Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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to his monk levels and use the unarmed damage of a monk of<br />

the resulting level if that produces a better result.<br />

Martial Flurry (Ex): At 3rd level, a Shou disciple gains the<br />

ability to use any light melee weapon for his flurry of blows,<br />

not just special monk weapons. At 5th level, the Shou disciple<br />

may use any melee weapon for his flurry of blows.<br />

Bonus Feat: At 2nd and 4th level, a Shou disciple gets<br />

a bonus feat, which must be drawn from the following<br />

list: Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Endurance, Expertise,<br />

Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Mobility,<br />

Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, and Weapon<br />

Specialization. <strong>The</strong> character must meet all the feat’s<br />

prerequisites to select it.<br />

Talontar<br />

Blightlord<br />

Corrupt priests who revel in decay, the blightlords of Talona<br />

are feared and reviled throughout the <strong>Unapproachable</strong> <strong>East</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir plagues have transformed the western reaches of the<br />

Rawlinswood into a foul green hell of diseased monsters and<br />

deadly poisons. Worse yet, the blightlords seek to infect the<br />

healthy forests and lands nearby with the same sickness.<br />

Under the tutelage of the horrible Rotting Man, the Talontar<br />

blightlords marshal the Rawlinswood’s black horde, leading<br />

their infected minions forth to scourge the nearby lands.<br />

(For more on the Rotting Man and his minions, see Chapter<br />

9: <strong>The</strong> Great Dale.)<br />

Most of the blightlords are drawn from evil clerics, druids,<br />

or rangers who venerate Talona, the Mother of All Plagues.<br />

A handful of fighters, barbarians, and sorcerers have become<br />

captains of the Rotting Man’s armies, but since the prospective<br />

blightlord must have access to divine spells, any such can-<br />

<strong>The</strong> Talontar blightlord gains access to the Blightbringer<br />

prestige domain. A prestige domain functions just like a<br />

normal cleric domain—the character gains a granted power<br />

associated with the domain and access to a special spell list. A<br />

character with cleric spellcasting ability may choose to prepare<br />

a spell from the Blightbringer prestige domain as her<br />

domain spell at any given level when she prepares spells.<br />

Characters with druid or ranger spellcasting ability who<br />

acquire a prestige domain gain an extra domain spell per day<br />

at each spell level. In effect, they are like clerics with only<br />

one domain. <strong>The</strong> character only gains an additional domain<br />

spell for each spell level she can cast normally—so a ranger,<br />

whose spell capability reaches its maximum at 4th-level<br />

spells, does not gain domain spells for 5th through 9th level.<br />


Prestige Domains<br />

34<br />

didate must have at least some levels in a divine spellcasting<br />

class to qualify.<br />

Hit Die: d8.<br />


To qualify to become a Talontar blightlord, a character must<br />

fulfill all the following criteria.<br />

Alignment: Any evil.<br />

Feats: Great Fortitude.<br />

Spellcasting: Able to cast 4th-level divine spells.<br />

Proficiency: Glaive. A druid who wields a glaive is in violation<br />

of her spiritual oaths, but a character may take a Martial<br />

Weapon Proficiency feat with the weapon and simply<br />

refrain from wielding it until she qualifies for the blightlord<br />

class.<br />

Patron Deity: Talona.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Talontar blightlord’s class skills (and the key ability for<br />

each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle<br />

Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (local,<br />

nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Int), Spellcraft (Int),<br />

Spot (Wis), and Survival (Wis). See Chapter 4: Skills in the<br />

Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions.<br />

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.<br />


All the following are class features of the Talontar blightlord<br />

prestige class.<br />

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Talontar blightlords gain<br />

no proficiency in any weapon or armor. Druids who become<br />


Deity: Talona.<br />

Granted Power: Rebuke or command blightspawned creatures and<br />

evil-aligned animals or plants as an evil cleric rebukes undead. You<br />

may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your<br />

Charisma modifier. This is a supernatural ability.<br />

Blightbringer Prestige Domain Spells<br />

1 Hold animal 6 Finger of death<br />

2 Snilloc’s snowball swarm (FRCS) 7 Command plants<br />

3 Contagion 8 Horrid wilting<br />

4 Fear 9 Energy drain<br />

5 Cone of cold

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