Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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to Nathoud, and Damaran foresters log the western verge of<br />

the Rawlinswood, but these are rare and hardy souls.<br />

In recent years, the rise of the Rotting Man and his blightlords<br />

in the Rawlinswood has posed a new threat to the kingdom<br />

of Damara. Blightspawned monstrosities have made<br />

woodcutting and trapping in the Rawlinswood a dangerous<br />

proposition, and blightspawned volodni warriors have attacked<br />

and burned numerous homesteads near the forest. <strong>The</strong> Talontar<br />

have become strong enough to force an unlikely alliance<br />

between the Nentyarch and King Dragonsbane of Damara,<br />

who in years past differed over logging the ancient wood.<br />

Trail’s End<br />

This large Damaran city lies close to the Rawlinswood. Long<br />

a center of trade in the region, it has recently built a reputation<br />

as the perfect launching point for one adventure or another.<br />

From Trail’s End, adventurers set out to explore the<br />

ancient ruins of the Rawlinswood, harry the evil marauders of<br />

the Giantspires, and travel the Long Road to Rashemen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Icelace River<br />

This river runs fast and wide enough that it never freezes<br />

over, even in the middle of the harshest winters. Its icy waters<br />

are cold enough to kill within minutes any human unfortunate<br />

enough to fall in. This makes the river the first line of<br />

defense for Damara against raids by the more aggressive Nar<br />

tribesfolk. For the most part, King Dragonsbane has refused<br />

to push beyond the edges of the Rawlinswood, but if the Nars<br />

of the steppes and the blightlords of the forest continue to<br />

harry his eastern frontiers, he may decide it’s necessary to<br />

claim that land to make his borders more defensible.<br />

Impiltur<br />

In this part of the world, Impiltur is second only to <strong>The</strong>sk in<br />

the unabashed importance it places on commerce. This is reflected<br />

in the fact that almost all of the country’s largest cities<br />

are arrayed along its coast, stretching from Ilmwatch in the<br />

far north of the <strong>East</strong>ing Reach all the way down to Lyrabar<br />

on the edge of the Gray Forest and the Vast. Impiltur is a<br />

good neighbor to the Great Dale and to <strong>The</strong>sk. Traders from<br />

Dilpur, Sarshel, and the other cities of the kingdom bring<br />

much prosperity to Telflamm and Uthmere.<br />

Impiltur is an old, strong land that has existed in one form<br />

or another along this coast for well over a thousand years.<br />

Impilturans settled much of Damara, the Great Dale, <strong>The</strong>sk,<br />

and even the northern coasts of Aglarond. On rare occasions,<br />

the kings of Impiltur have stood with the folk of these<br />

younger lands against threats from the east, such as the Red<br />

Wizards or the Tuigan Horde, but Impilturans have a history<br />

of avoiding involvement in the troubles of other lands.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Red Wizards have opened enclaves in Lyrabar,<br />

Dilpur, and Ilmwatch, all with the permission of the Council<br />


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of Lords and their figurehead, Queen Sambryl. <strong>The</strong> paladins<br />

on the council are loath to have any dealings with the evil<br />

Thayans, but they believe it’s better to have the Red Wizards<br />

where the people of Impiltur can keep an eye on them. Also,<br />

trade with the Thayans is so profitable that the merchants of<br />

Impiltur have strongly lobbied on the foreigners’ behalf.<br />


More a fortress than a city, Ilmwatch is a large town that<br />

guards trade traveling to and from Damara and the Great<br />

Dale. Despite its strategic position at the head of the <strong>East</strong>ing<br />

Reach, Ilmwatch is not an extremely busy port; the Great Imphras<br />

River is navigable up to Heliogabalus for most of the<br />

year, so shipping from the Sea of Fallen Stars to Damara usually<br />

proceeds up the river instead of offloading in Ilmwatch.<br />

However, many coasters and sailing ships ferry trade across<br />

to Uthmere. <strong>The</strong> road leading north to Damara is known as<br />

the Herald’s Road, and numerous small villages dot its length.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lord of Ilmwatch is Heskar Brandosk (NG male human<br />

Ftr6), a doughty leader who vigorously patrols the nearby<br />

coasts to discourage piracy. He has earned the enmity of the<br />

Shadowmasters of Telflamm, who have made several attempts<br />

to kill the Impilturan and replace him with a less zealous lord.<br />


Sarshel was one of the four city-states that united to form the<br />

nation of Impiltur beneath the banner of the great war-captain<br />

Imphras almost 300 years ago. <strong>The</strong> city serves as Impiltur’s<br />

gateway to the <strong>East</strong> and the North. It is governed by two of<br />

Impiltur’s Twelve Companions, Lords Rilaunyr (LG female<br />

human Pal13) and Silaunbrar (LG male half-elf Pal12).<br />

During the long years of the Bloodstone Wars, Sarshel’s<br />

trade came to a virtual standstill, and the city declined.<br />

Gareth Dragonsbane’s victory over the Witch-King’s forces<br />

15 years ago did little to change Sarshel’s fortunes, since<br />

the bustling town of Ilmwatch captured much of the Damaran<br />

trade that formerly passed through Sarshel, and the<br />

cities of Dilpur and Hlammach drew away much of the<br />

highly profitable Golden Way traffic that formerly came<br />

from Telflamm to Sarshel.<br />

Hard times in Sarshel have led to the rise of brigandage,<br />

piracy, and smuggling. Several of Sarshel’s most prominent<br />

merchants secretly sponsor piracy in the <strong>East</strong>ing Reach. <strong>The</strong><br />

most powerful of these merchant-pirates is Strengedar Hammerfist<br />

(NE male shield dwarf Rog7/Ftr5). Strengedar owns<br />

a fleet of six large ships and dozens of small coasters and skiffs<br />

that ply the inlets and uninhabited isles of the Reach.<br />

Surprisingly, the Shadowmasters of Telflamm have nothing<br />

to do with the rise of crime in Sarshel, and so far the shady<br />

merchants of Sarshel have resisted intrusions by the powerful<br />

Telflammar guild. <strong>The</strong> city is growing restless, and Sarshel’s<br />

wealthiest and most powerful citizens harbor schemes of secession<br />

from Impiltur in order to gain a free hand in their<br />

true business.

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