Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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Illustration by Wayne England<br />

weapon deals double damage, much like a mounted warrior<br />

with the Spirited Charge feat. More than one doubling of<br />

damage increases the damage multiple by one per additional<br />

doubling, so double-double damage is triple damage, tripledouble<br />

damage is quadruple damage, and so on.<br />

Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and<br />

Armor, righteous might; Market Price: +1 bonus.<br />

Vampiric: Any living opponent struck by a vampiric<br />

weapon must make a Fortitude save (DC 16) or lose an additional<br />

1d4 hit points, which are immediately added to the<br />

wielder's current hit point total.<br />

Any hit points above the wielder's<br />

maximum are treated as temporary<br />

hit points (multiple additions<br />

of temporary hit points<br />

don't stack) and disappear after<br />

1 hour.<br />

Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites:<br />

Craft Magic Arms and<br />

Armor, vampiric touch; Market<br />

Price: +2 bonus.<br />



<strong>The</strong> following weapons usually<br />

are constructed with exactly the<br />

abilities described here.<br />

Aglarondan Flight Lance: This<br />

+2 shock lance is made especially<br />

for griffonriders. Once per day,<br />

the wielder may use feather fall<br />

(caster level 8th), on herself<br />

only, as a free action.<br />

Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites:<br />

Craft Magic Arms and<br />

Armor, feather fall, call lightning<br />

or lightning bolt; Market<br />

Price: 21,510 gp; Cost to Create:<br />

10,910 gp + 848 XP.<br />

Ebon Lash: Created by and for Red Wizards, the ebon lash<br />

is a +2 scourge that inflicts searing agony on its victims. Any<br />

living creature struck by the scourge in a successful melee<br />

attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 11) or be dazed for 1<br />

round and crippled by pain for 6 rounds, taking a –2 penalty<br />

on all attack rolls, saving throws, and checks. Spellcasters suffering<br />

from this effect are distracted and must make Concentration<br />

checks to cast spells (see the Concentration skill in<br />

the Player's Handbook). <strong>The</strong> pain effect is the same as that<br />

caused by the spell Nybor's gentle reminder, as if cast by a 6thlevel<br />

sorcerer.<br />

Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and<br />

Armor, Nybor's gentle reminder; Market Price: 20,320 gp;<br />

Cost to Create: 10,320 gp + 800 XP.<br />

Flamelance: Crafted by Red Wizards for their favored warriors,<br />

the flamelance is a +1 flaming burst lance that may be<br />


Flamelance<br />

55<br />

wielded as a longspear by a character on foot at no penalty.<br />

On command, the flamelance can fire a jet of white-hot flame<br />

as Aganazzar’s scorcher cast by a 6th-level sorcerer. This<br />

deals 3d8 points of damage (Reflex half DC 13) in a 5-footwide<br />

path 40 feet long. <strong>The</strong> flamelance can produce fifty such<br />

blasts before this power is exhausted, after which it is simply<br />

a +1 flaming burst lance.<br />

Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and<br />

Armor, Aganazzar’s scorcher, and flame blade, flame strike,<br />

or fireball; Market Price: 39,910 gp; Cost to Create: 20,110<br />

gp + 1,584 XP.<br />

Spectral Dagger: Fashioned<br />

from a bone of a creature that<br />

died violently, this appears to<br />

be just a dagger hilt made of<br />

bone. When a creature grasps<br />

the hilt, a dagger "blade" of<br />

light appears. (Treat the<br />

weapon as a dagger for proficiency,<br />

feats, and so on.) <strong>The</strong><br />

blade winks out when the hilt<br />

leaves the wielder's hand.<br />

<strong>The</strong> spectral dagger has no<br />

attack bonus and deals no<br />

damage, but any target struck<br />

is affected by a chill touch<br />

spell (DC 11). Striking with<br />

the spectral dagger is considered<br />

a touch attack. Creatures<br />

with multiple attacks may use<br />

the spectral dagger in a full<br />

attack action to strike more<br />

than once per round just as if<br />

they wielded a normal dagger.<br />

Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites:<br />

Craft Magic Arms<br />

and Armor, chill touch;<br />

Market Price: 20,000 gp.<br />

Thayan Bombard: <strong>The</strong><br />

Thayan bombard is a magical<br />

cannon that can launch a variety<br />

of dangerous or noxious bombs. <strong>The</strong> effects depend on the<br />

missile launched. Firing the weapon is a standard action, requiring<br />

a ranged touch attack to strike the desired space. (<strong>The</strong><br />

touch AC of an empty square is 5.) <strong>The</strong> Thayan bombard has<br />

a range increment of 150 feet, and like any projectile weapon,<br />

can fire up to 10 range increments at the normal –2 penalty<br />

per range increment. If the ranged touch attack misses, resolve<br />

the bomb’s effect as a grenadelike weapon (see Chapter<br />

3: Running the Game in the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide).<br />

Once fired, the Thayan bombard requires three separate<br />

Profession (siege engineer) skill checks (DC 10) to clear, load<br />

with a new bomb, and prepare for firing. A skilled crew of<br />

four can fire the weapon every round with a little cooperation,<br />

while a smaller or less proficient crew takes longer (although<br />

a single skilled character can fire the bombard once every 4<br />

rounds, provided he makes successful checks).

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