Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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<strong>The</strong> most successful soldier-breeding program in recent<br />

years has been the blooded ones, or blood orcs. Fierce, loyal,<br />

and physically powerful, the blooded ones make excellent<br />

shock troops. It’s now rare to find a legion that doesn’t have<br />

at least one unit of blood orcs in it. <strong>The</strong> Red Wizards are experimenting<br />

on other races with the techniques used to create<br />

blooded ones, too, so it may be only a matter of time before<br />

even more “blood” races are seen in the armies of Thay.<br />

Few of Thay’s cities have walls or other defenses. <strong>The</strong><br />

Thayans regard the First Escarpment as a wall around the<br />

entire country and plan to halt invaders at the edge of the<br />

precipice. Thayan cities that lie below the escarpment<br />

(Bezantur, for example) are often protected by extensive walls.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first line of defense for Thay is the constant and vigorous<br />

patrolling of both its borders and its interior. This provides<br />

the zulkirs with an early warning system that allows<br />

them plenty of time to respond to any massive attack.<br />


Arcane magic is supreme in Thay, but even the most jaded of<br />

the Red Wizards can’t deny the power of the gods. Even the<br />

zulkirs at least pay lip service to a chosen deity. To do otherwise<br />

is to invite retribution. Evil deities—Beshaba, Loviatar,<br />

Shar, Talona, Umberlee, and Gargauth the Outcast—are openly<br />

worshiped. Veneration of good gods is not forbidden, but it is<br />

discouraged. Still, the Red Wizards know that there are times<br />

when anyone—even a lawful good deity—can come in handy,<br />

so they rarely advocate the burning of any metaphorical bridges.<br />

<strong>The</strong> most widespread and powerful faith in Thay is that of<br />

Kossuth, the Lord of Flames. <strong>The</strong> Thayans find the neutralaligned<br />

elemental deities to be a good match for their oppressive<br />

land. <strong>The</strong> tenets of good deities such as Tyr or<br />

Lathander stand in direct opposition to the hierarchy built by<br />

the Red Wizards, and evil deities demand the submission of<br />

their followers. Kossuth represents power and mastery without<br />

constraints, and so he finds favor among the Red Wizards.<br />

Kossuth’s faith enjoys a primacy of position and numerous<br />

special considerations in Thayan society. Clerics of the<br />

Firelord are among the very few people a Red Wizard cannot<br />

harm or kill with impunity.<br />

<strong>The</strong> worship of Bane has had a long tradition in Thay.<br />

While the church of the Black Lord suffered after the Time<br />

of Troubles—during which Cyric arose to take Bane’s place—<br />

the return of Bane has resulted in strong and well-organized<br />

churches of both Bane and Cyric in Thay. A number of<br />

Thayans venerate Mask, and this number has been steadily but<br />

quietly growing in the past few years. Shar’s faith is also<br />

strongly ensconced in Thay.<br />

<strong>The</strong> brutal humanoids in the service of the Red Wizards<br />

continue to worship their own pantheons. Orcs venerate<br />

Gruumsh, much as they do elsewhere, and gnolls worship the<br />

demon-god Yeenoghu.<br />

A common misconception outside Thay is that the Red Wizards<br />

worship demons and devils. Actually, many ambitious Red<br />

Wizards do make regular contact with such evil outsiders, but<br />

only to strike bargains with the creatures. <strong>The</strong> Red Wizards<br />

THAY<br />

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consider themselves the equals of such beings—at least, when<br />

they band together as a group, just as they did when they summoned<br />

the demon Eltab to help them in their quest for independence<br />

from Mulhorand.<br />

Adventurers<br />

Outlanders are observed suspiciously throughout Thay. <strong>The</strong><br />

zulkirs have done enough spying of their own over the centuries<br />

to know they are likely being spied on too. This is especially<br />

true because of the anti-scrying magic that covers<br />

most of the country. <strong>The</strong> only way for most foreign governments<br />

to learn what is happening in Thay is by sending in<br />

spies to handle the investigation personally.<br />

Thus, it’s hard for a party of adventurers to get into Thay<br />

without being watched. Those suspected of espionage are summarily<br />

executed, and most Red Wizards aren’t above accusing<br />

troublesome innocents of espionage just to have an excuse to<br />

kill them.<br />

However, the zulkirs have realized that there are times<br />

during which a group of adventurers might come in handy.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many ruins scattered about Thay, for instance, especially<br />

in Delhumide and in the Sunrise Mountains. <strong>The</strong><br />

zulkirs and tharchions permit adventurers to poke around in<br />

such places, as long as they get a cut of any profits. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

manage this in several ways, from overcharging for supplies<br />

to selling permits to actually demanding a share of treasure.<br />

Adventurers can stay at many inns across Thay. However,<br />

the locals are wary of people who are ignorant of the ways of<br />

the nation. <strong>The</strong>re are just too many ways to run afoul of the<br />

Red Wizards and their cronies for most people to feel comfortable<br />

around visitors. On the other hand, many commoners<br />

and even some nobles see such newcomers as the perfect<br />

pawns in their schemes, unschooled as they are in the art of<br />

Thayan politics.<br />

Politics and Power<br />

In Thay, politics and power are inextricably related. Those in<br />

charge are those who have the power to take charge. Most of<br />

the Red Wizards (essentially the ruling class) are of noble<br />

birth and would command obedience and fealty in any land by<br />

virtue of their bloodlines alone, but those at the very top—<br />

the zulkirs—have to claw their way there.<br />

<strong>The</strong> growing wealth of the Guild of Foreign Trade may be<br />

changing this time-honored tradition. <strong>The</strong> Guild’s officers<br />

have been catapulted to astounding wealth by the success of<br />

the mercantile enclaves. <strong>The</strong> wisest among them realize that<br />

such power can be ephemeral, especially if the more warlike<br />

tharchs and zulkirs get their way, so they are doing everything<br />

they can to secure their long-term positions. Chief<br />

among these is Master of the Guild Samas Kul (LE male<br />

human Tra7/Red8), the organization’s top officer. He has<br />

made himself one of the most influential and powerful Red<br />

Wizards, second only to the zulkirs.

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