Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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This has built up some resentment on the part of the citizens<br />

of Nethentir. However, many of them are just as happy<br />

not to have the increased attention of the Red Wizards that<br />

comes along with such wealth.<br />

cNethentir (Small Town): Magical; AL NE; 800 gp limit;<br />

Assets 74,880 gp; Population 1,872; Mixed (human 82%,<br />

gnoll 8%, orc 6%, half-orc 2%, halfling 2%).<br />

Authority Figures: Prindentle Carh, NE male human<br />

Div6/Red4 (autharch of the town).<br />

Important Characters: Kurgga Bloodfang, NE female<br />

gnoll Rgr4/Ftr4 (captain of the guard); Faxam Rul, CE male<br />

human fighter 4/rogue 4/Thayan slaver 5 (notorious raider of<br />

<strong>The</strong>sk and lands beyond).<br />

Town Guard: War8, Ftr6, Ftr4, War4 (2), Ftr3 (2), War3<br />

(6), Ftr2 (4), War2 (24), Ftr1 (7), War1 (60); Militia: War5,<br />

War2 (6), Com2 (6), War1 (23), Com1 (14); Other Characters:<br />

Bbn4, Bbn3 (2), Bbn2 (3), Bbn1 (6); Brd6, Brd5, Brd3, Brd2<br />

(2), Brd1 (3); Clr7, Clr6, Clr4, Clr3 (3), Clr2 (4), Clr1 (5);<br />

Drd6, Drd3, Drd2; Ftr7, Ftr3, Ftr1 (2); Mnk5, Mnk1 (2);<br />

Rgr6, Rgr4, Rgr2 (2), Rgr1 (4); Rog7, Rog4, Rog1 (4); Sor4,<br />

Sor2, Sor1; Wiz8, Wiz7, Wiz4, Wiz3 (3), Wiz2 (4), Wiz1 (5);<br />

Adp3, Adp2 (2), Adp1 (9); Ari5, Ari4 (2), Ari3 (2), Ari2 (4),<br />

Ari1 (7); Exp9, Exp6, Exp5, Exp4 (3), Exp3 (4), Exp2 (8),<br />

Exp1 (49); War5, War4, War2 (3), War1 (2); Com7 (2),<br />

Com6, Com5 (2), Com4 (4), Com3 (9), Com2 (20), Com1<br />

(1,494).<br />

Nethjet (LARGE TOWN)<br />

This once-sleepy lake town used to be little more than the spot<br />

where the <strong>East</strong>ern Way dead-ended at Lake Umber. Grain<br />

ships bound for Impiltur and other northerly lands took on<br />

their loads here, but for the most part, Nethjet saw little<br />

action except as the occasional launching point of yet another<br />

invasion into Aglarond by way of the Umber Marshes. Today,<br />

however, the tiny port here bustles with activity.<br />

While most of Thay’s magic goods are exported through the<br />

great port of Bezantur on the southern coast, the growing<br />

trade in magic has opened up new markets for the country’s<br />

older commodities, including cotton, fruit, and grain. <strong>The</strong> new<br />

Thay sends a great deal of traffic down the Umber, and Nethjet<br />

is the natural port for most ships that come and go from<br />

the region. Goods that travel the Umber into the Sea of Dlurg<br />

avoid the long and sometimes treacherous trip around the<br />

western tip of the Aglarondan peninsula.<br />

Tharchion Nymar maintains a small palace in the center of<br />

the town, although he rarely travels to this sleepy corner of<br />

his tharch. In the past, he mostly used it as a base of operations<br />

to oversee the buildup and deployment of Thayan forces<br />

along the Aglarondan border. <strong>The</strong>se days, he’s more interested<br />

in the proper collection of taxes from the travelers passing<br />

through this now-booming port.<br />

THAY<br />

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Heroes and<br />

Monsters<br />

Thay is home to misbegotten monstrosities and sinister villains.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Red Wizards have bred horrible creatures for their nefarious<br />

purposes over the centuries, and the dungeons and pits<br />

of Thay are filled with their handiwork. In addition to monsters,<br />

Thay is also home to characters with abilities and skills<br />

found nowhere else in Faerûn. Many are unrepentant villains<br />

who flourish in Thay’s evil society, but others leave their forbidding<br />

homeland to seek adventure elsewhere in Faerûn, and<br />

a few take up the dangerous, almost hopeless, struggle to bring<br />

about true and lasting change in their native land.<br />

Humans are the most common race in Thay. Folk of other<br />

races such as dwarves, elves, or halflings simply don’t exist<br />

except as slaves, and their lot is grim. Half-orcs, fire genasi,<br />

and tieflings are not uncommon, and the Thayans are reasonably<br />

open-minded about folk of such parentage, especially<br />

if they have Mulan blood in their veins. Of the new character<br />

races in Chapter 1: Races of the <strong>East</strong>, only gnolls are<br />

found in Thay. In fact, they are quite common, accounting<br />

for almost 10% of the population. Favored soldiers in many<br />

Red Wizards’ personal armies, gnolls are the realm’s guards,<br />

scouts, and enforcers. Most are cruel and greedy, but some develop<br />

something of a sense of honor and become heroes instead<br />

of villains.<br />

Thayan characters most often become clerics, fighters,<br />

monks, rogues, or wizards. Of course, many wizards aspire to<br />

become Red Wizards and attain power and status in their<br />

homeland. Clerics of Kossuth sometimes adopt the Black<br />

Flame zealot prestige class, and fighters or fighter/rogues of<br />

sinister disposition find the Thayan slaver prestige class attractive.<br />

(Both of these classes are described in Chapter 2:<br />

Prestige Classes.)<br />

Thayan characters most often choose the Thay character<br />

region, but gnolls may take the Gnoll region, and characters<br />

from Thay’s western coasts may choose the Wizards’ Reach<br />

region. Characters from Thay may choose from the expanded<br />

list of feats in the Chapter 3: Regions and Feats, often selecting<br />

Craft Contingent Spell, Explosive Spell, Fortify Spell,<br />

Transdimensional Spell, and Improved Grapple. A number of<br />

new spells and magic items described in this book are also<br />

appropriate for Thayan characters.<br />

New monsters presented in Chapter 6: Monsters of the <strong>East</strong><br />

that are common to Thay include the blooded one (also known<br />

as the blood orc), dread warrior, juju zombie, and mur-zhagul<br />

(demon troll).

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