Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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<strong>The</strong> Fang<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fang is the part of the north coast that juts out the farthest<br />

into the sea. Although close to Aglarond’s capital, its<br />

people here consider themselves part of another land. This<br />

hard territory contains two settlements: Findar and Dhast.<br />

Both are windswept fishing ports filled with people who are<br />

as weathered as their homes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> people of the Fang (derisively called Fangers) are even<br />

more suspicious of foreigners than those of Altumbel. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

don’t dislike just half-elves; they can’t stand anyone who<br />

wasn’t born and raised in the area. <strong>The</strong>re are no inns in this<br />

land. Strangers simply are not welcome.<br />

A gleaming white tower known as the Fang Light stands<br />

proudly at the far end of the Fang. <strong>The</strong> wizard Thymar (NG<br />

male human Wiz12) tends to the beacon atop the tower, a<br />

light that guides travelers clear of the local reefs.<br />

Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, an Altumbellan<br />

pirate, Quelzur Naismen (LE male human Rog5/Sor8), has recently<br />

captured the lighthouse—and Thymar along with it.<br />

Naismen is in the pay of the Sons of Hoar, who want to disrupt<br />

trade in the area; the sinister marauder uses a hat of disguise<br />

to pose as Thymar, manipulating the beacon to cause<br />

ship after ship to founder on the nearby reefs. He has so far<br />

sent half a dozen vessels to a watery end and plundered their<br />

holds. Someone’s sure to come looking for the ships eventually,<br />

but when that happens, Naismen will be ready.<br />

Tannath Mountains<br />

<strong>The</strong> Tannath Mountains form the southern range of the Dragonjaws,<br />

south of the River Umber, which flows from the heart<br />

of Thay past the Aglarondan fortress at Emmech. Tall and<br />

rugged, they form the bulk of Aglarond’s geographical defenses<br />

against Thay. <strong>The</strong>y are considered unscalable by humanoids—<br />

especially the peak of Umbergoth at the easternmost edge—<br />

but wide passes flank them on both sides. To the west is the<br />

Tannath Gap, while the Shyvar Pass is wedged between the rest<br />

of the Tannaths and Umbergoth to the east.<br />

<strong>The</strong> steep, bare slopes of the Tannaths are a discouraging<br />

prospect for most homesteaders. Little more than birds and<br />

mountain goats reside here. <strong>The</strong> most notable exceptions are<br />

the griffons that nest atop the highest peaks and the ancient<br />

fang dragon of Umbergoth.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Tannath Gap is a narrow range of woodland between the<br />

Tannaths and the rest of the Dragonjaw Mountains. <strong>The</strong><br />

slopes drop steeply to the narrow plains surrounding the River<br />

Umber, which winds down the middle of the gap. <strong>The</strong> fauna<br />

is typical for the region: deer, foxes, squirrels, badgers, raccoons,<br />

opossums, otters, beavers, and so on; there are few monsters<br />

here. Travelers, Thayan invaders, and Aglarondan<br />

defenders alike have hunted most dangerous species in the<br />

region to near extinction—only the occasional mountain lion<br />


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is a threat. Those creatures smart enough to realize they were<br />

not welcome have long since left.<br />

Still, unnatural creatures wander through the Gap. Attentive<br />

travelers can spot griffons from the Tannaths soaring<br />

overhead, but they rarely get close enough to interact with<br />

earthbound souls.<br />

<strong>The</strong> River Umber, long a natural barrier between Aglarond<br />

and its neighbors, has recently become a pulsing artery of<br />

trade passing in and out of the country through Emmech. Despite<br />

the recent improvement in relations between Aglarond<br />

and Thay, though, few dare to eat fish from the waters of the<br />

Umber, much less swim in it. Living downriver from a civilization<br />

that has spent centuries trying to destroy them has<br />

created generations of distrust that a few good years of trade<br />

won’t allay.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Shyvar Pass is a much more difficult passage through the<br />

Tannath Mountains than the Tannath Gap, varying in width<br />

from 100 yards to ten miles. It seems a natural invasion route<br />

for Thay, and the Red Wizards have attempted the pass several<br />

times over the centuries. However, it is high, narrow, and<br />

tortuous, filled with places where a small company can hold<br />

off an army. Aglarondan watchtowers keep an eye on the pass,<br />

but these days they greet Thayan trade caravans instead of<br />

fending off raiders.<br />


Umbergoth is the mightiest mountain in all of Aglarond. In<br />

recent years, Nartheling, an ancient fang dragon, decided to<br />

carve out a home for itself in the caves riddling the snowcapped<br />

crest. This creature plagues the trade caravans passing<br />

back and forth between Aglarond and Thay. It doesn’t choose<br />

sides, but it prefers the Thayan trade trains stocked with magic<br />

items. It remains a mystery why the creature is gathering such<br />

things and what it plans to do with them.<br />

Umbergoth is so high that its peak always wears a snowy<br />

mantle, even in the hottest days of summer. Griffons, hippogriffs,<br />

and giant eagles used to soar in the updrafts around<br />

the mountain, but Nartheling has scared off all but the most<br />

foolhardy of such beasts.<br />

Umber Marshes<br />

<strong>The</strong> Umber Marshes are so named for their rust-brown color,<br />

which they get from vast amounts of submerged iron. More<br />

than one dwarf has commented, “If you could only drain it,<br />

what a beautiful mine you’d have.”<br />

<strong>The</strong>se wetlands consists of almost impassable bogs, swamps,<br />

and mudflats, run through with shallow streams that drain<br />

south into the River Lapendrar and from there into the Wizards’<br />

Reach. Both Aglarond and Thay claim the territory,<br />

though neither country really wants the waterlogged lands.<br />

Since they form the first line of defense between two nations

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