220 02 2 BE3193 MT 3pm - 3:50pm StaffADN PROGRAM STUDY GROUP V4550 NUR291 01 2 BE3193 MT 12pm - 12:50pm StaffNutritionSAM110 206.934.3858HUMAN NUTRITIONPREREQ: Eligibility for MATH 084 and ENGL&101.1376 NTR150 01 5 SAM105 MWF 9am - 9:50am StaffLAB SAM203 TTh 9am - 9:50am1378 NTR150 02 5 SAM203 MW 3pm - 5:20pm Baum1379 NTR150 12 5 SAM202 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm McAbeeDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060HUMAN NUTRITIONPREREQ: Eligibility for MATH 084 and ENGL&101.8823 NTR150 C01 5 Correspondence Ocken9148 NTR150 OL 5 Online Ockenadvanced nutritionPREREQ: Eligibility for MATH 084 and ENGL&101.8825 NTR155 C01 5 Correspondence OckenOceanographySAM110 206.934.3858Distance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060INTRODUCTION TO OCEANOGRAPHY8923 OCEA&100 C01 5 Correspondence CastellOpticianryBE3210 206.934.4347 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/opticianryPREREQ: Enrollment in The School of Opticianry.ORIENTATION TO OPHTHALMIC DISPENSING3720 OPH100 01 2 BE2125 M 1pm - 2:50pm CoffmanOPTICAL THEORY I3722 OPH101 01 5 BE2125 M 10am - 12:50am PrewittBE2125 T 8am - 9:50amOPHTHALMIC DISPENSING I3733 OPH107 01 5 BE2125 T 1pm - 1:50pm CoffmanBE2125 Th 12pm - 1:50pmLAB BE2132 T 2pm - 3:50pmLAB BE2132 W 10amm - 11:50pm3734 OPH107 02 5 BE2125 T 1pm - 1:50pm CoffmanBE2125 Th 12pm - 1:50pm CoffmanLAB BE2132 MW 8am - 9:50amOPTICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY I3739 OPH110 01 3 BE2125 Th 8am - 9:50am FenderLAB BE2125 ARR ARROPTICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY II3742 OPH111 01 3 BE2125 T 10am - 11:50am PrewittLAB BE2131 M 8am - 9:50am Fender3743 OPH111 02 3 BE2125 T 10am - 11:50am SabellaLAB BE2131 Th 10am - 11:50am FenderWORK EXPerience: opthalmic dispensing3715 OPH197 01 5 ARR ARR VanvlietOPTHALMIC DISPENSING3716 OPH198 01 5 ARR ARR VanvlietOPTHALMIC DISPENSING3717 OPH199 01 5 ARR ARR VanvlietCONTACT LENSES TECH III3754 OPH204 01 6 BE2125 T 8am - 9:50am CoffmanBE2125 Th 11am - 11:50amLAB BE2132 T 10am - 12:50pmLAB BE2132 Th 8am - 10:50am3755 OPH204 02 6 BE2125 T 8am - 9:50am CoffmanBE2125 Th 11am - 11:50amLAB BE2125 M 10am - 12:50pmLAB BE2132 W 12pm - 2:50pmFINISHING III3763 OPH212 01 5 BE3201 M 8am - 9:50am PrewittLAB BE2131 MW 12pm - 2:50pm Vanvliet3764 OPH212 02 5 BE2131 M 8am - 9:50am PrewittLAB BE2131 TTh 12pm - 2:50pm VanvlietOPHTHALMIC DISPENSING BUSiness3772 OPH296 01 3 BE2123 W 9am - 9:50am VanvlietLAB BE2123 MW 10am - 11:50am Sabella3773 OPH296 02 3 BE2123 W 9am - 9:50am VanvlietLAB BE2123 T 10am - 11:50am SabellaLAB BE2123 Th 9am - 10:50am SabellaPhilosophyBE4128 206.934.4164INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY0936 PHIL&101 01 5 FA406 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Curtis0951 PHIL&120 02 5 FA406 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Curtis0953 PHIL&101 03 5 FA302 MW 6pm - 8:30pm Horton0952 PHIL&101 04 5 FA302 TTh 2:40pm - 5pm Hortoncontemporary moral problems0937 PHIL102 01 5 FA302 TTh 12pm - 2:20pm HortonSYMBOLIC LOGICPREREQ: MATH 098.0950 PHIL&120 01 5 BE4182 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Harms0938 PHIL&120 01 5 BE4182 MW 2:40pm - 5pm HortonCredit classes27

Credit classes28PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE0954 PHIL160 01 5 BE4171 DAILY 11am - 11:50am HarmsDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY8932 PHIL&101 C01 5 Correspondence Grimessymbolic logic8935 PHIL&120 C01 5 Correspondence Grimes9150 PHIL&120 OL 5 Online StaffINTRODUCTION TO ETHICS9065 PHIL215 VI 5 Video/DVD GeorgePhotographyBE5166 206.934.3830 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/photography*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00First YearNEW MEDIA II*1990 NME120 01 6 BE5148 F 9am - 12pm SalverdaLAB BE5148 TTh 2pm - 4pmCAMERA TECHNIQUES IIPREREQ: PHO 111*3473 PHO112 01 3 BE5150 M 9am - 1pm MilneLIGHTING TECHNIQUES II*3476 PHO122 01 3 BE5150 T 9am - 1pm HammondDARKROOM TECHNIQUES II*3480 PHO132 01 3 BE5150 W 9am - 1pm MilneDIGITAL IMAGING*3477 PHO142 01 4 BE5150 Th 9am - 2pm HammondSecond YearADVERTISING PRODUCTION3483 PHO215 01 4 BE5148 M 9am - 2pm HammondCONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT*3488 PHO225 01 3 BE5148 W 9am - 1pm HammondPROFESSIONAL BUSINESS PRACTICES II*3492 PHO235 01 3 BE5148 F 9am - 1pm StaffNEW MEDIA*3497 PHO245 01 3 BE5148 Th 9am - 1pm MilnePORTFOLIO II*3494 PHO255 01 3 BE5148 T 9am - 1pm MilnePhysical EducationSAC314 206.934.4152BEGINNING MARTIAL ARTS2885 PEC104 01 2 MAC207 MWF 10am - 10:50am Gittins2886 PEC104 02 2 MAC207 MWF 1pm - 1:50pm GittinsINTERMEDIATE MARTIAL ARTS2887 PEC105 01 2 MAC207 MWF 10am - 10:50am Gittins2888 PEC105 02 2 MAC207 MWF 1pm - 1:50pm GittinsADVANCED MARTIAL ARTS2889 PEC106 01 2 MAC207 MWF 10am - 10:50am Gittins2890 PEC106 02 2 MAC207 MWF 1pm - 1:50pm GittinsBEGINNING BASKETBALL2892 PEC130 01 2 MAC301 MWF 11am - 11:50am GittinsBEGINNING WEIGHT TRAINING2894 PEC131 01 2 MAC154 TTh 10:30am - 11:50am MurphyYOGA2895 PEC136 01 2 MAC207 TTh 9am - 10:20am Sand2896 PEC136 02 2 MAC207 TTh 10:30am - 11:50am Sand2898 PEC136 03 2 MAC207 TTh 6pm - 7:20pm SandYOGA II2897 PEC137 01 2 MAC207 TTh 1pm – 2:20pm SandPHYSICAL FITNESS2899 PEC150 01 2 MAC301 TTh 1pm - 2:20pm MurphyBODY CONDITIONING2901 PEC165 01 2 MAC301 TTh 9am - 10:20am MurphySWING DANCING2910 PEC298 01 2 FA113 MW 12pm – 12:50pm O’Nealsalsa and latin dance2900 PEC298 01 2 FA113 TTh 10am - 10:50am Chavez<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>PhysicsSAM 110 206.934.3858*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00PHYSICS FOR NON-SCIENCE MAJORSPREREQ: Eligibility for MATH 084 and ENGL&101.1385 PHYS&100 01 5 SAM206 DAILY 11am - 11:50am WellmanGENERAL PHYSICS I WITH LABPREREQ: MATH 098 w/ 2.5 or better.*1390 PHYS&114 01 5 SAM206 TW 1pm - 2:50pm WellmanLAB SAM205 F 1pm - 2:50pmGENERAL PHYSICS II WITH LABPREREQ: PHYS&114 or permission.*1394 PHYS&115 01 5 SAM202 MWThF 12pm - 12:50pm HartzlerLAB SAM205 T 2pm - 3:50pmENGINEERING PHYSICS IPREREQ: MATH&151 w/ 2.5 or better in the last 3 years.*1400 PHYS&221 01 5 SAM206 MWThF 8am - 8:50am LepeintreLAB SAM205 M 1pm - 2:50pmENGINEERING PHYSICS IIPREREQ: PHYS&221 and MATH&152 w/ a 2.0 or better.*1401 PHYS&222 01 5 SAM206 MTThF 10am - 10:50am BonicalziLAB SAM205 Th 2pm - 3:50pm*1402 PHYS&222 02 5 SAM205 MTThF 11am - 11:50am HellerLAB SAM205 W 2pm - 3:50pm*1403 PHYS&222 03 5 SAM205 MTThF 12pm - 12:50pm HellerLAB SAM205 W 12pm - 1:50pm*1404 PHYS&222 12 5 SAM206 T 6pm - 8:50pm BonicalziLAB SAM206 Th 6pm - 7pmLAB SAM205 Th 7pm - 8:50pmSPECIAL TOPICSPREREQ: Permission.1407 PHYS298 01 1 SAM110 ARR ARR HellerLAB ARR ARRINDEPENDENT STUDYPREREQ: Permission.1418 PHYS299 01 5 SAM110 ARR ARR Staff1419 PHYS299 221 1 SAM110 ARR ARR Lepeintre1420 PHYS299 222 1 SAM110 ARR ARR HellerPolitical ScienceBE4128 206.934.4164*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE1589 POLS&101 01 5 BE4118 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Livingston1590 POLS&101 02 5 BE4118 DAILY 9am - 9:50am LivingstonAMERICAN GOVERNMENT1593 POLS&202 01 5 BE4118 DAILY 10am - 10:50am Livingston1595 POLS&202 02 5 BE4130 MW 6pm - 8:30pm Staff1596 POLS&202 HY3 5 BE4143 MW 1pm - 3:30pm EschINTERNATIONAL RELATIONS*1606 POLS&203 HY1 5 BE4143 MW 11am - 12:30pm EschLAB BE3156 T 10am - 10:50am*1607 POLS&203 HY2 5 BE4143 TTh 11am - 12:30pm EschLAB BE3156 T 11am - 11:50amGOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF THE MIDDLE EAST*1609 POLS255 01 5 BE4105 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm Al-madaniINDEPENDENT STUDY IN POLITICAL SCIENCEPREREQ: Permission of dean.1613 POLS298 01 5 BE4128 ARR ARR LaneDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060CONTEMPORARY WORLD8939 POLS&112 C01 5 Correspondence CurtisPsychologyBE4128 206.934.4164GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY1617 PSYC&100 01 5 BE4135 DAILY 8:00am-8:50am Higdon1618 PSYC&100 02 5 BE4143 DAILY 10:00am-10:50am Tyler1619 PSYC&100 03 5 BE4122 DAILY 10:00am-10:50am Jeffreys Jr.1620 PSYC&100 04 5 BE4126 DAILY 12:00pm-12:50pm Balhan1621 PSYC&100 05 5 BE4134 MW 6:00pm-8:30pm Molina1622 PSYC&100 06 5 BE4122 TTh 6:00pm-8:30pm Pitkanen

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>1623 PSYC&100 07 5 FA0125 DAILY 1:00pm-1:50pm Iannone1624 PSYC&100 08 5 BE4104 DAILY 2:00pm-2:50pm Leeson1625 PSYC&100 09 5 FA0302 DAILY 11:00am-11:50am Balhan1626 PSYC&100 10 5 BE4182 DAILY 12:00pm-12:50pm BattS-PSYCHOLOGY OF ADJUSTMENT1630 PSYC120 IP 3 BE3212 TWTh 10:00am-10:50am SmithItem #1630 is designated for International Program students only.LIFESPAN PSYCHOLOGYPREREQ: PSYC& 100 or permission.1632 PSYC&200 01 5 BE4122 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Jeffreys Jr.1633 PSYC&200 02 5 BE4122 DAILY 11am - 11:50am TylerABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY1640 PSYC&220 01 5 BE4122 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Jeffreys Jr.SURVEY OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY1645 PSYC222 01 5 BPH0101 DAILY 11:00am-11:50am BattPSYCHOLOGY OF HUMAN RELATIONS1651 PSYC240 01 5 WTC0105 TTh 7:15am-8:30am LockmanPSYCHOLOGY OF GENDER1655 PSYC257 01 5 BE4136 DAILY 10:00am-10:50am BalhanINDIVIDUAL STUDY - PSYCHOLOGY1671 PSYC298 01 5 BE4128 ARR ARR LaneCampus Seminar CoursesBE1140 206.934.4060GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY8942 PSYC&100 S01 5 Campus Seminar SmithDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY8944 PSYC&100 C01 5 Correspondence Smith9070 PSYC&100 VI 5 Video/DVD Smith9152 PSYC&100 OL 5 Online Ryan9155 PSYC&100 OL 5 Online RyanLIFESPAN PSYCHOLOGYPREREQ: PSYC& 100 or permission.9010 PSYC&200 VI 5 Video/DVD RyanDEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY9075 PSYC207 VI 5 Video/DVD RichardsABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY9080 PSYC&220 VI 5 Video/DVD Higdon9168 PSYC&220 OL 5 Online BalhanRespiratory CareBE3210 206.934.4347 • www.seattlecentral.edu/programs/respiratory*COMPUTER LAB FEE$46.00CLINICAL PRACTICE I3786 RCP120 01 4 MThF 7am - 3:30pm Mahoney3787 RCP120 02 4 MThF 7am - 3:30pm Luksich3788 RCP120 03 4 MThF 7am - 3:30pm Barbee3789 RCP120 04 4 MThF 7am - 3:30pm Moore3790 RCP120 05 4 MThF 7am - 3:30pm Morris3794 RCP120 06 4 MThF 7am - 3:30pm Gray3796 RCP120 07 4 MThF 7am - 3:30pm StaffPATHOPHYSIOLOGY FOR RESPIRATORY CARE I3791 RCP123 01 1 BE3193 W 9am - 9:50am GogliaRESPIRATORY CARE FUNDAMENTALS II3792 RCP124 01 5 BE3193 T 9am - 10:50am MahoneyLAB BE3224 T 12:30pm - 2:30pmLAB BE W 10am - 11:50am3795 RCP124 02 5 BE3192 T 9am - 10:50am MahoneyLAB BE3224 W 12:30pm - 2:30pmPHARMACOLOGY FOR RESPIRATORY CARE II3793 RCP125 01 1 BE3202 T 11am - 11:50am ClarkCLINICAL PRACTICE V3831 RCP260 01 6 ThF 7am - 3:30pm Goglia3832 RCP260 02 6 ThF 7am - 3:30pm Mahoney3833 RCP260 03 6 ThF 7am - 3:30pm Aslin3834 RCP260 04 6 ThF 7am - 3:30pm Poffenroth3835 RCP260 05 6 ThF 7am - 3:30pm Liu3836 RCP260 06 6 ThF 7am - 3:30pm StaffENTRY LEVEL EXAM REVIEW*3837 RCP262 01 1 BE3201 W 9am - 9:50am ClarkRESPIRATORY CARE FUNDAMENTALS VI3838 RCP264 01 3 BE3193 M 8am - 9:30am GogliaLAB BE W 10am - 11:30amADVANCED MECHANICAL VENTILATION3839 RCP267 01 2 BE3193 M 9:30am - 11:30am ClarkINDEPENDENT STUDY IN RESPIRATORY CAREPREREQ: Enrollment in the program.3840 RCP299 01 1 ARR ARR ARR GogliaScienceSAM110 206.934.3858INDEPENDENT RESEARCHPREREQ: Permission.1441 UGR294 01 5 SAM105 W 2pm - 3:50pm WiseleyService-Learning ProgramBE1103 206.934.5422 • seattlecentral.edu/course/servlearn.phpReceive credit while you participate in local and international community service.Contact the program office for more information.Social and Human ServicesBE3212A 206.934.6900INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN SERVICESPREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL&101 and MATH 084.3854 SHS100 01 5 BE4168 TTh 12pm - 2:20pm Martin-watersSURVEY OF INSTITUTIONSPREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL&101 and MATH 084.3855 SHS103 01 5 BE3192 MW 6pm - 8:20pm StaffPRINCIPLES OF INTERVIEWING AND COUNSELINGPREREQ: Eligibility for ENG 101 and MAT 084.3856 SHS106 01 5 BE3219 MW 12pm - 2:20pm StaffGROUP DYNAMICS & COUNSELINGPREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL&101 and MATH 084.3857 SHS108 01 5 BE3201 TTh 6pm - 8:20pm Staffhiv/aids workshop3860 SHS150 01 1 BE3211 FS 12pm - 3:50pm VanzoFri. 2/7, 12pm - 3:50pm and Sat. 28 & 3/1, 8:30am - 4:30pm.THEORIES OF COUNSELINGPREREQ: SHS 1063883 SHS200 01 4 BE3219 TTh 6pm - 8:20pm StaffMULTICULTURAL COUNSELINGPREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL&101 and MATH 084.3862 SHS210 01 3 BE3201 Th 3pm - 5:50pm Vanzorelapse prevention3868 SHS225 01 1 TBA FS 12pm - 3:50pm StaffFri.1/31, 12pm - 3:50pm and Sat. 2/1, 8:30am - 4:30pm.PHYSIOLOGY ALCOHOLISMPREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL&101 and MATH 084.3865 SHS231 01 3 BE3193 MW 6pm - 8:20pm HoCHEMICAL DEPENDENCY COUNSELINGPREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL&101 and MATH 084.3869 SHS233 01 5 BE3211 MW 8:30am - 10:50am Hogroup dynamics+COUNSELING3871 SHS235 01 5 BE3219 TTH 8:30am-10:50am StaffMENTAL HEALTH OVERVIEW3864 SHS245 01 3 TBA MW 12pm - 1:50pm StaffCLIENT AND COMMUNITY ADVOCACYPREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL&101.3878 SHS250 01 4 BE3219 TTh 12pm - 2:20pm BatayolaLAW AND ETHICS IN CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY3885 SHS270 01 5 TBD MW 3pm-5:20pm VanzoCHEMICAL DEPENDENCY CASE MANAGEMENTPREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL&101 and MATH 084.3882 SHS280 01 3 BE3201 T 3pm - 5:20pm StaffINDEPENDENT STUDY OR RESEARCH3852 SHS299 01 5 BE3220 ARR ARR SullivanField Placement in the Human ServicesPREREQ: Permission. Attend orientation meeting. Date TBD.FIELD PLACEMENT: CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY3905 CDS197 01 3 TBA ARR ARR Ho3906 CDS198 01 3 TBA ARR ARR Ho3907 CDS199 01 4 TBA ARR ARR HoCredit classes29

<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Credit classes30FIELD PLACEMENT SOCIAL AND HUMAN SERVICEs3908 SHS197 01 3 ARR ARR ARR Martin-Waters3909 SHS198 01 3 ARR ARR ARR Martin-Waters3910 SHS199 01 4 ARR ARR ARR Martin-WatersSocial and Human Services WorkshopsCredit for participation in approved human services professional workshops.topic: BUILDING HEALTHY FAMILIES3886 SHS297 01 2 BE3201 FS ARR StaffFri. 1/24 & 2/7, 12pm - 3:50pm and Sat. 1/25 & 2/8, 8:30am - 4:30pm.topic: BUDGET AND FINANCE3880 SHS297 01 2 BE3199 FS ARR StaffFri. 2/21 & 2/28, 12pm - 3:50pm and Sat. 2/22 & 3/1, 8:30am - 4:30pm.topic: GRIEF AND LOSS3891 SHS298 03 3 BE3199 TTH 8:30am-10:50am Martin-Waterstopic: GRANT WRITING3895 SHS298 01 3 BE3165 8:30am-4:30pm GephartSat. 1/11, 1/18, 1/25.SociologyBE4128 206.934.4164INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY1684 SOC&101 06 5 BE4135 DAILY 11am - 11:50am Oka1685 SOC&101 01 5 BE4144 DAILY 8am - 8:50am Hinckley1686 SOC&101 02 5 BE4144 DAILY 9am - 9:50am Hinckley1687 SOC&101 03 5 BE4135 MW 12pm - 2:30pm Cook1688 SOC&101 04 5 BE3201 TTh 12pm - 2:20pm Furuta1689 SOC&101 05 5 BE4148 TTh 6pm - 8:30pm MillenINTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN CULTURE1690 SOC102 IP 5 BE4181 DAILY 3pm - 3:50pm HornbeckSOCIOLOGY OF ASIAN AMERICANS1692 SOC106 01 5 BE4135 DAILY 10am - 10:50am OkaRACE AND ETHNIC RELATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES1694 SOC150 01 5 BE4144 DAILY 11am - 11:50am HinckleySPECIAL TOPICS IN SOCIOLOGYPREREQ: Permission of dean.1718 SOC298 01 5 BE4128 ARR ARR LaneSPECIAL PROBLEMS IN SOCIOLOGYPREREQ: Permission of dean.1719 SOC299 01 5 BE4128 ARR ARR LaneDistance EducationBE1140 206.934.4060INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY8954 SOC&101 C01 5 Correspondence Cho9154 SOC&101 OL 5 Online Furuta9155 SOC&101 OL 5 Online OkaStudy SkillsBE4180 206.934.3851PEER TUTORINGPREREQ: Permission of faculty.3965 EDUC200 01 5 ARR ARR ARR Soumaself-awareness through critical thinking etc.3967 HDC103 01 3 BE4185 MWF 12pm - 12:50pm YoungLISTENING AND LECTURE NOTE TAKING STRATEGIESClass meets 3/3 - 4/14.3970 HDC114 01 1 BE2122 DAILY 12pm - 12:50pm HammieTEST TAKING SKILLS AND ANXIETY MANAGEMENTClass meets 1/27 - 2/7.3971 HDC115 01 1 BE2122 12pm - 12:50pm ZeretzkeSurgical TechnologyBE3210 206.934.4347 • seattlecentral.edu/programs/surgicaltechSURGICAL THEORY IIPREREQ: Permission.3895 SURG123 01 9 BE3188 MF 8am - 2:30pm HallmanSURGICAL LAB3899 SURG121 01 6 BE3188 TWTh 8am – 2:30pm WhitsittLAB BE3187 ARR ARR HallmanCLINICAL PRACTICE IPREREQ: Permission. Off campus.3896 SURG125 01 4 ARR ARR WhitsittWood ConstructionWC 326 2310 S. Lane Street 206.934.5460seattlecentral.edu/wood/index.php*COMPUTER LAB FEE $46.00 WCO LAB FEE $46.00CoreINTRODUCTION TO PROFESSIONAL WOODWORKINGPREREQ: Permission.7426 WCO110 01 18 WTC105 MTWTh 8:30am - 3:15pm BorgattiMarine CarpentryMARINE CARPENTRYPREREQ: WCO 1107427 WCO130 01 18 WTC209 MTWTh 8:30am - 3:15pm StaffLOFTING AND LAYOUT7431 WCO131 01 18 WTC209 MTWTh 8:30am - 3:15pm StaffINTRODUCTION TO COMPOSITES AND MARINE CABINETRY7432 WCO132 01 18 WTC218 MTWTh 8:30am - 3:15pm StaffADVANCED COMPOSITES7433 WCO133 01 18 WTC218 MTWTh 8:30am - 3:15pm StaffBASIC WOODEN BOATBUILDING7434 WCO134 01 18 WTC209 MTWTh 8:30am - 3:15pm StaffWOODEN BOAT JOINERY AND REPAIR7435 WCO135 01 18 WTC218 MTWTh 8:30am - 3:15pm StaffCarpentryPREREQ: WCO 110FRAMING SYSTEMS FLOOR TO CEILING7443 WCO145 01 9 WTC126 MTWTh ARR MestemacherROOF SYSTEM FRAMING TO ROOFING INSTALLATION7444 WCO146 01 5 WTC126 MTWTh ARR MestemacherSTAIR SYSTEM ROUGH FRAMING TO FINISHED STAIRWELL7445 WCO147 01 4 WTC126 MTWTh ARR MestemacherCabinetmaking & Fine WoodworkingCABINETMAKING & FINE WOODWORKINGPREREQ: WCO 1107429 WCO150 01 18 WTC116 MTWTh 8:30am - 3:15pm Harvey7450 WCO150 02 18 WTC116 MTWTh 8:30am - 3:15pm WassermanINTRODUCTION TO CABINETMAKING FUNDAMENTALS7451 WCO151 01 18 WTC116 MTWTh 8:30am - 3:15pm HarveyBASIC CABINETMAKING FUNDAMENTALS7453 WCO153 01 18 WTC116 MTWTh 8:30am - 3:15pm WassermanADVanced CABINETMAKING ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORKING FUND7455 WCO155 01 18 WTC116 MTWTh 8:30am - 3:15pm WassermanINDEPENDENT CAPSTONE PROJECT7457 WCO157 01 18 WTC116 MTWTh 8:30am - 3:15pm HarveyRelated InstructionCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDERS*1981 MIC103 WC 3 WTC204 TTh 7:15am - 8:30am ChaplanINTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING & DESIGNPREREQ: MIC 103 or permission.*1982 MIC203 WC 3 WTC204 MW 7:15am - 8:30am ChaplanPSYCHOLOGY OF HUMAN RELATIONS1651 PSYC240 01 3 WTC105 TTh 7:15am - 8:30am LockmanWork/Intern/VolunteerBE1103 206.934.5422 seattlecentral.edu/coopEarn 2-8 credits per quarter for jobs, paid/unpaid internships, or volunteer servicein the community based on the number of hours worked per week. Continuousenrollment. Contact the office or, visit our website.Travel/Study CoursesEarn credit for travel/study experiences in an international setting. For information,please go to seattlecentral.edu/coop, call 206.934.5422 or visit our office, inBE1103.

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>ContinuingEducationSustainableBusiness PracticeseXPAND yourhorizonsKeep up with career trends, learnsomething new, or grow inpersonal development withContinuing Education classesdesigned to fit your life and career goals.Whether you are in the business world, retired,or a life-long learner, these courseswill provide you with the k<strong>now</strong>ledgeneeded to excel. Take classes on campusor pick from the many offered online.Learn a skill or just take a class for fun andmake new friends.●●●●●●●●●●●●NEW<strong>Classes</strong>forWINTER<strong>2014</strong>AutoCADComputer Game DesignGrant writingPersonal trainingManagerial TrainingNutritional Therapyclass start date: February 19, <strong>2014</strong>Secrets of French PastryA number of certificate programs areoffered and designed to:●●●●●●●●Update skills for yourcurrent job.Enhance your talents/k<strong>now</strong>ledge.Advance your career.Find a new career direction.You can tailor courses around a busy lifeschedule as classes are offered duringthe day, evenings and on weekends.All courses are taught by field expertsand some programs can be completedin just six weeks!You can also gain job-ready skills thatwill prepare you for careers that arein demand right <strong>now</strong>. Stay ahead ofyour competition with ContinuingEducation certificate courses in:● ● Paralegal TrainingThe opportunity to re-invent yourcareer is just one certificate away.Do you dream of acting? How aboutlearning to dance, taking an art class?Want to learn a new language? Do youdream of life as a writer or a shutterbug?Do you want to be a personal trainer?Interested in woodworking? Wantto brush up on your computer skills?Want to be a pro at finance? We haveclasses for all that and more.For more informationor to register, please visitlearnatcentral.organd don’t forget toLIKE US ON FACEBOOKView a full listing of classes andcertificate programs <strong>begin</strong>ningon the next page.class start date: <strong>January</strong> 15, <strong>2014</strong>American Sign Languageclass start date: <strong>January</strong> 14, <strong>2014</strong>Non-credit classes31

Non-credit classesNon-Credit CourseSContinuing Education at <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>—Never stop learning!Continuing education office Room BE1140, phone 206.934.5448The Continuing Education office is co-located with DistanceEducation in room BE1140 –(bottom level, below Culinary Arts)off Harvard Avenue.Registration for non-credit coursesOnline Go to www.learnatcentral.orgPhone Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express)Call 206.934.5448 during hours of operation (below)Walk In <strong>Register</strong> in person at the Continuing Education office, Room BE1140in the main campus building, Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m.– 6:30p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.No confirmation of registration is sent. Be sure to mark your calendar with yourclass information.Refund policy Requests for refunds may be made by phone 206.934.5448, orin person at room BE 1140. In the event the school cancels a class, a 100% refundwill be given. The refund policy will be applied according to the date the requestis received as follows:Prior to first class session .............................100%, less $6 admin feePrior to second class session .........................100%, less $15 admin feeAfter second class ...................................No RefundParking Space-available basis. $5.00 daily Mon – Fri after 12 noon at the Harvard& Pine parking garage (enter on Harvard Ave) or $82.50 for a quarterly permit–purchase at the cashier’s office, Room BE1104.Special Notices Students with disabilities needing accommodation, please callDisability Services at 206.934.4169No class <strong>January</strong> 20, February 13—school holidays.course titlecostINTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET • $50Item: 6439 BE 3163 W 6:00P-9:00P STAFFitemnumber*buildingand roomnumber*See page 10 for class locations.class daysclass startand end timeinstructornameActing/DramaBASIC ACTING TECHNIQUE FOR STAGE, FILM & TV (Beg.) • $1759 sessions, starts Jan 17(6400). Ever dreamed of acting but felt you lacked the skills? Theacting process can provide the tools to perform in any medium. The course draws the studentinto the actor’s questioning process. In so doing, the student becomes aware of how theirchoices affect a character's behaviors and how these reflect a character's inner psychologicaland emotional life.Item: 6400 BPH 101 F 6:00-8:00P LaigoTHE ACTOR'S WORKSHOP (Continuing StudENTS) • $759 sessions, starts Jan 17(6401). Through scene work and the development of monologues,students continue to explore their own creative process and develop their chops (technique).PREREQ: Completion of Basic Acting Technique for Stage, Film & TV class.Item: 6401 BPH 101 F 6:00-8:00P LaigoAN INTRODUCTION TO VOICE OVERS • $451 session, starts Feb 12(6403). Get started in voiceovers! Learn details about the industry &what you need to find success. Receive a professional voice evaluation.Item: 6403 BE 4159 W 6:00-8:00P StaffONE-ON-ONE "AN INTRODUCTION TO VOICEOVERS (ONLINE) • $491 session, starts Mar 31(6402). Fun, one-on-one, class to get started in Professional VoiceActing, covering some of the many details of the industry. Receive a professional voice evaluation.Taught by a professional voice actor from the voice acting training company, Voices for All.Item: 6402 OnlineNew info & courses added frequently.Visit learnatcentral.org<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>ArtsGRAPHIC DESIGN FOR PRINT MEDIA • $1756 sessions, starts Jan 8(6384). Learn to use Photoshop & Illustrator to print tee shirts andposters, professionally document your artwork, and create graphic designs. Course willdemonstrate how to bring your ideas and artwork to the printing press and more! Work withhalftones and screen angles, produce CMYK and spot color separations, and prepare a designfor commercial printing or your own DIY print project! Class is a combination of live demonstrationand open lab time. Student ID and computer lab fee required.Item: 6384 BE 3168 W 6:00-9:00P HuntressPAINTING OIL & ACRYLIC • $998 sessions, starts Jan 7(6415). No painting first class: introductory discussion of materials,sources and homework assignment. Beginning instruction on an individual basis. Covers thebasics and will expand to meet individual interests and expression. Class will meet in Fine ArtsBuilding 402 or 403.Item: 6415 FA 402 Tu 6:30-9:30P HerardDRAWING & SKETCHING • $998 sessions, starts Jan 8(6416). For <strong>begin</strong>ning/intermediate students. Emphasizes the creativeconcept of contemporary and traditional. Encourages creative expression. No previous artexperience needed. Class will meet in Fine Arts Building 402 or 403.Item: 6416 FA 402 W 6:30-9:30P HerardSTAINED GLASS ART - BEGINNING • $1108 sessions, starts Jan 22(6417). Covers designing, glass cutting and fabrication techniquesused by stained glass artists. Students complete at least two projects. Call instructor at206.935.5682 before enrolling to find out about materials and equipment to buy for class.Item: 6417 BE 4183 W 6:30-9:00P NicholasWATERCOLOR • $1308 sessions, starts Jan 27(6423). Beginning through advanced. Covers basics of watercolorpainting and expands to meet individual interests and expression. Overview of materials andsupply list provided first day of class. Class will meet in Fine Arts Building 402 or 403. Visit:www.chubotin.comItem: 6423 FA 402 M 6:30-9:00P ChubotinLIFE FIGURE DRAWING • $13010 sessions, starts Jan 16(6424). Draw from live models under the guidance of a skilled artist.Suitable for those interested in learning to work on proportions, structure and movement ofthe human figure. Bring graphite pencils and sketch pad. $80 model fee payable to instructorfirst class. Class will meet in Fine Arts Building 402 or 403. Visit: www.chubotin.comItem: 6424 FA 402 Th 6:30-9:00P ChubotinPAINTING FOR EVERYONE • $1208 sessions, starts Jan 25(6430). Explore color, form, space, composition, and technique as asource of personal expression. Work from the model, imagination or memory, in any media. For<strong>begin</strong>ning and intermediate students. Opportunity to exhibit in a <strong>Seattle</strong> gallery. Instructor isa professional artist who has exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and also teaches inLondon and Italy. Class will meet in Fine Arts Building 402 or 403.Item: 6430 FA 402 Sa 10:00A-12:00P GancarzTHE MAGIC OF PHOTO TRANSFERS • $1208 sessions, starts Jan 25(6434). Learn the process of transferring black and white and coloredimages of photographs onto a surface. Students will transfer the image by placing a safemedium onto the paper, wood and or glass. The creativity is endless with this process.Item: 6434 FA 404 Sa 12:00-2:00P GancarzSECRETS OF THE IMPRESSIONIST-LINE PAINTING • $1208 sessions, starts Jan 25(6431). Do you admire the paintings of the Impressionists? Study theirunique brushstroke method to make beautiful paintings. No formal art training needed, just awillingness to learn. Discover how lines of color can make a complete painting just by changingtheir direction. Instructor is a professional teacher and artist in the USA and Italy, who hasexhibited in museums and galleries worldwide. Class will meet in Fine Arts Building 402 or 403.Item: 6431 FA 402 Sa 2:00-4:00P GancarzBASIC JAPANESE PAPERMAKING • $1252 sessions, starts Feb 8(6419). Learn Japanese and Western papermaking techniques includingpulp preparation, sheet forming, pressing and drying. Students will create their own sheet. Wewill explore laminating, embedding and using collage. $20 material fee payable to instructorthe first class. Limit 5 students. Class meets off campus at instructor’s studio (Pioneer Square).Item: 6419 Off Campus Su, Sa 10:00A-5:00P SuzukiCREATIVE PAPERMAKING WITH COLOR & OTHER MATERIAL • $1252 sessions, starts Mar 8(6420). Create art using handmade paper as a medium. Illustrate aselection of images and textures from examples presented by the instructor. Learn to mix avariety of color pulp and choose from a selection of materials to create a project. $20 materialfee payable to instructor the first class. Limit 5 students. Class meets off campus at instructor’sstudio (Pioneer Square).Item: 6420 Off Campus Su, Sa 10:00AM-5:00P Suzuki32

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>COLLAGE, "PAINTING WITH PAPER" • $1408 sessions, starts Jan 9(6452).“Collage” is a French word meaning “to glue.” Come and createunique paintings by gluing pieces of paper which have been found, collected or purchased.Work from realism to abstraction emphasizing composition, value, and mixing colors withpapers. Class will discuss the relationship of collage to drawing and painting. Projects includestill life, landscape, portraits, assemblages and more. Visit: www.patriciawilsonstudio@blogspot.com.Item: 6452 BE 4175 Th 6:30-9:00P WilsonDRAWING AND ART HISTORY ON LOCATION IN ITALY SUMMER <strong>2014</strong> •$295(6435). Spend a month in the birthplace of the Renaissance, Florence, Italy. For students, professionals,artists, <strong>begin</strong>ners to advanced. Draw on location, in the piazzas, Italian picturesque sitesand museums of classical Italy. Includes art history and some painting. Class fee covers 65 hoursof instruction. Travel expenses additional. Contact instructor for more information at: paintingforeveryone@hotmail.com.Please note: This class is for summer <strong>2014</strong>. Registration is ongoing.Item: 6435Teach English overseas.Get TESOL certification—page 38GancarzHOW TO EXHIBIT AND MARKET YOUR ART • $1256 sessions, starts Jan 23(6433). Learn how and where to exhibit your art in <strong>Seattle</strong> and abroad.Create a resume, biography and website. Document your art on CD and slides. Apply for fellowshipgrants and travel opportunities. Bring photos or slides of your artwork and a note pad.Exhibiting in a gallery will be part of the class.Item: 6433 FA 405 Th 6:30-8:30P GancarzPALETTE KNIFE PAINTING • $1208 sessions, starts Jan 27(6436). Focuses on using the palette knife to create fast textural painting.No painting experience necessary! Learn the techniques of this secret art. Create beautifulpaintings without a paint brush. If you like textural painting this class is for you!Item: 6436 FA 403 M 6:30-8:30P GancarzBoatingLEARN TO ROW • $1012 sessions, starts Feb 3(6461). Rowing (crew) offers a low-impact workout that benefits theentire body. Lake Union Crew’s popular Learn to Row class will teach you the fundamentals ofboth sweep rowing, (one oar), sculling (two oars), in addition to the basics of boat handling.Whether you want to row fast as part of a team, or picture yourself gliding along in a single,this is the place to start. REQUIREMENT: Participants will be required to sign a waiver statingthat they can stay afloat for 10 minutes. $85 materials fee payable to instructor first class.Item: 6461 Off Campus: M, W, F 8:00-9:30A StaffBusiness & Professional DevelopmentBusinessSustainable Business PRACTICES • $1205 sessions, starts Feb 19(6487). Explore the theory, practices and metrics of sustainability andexamine how to implement sustainability for new or existing businesses, non-profits or individually.Item: 6487 BE 4166 W 6:30-8:30P MeredithApplied ACCOUNTING for Business MANAGEMENT • $57910 sessions, starts Jan 6(6486)When you understand the numbers, you will understand howto make more money in your small business. This class will teach you what your accountantwill not. Includes all aspects of financial statements that are provided by the business owner’saccountant and implementing the relevant budgeting practices necessary to managing a successfulsmall business.Canvas online fee $5.25 www.profitsplus.org..Item: 6486 Online M ShayHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT • $15010 sessions, starts Jan 14(6470). Learn specific topics such as organizational structure of themodern business office; management of duties; recruitment; financial and legal responsibilities;supervision; preparation and handling of correspondence and reports. Provides a stimulatingand intellectual classroom environment in which students of various backgrounds andcareer interests gain useful k<strong>now</strong>ledge about Human Resource functions and their role in businessorganizations. Prerequisite: Ability to use Microsoft Word. Recommended text: HumanResource Management Essential Perspectives 6th edition ISBN#13:978-0-538-48170-0Item: 6470 BE 4166 Tu, Th 6:00-8:00P ChandlerMeeting MANAGEMENT: Do's, Don'TS and dONUTS • $951 session, starts Feb 6(6500). Learn some practical meeting management tips and be giventemplates that you can use <strong>now</strong> to make your meetings both on time and results oriented.*$12.00 fee for handouts payable in class.Item: 6500 BE 1140 Th 5:30-8:30P HayekProject MANAGEMENT Lite: Real World Tools, TEMPLATES andTips for Non-PROJECT MANAGERS • $1751 session, starts Feb 22(6501). Learn to use practical small project management strategies,templates and tips that can make you look like a professional project manager.*$20.00workbook fee payable in class.Item: 6501 BE 1140 Sa 10:00A-4:00P HayekBusiness Development/EntrepreneurshipBusiness Development/EntrepreneurshipOPEN HOUSE: Kick-Off and OverviewMonday, <strong>January</strong> 6, 6:30-8:30P<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Community College, Broadway Edison Building (Main Bldg),1701 Broadway, Room 1140 (1st Floor, lower level)Please call 206.934.5448 for information.A practical business development program designed to help entrepreneurs identifyand hone the skills needed to create, manage, and grow a successful business.This program will help new entrepreneurs define and evaluate their businessconcept, write a business plan, learn about marketing and finance, and more.Entrepreneurs will learn from business professionals, successful entrepreneurs,and each other.Each workshop will focus on a key topic, and will include presentations, groupactivities, and hands-on learning. Participants will receive practical information,including a binder with materials, articles, and web-based resources.Tuition: $350 for all 9 sessions $50 per session.ENTREPRENEURIAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SERIES • $3509 sessions, starts Jan 13(6476). Save $100.00 by signing up for all 9 sessions. Includes classeswith items 6477 to 6485.Item: 6476 BE 3196 M 6:30-8:30P JonesWORKSHOP 1: HOW TO START YOUR OWN BUSINESS - AN OVERVIEW •$501 session, starts Jan 13(6477).Item: 6477 BE 3196 M 6:30-8:30P JonesWORKSHOP 2: LAUNCHING A FEASIBILITY STUDY/RESEARCH YOURIDEA • $501 session, starts Jan 27(6478).Item: 6478 BE 3196 M 6:30-8:30P JonesWORKSHOP 3: CREATING YOUR MISSION STATEMENT: COMPETITIVEMARKETING • $501 session, starts Feb 3(6479).Item: 6479 BE 3196 M 6:30-8:30P JonesWORKSHOP 4: MARKETING/PUBLIC RELATIONS/SALES TECHNIQUES • $501 session, starts Feb 10(6480).Item: 6480 BE 3196 M 6:30-8:30P JonesWORKSHOP 5: MARKETING 4 Ps (RETAIL AND BRANDING) • $501 session, starts Feb 24(6481).Item: 6481 BE 3196 M 6:30-8:30P JonesWORKSHOP 6: FINANCIAL STATEMENTS • $501 session, starts Mar 3(6482).Item: 6482 BE 3196 M 6:30-8:30P JonesWORKSHOP 7: FINANCIAL RECORDS KEEPING • $501 session, starts Mar 10(6483).Item: 6483 BE 3196 M 6:30-8:30P JonesWORKSHOP 8: OPERATIONS & HUMAN RESOURCES • $501 session, starts Mar 17(6484).Item: 6484 BE 3196 M 6:30-8:30P JonesWORKSHOP 9: FUNDING SOURCES AND LOAN REQUIREMENTS • $501 session, starts Mar 24(6485). Evaluation and Program Wrap-Up.Item: 6485 BE 3196 M 6:30-8:30P JonesFinancial Analysis BasicsCourse is taught over three sessions. Each session builds on the information learned in theprevious session. Focus of the course is to learn how three critical documents, a Profit andLoss, a Cash Flow and a Balance Sheet, work together to manage your business. Learn howthese documents are used to help you attain profitability, control your cash cycles, and growyour equity.INCOME STATEMENT • $501 sessions, starts Jan 15(6497). Explore the Income Statement (aka Profit & Loss). Learn how toproject your revenues, determine costs and understand margins and profitability.Item: 6497 BE 4166 W 6:30-8:30PM JonesCASH FLOW • $501 sessions, starts Jan 22(6498). Learn about positive and negative cash balances and flows.Explore how this simple tool can be used to help manage your finances to maintain a positivecash balance, at all times.Item: 6498 BE 4166 W 6:30-8:30P JonesBALANCE SHEETS • $501 sessions, starts Jan 29 (6499). Explores Balance Sheets as a way of keeping score on growth,safety, and liquidity. Simple-to-learn ratio analysis tools will enable everyone to do this.Item: 6499 BE 4166 W 6:30-8:30PM JonesCareer DevelopmentGrantwritingCERTIFICATE IN GRANTWRITING FUNDAMENTALS • $3958 sessions, starts Jan 7(8236). The world of grants seeking is becoming more competitive. Gainthe skills to become a successful grant writer either as the head of an organization, programmanager or as a fund developer. Learn a series of key skills related to project design, developmentand persuasive writing skills. *$30 materials fee payable to instructor first class.Item: 8236 BE 1139D Tu 6:30-8:30P OgilvieNon-credit classes33

Core Management Skills CertificateCONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT (No set Start Date)Basic includes New Manager 101, Delegation & Supervision, Budget Management,Team Development, and Change Management.Advanced includes Basic (5), Project Management, Conflict Management, EffectiveCommunication, Performance Management, and Leadership. For individual sectiondescription, please go to Business & Professional Development, CareerDevelopment, and then New Manager Certificate (online).ComputersNeed to develop or improve your computer skills? The Community EducationProgram offers a variety of hands-on classroom computer classes. These includeintro and office skill classes for <strong>begin</strong>ners; web design; computer-aided design (CAD);3D animation/design; and desktop publishing for <strong>begin</strong>ning and intermediate users.*PLEASE NOTE1: students taking computer classes listed below may be requiredto pay a computer lab fee, $46 for the 1st computer class and $27 for the 2ndcomputer class. Maximum computer lab fee per quarter is $73. Students without a<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Student ID card may also be required to pay a one-time-only $5.00fee for a student identification card.**PLEASE NOTE2: Customized computer classes are available through <strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Central</strong> Community College’s Community Education Program. A class can be puttogether for your group of 7 or more students/employees/staff members. Call206.934.5449 for information.Introduction<strong>Classes</strong> below for the complete <strong>begin</strong>ner.Outlook • $652 sessions, starts Mar 1(6314). Get started and become comfortable with many of the mostfrequently used features and functions of Outlook. *Computer lab and student ID required.Item: 6314 BE 3168 Sa 10:00A-12:00P AndersonOffice 2013 • $1855 sessions, starts Jan 25(6325). Covers the basics of Word, Excel, Access, and Powerpoint.*Student ID & Computer Lab fee required.Item: 6325 BE 3168 Sa 10:00A-12:00P AndersonLEVEL 1, QUICKBOOKS • $1604 sessions, starts Mar 4(6318). Learn easy ways to create a new company, account charts,accounts receivable, accounts payable; reconcile bank statements, print checks; back up; andgenerate monthly reports. Prereq: Familiarity with basic computer operations and Windows.Item: 6318 BE 1139D Tu 6:00-9:00P BivensWeb Design<strong>Classes</strong> assume a good working k<strong>now</strong>ledge of an operating system (Windows or MacIntosh)and basic use of the internet.WEB SITE DESIGN WITH HUGH MILLER • $1956 sessions, starts Jan 14(6336). This popular local site designer and teacher takes you from<strong>begin</strong>ning to intermediate k<strong>now</strong>ledge of web construction and design. Class features AdobeDreamweaver software. *Student ID & Computer Lab fee required.Item: 6336 BE 3168 Tu 6:00-8:00P MillerWORDPRESS FOR WEB SITES • $1855 sessions, starts Feb 25(6339). WordPress is a completely free and easy to use ContentManagement System for building and maintaining web sites. Historically used for blogging,WordPress can also build powerful, database-driven web sites for many purposes, includingecommerce. Join Hugh Miller for a class to get you up and running in this exciting alternativeapproach to building web sites. *Student ID & Computer Lab fee required.Item: 6339 BE 3168 Tu 6:00-8:00P MillerAutoCAD & RevitAUTOCAD <strong>2014</strong> CERTIFICATE • $110022 sessions, starts Jan 6(8268). Sign up for all three levels at once and save $130.00.Item: 8268 BE 1139D M, W 6:00-9:00P MoyLEVEL 1, AUTOCAD <strong>2014</strong> • $4107 sessions, starts Jan 6(8265). Getting started with AutoCAD. Basic drawing and editing.Drawing with precision, organizing with layers, object types, and inserting blocks *NO StudentID or Computer Lab fee required. *Prerequisites: working k<strong>now</strong>ledge of Windows. Basic draftingprocedures and terminology helpful, but not required.Item: 8265 BE 1139D M, W 6:00-9:00P Moy34Non-credit classesHOW TO WRITE A GRANT • $3953 sessions, starts Jan 11(8239). Meets Jan 11, 25, Feb 8. The world of grant seeking is becomingmore competitive. Gain skills to become a successful grant writer either as head of an organization,program manager or as a fund developer. Learn a series of key skills related to projectdesign, development and persuasive writing skills. *$30 materials fee payable to instructorfirst class.Item: 8239 BE 1139B Sa 8:30A-3:00P HopkinsParalegal CertificateParalegal CERTIFICATE Course • $118918 sessions, starts Jan 27(8240). Intensive, nationally acclaimed program for <strong>begin</strong>ningand advanced legal workers. Train to interview witnesses, investigate complex fact patterns,research the law, prepare legal documents, and assist in preparing cases for courtroom litigation.Practice-oriented instruction relating to those areas of law in which paralegals are inmost demand. Questions: Please go to www.legalstudies.comItem: 8240 BE 3199 M, W, Sa 6:00-9:30P StaffSa9:00A-5:00P<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>LEVEL 2, AUTOCAD <strong>2014</strong> • $4107 sessions, starts Feb 3(8266). Continuation of level 1. Paper space and layouts. Printing yourdrawing. Text and dimensioning. Creating and managing blocks. Hatching and advanced features.Item: 8266 BE 1139D M, W 6:00-9:00P MoyLEVEL 3, AUTOCAD <strong>2014</strong> • $4108 sessions, starts Mar 3(8267). Continuation of level II. Design center, advanced drafting tools,managing Xref files. Setting up plotter and CTB files. Blocks and attributes. Custom buttons andtoolbars. Import export file formats.Item: 8267 BE 1139D M, W 6:00-9:00P MoyREVIT ARCHITECTURE <strong>2014</strong> • $7456 sessions, starts Jan 11(8269). Building design and documentation software helps you designfreely and efficiently. Built for BIM (Building Information Modeling), Revit mirrors the realworld of buildings, so you work naturally rather than with floor plans, sections, and elevations.Since Revit is a Parametric Modeler, changes you make are automatically coordinated in yourproject reviews, sheets, schedules, sections, and plans.Item: 8269 BE 1139D Sa 10:00A-4:00P MoyRevit <strong>2014</strong> ARCHITECTURE Advanced • $4904 sessions, starts Feb 22(8270). Continuation of <strong>begin</strong>ning course, or Rvvit experience.Item: 8270 BE 1139D Sa 10:00A-4:00P MoyDesktop Publishing/Graphic Design<strong>Classes</strong> assume a good working k<strong>now</strong>ledge of an operating system (Windows orMacIntosh) and familiarity with mouse and menu-based applications.IINTRO TO GRAPHIC DESIGN/DESKTOP PUBLISHING W/ADOBE CS6 •$2056 sessions, starts Jan. 9 (6385). Want to design business cards/letterhead, an ad, a brochure ornewsletter but don’t k<strong>now</strong> where to <strong>begin</strong>? Learn to effectively communicate your messagebased upon the principles of good design in this hands-on overview. This <strong>begin</strong>ning class introducesthe basic features of InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat. Must be familiar withmouse and menu-based computer applications. Instructor is <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>’s graphic designerwho designed and produced this class schedule. *Student ID & Computer Lab fee required.Item: 6385 BE 3168 Th 6:00P-9:00P HagerINTRO TO ADOBE INDESIGN CS6 • $1654 sessions, starts Feb. 19 (6386). Learn the basics of this powerful page layout applicationwhich has become the primary tool for graphic design and desktop publishing. Lots of handson.Students are encouraged to bring real-life projects to class. Excellent follow-up to Intro ToGraphic Design/Desktop Publishing class (item 6385 above). Must be familiar with mouse andmenu-based computer applications. *Student ID & Computer Lab fee required.Item: 6386 BE 3168 W 6:00P-9:00P HagerPHOTOSHOP WITH HUGH MILLER • $1855 sessions, starts February 24(6373). We will go from <strong>begin</strong>ner to intermediate skill zone.Making original graphics from scratch, modifying existing graphics with special effects.Repairing old and damaged photos. Styles, shapes brushes and filters. Photoshop for printworkand for the web all in one place! *Student ID and computer lab fee required.Item: 6373 BE 3168 M 6:30-8:30P Miller3D Animation/Design3-D OPEN HOUSE Saturday, December 7, 11am - 1pmGet the skills in 3D modeling and animation.Opportunity to learn about the program, and for networking.Room 1139E (1st Floor, lower level) <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Community College,Broadway Edison Building (Main Bldg), Enter at 1716 (near Harvard Avenueentrance. ) Please call 206.934.5448 for informationGAME DESIGN I • $4108 sessions, starts Jan 6(8245). Learn the basic 3D Studio Max interface, learn modeling andtexturing techniques allowing one to create anything from low to high polygon models fortoday's high tech games. Learn how Photoshop and other tools are used concurrently to producecomplex models and scenes. Basic general k<strong>now</strong>ledge of Windows XP operating systemrequired. Experience with 3D programs helpful - but not required.Item: 8245 BE1139E M, W 6:30-9:30P StaffGAME DESIGN II • $4108 sessions, starts Feb 5(8246). Continuing from Game Design I, learn more complex techniques,create seamless textures and learn how to avoid streaking and blurring. Begin to analyze variousgame engines and AI (artificial intelligence) used today. Consider techniques of storytelling andgame play strategies to produce compelling games. Prereq: Gaming I or instructor approval.Item: 8246 BE 1139E M, W 6:30-9:30P StaffGAME DESIGN III • $4106 sessions, starts Mar 10(8247). Using the techniques learned, <strong>begin</strong> to produce interestingobjects, environments, and levels. Learn what elements are required to create immersiveenvironments and scenarios used in popular games and on-line games. Prerequisites: GamingI & II or instructor approval.Item: 8247 BE 1139E M, W 6:30-9:30P StaffGAME DESIGN IV FINAL PROJECT FOR CERTIFICATE PROGRAM • $3501 session, starts Mar 20(8248). One quarter long, by appointment and online. Put all yourexperience together with a final project, game level, or module. Under supervision, the studentwill finalize their work, suitable to add to their portfolio.Item: 8248 Off Campus Th 12:00-12:00A Staff3D GAMING CERTIFICATE • $138022 sessions, starts Jan 6(8249). Game Design I, II, III & IV. Sign up for all four classes and save$200.00.

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>Item: 8249 BE 1139E M, W 6:30-9:30P StaffIntroduction to Digital Sculpting • $2054 sessions, starts Jan 9(8260). Learning on Sculptris, makers of ZBrush. Getting used to thetoolset, organic shapes, hard surfaces, finishing and export.Item: 8260 BE 1139E Th 6:30-9:30P VigilGame & MOVIE Concept Art • $2054 sessions, starts Feb 6(8261). Transfer your joy of painting & illustrating to the digital world.Create artwork suitable for Concept Art for games and movies, as well as for your personalworks of art using Photoshop.Item: 8261 BE 1139E Th 6:30-9:30P Vigil3D STUDIO MAX BASIC • $4104 sessions, starts Jan 11(8252). Basics of 3D modeling and texturing. You see it used everywhere...frommagazine covers, on TV, on the Internet, and in blockbuster movies and in architecturalrenderings. 3D is carving a permanent place in our visual world. Learn to create in 3Dyourself on your very first day in class using 3D Studio Max. Learn how to navigate the interface,customize it, build objects from primitive objects and progress to more complex modelingtechniques. Texture map objects. Experience with 3D programs helpful but not required.Item: 8252 BE 1139E Sa 9:00A-3:00P Acker3D STUDIO MAX INTERMEDIATE • $4104 sessions, starts Feb 8(8253). Learn to design, model, use the material editor to create photorealistic stills and animation for the broadcast, film, architecture industries using Studio Max.From flying logos to realistic scene design, create what your mind desires. Prerequisite: 3D MaxBasic class or instructor approval.Item: 8253 BE 1139E Sa 9:00A-3:00P Acker3D STUDIO MAX ADVANCED • $2053 sessions, starts Mar 8(8254). Learn advanced techniques of 3D Studio Max. Incorporatevideo backgrounds along with 3D models using compositing techniques. Learn how to createHollywood style special effects (F/X) all within Max. Use advanced lighting and texture mappingtechniques. Prerequisite: 3D Max Intermediate class or instructor approval.Item: 8254 BE 1139E Sa 9:00A-3:00P Acker3D STUDIO MAX, PACKAGE PROGRAM • $92511 session, starts Jan 11(8255). Sign up for all three classes and save $100.Item: 8255 BE 1139E Sa 9:00A-3:00P AckerComputers: Ed2Go Online Courseswww.ed2go.com/central 206.934.5448Each class runs for 6 weeks and consists of 12 lessons. Interactive quizzes,assignments, and tutorials supplement the lessons. Receive assignments everyWednesday & Friday. This is a sampling of courses offered for all listings. Pleasego to website above for detailed class description, computer hardware requirements,pre-requisites, instructor bio, and course syllabus. If you find a coursenot listed on our website, please call 206.934.5448 for course fee and to register.Choice of start dates: Jan. 15, Feb 19, Mar. 19.Cost: $100.00 for six-week course, unless otherwise indicatedRequirements: All you need to get started is a computer, internet access, ane-mail address, and a web browser. Additional requirements, if any, will be listedat the informational web address under each respective course.InternetCreating Web PagesAdvanced Web PagesDesigning Effective WebsitesIntroduction Java ProgrammingIntermediate Java ProgrammingCreating WordPress WebsitesIntroduction Dreamweaver CS5Introduction Flash CS5Introduction CSS & XHTMLIntermediate CSS & XHTMLIntroduction PHP & MySQLAchieving Top Search EnginePositionsComputerKeyboardingComputer Skills for the WorkplaceIntroduction MS Word 2010Intermediate MS Word 2010Introduction MS Excel 2010Intermediate MS Escel 2010Advanced MS Excel 2007Introduction MS Access 2010Intermediate MS Access 2010Introduction DatabaseDevelopmentIntroduction to PowerPoint 2010Introduction Quickbooks 2012Introduction PC TroubleshootingIntroduction NetworkingIntroduction SQLIntermediate SQLIntroduction C++ ProgrammingIntroduction C# ProgrammingIntroduction Perl ProgrammingIntroduction Visual Basic 2008Introduction InDesign CS5Introduction Photoshop CS5Photoshop Elements 10 for theDigital PhotographerPhotoshop CS5 for the DigitalPhotographerIntroduction Illustrator CS5Certification PrepBasic CompTIA A+ Certification PrepIntermediate CompTIA A+Certification PrepPMP Certification Prep 1PMP Certification Prep 2Teaching RelatedAn Introduction to Teaching ESL/EFLGrammar for ESLPractical Ideas for the Adult ESL/EFLClassroomTeaching ESL/EFL GrammarTeaching ESL/EFL VocabularyTeaching ESL/EFL ReadingWriting for ESLTeaching Adult LearnersTeaching Math: Grades 4 – 6Teaching Preschool: A Year ofInspiring LessonsTeaching Science: Grades 4 – 6Teaching Smarter with SmartBoardsTeaching Students with ADHDTeaching Students with Autism:Strategies for SuccessTeaching Students with LearningDisabilitiesGuided Reading and Writing:Strategies for Maximum StudentAchievementSingapore Math Strategies: ModelDrawing for Grades 1 – 6Singapore Math Strategies:Advanced Model Drawing forGrades 6 – 9Solving Classroom DisciplineProblems IITest PrepSAT/ACT Prep 1GED PreparationGRE Prep - Part 1GRE Prep - Part 2LSAT Prep - Part 1GMAT PreparationRegistration: With major credit card, register online or call 206.934.5448.Orientation: After registering with <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>, YOU MUST complete therequired ONLINE ORIENTATION.1. Go to http://ed2go.com/central to complete the required orientation.2. Click on “Courses” to view course catalog or use the keyword search feature tofind a desired course/subject3. Click on “Enroll Now” and complete the 5 step enrollment process.4. Follow the instructions on the orientation (step 5 of enrollment process) toaccess the Classroom.Questions: Call 206.934.5448.WritingWriting EssentialsBeginning Writer’s WorkshopWrite & Publish NonfictionWrite Fiction Like a ProWriteriffic: Creativity Training forWritersKeys to Effective EditingTechnical Writing FundamentalsEffective Business WritingPersonal EnrichmentHuman Anatomy & PhysiologyMedical Terminology: A WordAssociation ApproachIntroduction to Natural Health &HealingMedical CodingExplore a Career as anAdministrative Medical AssistantExplore a Career in MedicalTranscriptionBecoming a Physical Therapy AideVeterinary Assistant TrainingExplore a Paralegal CareerSingapore Math: Number Sense &Computational StrategiesGrammar RefresherReady, Set, Read!Keys to Effective CommunicationGet Assertive!Speed SpanishSpeed Spanish IISpanish for Medical ProfessionalsBeginning Conversational FrenchInstant ItalianSecrets of Better PhotographyDiscover Digital PhotographyPhotographing People w/YourDigital CameraStocks, Bonds & Investing: Oh My!Real Estate InvestingA to Z GrantwritingWriting Effective Grant ProposalsCreative ClassroomResponse to Intervention: ReadingStrategies That WorkWorking Successfully w/LearningDisabled StudentsUnderstanding AdolescentsEntrepreneur/BusinessAccounting FundamentalsAccounting II FundamentalsAdministrative AssistantFundamentalsStart Your Own Small BusinessStart & Operate Your Own Home-Based BusinessMarketing Your Business on theInternetLearn Buy/Sell on eBayLeadershipSupervision & ManagementFundamentalsProject Management FundamentalsProject Management ApplicationsOnline Career TrainingLearn in-demand job skills.Start any time and set your ownpace. Affordably priced.Please note: Once the programcurriculum is accessed online or throughsubmission of a material shipmentconfirmation, refunds cannot be issued.For information, please visitwww.gatlineducation.com/centralHealthcare and FitnessBusiness and ProfessionalManagement and CorporateMedia and DesignHospitality and Service IndustrySkilled Trades and IndustrialSustainable Energy and GoingGreenCareer Online High SchoolNon-credit classes35

Non-credit classes36CookingNEW! THE SECRETS OF FRENCH PASTRY • $2004 sessions, Jan. 15(6699). After taking this course, French pastry will no longer be a secretto you. We will cover tarts (banana chocolate tatin, blueberries tartlets), classic family cakes(chocolate chestnuts – gluten free-, pineapple cake), and cream puffs (éclairs and profiteroles)... and have a glimpse of the mythic macaron! $60 ingredients fee payable to the instructor thefirst class. Take treats home after each class. Includes a free apron. Meets off campus: ParisEastside (Capitol Hill). Visit: www.pariseastside.com, www.pariseastside.com/seattle-centralat-paris-eastside.htmlItem: 6699 Off Campus W 6:00P-8:00P FoucherDanceSTREET SHOES ARE NOT ALLOWED.Belly dANCE for All Bodies • $856 sessions, starts Jan 8(6510). Beginner’s level introduction to Middle Eastern belly dance.Learn isolations, shimmies, combinations, and footwork. Veil work and floor work will alsobe introduced. You will be dancing after the first class! More info: www.amykatehorn.comItem: 6510 FA 113 W 6:30-7:30P HornBelly dANCE Drills and Zills • $856 sessions, starts Jan 8(6511). Sharpen your technique with isolation and layering drills, pluslearn finger cymbal patterns to play while you dance. No previous experience necessary butclass will move at a fast pace. Complementary to Belly dance for All Bodies. Finger cymbalsrequired after first session. More info: www.amykatehorn.com.Item: 6511 FA 113 W 7:30-8:30P HornBEGINNING BALLROOM • $756 sessions, starts Jan 27(6505). Glide with ease after taking <strong>begin</strong>ning ballroom. Learn theFoxtrot, Waltz, and Tango. Leading and following techniques are stressed. Singles and coupleswelcome.Item: 6505 FA 113 M 7:30-8:25P LaFranchiBEGINNING SWING (AKA SINGLE TIME EAST COAST SWING) • $756 sessions, starts Jan 27(6506). A uniquely "American" Dance! Emphasizes leading and followingtechniques. Dance to Big Band, Swing, Rock 'n' Roll, Country, New Wave, Blues and Jazz.Easy to learn. Both singles and couples welcome.Item: 6506 FA 113 M 8:30-9:25PM LaFranchiHIP HOP DANCE • $1108 sessions, starts Jan 10(6509). Get your hip hop groove on with a beat-driven, pulse racing,fun class. Learn a hip hop dance routine to the latest cuts. Challenge the mind and the feet;gain a foundation of strength and flexibility. All level welcome!Item: 6509 MAC 206 F 5:50-6:50P TuliaoCONTEMPORARY MODERN DANCE • $1108 sessions, starts Jan 6(6508). Contemporary dance is an exciting form of self-expression thatis rooted in modern dance and explores elements of hip hop and other dynamic genres. Learnmodern technique, stretch and strengthen your body, explore personal expression, and dancecontemporary choreography. Great for <strong>begin</strong>ning dancers, and offers a slow, integrative pacefor dancers with some experience.Item: 6508 FA 113 M 6:00-7:00P TuliaoJAPANESE CLASSICAL DANCE - BEGINNING • $804 sessions, starts Jan 11(6515). Introductory study of history, basic foot and hand movements,formal style of Japanese greeting, use of sleeves and fans, and one or two dancesas a group lesson. Private lessons are available. Contact Mary Ohno 253.564.6081, e-mail:mailto:kabukiacademy@msn.com before first session to request instrument and/or kimonorentals. Visit: www.kabukiacademy.orgItem: 6515 BE 2122 Sa 12:00-12:30P OhnoJAPANESE CLASSICAL DANCE - CONTINUING • $804 sessions, starts Jan 11(6516). Continuation of dance history, foot and hand movements,formal style of Japanese greeting, use of sleeves and fans, and one or two dances as agroup lesson. Private lessons are available. Contact Mary Ohno 253.564.6081, e-mail:mailto:kabukiacademy@msn.com before the first session to request instrument and/orkimono rentals. Visit: www.kabukiacademy.orgItem: 6516 BE 2122 Sa 12:30-1:00P OhnoBEGINNING FLAMENCO-SPANISH DANCE • $1408 sessions, starts Jan 15(6517). Learn the exciting rhythms and footwork of Flamenco, thedance that originated with the gypsies of southern Spain. Maestra de Baile, Maria Gitanateaches techniques from the Spanish Dance Society. You will practice castanets, arms, turnsand footwork all while learning <strong>begin</strong>ning flamenco choreography. Wear sturdy heeled shoesand women need a long, full skirt. Castanets are available for purchase at class for $25-$40 orbring your own. Class meets off campus at 9250 14th Ave NW, Room 7, <strong>Seattle</strong>, 98117. Pleasevisit www.flamencogitana.comItem: 6517 Off Campus W 6:00-7:30P GitanaINTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED FLAMENCO - SPANISH DANCE • $1408 sessions, starts Jan 15(6518). Learn the exciting rhythms and footwork of Flamenco, thedance that originated with the gypsies of southern Spain. Maestra de Baile, Maria Gitanateaches techniques from the Spanish Dance Society. You will practice castanets, arms, turnsand footwork all while learning a flamenco choreography. Wear sturdy heeled shoes andwomen need a long, full skirt. Castanets are available for purchase at class for $25-$40 or bringyour own. Prerequisite: Beginning Flamenco or equivalent required. Class meets off campus at9250 14th Ave NW, Room 7, <strong>Seattle</strong>, 98117. Please visit www.flamencogitana.comItem: 6518 Off Campus W 7:30-9:00P Gitana<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Education: Nanny/Au PairThe NANNY/Au Pair Workshop • $1508 sessions, starts Jan 7(6661). Instructor is a professional nanny, arts educator, and trainedMontessori teacher. This workshop was created to set a standard for childcare, while providingskills and k<strong>now</strong>ledge to be a qualified nanny / au pair. It will also strengthen skills of currentlyworking caregivers, will instill confidence and help au pairs gain the support and guidanceneeded for working with a new families.Item: 6661 BE 1140 Tu 6:30-9:00P WilsonExerciseNational Personal TRAINER CERTIFICATION • $6506 sessions, starts Feb 15(8280). Come join this fun profession and be a part of what FortuneMagazine & ABC NEWS.com states as the 4th hottest job in the U.S. at a national average of $34an hour. Employers like 24 Hour Fitness, LA Fitness and Gold’s Gyms are just a few of the clubgroups that seek out our graduates. Whether a career move or for your own personal k<strong>now</strong>ledgeget all the information you need to become a Certified Personal Trainer. This challenging courseis taught over a 5-week period for better retention and skill competency. The National Examis held on the 6th week. This course is formatted as a 60-hour program and is comprised of 15hours of lecture, 15 hours of hands on practical training and a 30-hour internship that networksmany graduates right into a job. The course prepares you for success with key topics that includebiomechanics, exercise physiology, fitness testing, and equipment usage and health assessment.CPR/AED is needed to receive the certificate. W.I.T.S. is the only major certifying body in thecountry providing comprehensive practical training and internship components. Textbook isrequired and not included in course fees. * Call to order and start reading immediately 888-330-9487 {www.witseducation.com}Refunds only after first class if all materials are returned to theinstructor at the conclusion of class.Item: 8280 BE 4119 Sa 9:00A-4:00P StaffTAI CHI WINTER WORKSHOP • $11010 sessions, starts Jan 15 (6523). Tai Chi is a health sustaining exercise and a tool for improvedbody awareness. Practiced by the elderly for balance and circulation and the young for relaxationand martial arts, it is a wonderful holistic activity for all ages. The Yang short form willbe taught along with warm up longevity exercises and chi kung.Item: 6523 BE1139B W 6:00-8:00PM AriesVINHXUAN (WING CHUN) KUNG FU • $12023 sessions, starts Jan 8(6525). Learn the authentic art of VinhXuan Kung Fu. The averageperson will be amazed by the practicality and directness of this effective self defense system.Train in an environment that is fun, safe and supportive.Item: 6525 MAC 208 W, F 5:30-6:50P TaADVANCED WING CHUN KUNG FU • $12011 session, starts Jan 11(6526). Experienced Wing Chun students learn in depth of Chi-Sau(Sticky Arm) in relation to the six Wing Chun forms (Sil Nim Tau, Chum-Kiu, Biu Tze, Muk YanJong, Bart Cham Dao, and Luk Dim Boon) to achieve mental and physical balance for healthierlife. Train in an environment that is fun, safe, and supportive.Item: 6526 MAC 207 Sa 10:00-11:30AM TaSELF DEFENSE 101 FOR WOMEN • $1606 sessions, starts Jan 27(6527). Learn real risks facing women today, assailant tricks, crucialtargets, creating an impact, and releases from common grabs. Great class to take with a friend!$8 materials fee payable to instructor first class. Visit www.StrategicLiving.orgItem: 6527 BE 1139B M 7:00-8:50P FactorFLOW YOGA • $908 sessions, starts Jan 7(6532). A Hatha Vinyasa style combining flowing movement sequences.Increases endurance with slow, sustained stretches, refinement of alignment, as well asemphasis on breath and focus of mind. A moving meditation that melts away stress, rejuvenates,tones the body and helps tune into our essential state of happiness. Meets off campus(Capitol Hill). Visit: www.samadhi-yoga.comItem: 6532 Off Campus Tu, Th 7:45-9:00P Davis/CroteauNEW! FITNESS AND FLOW MOVEMENT • $1258 sessions, starts Jan 12 (6528). Learn how to strengthen and condition the human body bytargeting the core, increase flexibility, and prevent injury. In this session we use props such asfitness balls, tension bands, kettle bells and medicine balls. Condition the body to move freelyin the studio by introducing traveling steps, and isolation movement to music.Item: 6528 MAC 206 Su 10:00A-12:00P TuliaoFilmBEGINNING SCREENWRITING • $1458 sessions, starts Jan 11(6540). All aspects of <strong>begin</strong>ning screenwriting, from basic format, tocomplex structure. Work through your ideas in a collaborative setting, understand the 3-actstructure, delve into all aspects of Hollywood and learn tricks of the trade. For anyone who hashad an idea for a film or who has already written a screenplay (or two).Item: 6540 BE 4118 Sa 10:00A-12:00P TerryHISTORY OF AMERICAN FILM • $1108 sessions, starts Jan 11(6541). Exploration of the history of film in America, from the earliestflickering images to the biggest computer generated blockbusters of today. We will showcasesome of the most fascinating American films ever produced. Through film clips and discussions,we will explore how American Film has changed through the decades. From the process of creationthrough the art of distribution and you will learn to critically dissect many facets of film.Each decade, from the 1910's to the present, will be represented. For those with a powerfulpassion for the cinema. Instructor is an independent film maker.Item: 6541 BE 4118 Sa 1:00-3:00P Terry

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>FinanceASSEMBLING YOUR FINANCES • $493 sessions, starts Jan 30(6547). Learn the facts and fundamentals of money management.Receive direction how to establish a clear, concise and comprehensive system for controllingevery aspect of your personal finances. Make a commitment to take responsibility and controlover your finances to achieve the goals you set. Includes workbook and weekly homeworkassignments. Visit: www.assemblingyourfinances.comItem: 6547 BE 1139B Th 6:30-9:00P FrunzINVESTING FOR RETIREMENT: MONEY, MATH & BEHAVIOR • $494 sessions, starts Feb 4(6545). Learn how to successfully plan for your retirement. Topics includeinvesting, diversification, retirement income strategies, social security, insurance, estateplanning, taxes, and health care. Recommended textbook: Boglehead’s Guide to RetirementPlanning (Wiley and Sons ISBN 0470455578). Visit: http://investingtruth.wordpress.comItem: 6545 BE 4171 Tu 7:00-9:00P VignecINVESTING 101 • $391 session, March 8 (6543). What is a stock, bond or mutual fund? Have you ever wonderedhow these types of investments work? In this class, we will learn "investing 101" and try tode-mystify the process of investing. We will cover the basics on how the following types ofinvestments operate: stocks, bonds, mutual funds & annuities.Item: 6543 BE1140 S 10:00A-12:00P DasHealthHOW TO MAKE HERBAL REMEDIES • $805 sessions, starts Jan 14 (6571). This course will focus on the basic skills for making herbalmedicines (teas, infusions, decoctions and tincture). Even cough drops and more. This quarterincludes an emphasis on influenza, colds and those winter viruses, both prevention and affordabletreatment. Use this for home healing or for fun. Taught by well-k<strong>now</strong>n Master Herbalist.Visit: www.thehermitsgroveItem: 6571 BE 4175 Tu 6:30P-8:00P BeyerlNutritional THERAPIST TRAINING PROGRAMSee our website: www.learnatcentral.orgHome Improvement/RemodelingBASIC HANDS-ON HOME REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE • $1053 sessions, starts Jan 29(6581). Through hands-on techniques, learn a variety of home improvementsand maintenance skills. Emphasis on tool selection, operation and personal safety,kitchen and bath remodels, electrical, plumbing, wall repair, materials and methods, homesecurity and weatherization. $27 materials fee payable to instructor first class.Item: 6581 BE 4182 W 6:30-9:00P MarxBASIC CARPENTRY AND WOODWORKING • $1254 sessions, starts Jan 30(6582). Safety is extremely important when using portable power tools.After learning the basics of joinery, jigs, materials, methods and project design; you will applythis k<strong>now</strong>ledge on a toolbox project. $27 material fee due the first class (includes use of all tools,materials and lumber). Additional projects will be discussed. Class will be located on Universityof Washington campus. Instructor will email classroom location.Item: 6582 Off Campus Th 6:30-9:00P MarxUPDATE YOUR KITCHEN AND BATHROOM • $35Kitchens and bathrooms are the two rooms that need the most updating and may be the mostexpensive to update or remodel. Provides the tools to design and implement your ideas. Learnabout which skills to tackle yourself, and when it is cost effective to hire a contractor and howto avoid making mistakes. $5 materials fee payable to instructor first class. Instructor will emailclassroom location.SECTION 1: 1 session, starts Feb 18 (6583). Meets at South <strong>Seattle</strong> Community College.Item: 6583 Off Campus Tu 6:30-9:00P MarxSECTION 2: 1 session, starts Feb 19(6584). Meets at North <strong>Seattle</strong> Community College.Item: 6584 Off Campus M 6:30-9:00P MarxCERAMIC TILE INSTALLATION MADE EASY • $29Tile is creative, fun and easy to install yourself and adds value to your home. Using hands ontechniques explore the many types of tiles, tools, setting materials, grouts, underlayment,preparation and layout. Upon class completion participants will have acquired the skills andconfidence to undertake a home tile project in the bathroom, kitchen, floors or walls. $29 materialsfee payable to instructor first class. Dress for mess. Instructor will email classroom location.SECTION 1: 1 session, starts Feb 24(6585). Meets at South <strong>Seattle</strong> Community College.Item: 6585 Off Campus M 6:30-9:00P MarxSECTION 2: 1 session, starts Feb 25(6586). Meets at North <strong>Seattle</strong> Community College.Item: 6586 Off Campus M 6:30-9:00P MarxLanguagesNEW!American Sign LANGUAGE - (ASL) INTROdUCTION • $1205 sessions, starts Jan 14 (6627). An introductory course in American Sign Language (ASL) anddeaf culture in the US. Converse in ASL by practicing grammar and basic vocabulary culminatingin the ability to have a simple conversation in ASL. Class also includes cultural informationabout the deaf community.Item: 6627 BE 4183 Tu 6:00P-7:30P ZielskeNEW!American Sign LANGUAGE - BEYONd Beginners • $1205 sessions, starts Feb 18(6628). Expand your American Sign Language vocabulary and culturalskills to increase your communication effectiveness. Prerequisite: Basic ASL training (includingfinger spelling and basic signs).Item: 6627 BE 4183 Tu 6:00P-7:30P ZielskeLEVEL 1, SPANISH THE NATURAL WAY • $1658 sessions, starts Jan 9(6601). Interactive course based on the innovative methods of TheNatural Approach and Total Physical Response (TPR). Instructor presents vocabulary throughaction, games and props. Learn while having fun! No book required. Students create a picturedictionary! For more information on this 8-level course, go to: www.seattlecentral.edu/faculty/jlisov or email instructor: triling@mindspring.comItem: 6601 BE 4106 Th 5:15-6:50P LisovskyLEVEL 3, SPANISH THE NATURAL WAY • $1658 sessions, starts Jan 7(6603). Students continue to acquire vocabulary through action, games,interviews and reading. Grammar structures (Present Tense, Informal Future) are introducedand some homework will be assigned. Textbook Dos Mundos recommended (preferably 4thedition) Check on line for best prices using ISBN # 0070644349. Chapters 2 & 3 will be coveredin this class. For more information about this 8-level program, go to: www.seattlecentral.edu/faculty/jlisov/ or email the instructor at: triling@mindspring.comItem: 6603 BE 4106 Tu 7:05-8:40P LisovskyLEVEL 5, SPANISH THE NATURAL WAY • $1658 sessions, starts Jan 7(6605). Class conducted almost solely in Spanish. Activities aredesigned around stories, interviews, role-plays, games. Grammar is reviewed and new areasexplored (Past Tense, etc.) Designed for students who want to maintain their conversationalskills and improve vocabulary and structures. Textbook Dos Mundos recommended (preferably4th edition). Check on line for best prices using ISBN # 0070644349. Chapters 6 & 7 will be coveredin this class. For more information about this 8-level program, go to: www.seattlecentral.edu/faculty/jlisov/ or email the instructor at: triling@mindspring.comItem: 6605 BE 4106 Tu 5:15-6:50P LisovskyLEVEL 9, SPANISH THE NATURAL WAY • $1758 sessions, starts Jan 9(6609). Class conducted solely in Spanish. Activities are designedaround stories, interviews, role-plays, games. Grammar is reviewed and new areas (FutureTense, Subjunctive, Ser vs Estar, etc.) explored. Designed for students who want to maintaintheir conversational skills and improve vocabulary and structures. Textbook Dos Mundos(4th edition) is highly recommended. Check on line for best prices using ISBN # 0070644349and try to have text at least by Week 2. Chapters 14 & 15 of DOS MUNDOS will be covered inthis class. For more information about this 9-level program, go to: www.seattlecentral.edu/faculty/jlisov/ or email the instructor at: triling@mindspring.comItem: 6609 BE 4106 Th 7:05-8:40P LisovskyARABIC LANGUAGE- LEVEL 1 • $1208 sessions, starts Feb 18(6611). Learn to speak, listen, read and write Arabic comfortably.Covers the alphabet, basic grammar and sentence structure. Explore the fascinating beautyand rich history of Arabic culture with a native instructor. Required textbook ARABIC in 10minutes a day® with CD-ROM (ISBN 9781931873000) available at SCCC Bookstore.Item: 6611 BE 4136 Tu, Th 6:00-8:00P MohamudFRENCH LEVEL 1 • $17510 sessions, starts Jan 9(6615). This is an introductory course, designed to give studentshelpful tools for traveling and communicating in French starting with the basics. No priorexperience required. Instructor will provide learning materials.Item: 6615 BE 3209 Th 6:30-8:20P StevensFRENCH LEVEL 2 • $17510 sessions, starts Jan 6 (6616). Direct continuation of French I. Learn more advanced grammarand vocabulary, and strengthen pronunciation skills. Proficiency not required but should besomewhat familiar with the basics. Learning materials supplied.Item: 6616 BE 3209 M 6:30P-8:20P StevensFRENCH LEVEL 3 • $17510 sessions, starts Jan 7 (6617). Continuation of French II, covering more advanced grammar,reading, writing and vocabulary. Develop fluency as well as increase k<strong>now</strong>ledge of Frenchculture. Students should be familiar with verbs in tenses, even if production is challenging.Continues to focus on grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary building through interactivegames and activities. Learning materials supplied.Item: 6617 BE 3209 Tu 6:30P-8:20P StevensFRENCH LEVEL 4 • $17510 sessions, starts Jan 8 (6618). Continuation of French III. Conducted solely in French withemphasis on speaking, reading and writing; improving grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.Great for those who already converse in French, but want to increase fluency. Materialsprovided.Item: 6618 BE 3209 W 6:30P-8:20P StevensGERMAN I • $1407 sessions, starts Jan 6(6620). Learn to say simple sentences, acquire basic reading and writingskills. * $14.00 materials fee payable to instructor in first class. Required textbook: Deutsch NaKlar! By Donato & Vansant 5th edition. ISBN: 13-978-007-353532-6Item: 6620 BE 1140 M 7:30-9:00P Kuerzel-ThemannITALIAN LEVEL 1 • $13020 sessions, starts Jan 6(6624). Practice simple conversation and learn basic grammar in a lowpressureatmosphere. Conducted entirely in Italian but geared to those with little background.Book/materials: 1. Italian Dictionary (bookstore); 2. Essential Italian Grammar (bookstore) 3.Class handouts (approx. $9; available in school copy center).Item: 6624 BE 4181 M, Th 5:30-7:00P EarleITALIAN LEVEL 2 • $14020 sessions, starts Jan 6(6625). Continuation of Beginning Italian Level 1. Conducted entirelyin Italian. Book/materials: 1. Italian Dictionary (bookstore); 2. Essential Italian Grammar(bookstore) 3. Class handouts (approx. $9; available in school copy center).Item: 6625 BE 4181 M, Th 5:30-7:00P EarleNon-credit classes37

Non-credit classesSPANISH FOR TRAVELERS • $908 sessions, starts Jan 23(6610). This class introduces students to the Spanish language in thebasic areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Oral and aural communication will beemphasized.Item: 6610 BE 1139B Th 12:00-1:00P Nunez-LiraMusicJAZZ VOCAL WORKSHOP - (Beginning & IntermedIATE) • $17510 sessions, starts Jan 8(6640). Discover your inner voice through singing. Beginner and intermediatesingers develop the voice through study of contemporary and standard jazz styles.$25 lab fee payable to instructor first class. Visit: www.katiekingsings.comItem: 6640 BPH 101 W 6:30-8:30P KingSEATTLE CENTRAL JAZZ CONCERT ORCHESTRA • $8510 sessions, starts Jan 6(6642). Prerequisite: permission of instructor. For professional andstudent musicians. Rehearse with goal of performing in a professional jazz concert orchestra.Maintain reading skills; expand big band jazz repertoire and improvisational skills. Visit www.lonniemardis.comItem: 6642 BPH 101 M 7:00-9:00P MardisINTRODUCTION TO RECORDING TECHNOLOGY • $30021 session, starts Jan 6(6643). Introduction to recording technology using Pro Tools softwareand the Digidesign 003 Factory tactile control board. Class project will result in a finishedrecording from tracking to mixdown and mastering. Projects may include live tracks includingvocals and acoustic instruments plus midi and sequenced tracks. Reason is available to use insynthesis, drum tracks, and sampling, as well as Sibelius for notational printouts of projectmusic. Visit www.lonniemardis.comItem: 6643 BPH 104 M, W 5:00-7:00P MardisBEGINNING SONGWRITING • $1758 sessions, starts Jan 16(6641). Explore the creative elements of combining lyrics with music.Students will learn how to create melodies and chord progressions, and create and set lyrics tomusic. Prerequisite: Basic instrument k<strong>now</strong>ledge. Visit: www.lonniemardis.comItem: 6641 BPH 104 Th 7:00-9:00P MardisJAPANESE SHAMISEN - BEGINNING • $804 sessions, starts Jan 11(6648). Learn to play this exotic 3-stringed instrument. Private lessonsare available. Contact Mary Ohno 253.564.6081, e-mail: kabukiacademy@msn.com beforethe first session. Shamisen rental is available ($35/4 sessions). Prerequisite: $10 text fee.CD ($15 optional) payable to instructor first class. Visit: www.kabukiacademy.orgItem: 6648 BE 1140 Sa 1:00-2:00P OhnoJAPANESE SHAMISEN - CONTINUING • $804 sessions, starts Jan 11(6649). Learn to play this exotic 3-stringed instrument. Private lessonsare available. Contact Mary Ohno 253.564.6081, e-mail: kabukiacademy@msn.com, beforethe first session. Shamisen rental is available ($35/4 sessions). Prerequisite: $10 text fee -- CD($15 optional) payable to instructor first class. Visit: www.kabukiacademy.orgItem: 6649 BE 1140 Sa 2:00-3:00P OhnoPhotographyBASIC CAMERA OPERATION • $1507 sessions, starts Jan 21(6667). Explore how your film or digital camera works and how towork your camera to consistently expose negatives properly and make them say what youwant. Discuss depth-of-field, film, on-camera flash, lenses and filters in practical, “idea-based”terms. Required materials include a 35mm camera (digital or film, but NO point & shootcamera) with manual capability and six rolls of film with processing.Item: 6667 BE 1140 Tu 6:00-8:00P HarrisonINTRODUCTION TO STREET PHOTOGRAPHY • $1105 sessions, starts Feb 6(6668). With advances in electronic imaging, it seems the responsibilityfor authenticity falls more than ever to the conscious photographer. No other backdrop offersitself as honestly to this idea than the street. Bring a manual SLR, film or digital, and we willexplore this idea together.Item: 6668 BE 4167 Th 6:00-8:00P HarrisonINTRODUCTION TO SMART PHONE PHOTOGRAPHY • $1055 sessions, starts Jan 6(6670). Okay, you have a great camera in your smart phone…so whydon’t your pictures look the way you want? Let a professional photographer show you why heloves his Smart Phone better than his Nikon and how to get your pictures to POP! This classwill cover all the basics of photography and also show you the applications and extras crucialto professional-looking pictures from your pocket.Item: 6670 BE 4167 M 6:00-8:00P CarterADVANCED SMART PHONE PHOTOGRAPHY • $1055 sessions, starts Feb 24(6673). Learn mobile photography in the field and the classroomusing techniques learned in Smart Phone Photography, Level 1. Focus on utilizing the mobilephone/camera in different environments as well as development of photographs throughthird-party apps. Apps recommended for course: Snapseed, ProCamera, Hipstamatic, ThirtySixApp, Decim8, and Image Blender. Occasional apps will be given to students for free based ondeveloper availability. Class culminates in a gallery of student work. Prerequisite: Intro toSmart Phone Photography.Item: 6673 BE 4166 M 6:00-8:00P Brad<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Social & Digital MediaINTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL MEDIA • $1055 sessions, starts Feb 24(8285). This class is for social media novices--you have probably heardthe phrase but have no idea what it means. We will discuss the philosophy of social media andalso help you create an identity across all the major channels, including Facebook, LinkedIn,Twitter, Tumblr and emerging media channels as well. With an emphasis on the word social, itwill also help you understand how to gain and retain the sort of audience you want.Before he became a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist, David Ezell was a mover and shakerin the golden age of Manhattan’s Silicon Alley, Part of the original team one of the Web’s mostsuccessful early dot coms, Site59, he later was promoted to senior manager for Europeanproperties at Travelocity.Item: 8285 BE 4167 M 6:00-8:00P EzellSustainability/EnvironmentSustainable Business Practices – see page 33LEED Green ASSOCIATE - EXAM Prep Course • $3001 session, starts Feb 6(6580). This full-day workshop is a great way to kick-off your studyingfor the LEED Green Associate exam—or test your preparedness. Appropriate for students andworking professionals who want a broad k<strong>now</strong>ledge of green building principles and generalLEED processes and requirements. Participants will learn through a variety of interactive exercises,lecture, discussion and quizzes.Item: 6580 Off Campus Th 9:00A-5:00P StaffTeacher Training/Education Programs206.934.3895 www.seattlecentral.edu/wp/teachertraining/TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certificate ProgramTeach English overseas!TESOL - TEACH ENGLISH TO SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES BASICCOURSE • $159516 sessions, starts Wednesday Jan 8th. PREREQ: BA/BS degree (or equivalent) or permissionof Lisa Saunders TESOL program director. Non-native English speakers should provide Englishlanguage proficiency test results or have earned a BA degree. First of a two-course series leadingto the TESOL Advanced 120 hour Certificate, the preferred certificate in many countries.Includes in-class lectures plus 6 additional ESL/ELL teacher observation hours required outsideof class. Meets every Wed from 6-9:00PM plus two Saturday mornings per month from 9:00-2:00PM. Please contact TT/EDU programs 206-934-3895 or Lisa.Saunders@seattlecolleges.edu prior to registration.Item: 6740 TBD W 6:00P-9:00P TBDSa9:00A-2:00PCredit classINTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION WITH K-12 CLASSROOM OBSERVATIONPlease refer to the credit section of this class schedule under “Education: Math Ed and ElemEd Degree.“Online CD-ROM clock-hour courses for K-12 teachersTwenty-two (22) affordable courses offered online or via CD-ROM. To registerplease visit www.seattlecentral.edu/wp/teachertraining/30 clock hoursAdvanced Classroom Management: Children as Change AgentsAttention Deficit Disorder: Information and Interventions for EffectiveTeachingAutism and Asperger’s Disorder: Information and Effective InterventionStrategiesChild Abuse: Working with Abused and Neglected ChildrenDrugs and Alcohol in Schools: Understanding Substance Use & AbuseEarly Childhood: Family Centered ServicesEarly Childhood: Observation and AssessmentEducational Assessment: Assessing Student Learning in the ClassroomEthics and Safety in Education: Guidelines for Teachers and AdministratorsHarassment, Bullying and Cyber-Intimidation in SchoolsInclusion: Working with Students with Special Needs in General EdClassroomsInfant and Toddler Mental Health: Issues and Information for EducatorsReading and Writing in Content AreaReading Fundamentals#1: An Intro to Scientifically Based ResearchReading Fundamentals#2: Laying the Foundation for Effective ReadingInstructionTalented and Gifted: Working with High AchieversTeaching Diversity: Influences and Issues in the ClassroomTeaching Elementary Math Conceptually: A New ParadigmTraumatized Child: Effects of Stress, Trauma and Violence on LearningUnderstanding Aggression: Coping with Aggressive Behavior in theClassroomViolence in Schools: Identification, Prevention, Intervention StrategiesContinued next page38

Winter Quarter <strong>2014</strong>45 clock hoursBehavior is Language: Strategies for Managing Disruptive BehaviorEarly Childhood: Program PlanningEarly Childhood: Typical and Atypical DevelopmentLearning Disabilities: Practical Information for the Classroom TeacherReading Fundamentals#3: Elements of Effective Reading Instruction &AssessmentTry DI! Planning & Preparing a Differentiated Instruction ProgramWhy DI? An Introduction to Differentiated InstructionTest PrepSAT Skills, STRATEGIES, and SHORTCUTS • $2753 sessions, starts Feb 11(6680). Basic and advanced strategies for all sections of the SAT includingmath, reading, grammar and the essay, with additional training through extended practicesessions. Learn how to avoid the SAT's most common traps and dirty tricks.Item: 6680 BE 1140 Tu 4:30-7:30P MatsudairaTravelSMILING AT THE WORLD • $754 sessions, starts Feb 6(6683). Is it time to travel with a purpose? Would you like to put yournext vacation to good use and give back? You can travel and learn about another culture whilevolunteering at a worthwhile project. Learn how to find hundreds of inexpensive projects allover the globe, what to expect when you get there and how to prepare. Whether you wantto work with elephants in Thailand, rebuild monasteries in Nepal, excavate ancient ruins inTurkey, teach English in South America or monitor sea turtles in Greece, come learn how tobecome a global volunteer the inexpensive way. The instructor has volunteered extensivelyaround the globe as a volunteer. Visit: www.smilingattheworld.com and www.inexpensiveglobalvolunteering.comItem: 6683 BE 4166 Th 6:30-8:30P MajorWine/SpiritsMust be 21 years or older to attend the below wine classes.VALENTINE'S DAY BURGUNDY WINE & FOOD PAIRING • $401 session, starts Feb 8(6694). Make this Valentine's Day truly special for your special someone.Learn what great wines from the French Region of Burgundy pair well with ingredients anddishes from the Pacific Northwest. Take the tips you learn from this class with you when youdine out (or in) on Valentine's Day.Item: 6694 BE 1140 Sa 1:00-3:30P SantosINTRODUCTION TO WINE • $754 sessions, starts Jan 29(6690). Ramp up your wine appreciation skills and explore the basicsof Tasting like a Professional with a Certified Sommelier. Course includes tasting a wide varietyof wines and crystal tasting glass. Engage in lively discourse about the history, cultural influencesand gastronomy, as well as the viticulture and viniculture of the world’s most joyous andfascinating beverage. Tips about food and wine pairing, wine service & storage. Materials fee:Additional $60 payable to instructor first class. Must be 21 years of age or older. Class limit 20.Item: 6690 BE 2115 W 6:00-8:00P MiglinoWINES OF THE WORLD • $754 sessions, starts Mar 5(6691). Explore wine regions and grape varieties from around the globe,with an emphasis on terroir and the glorious diversity of Old and New World wines. Discussionand presentation of appellations, wine regions, wine labels & laws, regional food pairings andcollecting liquid assets. A professional crystal tasting glass and a special selection of wines foreach class are included in the lab fee. Great follow-up to Introduction to Wine! Materials fee:Additional $60 payable to instructor first class. Must be 21 years of age or older. Class limit 30.Item: 6691 BE 2115 W 6:00-8:00P MiglinoWoodworking2310 South Lane Street (one block south of Jackson Street on the east sideof 23rd Ave).WOODWORKING I • $190Learn cabinet making and fine woodworking fundamentals. Use, maintenance, and safetyof woodworking equipment and hand tools. Layout, milling procedures and construction ofa small project.SECTION 1: 10 sessions, starts Jan 6(6705).Item: 6705 WC M 5:30-8:30P PfeifferSECTION 2: 10 sessions, starts Jan 16(6706).Item: 6706 WC Th 5:30-8:30P PfeifferWOODWORKING II • $190Continuation of Woodworking I. Students work on their own projects, with their own materialsand tools. Hands-on instruction with minimal lecture time. PREREQ: Woodworking I or permissionof instructor. Materials fee of $40.00 payable the first class.SECTION 1: 10 sessions, starts Jan 14(6707).Item: 6707 WC Tu 5:30-8:30P FreemanSECTION 2: 10 sessions, starts Jan 15(6708).Item: 6708 WC W 5:30-8:30P CarriereFURNITURE DESIGN • $20010 sessions, starts Jan 15(6710). Explore your own aesthetic, as you are exposed to the practiceof studio furniture design. Class features seminars, focusing on elements of design, including:contrast, surface design, proportion, composition, material technology, and development of aformal language. Class will be organized as a group charette, brainstorming ideas generatedthrough sketching exercises. Design or fabrication experience not required.Item: 6710 WC W 5:00-7:30P WassermanINSTALLING CABINETS: THE BASICS AND BEYOND • $805 sessions, starts Feb 11(6711). Designed for woodworking amateurs and professionals whowant to add to their construction skills. Covers: Cabinet layout and construction, design andlayout, installation standards, appliance clearances, site preparation, tools and supplies, installationstrategies, fasteners, cabinet hanging systems, scribing techniques, trim techniques,convenience hardware, door and drawer hardware, finishing touches. Prerequisite: Somebuilding experience. *$40.00 materials fee payable first day of class. (Pay at office at WoodConstruction, site of class)Item: 6711 WC Tu 4:00-6:30P ChaplanWriting/PublishingMORE, PLEASE! MORE WRITING • $1056 sessions, starts Feb 12(6734). For those who have taken at least one writing class. Throughlectures, writing exercises, and in-depth critique, you’ll sharpen your skills and work towardscompletion of a publishable work. You’ll create characters that breathe, hook readers by theend of the first page, and craft vivid, dynamic scenes and believable dialogue. The class is opento those want to write fiction, non-fiction, and memoir. Recommended textbook: WritingFiction: The Practical Guide from New York’s Acclaimed Creative Writing School (paperback),Gotham’s Writers’ Workshop.Item: 6734 BE 4167 W 11:00AM-1:00P M. ECINTRODUCTION TO CREATIVE WRITING • $906 sessions, starts Feb 15(6717). Have you ever wanted to write short stories, plays, poetry, anovel or simply write more expressively and imaginatively, whether fiction or non-fiction?Receive instruction and practice basic creative writing techniques in a relaxed, non-judgmentalatmosphere; includes simple writing exercises to help you practice these techniques anddevelop ideas for writing projects. Everyone has a story to tell. Learn to tell yours. ESL and AuPair friendly.Item: 6717 BE 4185 Sa 11:00A-1:30P WhelanFICTION WRITING WORKSHOP • $1108 sessions, starts Jan 14(6729). Interested in writing fiction, but don't k<strong>now</strong> where to start?A variety of topics will be covered; the main focus will be your work. For writers of all levels.Item: 6729 BE 3199 Tu 7:00-9:00P GeblerINTRODUCTION TO MEMOIR WRITING • $955 sessions, starts Jan 6(6725). Learn how to tell your story in your voice. We’ll go from ideas tonotes to messy first drafts to powerful, polished prose. Visit: www.therestlessnest.wordpress.comItem: 6725 BE 4159 M 6:30-8:15P HedreenIT’S ALIVE! CHARACTER CREATION IN FICTION AND CREATIVENONFICTION • $1105 sessions, starts Jan 22(6736). In this workshop we will explore fail-safe ways to create living,breathing characters that propel you, and the reader through your story. Each week, we willexamine character development in works of fiction, creative nonfiction, and literary journalism.The tools we explore in this class can also be applied to making real-life characters in yournon-fiction prose more vibrant and credible. There will be ample opportunities to share workand receive feedback.Item: 6736 BE 4159 W 7:00P-9:00P HoltNew info & courses added frequently.Visit learnatcentral.orgNon-credit classes39

1701 Broadway<strong>Seattle</strong>, WA 98122-9905206.934.3800WSS-CAR-RT PRE SORTPostal CustomerPeriodicalsPostagepaid<strong>Seattle</strong>, WAYour future is waiting…n Want to update your job skills?n Take college transfer classes?n Start a new career path?n Earn a college degree?n Challenge your mind with new ideas?<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Central</strong> provides many educational options.In addition to a strong college transfer program, we offerprofessional certificates in more than 30 areas. <strong>Central</strong> alsooffers a bachelor’s degree in Applied Behavioral Science. Tuitionis reasonable and financial aid is available to qualified students.Check out what fits into your career plans in this booklet, or logon to <strong>Seattle</strong>central.edu.Don’t delay—plan today!<strong>Seattle</strong>central.edu

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