Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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Major Geographic<br />

Features<br />

From its rocky shores to the heart of the Yuirwood, Aglarond<br />

is a land that defines its people as much as they define it. Its<br />

isolation and its long history of sieges by Thay have made the<br />

once-trusting Aglarondan people suspicious of outlanders—<br />

anyone could be an agent of their hated enemy. As the edges<br />

of the Yuirwood recede, Aglarondans have become exposed to<br />

the scrutiny of the outer world, forcing them to interact more<br />

with those from without.<br />

Altumbel<br />

To most people, all of the Aglarondan peninsula is one land,<br />

but not to those who live in Altumbel. When Aglarond was<br />

formed many centuries ago, after long years of war, humans<br />

and half-elves agreed to share power in the form of a council<br />

of locally appointed leaders led by a king. A number of<br />

humans were too bitter from the wars to lay aside their animosity.<br />

Rather than become part of this new nation, they set<br />

out for the far western end of the peninsula, claiming it as<br />

their own.<br />

In addition to the narrow cape at the end of the Aglarondan<br />

peninsula, Altumbel includes the mazelike archipelago of<br />

the Thousand Swords. Most of these islets are desolate and<br />

rocky, covered with low scrub and lichen, but some are fairly<br />

large. Ghevden, the largest, is more than thirty miles wide and<br />

is home to several populous villages of fishers, herders, and<br />

merchants. One-third of Altumbel’s people live scattered over<br />

the barren Swords. Pirates harry the islands, but many hail<br />

from the Swords themselves—raiding one’s neighbors is something<br />

of a local tradition.<br />

Altumbel and its archipelago are almost entirely devoid of<br />

woods. <strong>The</strong> people here don’t care for trees, which remind<br />

them of the Yuirwood’s half-elves. Most make their living<br />

from the sea, either netting fish or trapping shellfish. <strong>The</strong><br />

land is rocky and unforgiving, not much good for farming, although<br />

some sheltered dells are suitable for gardening. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

sun-warmed and wind-protected valleys usually have springs<br />

and the occasional cave.<br />

Altumbel boasts a history of harboring pirates, daring (or<br />

foolhardy) characters who knew the lay of the reefs beneath<br />

the sea and used them to confound less knowledgeable pursuers.<br />

In fact, Spandeliyon, the capital of the region, is still<br />

known as the City of Pirates. <strong>The</strong>se days, however, the Simbul’s<br />

harsh punishment of pirates has put the lie to that name. Few<br />

dare to brave the lady’s wrath, even in a city so far from her<br />

home in Velprintalar.<br />

Beyond the rocky, fog-cloaked northern shores of Altumbel—and<br />

all Aglarond, in fact—the sea quickly drops off into<br />

a deep trench. <strong>The</strong> seasonal upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich<br />

waters make this place a fisher’s paradise.<br />


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Dragonjaw Mountains<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dragonjaws separate Aglarond from <strong>The</strong>sk to the north.<br />

While relations between the two countries are generally fine,<br />

both are happy to have a bit of distance between them. For<br />

Aglarond, the Dragonjaw Mountains are another natural defense<br />

against the forces of Thay or other invaders, preventing<br />

armies from crossing the River Umber or the Sea of<br />

Dlurg. <strong>The</strong> northern coastal settlements face only a few small<br />

fishing villages across the watery gap, hugging the sheer faces<br />

of slopes that drop rapidly into the sea.<br />

Only the Tannath Mountains and the Tannath Gap—both<br />

described later—are considered part of Aglarond. <strong>The</strong> rest of<br />

the mountains belong solidly to <strong>The</strong>sk.<br />


This massive, magically engineered length of stone wall<br />

stretches from the fortress city of Glarondar to the slopes of<br />

Umbergoth. This extends the defensive barrier of the<br />

Dragonjaw Mountains another fifteen miles, up to a rocklike<br />

fortification containing one-third of Aglarond’s armed forces.<br />

<strong>The</strong> galeb duhrs—a race of earth elementals—built the wall<br />

during the reign of King Brindor, the first ruler of Aglarond.<br />

In exchange, the king pledged the aid of his people whenever<br />

the galeb duhrs might call for it. So far they have not, but<br />

if the Thayans ever turn their attention to this secretive<br />

people, the Simbul would be obliged to come to their rescue,<br />

no matter the potential cost.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Watchwall is 30 feet high and 10 feet thick. It is seamless<br />

(Climb DC 25) and features no gates or windows. Wide<br />

stairs are carved into the Aglarond side of the wall every<br />

quarter-mile or so, and the guards atop the wall—known as the<br />

Watchers—carry rope to lower themselves down in case of<br />

emergency. <strong>The</strong>y sometimes throw a rope down to visitors<br />

on the Thayan side, but only to those confirmed as friends<br />

of Aglarond.<br />

Units of the Aglarondan army stationed at Glarondar<br />

patrol the length of the Watchwall at all times, staring out<br />

across the desolate Umber Marshes. Recently they’ve observed<br />

a number of shambling mounds staring back, but the creatures<br />

have taken no further step toward the wall, watching quietly<br />

even as the occasional lost unit of undead Thayan soldiers<br />

makes a mad attack. Thayan diplomats explain away these incidents<br />

as regrettable but understandable; the Red Wizards created<br />

thousands of such creatures, many of which went missing<br />

after the latest round of hostilities.<br />

Guard barracks are set up on the Aglarondan side of the<br />

wall, one at each mile marker. When not on patrol, the<br />

Watchwall’s soldiers rest here, preparing for the call to arms<br />

they know must inevitably come. Whether it happens sooner<br />

or later is anyone’s guess.

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