So, you want to do Something for god? -

So, you want to do Something for god? - So, you want to do Something for god? -
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FEATURESo,you want to workfor God?by Roger GovenderMany of us want to do somethingremarkable for God, but we aren’t exactly surewhere to start. Isn’t there someone who canshare his or her years of experience? Isn’tthere a place we can hone our expertise? Elisha had theschools of the prophets, the disciples sat at Jesus’ feet andBarnabas was schooled by Paul. What about us today?We may not have Elisha or Paul around, but we do haveJesus and the Holy Spirit, and we have wonderful men andwomen with years of experience and great expertise willingto share everything they have. And it’s our privilege toconnect them with you at the Australian Union ConferenceLay Training Centre. The centre has been operating since2010, and we’ve seen the Adventist mission and visioncatch fire in class after class. “This is all about equippinganyone who is ready and willing for active ministry andengaging them in fulfilling service and leadership,” explainsAUC president, Pastor Chester Stanley.The course is broken into two, three-week intensives,over two years. The classes meet at the picturesque JumbunnaLodge in the Yarra Valley, about 70 kilometres fromthe Melbourne CBD. The Lay Pastoral Assistant and YouthBible Worker courses are designed to equip members toparticipate in evangelistic and pastoral work. The responsibilityand workload of local church pastors is becomingmore complex and demanding, and the support andleadership these graduates provide is greatly needed andappreciated.A favourite part of the course is the practicum betweeneach learning block that gives students the hands-on trainingthey desire. The local church pastor is responsible forteaching students how to give Bible studies, nurturing themembers through pastoral visits, preparing and presentingsermons, and providing the opportunity to participate in,and sometimes even present, an evangelistic series. Thepracticum is where the rubber hits the road!The training centre partners with the Lay AdventistSeminary at Andrews University. The Lay Adventist Seminaryprovides academic support with two semester graduatecredits per certificate which may be earned through theSeventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at AndrewsUniversity. The successful completion of all certificaterequirements, including an undergraduate degree, qualifiesthe student to participate in a post-graduate program.One Woman = 37 Baptisms and CountingAustralia is a very multicultural society. But how canthe Adventist Church reach every community? How aboutthrough our diverse members? Take Nan Myat for example.Nan, a Burmese refugee who arrived in Australia severalyears ago, decided she wanted to reach the Karen, Chinand Burmese communities in Melbourne so she attendedthe AUC Lay Training Centre. In four years she has led justover 37 people through to baptism. “I feel equipped. A bigthank you to AUC Training Centre and the teachers whotaught me how to preach, prepare and give Bible studies,”Nan says. Today, she is studying with 17 young people, 10senior members from the community and two groups ofindividuals via Skype who live interstate. She is just at thebeginning of her ministry!Church Alive!North Perth church in Western Australia had a vision toreach its potential in spreading the good news so it sponsoredthree members to attend the training centre. MelindaMuscara, Shirley Georgiou and Caroline Laredo were allprofessionally trained, but felt impressed by the call of22 JUNE 30, 2012 • Go to

experienceStewardshipWhat is stewardship all about? Is it giving a tenth here, and a little extrathere? No! Giving back to God is about more than just returning tithe andgiving offerings. It is primarily “my all in response to God’s all”. In short,giving back is about giving everything we are, everything we will be, everythingwe have and everything we value into God’s hands. Peter Cousins,former North New South Wales Conference Stewardship director, puts itthis way: “Stewards who live inside out do not walk life’s stage because ofcareful planning, strategy and focused purpose. They show their parentagein the most unusual ways and places; they conform to the powerful andunpredictable power of God’s Spirit.”In 2011, the AUC kicked off the Decade of the Disciple. Discipleship2020 aims to sustain a long-term focus in developing the holistic life of thesteward under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We’ve developed new resourcesand will be working throughout the decade to provide both the inspirationand the support for every Adventist to enjoy the vibrant life of a genuinelycommitted disciple. None of us want to be half-hearted Christians. But, ifwe were honest, many of us aren’t experiencing the blessing of giving everythingwe are, everything we have and everything we hope for into God’smighty hands. That is what being a true steward is all about!Stewardship isALL of mein response toALL of GodMatt 22:37-38the Holy Spirit to serve their church and community. Melinda, a recentlybaptised member, is currently working with a church plant in an Aboriginalcommunity and expressed the impact the training has had on her as “anexperience I will never forget”. Caroline says, “The courses on AdventistIdentity and Personal Spirituality have impacted my life in a meaningful andprofound way.”Lay Training to Full-Time MinistryThe AUC Training Centre is a ‘stepping stone’ for some of its students tofurther their education. For example, Wayne Humphries is graduating witha Diploma in Ministry and Theology from Avondale at the end of this year.“The training centre confirmed within me the conviction that I was movingin the right direction,” he says.A Love for YouthSheldon Warner, who graduated from the Youth Bible Worker course inFebruary, is now studying for a Diploma in Recreational Studies. The YouthBible Worker course is an opportunity for those who are interested inworking with young people, both in their local church and community. Thecourse focuses on personal evangelistic work, finding and leading youngpeople to Jesus, and discipling them as church members.Pastor Roger Govender is Personal Ministries, Sabbath School and Stewardship director for theAUC.Supporting the Church’smission through:TIMETALENTSTREASURE

FEATURE<strong>So</strong>,<strong>you</strong> <strong>want</strong> <strong>to</strong> work<strong>for</strong> God?by Roger GovenderMany of us <strong>want</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>do</strong> somethingremarkable <strong>for</strong> God, but we aren’t exactly surewhere <strong>to</strong> start. Isn’t there someone who canshare his or her years of experience? Isn’tthere a place we can hone our expertise? Elisha had theschools of the prophets, the disciples sat at Jesus’ feet andBarnabas was schooled by P<strong>au</strong>l. What about us <strong>to</strong>day?We may not have Elisha or P<strong>au</strong>l around, but we <strong>do</strong> haveJesus and the Holy Spirit, and we have wonderful men andwomen with years of experience and great expertise willing<strong>to</strong> share everything they have. And it’s our privilege <strong>to</strong>connect them with <strong>you</strong> at the Australian Union ConferenceLay Training Centre. The centre has been operating since2010, and we’ve seen the Adventist mission and visioncatch fire in class after class. “This is all about equippinganyone who is ready and willing <strong>for</strong> active ministry andengaging them in fulfilling service and leadership,” explainsAUC president, Pas<strong>to</strong>r Chester Stanley.The course is broken in<strong>to</strong> two, three-week intensives,over two years. The classes meet at the picturesque JumbunnaLodge in the Yarra Valley, about 70 kilometres fromthe Melbourne CBD. The Lay Pas<strong>to</strong>ral Assistant and YouthBible Worker courses are designed <strong>to</strong> equip members <strong>to</strong>participate in evangelistic and pas<strong>to</strong>ral work. The responsibilityand workload of local church pas<strong>to</strong>rs is becomingmore complex and demanding, and the support andleadership these graduates provide is greatly needed andappreciated.A favourite part of the course is the practicum betweeneach learning block that gives students the hands-on trainingthey desire. The local church pas<strong>to</strong>r is responsible <strong>for</strong>teaching students how <strong>to</strong> give Bible studies, nurturing themembers through pas<strong>to</strong>ral visits, preparing and presentingsermons, and providing the opportunity <strong>to</strong> participate in,and sometimes even present, an evangelistic series. Thepracticum is where the rubber hits the road!The training centre partners with the Lay AdventistSeminary at Andrews University. The Lay Adventist Seminaryprovides academic support with two semester graduatecredits per certificate which may be earned through theSeventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at AndrewsUniversity. The successful completion of all certificaterequirements, including an undergraduate degree, qualifiesthe student <strong>to</strong> participate in a post-graduate program.One Woman = 37 Baptisms and CountingAustralia is a very multicultural society. But how canthe Adventist Church reach every community? How aboutthrough our diverse members? Take Nan Myat <strong>for</strong> example.Nan, a Burmese refugee who arrived in Australia severalyears ago, decided she <strong>want</strong>ed <strong>to</strong> reach the Karen, Chinand Burmese communities in Melbourne so she attendedthe AUC Lay Training Centre. In four years she has led jus<strong>to</strong>ver 37 people through <strong>to</strong> baptism. “I feel equipped. A bigthank <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> AUC Training Centre and the teachers whot<strong>au</strong>ght me how <strong>to</strong> preach, prepare and give Bible studies,”Nan says. Today, she is studying with 17 <strong>you</strong>ng people, 10senior members from the community and two groups ofindividuals via Skype who live interstate. She is just at thebeginning of her ministry!Church Alive!North Perth church in Western Australia had a vision <strong>to</strong>reach its potential in spreading the good news so it sponsoredthree members <strong>to</strong> attend the training centre. MelindaMuscara, Shirley Georgiou and Caroline Lare<strong>do</strong> were allprofessionally trained, but felt impressed by the call of22 JUNE 30, 2012 • record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>Comment? Go <strong>to</strong> record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>/comment

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