Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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<strong>The</strong> zulkirs appoint tharchions, or governors, to run the<br />

eleven tharchs. <strong>The</strong>se tharchions in turn appoint a number<br />

of local bureaucrats called autharchs to oversee various locations<br />

and projects for them. Autharchs are often replaced<br />

quickly, always at the whim of their tharchion. Those who<br />

are incompetent are removed soon after being discovered.<br />

Those who are successful are promoted to tharchion as soon<br />

as there’s an opening, but many of the current tharchions,<br />

not wishing to lose their jobs, engineer the downfall of such<br />

hopefuls to eliminate contenders. Only the truly ruthless and<br />

resourceful manage to work their way up to the rank of tharchion,<br />

and they’re not going to go down without a fight.<br />

<strong>The</strong> leader of a trade enclave is called a khazark. This position<br />

is supposedly equal in rank to an autharch, but in practice,<br />

it is even more respected, because only Red Wizards can<br />

hold such rank. Members of any class can become tharchions,<br />

the highest post in the land to which a Thayan can aspire who<br />

is not one of the Red Wizards.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is supposed to be a chain of command in which the<br />

zulkirs hand orders down to the tharchions and khazarks, and<br />

they to their inferiors, and so on until commoners boss around<br />

slaves. In reality, the zulkirs order around whomever they like,<br />

whenever they like. None dare tell them they should work differently.<br />

<strong>The</strong> problem is that the zulkirs end up being the only<br />

ones who can see the big picture. Since there are eight of them,<br />

each with their personal agenda, each issues orders that are<br />

often in direct conflict with others. It is then up to subordinate<br />

Thayans to choose which master to follow and hope they<br />

can escape the wrath of the zulkir whose orders they were<br />

forced to ignore.<br />

This inherent problem with the Thayan government has<br />

proved to be its weak point again and again. Because there is<br />

no one in charge of everything, no one responsible for making<br />

it all work, the various factions in Thay end up spending more<br />

time battling one another than carrying out their plans for<br />

world domination. This has been a saving grace for the rest<br />

of Toril. Should a single zulkir ever manage to take full control<br />

of the nation, the rest of the world is in for a rough ride.<br />

<strong>The</strong> latest example of Thayan disharmony is the fact that<br />

not every zulkir and tharchion is behind the “make trade, not<br />

war” doctrine the zulkirs are currently following. Tharchion<br />

Homen Odesseiron of Surthay, for instance, is planning to<br />

launch an invasion of Rashemen soon, largely at the urging<br />

of Tharchion Azhir Kren of Gauros, who is itching for a fight.<br />

Both tharchions feel they have been shut out of the prosperity<br />

brought about by the trade boom, and they are desperate<br />

to reestablish themselves as the figures of importance they<br />

were during Thay’s more warlike years.<br />

Both Odesseiron and Kren have been massing their forces<br />

for months. <strong>The</strong>y plan to take Mulsantir before anyone,<br />

zulkirs and the Rashemi alike, realizes what is happening.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y believe that if they succeed, there will be no complaints<br />

from Eltabbar. If they fail, they hope to be dead enough to<br />

be beyond even the necromantic grasp of Szass Tam.<br />

For more details on the Red Wizards and the specific people<br />

who rule Thay, see the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting<br />

and the Lords of Darkness accessory.<br />

THAY<br />

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Enemies<br />

From Thay’s point of view, every other nation in the world<br />

is its foe. It used to be that the Thayans expressed this belief<br />

openly, making diplomatic efforts pointless. In recent years,<br />

as a part of their trade plans, they have toned down their<br />

rhetoric. <strong>The</strong> Red Wizards see themselves and their way of life<br />

as superior to all else, but they are circumspect enough not to<br />

tattoo this on their own foreheads or on those of their defeated<br />

foes—for now.<br />


Over the centuries, the Aglarondans have been Thay’s most<br />

implacable foe. From the Thayan point of view, the peninsula<br />

of Aglarond must be theirs. It’s a perfect point from which<br />

to launch offensives into the other lands surrounding the Sea<br />

of Fallen Stars. If the land is not in Thayan hands, it’s the<br />

primary spot from which any counteroffensive against Thay<br />

would likely begin.<br />

Despite their best efforts, the soldiers of Thay have never<br />

been able to penetrate Aglarond. <strong>The</strong> Dragonjaw Mountains<br />

and the Yuirwood defend the country almost as thoroughly as<br />

the First Escarpment guards Thay, and the Aglarondans have<br />

made the most of these advantages. <strong>The</strong> primary example of<br />

this is the Watchwall, which keeps the Red Wizards from<br />

sending undead troops through the treacherous Umber<br />

Marshes into Aglarond.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Red Wizards have an especially cold hatred in their<br />

rotten hearts for the Simbul. It frustrates them to no end that<br />

a woman—and a sorcerer to boot—can thwart their combined<br />

efforts. <strong>The</strong> zulkirs are elated that the Simbul agreed to the<br />

most recent truce, but they are suspicious at the same time.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y hope she will soon permit them to place an enclave in<br />

Glarondar, but they know it will require far more to worm<br />

their way into Aglarond than simply asking.<br />


To the Thayans, Mulhorand is the gateway to southern<br />

Faerûn. Also, it is the motherland of the Mulan people, whom<br />

the Red Wizards would love to unite under a single banner.<br />

However, Mulhorand, once a nation in decline, is on the rise<br />

once again.<br />

Thay has tried to invade Mulhorand a number of times<br />

over the centuries since winning its independence. <strong>The</strong> largest<br />

problem has always been the geography of the region. Only a<br />

narrow strip of land along the Sunrise Mountains allows Thay<br />

to march an army south. <strong>The</strong> Mulhorandi always patrol this<br />

territory, so the Thayans have a hard time getting far into the<br />

country. Likewise, the Mulhorandi Empire has attacked Thay<br />

on more than one occasion, hoping to recapture their long-lost<br />

northern province and forge an unstoppable giant in eastern<br />

Faerûn.<br />

Foiled by the stalemate in the north, Mulhorand recently<br />

turned west and invaded decrepit Unther. Like everyone else,

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