Annual Report 2009 - Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

Annual Report 2009 - Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Annual Report 2009 - Chartered Institute of Arbitrators


Annual Report 2009A dinner meeting was held in December at the gourmetTamarine Restaurant in Palo Alto. Plans were hatched toassist local teams to prepare for the ICC International MediationMoot. Ken Alwyn and Larry Keeshan graciously agreed tohead up the mini-moot committee.Throughout 2009, the Washington DC Chapter, with theassistance of Ann Ryan Robertson and CIArb headquarters,invited distinguished practitioners to join CIArb. The resultwas a substantial increase in the chapter’s roster.In November, the Washington DC Chapter hosted the CIArbTrustees for their annual meeting which, thanks to FellowMark Cymrot, was held at the law offices of Baker Hostetler.William K Slate II, President and Chief Executive Officer ofthe American Arbitration Association, was the luncheonspeaker. The trustees and members of the DC Chapterjoined each other for dinner at the Oval Room, across thepark from the White House. At the invitation of theWashington DC Chapter, Dr Matthew Burrows, Counsellorat the US National Intelligence Council, was the featuredspeaker, addressing “over the horizon” global trends, with afocus on security issues.■UNITED ARAB EMIRATES BranchChairman: Essam Al TamimiThe principal United Arab Emirates Branch officers for 2009were: Essam Al Tamimi (Chairman), Philip Punwar (ViceChairman), Gordon Tregaskis (Honorary Secretary) andWilliam Kennedy (Honorary Treasurer).Branch membership is around 380. The UAE Branch’s mainactivities during 2009 have been related to training. Thebranch held two entry courses attracting a total of morethan 100 participants, modules one and two which 20candidates completed, an Accelerated MembershipProgramme (domestic), an Accelerated FellowshipProgramme (international), an Experienced PractitionerInterview, and a Peer Interview which eleven Memberssuccessfully passed to become Fellows.As 2009 drew to a close, the branch had arranged for thefull range of CIArb training to be provided in Dubai during2010, but also arranged an entry course in Qatar early in2010 with others to follow around the region.Goals for 2010 include continued growth and promotion ofarbitration and ADR in the region, providing a series ofarbitral workshops for Members and Fellows, holding amock hearing, provision of other ADR training such asmediation, arranging several social events including anannual dinner, establishing a young members group,increased support of and liaison with the whole region andstrengthening links with relevant bodies and organisations. ■Page 22CIArb Annual Report 2009: International Branch Reports

Annual Report 2009UK BRANCH REPORTSCHANNEL ISLANDS BranchChairman: Andrew OzanneThe principal Channel Islands Branch officers for 2009 were:Andrew Ozanne (Chairman), Stephen Ross-Gower (Vice-Chairman), Gary Naftel (Honorary Secretary) and Peter LeCheminant (Honorary Treasurer).The Branch Chairman Mr Andrew Ozanne was taken seriouslyill in the later part of 2009 and subsequently stepped downfrom his position as chairman. The vice chairman located inJersey took over responsibilities for the branch and remainsassisted by the current secretary Mr Gary Naftel.The membership of the branch currently stands at 50 with28 in Jersey, 21 in Guernsey and one new member inAlderney, Mr Adrian Leopard. Three members retired.The branch took advantage of the new CIArb microsite andhas decided to remove our local Channel Islands website overa space of time to direct information to one suitable location.There were no events formally organised in 2009 althoughvarious discussions took place regarding mediation andarbitration training. The branch is focused on organising asuitable training programme for 2010 and arrangements areunderway.■EAST ANGLIA BranchChairman: Peter BarnesThe principal East Anglia Branch officers for 2009 were:Peter Barnes (Chairman), Jonathan Nugent (HonorarySecretary) and Rob Tate (Honorary Treasurer).Despite a difficult time for the economy, the East AngliaBranch has had a most successful year in 2009. Newmembers joined the committee and we have had a variedand successful programme of events.In 2009 we had four main events, in addition to otherevening seminars:◆ Our traditional ‘Arbitrators’, Adjudicators’ and Mediators’Surgery’ at Bar Hill in Cambridge in February. This is anall day event that is hosted by Tony Bingham, committeemember of the East Anglia Branch. This was, as always,a highly successful, informative and enjoyable day and itwas well attended by both CIArb members and membersof other professional bodies.◆ The AGM was held in April at the Gonville Hotel inCambridge. It was followed by a supper which wasattended by members and guests. Our VIP guest thatevening was the Director General, Michael Forbes Smith.◆ In June our Annual Summer Seminar was held, as usual,at the Howard Building at Downing College, Cambridge.The theme for the day seminar was case presentationand we had a fantastic collection of speakers: HHJ DavidGrant of TCC Birmingham, Richard Bailey of FenwickElliott, Mark Entwistle, Liam Holder of FTI Brewer Consultingand Alan Steynor of Keating Chambers. The AnnualSummer Seminar was reported in the Resolver magazine.◆ In July we had our Annual Dinner at Peterhouse College,Cambridge. Our VIP guest was the Vice-President ofCIArb, Joe Behan and his wife Ruth. Our special guest ofhonour was Mark Cato and his wife Alice. Many membersmay know that Mark is now in the advanced stage of motorneurone disease, and it was felt appropriate (particularlygiven Mark’s service to the Institute and to arbitrationgenerally) that he should be invited to the annual dinner asour special guest of honour. Mark gave a very interestingtalk that evening and everyone was spellbound. TheAnnual Dinner was reported in the Resolver magazine.The evening seminars in the year were:◆ “Delay analysis and programmes under the NEC forms”presented by Dr John Keane and Peter Barnes at theMarriott Hotel in Hatfield in March◆ an ‘adjudication update’ given by John Riches at theMarriott Hotel in Huntingdon in September◆ a talk on NEC conundrums presented by Ron Plascow ofMills & Reeve and Richard Patterson of Mott McDonald.Mills & Reeve kindly agreed to host the event at itsCambridge office.Because of the efforts of the committee, all of the aboveevents were very well attended, and we have been able toprovide some excellent CPD events for our members. ■EAST MIDLANDS BranchChairman: Robert RidgwellThe principal branch officers for 2009 were: Robert Ridgwell(Chairman), Alan Wilson (Vice Chairman and Public RelationsOfficer), Michael Cross (Honorary Secretary) and WilliamFisher (Honorary Treasurer).The East Midlands Branch continued its usual mix of ownmemberAnnual CPD Workshop and training events runjointly with suitable partners.CIArb Annual Report 2009: United Kingdom Branch ReportsPage 23

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2009</strong>A dinner meeting was held in December at the gourmetTamarine Restaurant in Palo Alto. Plans were hatched toassist local teams to prepare for the ICC International MediationMoot. Ken Alwyn and Larry Keeshan graciously agreed tohead up the mini-moot committee.Throughout <strong>2009</strong>, the Washington DC Chapter, with theassistance <strong>of</strong> Ann Ryan Robertson and CIArb headquarters,invited distinguished practitioners to join CIArb. The resultwas a substantial increase in the chapter’s roster.In November, the Washington DC Chapter hosted the CIArbTrustees for their annual meeting which, thanks to FellowMark Cymrot, was held at the law <strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> Baker Hostetler.William K Slate II, President and Chief Executive Officer <strong>of</strong>the American Arbitration Association, was the luncheonspeaker. The trustees and members <strong>of</strong> the DC Chapterjoined each other for dinner at the Oval Room, across thepark from the White House. At the invitation <strong>of</strong> theWashington DC Chapter, Dr Matthew Burrows, Counsellorat the US National Intelligence Council, was the featuredspeaker, addressing “over the horizon” global trends, with afocus on security issues.■UNITED ARAB EMIRATES BranchChairman: Essam Al TamimiThe principal United Arab Emirates Branch <strong>of</strong>ficers for <strong>2009</strong>were: Essam Al Tamimi (Chairman), Philip Punwar (ViceChairman), Gordon Tregaskis (Honorary Secretary) andWilliam Kennedy (Honorary Treasurer).Branch membership is around 380. The UAE Branch’s mainactivities during <strong>2009</strong> have been related to training. Thebranch held two entry courses attracting a total <strong>of</strong> morethan 100 participants, modules one and two which 20candidates completed, an Accelerated MembershipProgramme (domestic), an Accelerated FellowshipProgramme (international), an Experienced PractitionerInterview, and a Peer Interview which eleven Memberssuccessfully passed to become Fellows.As <strong>2009</strong> drew to a close, the branch had arranged for thefull range <strong>of</strong> CIArb training to be provided in Dubai during2010, but also arranged an entry course in Qatar early in2010 with others to follow around the region.Goals for 2010 include continued growth and promotion <strong>of</strong>arbitration and ADR in the region, providing a series <strong>of</strong>arbitral workshops for Members and Fellows, holding amock hearing, provision <strong>of</strong> other ADR training such asmediation, arranging several social events including anannual dinner, establishing a young members group,increased support <strong>of</strong> and liaison with the whole region andstrengthening links with relevant bodies and organisations. ■Page 22CIArb <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2009</strong>: International Branch <strong>Report</strong>s

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