Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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disciplined mercenary companies. <strong>The</strong>se mercenaries abide by<br />

a long-standing, relatively strict set of standards that prevent<br />

dishonorable actions, such as changing sides in the middle of<br />

a conflict or refusing to fight unless their employers come up<br />

with more money. <strong>The</strong> mercenary companies also have a tradition<br />

of negotiating with one another before a battle to see<br />

if a show of force will suffice. Numerous conflicts between<br />

<strong>The</strong>sk’s cities have turned into little more than martial parades:<br />

<strong>The</strong> captains of both sides determine who would have won in<br />

open battle and report the results to their employers.<br />

For the most part, the cities of <strong>The</strong>sk stand together in a defensive<br />

league. A Thayan attack against Tammar, for example,<br />

would bring the armies of Telflamm, Phsant, and Two Stars<br />

to their neighbor’s defense. <strong>The</strong>skians may not have much of<br />

a martial tradition, but they can hire a lot of help (including<br />

sorcerers, wizards, and intelligent monsters) to fight a major<br />

war. When the professional forces are insufficient to meet the<br />

threat, <strong>The</strong>skian towns muster numbers of well-armed militia.<br />

<strong>The</strong>sk is a plutocracy, not a democracy, but its folk are willing<br />

to fight for the freedom and opportunities they do possess.<br />

<strong>The</strong> typical <strong>The</strong>skian soldier is an experienced mercenary,<br />

mounted and equipped with the best arms and armor he can<br />

afford. <strong>The</strong>sk’s defenses have been strengthened of late by the<br />

addition of thousands of orc warriors, many of whom serve in<br />

the armies and mercenary companies of the cities. <strong>The</strong> orcs may<br />

be less reliable than human soldiers, but they live for battle.<br />


It’s said that the people of <strong>The</strong>sk worship only coins, but this<br />

is patently not true. In fact, most <strong>The</strong>skians are extremely<br />

generous with their contributions to the gods, tending to favor<br />

several deities over one. Merchants like to cover all the bases,<br />

ensuring that most of the deities they recognize are happy<br />

with them. Waukeen, Tymora, and Shaundakul are all popular<br />

in <strong>The</strong>sk, as these deities oversee commerce, fortune, and<br />

travel, respectively.<br />

Few <strong>The</strong>skians openly worship evil gods, although those<br />

willing to use any means to get ahead find Cyric’s church compelling.<br />

<strong>The</strong> one great exception to this is Mask. Just about<br />

everyone in <strong>The</strong>sk ends up contributing to the priests of Mask<br />

by allowing the Shadowmasters a cut of their earnings,<br />

whether they realize it or not. Those who choose not to contribute<br />

voluntarily are quite often required to pay later.<br />

Adventurers<br />

Adventurers are welcome in <strong>The</strong>sk. <strong>The</strong>re are plenty of dangerous<br />

jobs to be had—from poking around in ancient ruins<br />

to escorting caravans across the country—and never enough<br />

brave souls ready to undertake them at a reasonable price. <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong>skians recall the role of adventurers in terminating the<br />

drive of the Tuigan Horde, and they respect the power of<br />

high-level adventurers. <strong>The</strong>y try to get into the good graces<br />

of such people, hoping this investment of time and friendship<br />

will pay off in the future.<br />

THESK<br />

178<br />

<strong>The</strong>sk itself has only a few locations appropriate for a traditional<br />

dungeon delve, but it makes a great base of operations<br />

for an ambitious party willing to hire out its services to a<br />

wealthy benefactor.<br />

Politics and Power<br />

<strong>The</strong>sk is more accurately described as a league of allied cities<br />

than as a single, unified realm. Founded more than 400 years<br />

ago by Impilturan merchants, the land retains its commercial<br />

character to this day. <strong>The</strong> realm is a true oligarchy: Councils<br />

of merchants govern each of its towns and cities, and the country<br />

as a whole is governed by the Council of <strong>The</strong>sk, composed<br />

of the speakers, lords, or chairpersons of each of the civic councils.<br />

Appointment to a city’s merchant council requires wealth,<br />

station, and success. However, the folk of <strong>The</strong>sk place little<br />

stock in old bloodlines or musty titles—anyone with ambition,<br />

drive, and a little luck can aspire to the ruling elite.<br />

<strong>The</strong>sk’s cities are associated only loosely, and no central<br />

government binds them under a common law or authority.<br />

Each is free to do as it sees fit and is expected to look after<br />

its own defense, law, and prosperity. <strong>The</strong> oligarchs of one<br />

town usually extradite wanted criminals to their neighbors,<br />

but not always, especially if the person in question is a pillar<br />

of their own community. From time to time, mercantile rivalries<br />

between cities break out into open fighting, but the<br />

folk of <strong>The</strong>sk have no stomach for long and ruinous wars.<br />

Mercenaries contest the issue until one side or the other holds<br />

a clear advantage, and then the losing side knuckles under and<br />

makes peace.<br />

History of <strong>The</strong>sk<br />

Once an empty land settled by colonists from old Impiltur,<br />

<strong>The</strong>sk remains thinly populated in many spots. Although the<br />

cities of <strong>The</strong>sk have been independent of Impiltur for more<br />

than two centuries, they have yet to forge a true nation under<br />

one government.<br />

800 Homesteaders from Impiltur settle the eastern<br />

to 850 shores of the <strong>East</strong>ing Reach and push inland south of<br />

the Forest of Lethyr.<br />

917 Year of the Winding Road: Windyn Balindre, an<br />

Impilturan merchant, pioneers the route of the<br />

Golden Way to Kara-Tur.<br />

920 Year of Great Riches: Balindre returns from Kara-Tur<br />

laden with silks and spices. He organizes the Royal<br />

Company of Shou-Lung, obtaining a charter from<br />

Lyrabar’s ruler.<br />

925 Year of the Enchanted Trail: <strong>The</strong> Royal Company<br />

founds a series of outposts along the route that will<br />

become the Golden Way.<br />

926 Year of the Fearless Peasant: Windyn Balindre<br />

moves his company’s operations from Lyrabar to the

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