Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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Benefit: You can make contingent any spell for which you<br />

meet the prerequisites. Crafting a contingent spell takes one<br />

day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a contingent<br />

spell, you must spend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up<br />

raw materials costing half its base price. Some contingent<br />

spells incur extra costs in material components or XP as noted<br />

in their descriptions. <strong>The</strong>se costs are in addition to those derived<br />

from the contingent spell’s base price.<br />

See Contingent Spells in Chapter 4: Magic and Spells for<br />

more information.<br />

Draw From the Land [GENERAL]<br />

You can draw strength and sustenance from the land itself.<br />

Prerequisites: Ethran.<br />

Region: Rashemen.<br />

Benefit: Before resting, you may draw upon the power of<br />

the land to revitalize your body and mind. This allows you to<br />

recover 2 hit points per day of light activity, or 4 hit points<br />

per level for each day of complete rest, and 2 ability score<br />

points per day, or 4 ability score points for each day of complete<br />

rest. This stacks with the benefits of long-term care provided<br />

by someone with the Heal skill (see Chapter 5: Skills in<br />

the Player’s Handbook).<br />

You may also use the energy of the land to fuel your body’s<br />

need for food and water. This gives you a +10 bonus on Constitution<br />

checks made to avoid subdual damage from hunger<br />

and thirst (see Starvation and Thirst Dangers in Chapter 3:<br />

Running the Game in the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide).<br />

Finally, you may use the power of the land to refresh your<br />

mind and body as a supplement to sleep. You require half as<br />

much sleep as normal (although you still have to rest a full<br />

8 hours to prepare spells or regain spell slots).<br />

Outside of Rashemen, you must make a Concentration check<br />

(DC 10 + 2 per 100 miles from the border of Rashemen) to activate<br />

this ability. If you fail, you cannot retry for 1 day.<br />

Ettercap Berserker<br />


<strong>The</strong> intense physical training required to join your lodge has<br />

made you tougher.<br />

Prerequisites: Ability to rage, membership in the Ettercap<br />

berserker lodge (see Berserker Lodges in Chapter 10: Rashemen).<br />

Region: Rashemen.<br />

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against<br />

poison. When raging, you gain a +6 bonus to Constitution.<br />

During a greater rage, you instead gain a +8 bonus to<br />

Constitution.<br />

Normal: A character in a rage gains a +4 bonus to Constitution.<br />

A character in a greater rage gains a +6 bonus to<br />

Constitution.<br />


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Explosive Spell [METAMAGIC]<br />

You can cast spells that blast creatures off their feet.<br />

Benefit: An explosive spell ejects any creature caught in its<br />

area to the nearest edge of its effect and knocks the creature<br />

prone if it fails its saving throw against the spell. For example,<br />

an explosive fireball moves all creatures in its area who<br />

fail their saves at least 20 feet from the center of the effect,<br />

while an explosive lightning bolt moves targets 5 feet to either<br />

side of the stroke.<br />

Any creature moved in this manner takes an additional<br />

1d6 points of damage per 10 feet moved. This movement<br />

does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If some obstacle intervenes<br />

to prevent the blasted creature from moving to the<br />

nearest edge of the effect, the creature stops at the obstacle<br />

but takes 1d6 points of damage from striking the barrier (in<br />

addition to any damage taken from being forcibly moved to<br />

the barrier).<br />

Explosive Spell can only be applied to spells that allow<br />

Reflex saves and affect some area (a cone, line, or burst). An<br />

explosive spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the<br />

spell’s actual level.<br />

Extended Rage [GENERAL]<br />

Your rage lasts longer than it normally would.<br />

Prerequisites: Ability to rage.<br />

Benefit: Each of your rages lasts an additional 5 rounds<br />

beyond its normal duration.<br />

Special: You can take this feat multiple times, and the additional<br />

rounds stack.<br />

Fortify Spell [METAMAGIC]<br />

You can cast spells that easily penetrate spell resistance.<br />

Benefit: A fortified spell has a higher caster level than<br />

normal for the purpose of defeating a target’s spell resistance.<br />

For every level added to the spell’s actual level, you gain a +2<br />

bonus on spell penetration checks with that spell. For example,<br />

a 9th-level wizard who prepares a fortified lightning bolt<br />

as a 5th-level spell rolls 1d20+13 for spell penetration with<br />

that spell, not 1d20+9. Spells that do not permit spell resistance<br />

are not affected.<br />

A fortified spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than<br />

the spell’s actual level.<br />

Great Stag Berserker<br />


Your fighting style employs aggressive charges in the manner<br />

of your lodge’s totem animal.<br />

Prerequisites: Ability to rage, membership in the Great Stag<br />

berserker lodge (see Berserker Lodges in Chapter 10: Rashemen).<br />

Region: Rashemen.

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