Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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Illustration by Steve Prescott and Matt Cavotta<br />

pale blood can be seen coursing through veins just below the<br />

surface. It has a stoop-shouldered posture and long arms<br />

that end in icy claws. Ice trolls favor armor made from the<br />

scales of remorhazes or white dragons.<br />

Ice trolls speak Giant.<br />

COMBAT<br />

Ice trolls often begin a fight with a blast of their freezing spittle<br />

before wading in to bludgeon their foes with a big,<br />

heavy melee weapon. At any moment, an ice troll<br />

might cast away weapon and shield to sink its<br />

frigid claws into warm-blooded prey.<br />

Freezing Spittle (Su): Three times per<br />

day, an ice troll can spit a disgusting glob<br />

of frigid slime with a range of 20 feet. <strong>The</strong><br />

troll must make a ranged touch attack to<br />

hit. <strong>The</strong> target takes 1d4 points of cold<br />

damage and must succeed on a Fortitude<br />

save (DC 17) or be nauseated for<br />

1 round. <strong>The</strong> saving throw is Constitution-based.<br />

An ice troll sometimes uses<br />

its freezing spittle to extinguish a flame<br />

carried by its enemies, such as a lantern<br />

or a torch. In this case, the spittle deals<br />

no damage to the target, and the<br />

bearer may attempt to negate the<br />

effect with a Reflex save (DC 17).<br />

Cold Subtype (Ex): An ice troll is<br />

immune to cold damage. Ice trolls<br />

take half again as much (+50%)<br />

damage as normal from fire, regardless<br />

of whether a saving throw is<br />

allowed, or if the save is a success<br />

or failure.<br />

Regeneration (Ex): Ice trolls take<br />

normal damage from fire and acid. If an ice troll<br />

loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 3d6 minutes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> creature can reattach the severed member instantly<br />

by holding it to the stump.<br />

Scent (Ex): An ice troll can detect approaching enemies,<br />

sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.<br />

Mur-Zhagul (Demon Troll)<br />

Mur-zhaguls are planetouched creatures descended from the<br />

mingling of trolls and demons, much as a tanarukk is descended<br />

from orcs and demons. <strong>The</strong>y combine the feral voraciousness<br />

of their troll ancestors with the supernatural<br />

malice and cunning of their fiendish blood. Demon trolls<br />

often live among gangs or bands of normal trolls and usually<br />

rise to their leadership.<br />

A mur-zhagul bears a strong resemblance to a normal troll,<br />

but its skin is a mottled red-orange and tends to be scaly rather<br />

than warty. Its head is hairless and its ears are long and<br />


Uthraki<br />

79<br />

pointed. It has a prominent pair of tusks, and a light of hellish<br />

glee dances in its fearsome eyes.<br />

Mur-zhaguls speak Common, Giant, and Infernal.<br />

COMBAT<br />

Demon trolls are clever enough to wield weapons and armor<br />

if they so choose, but most prefer to rip their prey apart with<br />

their bare hands.<br />

Rend (Ex): A mur-zhagul that hits<br />

with both claw attacks latches onto the<br />

opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This<br />

attack automatically deals an additional<br />

2d6+10 points of damage.<br />

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—burning<br />

hands, darkness, detect good,<br />

jump; 3/day—deeper darkness, invisibility,<br />

protection from good; 1/day—<br />

haste. <strong>The</strong>se abilities are as the spells<br />

cast by a 9th-level sorcerer (save DC<br />

9 + spell level).<br />

Regeneration (Ex): Unlike their<br />

mundane kin, mur-zhaguls have<br />

little fear of acid or fire but take<br />

normal damage from holy weapons<br />

or blessed weapons. If a demon troll<br />

loses a limb or body part, the lost<br />

portion regrows in 3d6 minutes. <strong>The</strong><br />

creature can reattach the severed<br />

member instantly by holding it to<br />

the stump.<br />

Scent (Ex): A mur-zhagul can<br />

detect approaching enemies, sniff<br />

out hidden foes, and track by sense<br />

of smell.<br />

Uthraki<br />

Large Monstrous Humanoid (Shapechanger)<br />

Hit Dice: 5d8+5 (28 hp)<br />

Initiative: +6<br />

Speed: 40 ft.<br />

AC: 16 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14<br />

Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14<br />

Attack: Claw +9 melee<br />

Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee<br />

Damage: Claw 1d6+5<br />

Face/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.<br />

Special Attacks: Alternate form, improved grab, rend 2d6+7<br />

Special Qualities: All-around vision, darkvision 60 ft., night<br />

fast healing 2<br />

Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3<br />

Abilities: Str 20, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 17

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