Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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those on foot. As well, the lands above the Surague Escarpment<br />

are wild and untended, nothing like the civilized plains<br />

of the First Escarpment. <strong>The</strong>y are teeming with dangerous<br />

animals and hostile humanoids. From time to time, scouts<br />

from the goblin and kobold tribes living here forage into<br />

Thay proper.<br />

Every now and then, the tharchions of Surthay, Gauros,<br />

Pyrados, and Thazalhar send an expedition into the peaks. Old<br />

Raumviran towers and strongholds lie buried under the snows<br />

of the high slopes, as well as the ancient well-like fortresses<br />

of some even older people now forgotten by time. High and<br />

perilous passes cross the mountains at Daggertooth and<br />

Thazar, but there have long been rumors of a secret passage<br />

through the deeps into the Endless Wastes beyond. If this<br />

could be found and secured, it might divert the trade of the<br />

Golden Way south to Thay and increase tenfold the power of<br />

the tharchion whose people discovered the pass.<br />

Scouts and adventurers have so far failed to discover such<br />

a way through, despite centuries of searching. <strong>The</strong> dangers of<br />

the mountains multiply the farther one descends from the<br />

surface. <strong>The</strong> caverns beneath the Sunrise mountains are filled<br />

with horrible creatures, including nagas, chimeras, and things<br />

unspeakably worse.<br />

<strong>The</strong> patrols along this edge of Thay are not as alert as those<br />

of the nation’s other borders. <strong>The</strong> denizens of the mountains<br />

rarely descend the Surague Escarpment to attack, and the idea<br />

of invading force coming through the mountains is preposterous.<br />

Border patrol here is considered one of the dullest and<br />

most miserable jobs a soldier can get, so it often draws the less<br />

ambitious of Thay’s defenders. No one ever became a tharchion<br />

on such duty, after all.<br />

Surthay<br />

Surthay is the northernmost of the tharchs. It stretches from<br />

the Surmarsh in the west to the Gorge of Gauros in the east,<br />

and it encompasses all Thayan land from the northern edge<br />

of the First Escarpment down to Lake Mulsantir. Surthay was<br />

originally Thay’s first line of defense against invasion from<br />

Rashemen, but over the years, it’s become the springboard for<br />

attacks against the “barbarians” to the north.<br />

While the Surmarsh is technically within this tharch, Tharchion<br />

Homen Odesseiron (LE male human Evo6/Red1/Ftr12)<br />

doesn’t bother with it much. As long as the marsh’s lizardfolk<br />

don’t cross the River Thay, they are fine where they are.<br />

Odesseiron gave up membership in the Red Wizards to pursue<br />

a military career years ago, but he is not as foolishly aggressive<br />

as Tharchion Kren of Gauros. Kren often pushes Odesseiron<br />

to join her in launching an attack against Rashemen,<br />

despite the orders of the zulkirs. So far, Odesseiron has not<br />

been persuaded of the wisdom in that act, although he allows<br />

Kren to move her troops through Surthay on the pretext of<br />

“military exercises.”<br />

THAY<br />

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<strong>The</strong> River Thay cuts through the middle of the tharch on its<br />

way from Lake Thaylambar to Lake Mulsantir below. It’s impossible<br />

to navigate past the point where the river tumbles<br />

down the First Escarpment. However, there is a long tradition<br />

of portaging boats and goods up the escarpment, where a ship<br />

can then work its way upriver to Lake Thaylambar and the<br />

port at Eltabbar. <strong>The</strong> Guild of Portagers used to charge outrageous<br />

prices to move goods, three hundred or more years<br />

ago. <strong>The</strong> Red Wizards of the time grew frustrated with the<br />

arrangement—homicidally so. <strong>The</strong>y killed most of the<br />

portagers and animated them as zombies.<br />

To this day, tireless zombies handle the grunt work of<br />

portaging. Although they can be clumsy, they are also obedient,<br />

and they never steal from their masters or their clients.<br />

And, unlike traditional slaves, they don’t have to be fed,<br />

clothed, or permitted to rest.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Surmarsh is a wide, fetid swamp on the southern shore of<br />

the western end of Lake Mulsantir, at the point where the<br />

River Sur flows into the lake. This cold and dreary place lies<br />

beyond the effects of the Red Wizards’ weather magic and is<br />

exposed to seemingly endless rains as the cold air of Ashanath<br />

and Rashemen meets the warm, stationary air mass artificially<br />

maintained over the Plateau of Thay. Fierce thunderstorms<br />

even in the depths of winter are not uncommon here.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Surmarsh swarms with tribes of lizardfolk. <strong>The</strong>se primitive<br />

humanoids spend most of their energies struggling with<br />

one another for supremacy over this soggy piece of land. Some<br />

Red Wizards think the lizardfolk may be the descendants of<br />

the serpent-people who built the Citadel, an ancient fortress<br />

buried beneath the highest peak in the Thaymount. If that is<br />

true, a once-proud folk have fallen a long, hard way.<br />

Almost all the tribes here have a treaty of some sort with the<br />

Red Wizards. <strong>The</strong> lizardfolk agree not to bother the Thayans of<br />

the region, and the Red Wizards promise not to annihilate the<br />

lizardfolk. <strong>The</strong> treaty specifically does not apply to foreigners<br />

wandering through, whom the lizardfolk capture or kill and turn<br />

over to the next Thayan patrol. This is usually rewarded with a<br />

bounty of 10 gp worth of food per captive or corpse.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lizardfolk of the Surmarsh consider it a great honor to<br />

be drafted into any Thayan armed force. Many have proudly<br />

served in the distant Umber Marshes during numerous campaigns<br />

against Aglarond. Thayan nobles sometimes enter the<br />

Surmarsh on hunting expeditions, employing the local lizardfolk<br />

as porters and guides. <strong>The</strong> swamp is infested with dangerous<br />

creatures, including ropers, otyughs, and beasts even<br />

more threatening. <strong>The</strong> prize trophy of the land is the head of<br />

a black dragon. A clan of the creatures lairs in the depths of<br />

the Surmarsh, and dragons are routinely spotted soaring high<br />

above the swamp. Finding such monsters is hard enough, and<br />

besting them is even more unlikely, but several parties of<br />

nobles give it a try every year just the same.

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