Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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All the following are class features of the Black Flame zealot<br />

prestige class.<br />

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Black Flame zealots gain<br />

no proficiency in any weapon or armor.<br />

Spells per Day: At every other Black Flame zealot level<br />

beginning with 2nd, the character gains new spells per day as<br />

if he had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class to<br />

which he belonged before adding the prestige class level. He<br />

does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that<br />

class would have gained (improved chance of turning or destroying<br />

undead, metamagic or item creation feats, and so on).<br />

This essentially means that he adds half the level of Black<br />

Flame zealot to the level of whatever divine spellcasting class<br />

the character has, then determines spells per day and caster<br />

level accordingly.<br />

If the character had more than one divine spellcasting class<br />

before becoming a Black Flame zealot, the player must decide<br />

to which class to add each Black Flame zealot level for the<br />

purpose of determining spells per day.<br />

Death Attack (Ex): As the assassin ability, except that<br />

Black Flame zealots do not have the option of paralyzing<br />

their targets. If a Black Flame zealot has levels in the assassin<br />

prestige class (see Chapter 2: Characters in the DUN-<br />

GEON MASTER’s Guide), he may add his assassin and Black<br />

Flame zealot class levels together to calculate the save DC<br />

of his death attack.<br />

Zealous Heart (Su): A Black Flame zealot is immune to<br />

fear, magical or otherwise. Unlike a paladin’s aura of<br />

courage, this confers no special benefits on his companions.<br />

Poison Use (Ex): At 2nd level, a Black Flame zealot gains<br />

the ability to use poison safely, as the assassin ability.<br />

Sneak Attack (Ex): At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, a Black<br />

Flame zealot deals additional sneak attack damage as the<br />

rogue ability. Since the Black Flame zealot gets a sneak attack<br />

bonus from another source (such as rogue levels), the bonuses<br />

to damage stack.<br />

Fateful Stride (Sp): Once per day at 5th level and above, a<br />

Black Flame zealot can take a single step and pass through obstacles<br />

or distance as the spell dimension door. <strong>The</strong> zealot’s<br />

caster level is equal to half his character level.<br />

Sacred Flame (Su): Beginning at 6th level, at will, a Black<br />

Flame zealot can command a single melee weapon in his<br />

possession to burn with a black, deadly fire. <strong>The</strong> weapon<br />

gains the flaming special ability, dealing 1d6 points of fire<br />

damage per successful attack in addition to its normal<br />

weapon damage. Once per day, the Black Flame zealot can<br />

bestow the flaming burst special ability on a weapon in his<br />

possession for 1 minute.<br />

Unholy Immolation (Su): When a Black Flame zealot<br />

reaches 10th level, any creature killed by his death attack<br />

or sneak attack is immediately consumed utterly by unholy<br />

fire. <strong>The</strong> only way to restore life to a being slain in this<br />

manner is to use true resurrection, a carefully worded wish<br />

spell followed by resurrection, or miracle.<br />


22<br />

Durthan<br />

Durthans are an order of evil spellcasters who tap into the<br />

darker spirits of Rashemen. <strong>The</strong>y use their powers to<br />

punish their enemies and those who have offended the<br />

spirits. <strong>The</strong> durthans seek to wrest control of their homeland<br />

from the Witches of Rashemen and rule it with an<br />

iron hand, torturing secrets out of their enemies and using<br />

that knowledge to expand Rashemen’s power. Like those of<br />

the hathrans, durthans’ abilities are greater than other<br />

spellcasters of their level while they are within the borders<br />

of Rashemen.<br />

All durthans are skilled in some form of arcane magic.<br />

Some come from the ranks of the hathrans, but most have<br />

always worked against the Witches. Durthans are covetous<br />

of power, even among other durthans, and share spells with<br />

others only if the recipient is useful to the greater cause.<br />

Like hathrans, durthans usually wear masks, if only to fool<br />

others into thinking they are Witches in good standing.<br />

Durthans work together, although they protect their<br />

identities behind masks. Outside their homes, the durthans<br />

assassinate or spy upon enemies, follow Rashemi women<br />

who might be turned to their cause, and work to recover<br />

Rashemi spells and magic items. Within Rashemen, they do<br />

all the former but also plot against the hathran hierarchy,<br />

send angry spirits to punish the careless, and manipulate the<br />

secular rulers. Individual durthans work on elements of<br />

these plans or pursue their own agendas, usually with the<br />

help of trusted minions and whatever spirits they have<br />

bound to their will.<br />

Just as fallen paladins may “trade in” paladin levels for<br />

blackguard levels, hathrans who adopt the philosophy of the<br />

durthans may trade in hathran levels for durthan levels. Because<br />

most of these former hathrans no longer meet the requirements<br />

of the hathran prestige class (usually because of<br />

alignment reasons), this change allows the new durthan to<br />

regain most of the abilities she would otherwise lose. Clever<br />

durthans use the possibility of this conversion to help sway<br />

potential hathran recruits to their cause.<br />

Hit Die: d4.<br />


To qualify to become a durthan, a character must fulfill all<br />

the following criteria.<br />

Gender: Female.<br />

Alignment: Any nongood.<br />

Feats: Improved Counterspell (FRCS), Iron Will, any<br />

metamagic feat.<br />

Spellcasting: Able to cast 2nd-level arcane spells and 2ndlevel<br />

divine spells.<br />

Special: <strong>The</strong> character must qualify to select regional feats<br />

from Rashemen (Rashemen is her home region, or she has 2<br />

ranks in Knowledge [local—Rashemen]).

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