Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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Dread Warrior<br />

Dread Warrior Human War4<br />

Medium-Size Undead<br />

Hit Dice: 4d12+3 (29 hp)<br />

Initiative: +0<br />

Speed: 20 ft. (banded mail); base 30 ft.<br />

AC: 18 (+6 banded mail, +2 large steel shield), touch 10, flatfooted<br />

18<br />

Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+8<br />

Attack: Battleaxe +10 melee<br />

Full Attack: Battleaxe +10 melee<br />

Damage: Masterwork battleaxe 1d8+4/×3<br />

Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.<br />

Special Qualities: Undead traits<br />

Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0<br />

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 11, Con —, Int 4, Wis 9, Cha 4<br />

Skills: Climb +7, Jump +7, Spot +6<br />

Feats: Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus<br />

(battleaxe)<br />

Climate/Terrain: Any land<br />

Organization: Solitary or company (3–12)<br />

Challenge Rating: 2<br />

Treasure: None<br />

Alignment: Always neutral evil<br />

Advancement: —<br />

Called forth to serve in undeath through foul<br />

necromantic magic, dread warriors are undead<br />

beings usually created from the corpses of skilled<br />

warriors. <strong>The</strong>y retain many of the martial skills and<br />

talents they possessed in life but are compelled to serve<br />

their creator with unquestioning obedience. Dread warriors<br />

are created by casting the animate dread warrior<br />

spell (see Chapter 4: Magic and Spells).<br />

A dread warrior appears more or less as it did in<br />

life, although it bears the ghastly wounds that<br />

killed it, and its eyes glow with a feral yellow light. Its<br />

skin tends to shrivel and darken, falling in on its sunken flesh<br />

to give it a gaunt, withered appearance. It usually carries the<br />

arms and armor it favored before its death and transformation.<br />

It speaks whatever languages it knew in life.<br />

Dread warriors are not always reliable servants, as they<br />

are easily confused by complicated orders. Orders of<br />

twelve words or less cause no problems, but there is a cumulative<br />

5% chance per word after the twelfth that the<br />

dread warrior misinterprets the instructions. If the dread<br />

warrior fails to understand its orders, treat the monster as<br />

confused (see the confusion spell) and roll randomly to determine<br />

what action it takes in response to the command<br />

that triggered its confusion.<br />


Dread<br />

Warrior<br />

62<br />

COMBAT<br />

Dread warriors fight with the arms and armor they used<br />

in life. This example uses a 4th-level human warrior as the<br />

base character.<br />

Undead Traits: A dread warrior is immune to mind-affecting<br />

effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects,<br />

necromantic effects (unless they specifically affect<br />

undead), and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless<br />

it also works on objects. It is not subject to critical hits, subdual<br />

damage, ability damage, ability drain, or death from massive<br />

damage. A dread warrior cannot be raised, but may be<br />

resurrected. A dread warrior has darkvision (60-foot range).<br />

Skills: Dread warriors gain a +4 racial<br />

bonus on Climb, Jump, and Spot checks.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dread Warrior<br />

Template<br />

“Dread warrior” is a template that can be<br />

added to any humanoid of at least 3 Hit<br />

Dice or levels. <strong>The</strong> creature’s type changes<br />

to “undead.” It uses all the<br />

base creature’s statistics and special<br />

abilities except as<br />

noted here.<br />

This template supersedes<br />

the Dread Warrior entry in<br />

Monster Compendium: Monsters<br />

of Faerûn.<br />

Hit Dice: Increase to d12.<br />

Abilities: Adjust from the base<br />

creature as follows: Str +4, Int –6 (minimum 3),<br />

Char –4 (minimum 3). As undead creatures, dread<br />

warriors have no Constitution score.<br />

Skills: Same as the base creature, except<br />

that dread warriors gain a +4 racial<br />

bonus on Climb, Jump, and Spot checks.<br />

Feats: Same as the base creature, except that<br />

the dread warrior loses any feats for which it no<br />

longer qualifies.<br />

Climate/Terrain: Any land.<br />

Organization: Solitary or company (3–12).<br />

Treasure: None.<br />

Alignment: Always neutral evil.<br />

Advancement: —<br />

Hag<br />

Rashemen, the North Country, and the Endless Wastes are<br />

plagued by several varieties of hag unique to the <strong>Unapproachable</strong><br />

<strong>East</strong>. Like their kin, the annis and green hag, bheurs<br />

and shrieking hags are hideously strong crones with hateful natures<br />

and fell magic at their command. <strong>The</strong> hagspawn are<br />

Illustration by Mike Dutton

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