Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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Illustration by Wayne England<br />

Taers are violent and primitive creatures that inhabit the<br />

coldest mountain ranges, dwelling in noisome caves and glacial<br />

crevasses.<br />

In wintertime, taers range far from their mountain retreats,<br />

reaving and pillaging all in their path. In warm<br />

weather, they remain high in their mountains, harassing<br />

anyone bold enough to attempt the high passes. <strong>The</strong>y regard<br />

most other creatures as simple prey but possess a comprehensive<br />

system of myths, stories, and rules for conduct.<br />

A taer is a powerfully built creature about 5 to<br />

6 feet in height, with thickly muscled arms<br />

and an apelike face. A taer carries itself in<br />

a crouch and its knuckles reach the<br />

ground; when a taer straightens up, it<br />

stands almost 7 feet in height. Males<br />

weigh about 220 pounds, females about<br />

180 pounds. <strong>The</strong> creature is covered in<br />

matted white fur that tends to blend<br />

into its snowy environs.<br />

Combat<br />

Taers can attack barehanded and deal punishing<br />

blows through sheer strength and<br />

savagery, but most are armed with crude<br />

spears or clubs. <strong>The</strong>y often wear poorly<br />

cured hide armor, and many smear<br />

themselves with taer stench grease,<br />

described in the accompanying sidebar.<br />

Cold Subtype (Ex): Taers are<br />

immune to cold damage but are vulnerable<br />

to fire attacks. <strong>The</strong>y take half<br />

again as much (+50%) damage as<br />

normal from fire, regardless of whether<br />

a saving throw is allowed, or if the save is<br />

a success or failure.<br />

Skills: Taers receive a +8 racial bonus on<br />

all Climb checks and can always choose to take 10, even if<br />

rushed or threatened. *Taers also receive a +4 racial bonus on<br />

Hide checks in snowy conditions.<br />

Taer Society<br />

Taers are never far from flying into a blind rage. To keep<br />

from destroying one another, they have developed a complex<br />

Taers brew a foul-smelling substance derived from their own<br />

scent, which they smear on their bodies before entering combat<br />

to sicken and disorient foes. An application of taer stench<br />

grease is sufficient to coat one creature and lasts for 1 hour.<br />

Living creatures within 10 feet must succeed on a Fortitude<br />


Taer<br />

Taer Stench Grease<br />

73<br />

society marked by rich myths, rules for governing behavior<br />

and determining status, and methods for contesting issues<br />

through analogy and metaphor rather than physical violence.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y view their existence as a living myth and consider<br />

dreams, stories, and ideas every bit as real and<br />

important as their waking lives. <strong>The</strong> oldest male who shows<br />

some degree of wisdom and an aptitude for leadership rules<br />

the taer clan. This clan chief usually designates a strong and<br />

ruthless war chief to lead hunts and raids.<br />

Most taers are concerned with accumulating status and<br />

respect within their clan, which in turn guarantees<br />

the best food, sleeping places, and most<br />

desirable mates. <strong>The</strong>y jealously<br />

defend their own prerogatives while<br />

challenging those above them.<br />

Taers rarely resort to physical attacks<br />

to take these things from<br />

other clan members, since that<br />

would entail a loss of status. Any<br />

nontaer, though, is fair game for<br />

robbery, murder, and the cook pot.<br />

Taers are curious about items or<br />

tools from more civilized races and<br />

are likely to murder a woodcutter<br />

simply to take a rusty old axe.<br />

Taer Characters<br />

Taers favor the barbarian class, although<br />

warriors and fighters are also common. Few<br />

taers become arcane spellcasters, but a<br />

small number become adepts, clerics, or<br />

druids. Taer clerics usually venerate Auril<br />

and choose the domains of Evil and<br />

Storm (FRCS).<br />

From time to time, taers who fail in<br />

a bid to oust the current chieftain or<br />

who are “weak” by the standards of the clan are driven<br />

out. <strong>The</strong>se exiles usually fall prey to other dangerous monsters<br />

of the cold lands, but some wander down to the lands<br />

of the “soft ones,” drawn by curiosity about more advanced<br />

folk. Most become brigands or thugs, but a few fall in with<br />

adventuring bands in need of muscle unconstrained by<br />

civilized morals.<br />

Taers have the following racial abilities and characteristics.<br />

save (DC 15) or be sickened, taking a –2 penalty on all attack<br />

rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability<br />

checks for 1d6+4 minutes. A delay poison or neutralize<br />

poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature, and<br />

taers and creatures immune to poison are unaffected.

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