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So, you want to do Something for god? - RECORD.net.au

So, you want to do Something for god? - RECORD.net.au


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RESOURCE CENTRERich in resourcesLike Australia, the Resource Centre of the AustralianUnion Conference is rich in resources. It has a veritablegold mine of evangelistic resources <strong>for</strong> church and personaloutreach. It has seminars, Bibles, Bible studies, tracts,books, CDs and DVDs <strong>for</strong> most ages. There is a noticeableincrease in church members <strong>want</strong>ing <strong>to</strong> be involved insharing the Gospel, reflected in Resource Centre sales lastyear, which increased even though Australia’s retail sec<strong>to</strong>rmostly experienced a decline.It is interesting that Ellen White, speaking of Noah,says he used all that he had when building the ark <strong>to</strong> savethe people. We, <strong>to</strong>o, have an ark <strong>to</strong> build that will protectpeople from the fire that willconsume those who reject God’s love and salvation, whichis the robe of Christ’s righteousness through the infillingof the Holy Spirit. Are we willing <strong>to</strong> be like Noah and usewhat God has given us <strong>to</strong> save people at the end of earth’shis<strong>to</strong>ry?Almost every day there are opportunities <strong>to</strong> share withsomeone in<strong>for</strong>mation about truths of salvation throughthe spoken or written word. May God bless <strong>you</strong> as <strong>you</strong>prayerfully seek <strong>to</strong> impart knowledge of the soon-comingSaviour and the eternal king<strong>do</strong>m He will establish.GLOW TractsWith the recent printing of over one million tracts by theAustralian Union Conference, there has been a renewal ofinterest in using tracts <strong>for</strong> spreading the truths of the Bible <strong>to</strong>a society that has all but been brainwashed in<strong>to</strong> believing theerrors of either church tradition, Pentecostalism, the New Agemovement or secularism.Bible truths have been buried under a mountain of error thathas been rein<strong>for</strong>ced by television, movies and books. Many arecompletely ignorant regarding who is behind the errors thatthey have embraced and the potential consequences <strong>for</strong> theireternal future. All spiritual roads lead <strong>to</strong> eternal life is a popularmyth. The great controversy between good and evil is notunders<strong>to</strong>od and, likewise, what it means <strong>to</strong> be saved.Tracts have the ability <strong>to</strong> sow seeds of truth that the HolySpirit will water and bring <strong>to</strong> a harvest in the person’s life, ifthey are willing. All we have <strong>to</strong> <strong>do</strong> is <strong>to</strong> be proactive and look<strong>for</strong> opportunities, corporately and individually, <strong>to</strong> share themwith others.Recently the GLOW (Giving Light To Our World) ministry inAmerica shared this s<strong>to</strong>ry: “At the last <strong>you</strong>th congress, therewas a <strong>you</strong>ng man who came <strong>to</strong> our GLOW booth and sharedhis burden <strong>to</strong> reach one of his classmates in university. He <strong>to</strong>oksome of our tracts, went back and that night visited him. Theyhad a great spiritual conversation. After the talk, he emailedus expressing that he was happy that he could share with hisfriend more about God and give him the tracts. He asked us<strong>to</strong> pray that God would <strong>do</strong> something in him. As our team waslooking at his email there was another email arriving—his friendhad filled out the request <strong>for</strong>m on our website and signed up<strong>for</strong> a Bible study. Praise the Lord!”S<strong>to</strong>p PressWithin a six-week period of a special offerby the Australian Union Conference, one millionGLOW (Giving Light To Our World) tracts weresold.Both churches and individuals have purchasedlarge numbers of tracts <strong>to</strong> share with people intheir communities. Orders have come in fromevery state and terri<strong>to</strong>ry.Pray that the Holy Spirit can use every tract <strong>to</strong>reach people with the knowledge of God’s love,salvation and soon-coming king<strong>do</strong>m.Contemporary Church ImagesThe Resource Centre at the Australian Union Conferencehas recently paid <strong>to</strong> license the reproductionof the 25 volumes of the Oxygen Church Images series<strong>for</strong> Australia, reducing the price <strong>for</strong> Conferences,churches and pas<strong>to</strong>rs from $A1250 per set <strong>to</strong> $A125.This huge reduction now makes the image set veryaf<strong>for</strong>dable. With 25 new images on each CD as wellas a feathered edge version of each image, 55 originalbackgrounds and 350 background templates, this isan amazing resource <strong>for</strong> the price. They are suitable<strong>to</strong> be used <strong>for</strong> sermons, seminars, public evangelism,worship, Sabbath School or other church events. Go<strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>do</strong>wnload an order<strong>for</strong>m.26 JUNE 30, 2012 • record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>

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