Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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potential to be the most fertile land in all the <strong>Unapproachable</strong><br />

<strong>East</strong>. Monstrous windstorms and cyclones (born of the<br />

Red Wizards’ manipulation of the weather to moderate the climate<br />

of the Plateau of Thay) roar through the region in all<br />

seasons of the year, preventing all but the most foolhardy<br />

from putting down stakes here.<br />

Two towns frame the Ashanath, one to the north and another<br />

to the south. In the north, Kront stands where the Great<br />

Road meets the Cold Road. <strong>The</strong> people here make their living<br />

by serving the needs of travelers who pass through. Destructive<br />

storms hammer the town at least once or twice a year, but<br />

every building features a cellar into which the place’s inhabitants<br />

escape when an incoming tornado is spotted.<br />

Life is much the same in Two Stars to the south. Built<br />

where the Golden Way meets the Cold Road, Two Stars is literally<br />

the crossroads of commerce in the <strong>East</strong>. <strong>The</strong> crossing<br />

to Rashemen lies only twenty miles east of the town, and in<br />

spring, when the River Mulsantir’s ice has not yet broken but<br />

has grown too dangerous to attempt, eastbound caravans fill<br />

the inns and hostels of the town to bursting.<br />

For more information about the Ashanath, see the description<br />

of this area in Chapter 10: Rashemen.<br />

Dragonjaw Mountains<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dragonjaw Mountains form <strong>The</strong>sk’s southwestern<br />

border. This range of tall, majestic peaks rises quickly from<br />

the northern foothills and then tumbles down even faster<br />

into the Sea of Dlurg to the south. <strong>The</strong> Dragonjaws stretch<br />

from the Umber Marshes west into the Sea of Fallen Stars,<br />

although the broad Tannath Gap divides the range near the<br />

center. <strong>The</strong> tip of the western peninsula is known as Cape<br />

Dragonfang, and it is a useful navigational point for sailors<br />

on the Inner Sea. Creatures of all sorts call the Dragonjaw<br />

Mountains home, but only one settlement of any serious size<br />

exists there: the city of Milvarune. On the northern shore of<br />

the Sea of Dlurg, right at the bottom of a steep and narrow<br />

pass that cuts through one of the thinnest parts of the range,<br />

Milvarune is bounded by mountains on three sides and by the<br />

sea on the fourth.<br />

Dozens of rock gnome clans live in high, hidden vales<br />

throughout the range. <strong>The</strong> Dragonjaws are unusually rugged,<br />

even as mountains go, so the gnomes have mastered the art<br />

of cultivating narrow terraces that cling to the steep slopes.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are also miners of great skill, and they trade precious<br />

metals and gems through Milvarune to the south or Phent to<br />

the north in exchange for goods they can’t fashion for themselves,<br />

as well as foodstuffs that do not flourish in their mountain<br />

homes. A few of the gnome mines scrape copper, iron, and<br />

other metals from the ground, but the most successful ones<br />

chip up diamonds, rubies, and emeralds from the Underdark.<br />

<strong>The</strong> gnomes of the Dragonjaws are reclusive and avoid<br />

humans (or other big folk) they don’t know. <strong>The</strong>y usually hide<br />

when strangers come along, coming out only once they have<br />

established that the intruders mean no harm. <strong>The</strong> gnomes distrust<br />

humans wearing any kind of red clothing. If the human<br />

has a shaved head as well, they remain in their hiding holes<br />

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until he goes away. If he is bald and tattooed, they are likely<br />

to ambush him the first chance they get. <strong>The</strong> Dragonjaw<br />

gnomes have no use for Red Wizards.<br />


A hundred miles out to sea, sailors can spot the purplish peak<br />

of the Dragon’s Tooth, the westernmost mountain of Cape<br />

Dragonfang. <strong>The</strong> mountain is home to an ever-growing family<br />

of copper dragons who occasionally descend from the mountaintops<br />

to rescue hapless ships from being plundered by pirates.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dragons’ vigilance is another reason—besides the<br />

Simbul’s famous edict declaring piracy in the waters of Aglarond<br />

to be punishable by immediate death—that corsairs avoid<br />

the Sea of Dlurg.<br />

<strong>The</strong> patriarch of the dragon clan is named Filauxerimos<br />

(CG male wyrm copper dragon Brd8) who is said to have called<br />

celestial allies to build a great draconic castle near the peak<br />

of Dragon’s Tooth. His clan includes two mature adults, a juvenile,<br />

two young, and two very young copper dragons, although<br />

the other adults (his daughters) live in mountaintop<br />

lairs elsewhere in the range. <strong>The</strong>se dragons have taken it upon<br />

themselves to protect the region around their home. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

don’t care who rules <strong>The</strong>sk, as long as the Dragonjaw Mountains<br />

are left alone; more than one arrogant Red Wizard has<br />

crawled home maimed by horrible acid burns. Filauxerimos<br />

and his kin stay away from the southern half of the range, in<br />

particular Mount Umbergoth, where Nartheling, the ancient<br />

fang dragon, has his lair.<br />

<strong>The</strong> copper dragons all take part in an annual festival in<br />

Milvarune every spring. <strong>The</strong> central event of “Dragon Day,”<br />

as this festival is known, is a riddle contest between the<br />

gnomes and dragons. <strong>The</strong> dragons normally win handily, but<br />

the occasional gnome victory always keeps the hope of the<br />

little people alive.<br />


At the eastern end of the northern range, overlooking the<br />

Tannath Gap, stands the distinctive peak known as the Old<br />

Swords. Near its acme, the mountain splits into two great<br />

rocky piers that jut a thousand feet into the sky, creating<br />

a landmark known by all who pass this way. In the cleft between<br />

the two pillars a tribe of evil dragonkin has made<br />

their home, venturing out to raid the Nethentir track and<br />

harry farmsteads in the valley below when the mood takes<br />

them. <strong>The</strong> leader of the tribe is a hulking monster called<br />

Daggerclaw (NE male dragonkin Ftr3/Clr7 of Tiamat), who<br />

delights in capturing humans for sacrifice to his dark draconic<br />

deity.<br />

Filauxerimos and his clan haven’t been sufficiently provoked<br />

to destroy the raiders’ stronghold, but they attack and<br />

kill any dragonkin they come across. <strong>The</strong> dragonkin have<br />

learned to hide at the first sign of a copper dragon. Daggerclaw<br />

is plotting to secretly gather all his warriors and ambush<br />

one of Filauxerimos’s younger and weaker kin, dreaming of a

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