Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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Witches have considered his removal, but Volas’s forthrightness<br />

and keen insights have won their grudging respect. <strong>The</strong><br />

Witches awarded Volas his seat on the death of Yvarrg, the<br />

previous Iron Lord, who was murdered by a Thayan assassin.<br />


Immilmar is known for its leather goods, woodcarvers, and<br />

ironworks. <strong>The</strong> tanneries and smelters are located in the hills<br />

north and east of the town, as a long-dead Iron Lord ruled that<br />

any enterprise producing fumes or reek must be away from the<br />

city’s center. Dozens of woodcarvers and stonecarvers still<br />

labor in workshops in the tangled streets around the Iron<br />

Lord’s citadel, but for the most part, Immilmar’s heart is a<br />

pleasant place of young trees and winding ways.<br />

Several inns of note cater to foreigners calling on the<br />

Huhrong. Blackstone House is the best of them, a comfortable<br />

building stocked with wines and ales from several lands. Varro<br />

the Fat (CG male human Ftr8) is the proprietor of the inn.<br />

North of town, amid the cheerless foundries and forges of the<br />

Smiths’ Quarter, is the well-worn workshop of the armorer<br />

Tholli Ironweaver (NG male human Ftr4/Exp8). Tholli manufactures<br />

both swords and mail of masterwork quality, and his<br />

blades often sell for two to three times the normal price due<br />

to his excellent reputation.<br />


Chauntea is one of the more popular deities in Rashemen, although<br />

she is more often known as “Bhalla” here. <strong>The</strong> House<br />

of Bhalla is a medium-sized temple to Chauntea located in an<br />

old stone building near the Iron Lord’s citadel. Brother Dervarr<br />

(NG male human Clr7 of Chauntea) is the leader of this<br />

temple. An Impilturan by birth, he was sent here to ensure<br />

that Rashemi veneration of Chauntea does not stray too far<br />

from her worship in other lands.<br />

Although it is not really a temple, one of the most sacred<br />

sites in the city is the Witches’ Hall, a whitewashed longhouse<br />

with crossbeams carved in the shape of dragons, hounds, and<br />

unicorns. Forbidden to all but the hathrans, this mysterious<br />

building, sacred to Mystra, is the meeting place and refuge of<br />

the wychlaran of Immilmar. Othlor Fydra Night-Tree (CN<br />

female human Clr3/Sor9/Hth5) presides over the local<br />

Witches and guards the hall from any desecration.<br />

cImmilmar (Large City): Conventional/Magical; AL NG;<br />

40,000 gp limit; Assets 42,420,000 gp; Population 21,210; Isolated<br />

(human 93%, spirit folk 6%, other 1%).<br />

Authority Figures: Volas Dyervolk, CG male human<br />

Bbn18 (Iron Lord of Rashemen); Othlor Fydra Night-Tree,<br />

Clr3/Sor9/Hth5 (leader of the Witches in Immilmar and overseer<br />

of the wychlaran who advise the Iron Lord); Brother Dervarr,<br />

NG male human Clr7 of Chauntea (leader of the temple<br />

of Chauntea in the city).<br />


145<br />

Important Characters: Green Huldra, CG female human<br />

Ftr6 (innkeeper of the Guardian Witch); Ythar Wolfmaster,<br />

CN male human Bbn 13 (leader of the Owlbear berserker<br />

lodge). Varro, CG male human Ftr8 (innkeeper of Blackstone<br />

House); Yuthrim, CG male human Ftr4/Bbn5 (leader of the<br />

Great Stag berserker lodge); Tholli Ironweaver, NG male<br />

human Ftr4/Exp8 (most skilled smith in Rashemen).<br />

Iron Lord’s Guard: Bbn15, Bbn12, Bbn10 (2), Bbn9 (3),<br />

War9, Bbn8 (5), War8, Bbn7 (5), War7 (3), Bbn6 (11), War6<br />

(4), Bbn5 (13), War5 (8), Bbn4 (24), War4 (22), Bbn3 (32),<br />

War3 (70), Bbn2 (37), War2 (270), Bbn1 (81), War1 (1,230);<br />

Great Stag Berserkers: Bbn13, Bbn12, Bbn9 (2), Bbn8 (2),<br />

Bbn6 (4), Bbn5 (3), Bbn4 (8), Bbn3 (21), Bbn2 (22), Bbn1 (47);<br />

Owlbear Berserkers: Bbn16, Bbn14, Bbn13, Bbn10, Bbn9 (2),<br />

Bbn8 (3), Bbn7 (3), Bbn6 (4), Bbn5 (3), Bbn4 (7), Bbn3 (8),<br />

Bbn2 (14), Bbn1 (15). <strong>The</strong> rest of Immilmar’s citizens are too<br />

numerous to describe here.<br />

Mulptan (LARGE CITY)<br />

Rashemen’s northern trading gateway to the outside world, Mulptan<br />

is a sprawling, windswept city enclosed by an old stone wall<br />

dating back to the Narfell-Raumathar wars. Damarans, Nars, and<br />

even Tuigans come here to trade, meeting in a great field outside<br />

of town that is crowded with the caravans and wagons of traders.<br />

Farming is difficult this far north, so Mulptan subsists on vast<br />

herds of rothé, sheep, reindeer, and longhaired goats that do<br />

better in the frigid winters than southern cattle.<br />

Most foreigners bound for Immilmar and the Iron Lord’s<br />

citadel actually pass through Mulptan on their way to the<br />

country’s capital, even though Mulptan lies eighty miles to<br />

the east. No ferries cross Lake Ashane opposite Immilmar<br />

(the western shores of the lake are quite wild, this far north),<br />

so travelers come up the Golden Way or the Long Road.<br />

Either way, Mulptan is the first Rashemi city they come upon.<br />

While Immilmar is a city of craftsfolk and smiths visited by<br />

a few merchants, Mulptan is a city of merchants catered to<br />

by a small number of Rashemi craftsfolk.<br />

A number of foreigners reside in Mulptan, making it the<br />

most cosmopolitan of Rashemen’s cities. <strong>The</strong> Shou Quarter occupies<br />

the south side of the city, while people of other nations<br />

mix in the Western Quarter, so named because it is populated<br />

by folk from western countries such as <strong>The</strong>sk or Damara (the<br />

district is actually located on the northeast side of the city). In<br />

the wintertime, most of the merchants (and those foreigners<br />

who have not actually settled in the city) depart for warmer<br />

lands, since snow and wind make travel along the exposed roads<br />

of the region virtually impossible for several months.<br />

Two large Rashemi clans, the Ydrass and the Vrul, sponsor<br />

many contests as friendly rivals. <strong>The</strong> competition has improved<br />

both families, who are accomplished warriors, hunters,<br />

and artisans. <strong>The</strong> two clans number in the hundreds, and while<br />

they do not rule Mulptan outright (that privilege is reserved<br />

for the Multrong, or <strong>East</strong>lord, a title granted by the Iron<br />

Lord), they wield great influence over the trade and commerce<br />

of the city.

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