Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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into the rock, highlighting the difficulty of challenging Thay<br />

on its own turf. In fact, the escarpment was one of the reasons<br />

the wizards of Thay were able to fight off their Mulhorandi<br />

overlords during their war of independence. Even<br />

though the Thayans were disorganized and divided by vicious<br />

feuds, the Mulhorandi army had a devil of a time getting up<br />

and over those cliffs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> plateau itself is a naturally arid, rolling plain with occasional<br />

dusty mesas. Centuries ago, the Red Wizards crafted<br />

great weather-controlling spells to bring rain and moderate<br />

temperatures to this upland, and now vast tracts of former savannah<br />

are densely cultivated cropland. In the southern<br />

reaches of the plateau, every bit of land is put to use. Slaves<br />

tend the fields and orchards, planting and harvesting crops,<br />

felling timber, and picking fruit. Cotton and grain are the<br />

major crops, although citrus and olive trees and the occasional<br />

vineyard grow between the fields. Tax stations and the estates<br />

of noble Thayans and Red Wizards dot the land, along with<br />

small villages that sprout up around them. North of the<br />

Second Escarpment, the plateau is much less densely populated.<br />

<strong>The</strong> valleys of the rivers Gauros and Thay are heavily<br />

settled, but much of the rest is empty scrubland, inhabited<br />

only by goatherds, shepherds, and stonecutters.<br />

Nearly 3 1/2 million people live on the Plateau of Thay. Of<br />

these, about 2 1/2 million are slaves or the evil humanoids<br />

who guard them (mostly gnolls and orcs). Both slaves and warriors<br />

live in squalor in massive barracks. <strong>The</strong> Thayan economy<br />

depends on slaves, a constantly replenished source of cheap<br />

labor who are routinely worked to death under the watchful<br />

eyes of cruel overseers and guards.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Thayan merchant fleet ships surplus cotton, grain,<br />

olive oil, and citrus fruit all across eastern Faerûn. Thayan<br />

grain feeds Impiltur, Chessenta, and the Vast, as well as the<br />

cities of the Wizards’ Reach. <strong>The</strong> success of this trade led to<br />

the current strategy of exporting more valuable goods—<br />

namely, magic items—to other lands. Thayan merchants already<br />

knew the trade routes and had demonstrated for decades<br />

that Thay could be a successful trading partner.<br />

<strong>The</strong> entire plateau is impervious to scrying magic. <strong>The</strong> Red<br />

Wizards have set up an elaborate shield of overlapping<br />

wards that prevent such spying. Any spell with the scrying<br />

descriptor that targets a person or point within the First<br />

Escarpment fails automatically. Divination of other types<br />

usually works, but many Red Wizards screen their activities<br />

with additional defenses such as mind blank or nondetection.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se wards interfere with the Red Wizards’ own<br />

scrying spells as well, making it difficult for them to magically<br />

locate intruders. However, the patrols usually do a good<br />

job of watching.<br />

Guards both human and gnoll patrol the plateau in the settled<br />

areas, on the lookout for escaped slaves and foreign spies.<br />

Despite the opening of trade agreements with many nations,<br />

few foreigners spend much time in the Thayan countryside.<br />

Most are issued passes permitting travel to only one or two<br />

cities along a specified route.<br />

THAY<br />

154<br />


Lake Thaylambar is the largest body of fresh water within<br />

Thay’s borders. It is wide, deep, and always cold, even in the<br />

middle of summer. Its waters feed the River Thay, which<br />

flows north to empty into Lake Mulsantir. Eltabbar, the capital<br />

of Thay, sits on the southwestern shore of Lake Thaylambar.<br />

Delhumide, the original provincial capital, once<br />

looked out from the northeastern shore, but it was destroyed<br />

in Thay’s war of independence.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fishing in Lake Thaylambar is wonderful. Large<br />

amounts of seafood from its depths find their way onto plates<br />

throughout the nation. <strong>The</strong> lake is not without dangers,<br />

though. Its depths are infested with dragon turtles that sometimes<br />

like to snack on fishing vessels. Over the years, the<br />

zulkirs have sent out hunting parties to thin their numbers,<br />

with limited success. Although these expeditions sometimes<br />

manage to find and kill dragon turtles, the hunters often<br />

become the hunted. On occasion, expeditions have been completely<br />

wiped out.<br />

However, last year one group of hunters managed to capture<br />

a dragon turtle alive. Brazhal Kos (LE male human<br />

Enc7/Red4), a powerful enchanter, devised a magic harness<br />

that enslaved the creature to his will. Kos has offered its services<br />

to Homen Odesseiron, the tharchion of Surthay. Assuming<br />

the Red Wizards can transport the creature, this would put<br />

the captive dragon turtle in Lake Mulsantir to contest Rashemi<br />

control of the lake. Brazhal Kos makes this offer expecting<br />

something in return, of course.<br />


From Lake Thaylambar, the River Thay flows north toward<br />

Surthay and Lake Mulsantir, marking the boundary between<br />

the tharchs of Delhumide and Eltabbar. <strong>The</strong> vale of the Thay<br />

is heavily populated, a fertile plain supporting vast orchards<br />

of fruit trees more suited to cool weather than the citrus<br />

groves of the south, such as apples and cherries. <strong>The</strong> river<br />

itself is the principal highway to the northern marches of<br />

Thay, and numerous keelboats and barges ply its waters, towed<br />

by slave teams along the banks.<br />

Priador<br />

Tharchion Aznar Thrul, the zulkir of evocation, rules this<br />

tharch with an iron fist. Thay’s trade enclaves in other lands<br />

brings immense wealth into Bezantur, the tharch’s largest<br />

city. Thrul has almost unlimited resources at his disposal, and<br />

there is little to stop him—other than the other zulkirs, that<br />

is. Thrul derided the notion of selling magic items early on<br />

when Thay was establishing the enclave system, so he has<br />

reaped little of the enormous profits of the Guild of Foreign<br />

Trade. <strong>The</strong> zulkir simmers over the lost opportunity. He believes<br />

a hefty cut of the Guild’s take is due him as the tharchion<br />

controlling Bezantur, and he is considering how to

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