Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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Maddening Feast (Su): A bheur dines on the bodies of the<br />

creatures it slays. As a full-round action, it can totally devour<br />

the flesh of a slain or helpless victim, leaving only the bones<br />

and equipment. Any creature within 60 feet that views this<br />

must make a Will save (DC 16). <strong>The</strong> save is Charisma-based.<br />

Those that fail are either permanently blinded (75% chance)<br />

or become confused for 2d6 days (25% chance). This is a mindaffecting<br />

effect. Although they prefer the flesh of humans,<br />

bheurs are willing to eat just about any humanoid creature,<br />

livestock, or fish.<br />

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—chill metal, ray of frost, Snilloc’s<br />

snowball swarm (FRCS); 1/tenday—control weather.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se abilities are as the spells cast by a 10th-level sorcerer<br />

(save DC 11 + spell level).<br />

Acid and Electricity Vulnerability: Bheurs take half again<br />

as much (+50%) damage as normal from acid and electricity,<br />

regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed, or if the save<br />

is a success or failure.<br />

Size Change (Su): A bheur can grow to Large size or return<br />

to its normal size as a standard action. When in Large form,<br />

the bheur’s AC and attack bonus decrease by –1 due to size,<br />

it gains +8 Strength, –2 Dexterity, and +4 Constitution, natural<br />

armor increases to +12, and its reach increases to 10 feet<br />

(see the above statistics for size change’s effect on attacks,<br />

skills, and abilities). However, its fly speed is reduced to 30 ft.<br />

(average). <strong>The</strong> bheur can remain in its Large form for only<br />

10 minutes per day.<br />

Shrieking Hag<br />

Shrieking hags are horrible, spiteful monsters that haunt desolate<br />

wastelands and barren plains, preying on unwary travelers<br />

and spreading all sorts of mischief in their wake. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

delight in deceiving the strong and virtuous, seeking to spread<br />

chaos and despair. When a potential victim resists its wiles, a<br />

shrieking hag flies into a murderous rage. One angry hag can<br />

scour an entire village in a matter of minutes with its formidable<br />

spell-like abilities and terrible, maddening shriek.<br />

A shrieking hag resembles a tall, regal woman ravaged by<br />

age. Its skin is yellow-brown in hue, tough and leathery, and<br />

its hands are twisted into iron-hard talons. Its long, white hair<br />

whips about in a bitterly cold wind that seems to follow the<br />

hag wherever it goes. A shrieking hag usually wears thin, tattered<br />

robes and may lean on a crooked staff that it has no real<br />

need for.<br />

COMBAT<br />

Shrieking hags prefer to deceive, entice, and charm travelers<br />

into their lairs, using their spell-like abilities to split up parties<br />

and draw away a single chosen victim. Should that fail,<br />

they resort to a furious assault from the night sky, shrieking<br />

and blasting their foes with wind. <strong>The</strong>y reserve their physical<br />

attacks for dealing with solitary victims.<br />

Rend (Ex): A shrieking hag that hits a single target with<br />

both claws latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the<br />


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flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d4+10<br />

points of damage.<br />

Shriek (Su): Three times per day, the shrieking hag can give<br />

voice to a terrible, maddening shriek. Any creature within 60<br />

feet of the hag takes 2d6 points of damage and is also confused<br />

for 2d6 rounds. A successful Fortitude save (DC 19) negates<br />

the confusion effect and reduces the damage by half. <strong>The</strong> save<br />

is Constitution-based.<br />

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—change self, dancing lights,<br />

ghost sound, gust of wind, shocking grasp, wind wall; 3/day—<br />

charm person, control winds, improved invisibility, lightning<br />

bolt, see invisibility, suggestion; 1/day—charm monster, great<br />

shout (FRCS), polymorph self, whirlwind; 1/tenday—control<br />

weather. <strong>The</strong>se abilities are as the spells cast by a 12th-level<br />

sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).<br />

Hagspawn<br />

Through charm or coercion, hags of all sorts use human males<br />

to propagate their wicked kind. Female children from such a<br />

union grow into hags, but the male children become hagspawn,<br />

brutish and ill-tempered creatures who inherit many of their<br />

hideous parent’s worst qualities. Usually abandoned while<br />

young, hagspawn frequently fall into lives of violence, murder,<br />

and brigandage, using the physical strength and toughness of<br />

their monstrous heritage to intimidate the smaller and weaker<br />

folk around them.<br />

Hagspawn resemble brutish humans at first glance. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

are tall and powerfully built, with long arms, big hands, and<br />

a distinctive hunched posture. <strong>The</strong>ir hair is long and lank, usually<br />

black in color, and their red eyes gleam with malice. <strong>The</strong>ir<br />

faces are heavy-featured and coarse, and their skin color hints<br />

at their mother’s kind—pallid blue for the sons of annises,<br />

sickly green for a green hag’s spawn, and so on.<br />

Most hagspawn become brigands, thugs, or mercenaries and<br />

thus take the warrior class. <strong>The</strong> information presented in the<br />

entries above represents a 1st-level hagspawn warrior. For<br />

more information, see the Hagspawn entry in Chapter 1:<br />

Races of the <strong>East</strong>.<br />

COMBAT<br />

Gifted with unusual strength, tough hides, and an innate resistance<br />

to magic, hagspawn naturally gravitate to physical<br />

combat. <strong>The</strong>y favor large, powerful weapons and are notoriously<br />

reckless with their own lives, counting on their superior<br />

brawn and ferocity to see them through.<br />


A hagspawn’s favored class is barbarian, but they also make<br />

good fighters, rangers, and rogues. Given the circumstances<br />

of their birth, hagspawn are loners by nature, and few<br />

become the leaders of anything at all. Hagspawn clerics usually<br />

worship evil, violent deities such as Bane or Talos.

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