Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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Today, the Shadowmasters control or influence the merchants’<br />

councils of almost all <strong>The</strong>sk’s towns and cities.<br />

Through bribery, corruption, or intimidation, the thieves of<br />

Telflamm have brought many of the ruling merchants around<br />

to their point of view. <strong>The</strong> Shadowmasters oppose steps to<br />

unite <strong>The</strong>sk, establish central authority, or introduce accountability<br />

over the merchants’ councils, but other than that,<br />

they leave the oligarchs to run the country as they like.<br />

Enemies<br />

With the vast amount of wealth flowing through <strong>The</strong>sk, it’s<br />

inevitable that the country would draw the envy of all sorts<br />

of foes. <strong>The</strong> most notable of these are described here.<br />


<strong>The</strong> rest of the world is likely not aware that the powerful<br />

thieves’ guild known as the Shadowmasters runs Telflamm,<br />

but it’s an open secret among the residents of that<br />

city. What is interesting is that most people really don’t<br />

seem to mind. <strong>The</strong> machine of corruption the thieves have<br />

set up actually does a better-than-average job of keeping<br />

the city running.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Shadowmasters realize they need the acquiescence of<br />

the people to maintain their position. <strong>The</strong>y are careful not to<br />

skim too much off the various operations they set up, for if<br />

they make the costs too onerous, they’re sure to end up with<br />

a revolt on their hands. It’s a lot better for profit margins to<br />

extort money from people who don’t find it worthwhile to<br />

fight back.<br />

Of course, the forces of good in the city see this reasoning<br />

as a slippery slope of complicity and corruption. <strong>The</strong>y are quietly<br />

taking the good fight to the Shadowmasters, hoping to<br />

free the city from the thieves’ unwholesome grip. Prince<br />

Balindre is secretly backing these opponents, at great risk to<br />

both himself and his family, because he resents having to<br />

dance to the Shadowmasters’ tune. He wants his family’s city<br />

restored to what he calls “its former greatness,” and he’s willing<br />

to do whatever he can to help that along—provided he<br />

doesn’t get caught.<br />


Over the centuries, the most consistent threat to <strong>The</strong>sk has<br />

come from Thay. <strong>The</strong> Red Wizards have always coveted the<br />

nation’s easy access to the rest of Faerûn and even Kara-Tur.<br />

For that reason, Thay attempted several invasions over the<br />

years and managed to capture Nethjet and Nethentir. <strong>The</strong><br />

Thayans have not had much success in extending their control<br />

farther north or west, mostly because the wild and empty<br />

land between the <strong>The</strong>sk Mountains and the Surmarsh is not<br />

worth fighting over. <strong>The</strong> Red Wizards could seize Tammar<br />

or Two Stars easily enough, but holding their conquest against<br />

the armies of Phsant, Telflamm, and Nyth—all of whom<br />

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would march to reopen the Golden Way—would be a much<br />

more difficult task.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se days, Thay is on relatively friendly terms with <strong>The</strong>sk.<br />

One of the first of the Red Wizards’ trade enclaves was opened<br />

in Telflamm, and the relationship has been strong ever since.<br />

Average <strong>The</strong>skians don’t trust the Red Wizards, as their long<br />

history of aggression is too much to ignore, but in the meantime<br />

they are happy to take the Thayans’ money.<br />

Cities and Sites<br />

Large stretches of <strong>The</strong>sk are empty plains, rugged mountains,<br />

or impassable forests. Most of the land’s settlements lie along<br />

the major trade routes running from the <strong>East</strong>ing Reach<br />

toward Rashemen and Thay. <strong>The</strong> cities of <strong>The</strong>sk concentrate<br />

not on industry but instead exist for trade or providing services<br />

to those involved in trade. <strong>The</strong>se cities bustle with activity.<br />

<strong>The</strong> competition for money is fierce, and while most of<br />

the people are honest folk, they’re willing to push the limits<br />

to get a leg up on their fellows.<br />

Most cities in <strong>The</strong>sk are not walled. Buildings are made of<br />

wood, often stacked high upon one another, as everyone wants<br />

to be as close as possible to centers of commerce. This should<br />

make them dirty, crowded places, but the merchant councils<br />

pay to keep the streets clean. It’s a small price to encourage<br />

more business to come their way.<br />

Fort <strong>The</strong>sk<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong>sk Mountains have been contested by <strong>The</strong>sk and Thay<br />

several times over the years. Although the Thayans have<br />

never overrun the mountains in their entirety or held their<br />

gains for long, they have managed to set up several fortifications<br />

and outposts in the eastern hills, extending their control<br />

deep into the <strong>The</strong>skian borderlands.<br />

Fort <strong>The</strong>sk is one such fortification, established many years<br />

ago on the far eastern edge of the range. It was originally<br />

meant to be a watchtower, keeping a cold eye out for any<br />

<strong>The</strong>skian attempt to retake the land the Thayans had wrested<br />

from them. But when the merchants of Phsant finally hired<br />

mercenaries to push back the Red Wizards, Fort <strong>The</strong>sk was<br />

cold and silent. No one has been able to determine what happened,<br />

but expeditions to the stone-walled fort found no<br />

Thayans and no sign of a struggle. Plates were left with halfeaten<br />

meals, mugs of ale remained half-drained, and a patina<br />

of dust lay over everything in the place.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many theories about what caused the people of<br />

Fort <strong>The</strong>sk to suddenly disappear. Perhaps an experiment<br />

of the Red Wizards working there went awry. Maybe monsters<br />

from the Underdark invaded the place, but the lack<br />

of any sign of a struggle argues against that. Sometimes<br />

travelers report seeing a great flame blazing at the top of<br />

the fort’s observation tower, but no one has been able to<br />

discover the cause.

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