Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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Rashemen’s forces except the Witches, who usually follow his<br />

suggestions as if they were orders.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Iron Lord represents the physical ideal of Rashemi<br />

men and personifies all their virtues: He should be able to outfight,<br />

out-ski, outswim, outdrink, and outrun all his warlords.<br />

In practice, no Iron Lord has been able to do this, though<br />

many have come close.<br />

Justice in Rashemen is swift and precise. People who steal<br />

have their property confiscated. People who kill are killed or<br />

exiled. <strong>The</strong> Witches dispose of people who offend them or the<br />

spirits. Fortunately, most problems in Rashemen are the result<br />

of drunken brawls and lusty spouses, and such things can usually<br />

be worked out without serious harm to either party.<br />

<strong>The</strong> absolute rulers in Rashemen are the Witches. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

prefer to remain behind the scenes, but if thwarted in their<br />

tasks—most involving the safety of Rashemen—they are<br />

ruthless in eliminating a potential spy or traitor. <strong>The</strong> Witches<br />

have the power of life and death over the people but exercise<br />

this right only when absolutely necessary (such as when someone<br />

deliberately harms a Witch within Rashemen’s borders)<br />

to avoid a bad reputation. Disobeying the direct order of a<br />

Witch is considered treason and may be punished by death as<br />

well, although the Witches normally give a warning and<br />

repeat the order before exacting this punishment and are more<br />

lenient with the young, the ignorant, or other Witches.<br />

Enemies<br />

Despite its remote location, natural barriers, and lack of mineral<br />

resources, Rashemen has a number of enemies who would<br />

like to see it destroyed, pillaged, or enslaved.<br />


With the fall of Citadel Rashemar, a power vacuum<br />

opened in the eastern end of Rashemen, and in stepped<br />

Chaul, a devious hag with many minions and significant<br />

abilities as a sorcerer. She is one of the durthans (see below)<br />

and is power-hungry like all of her sisterhood. Since she isn’t<br />

human, some humans in that organization fear what would<br />

come to pass if she gained too much power. As it stands, she<br />

has close ties with the annis hags of the Ashenwood, the<br />

bheurs of the Running Rocks, and the shrieking hags of the<br />

Endless Wastes.<br />

Chaul is busily gathering an army in the eastern slopes of<br />

the Sunrise Mountains, rallying goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears,<br />

and ogres to her banner. While she loathes Rashemen and the<br />

wychlaran, she knows she cannot overthrow the hathrans<br />

with a humanoid rabble, and so she is seeking a subtler strategy.<br />

She dreams of finding some way to turn the people of<br />

Rashemen against the Witches, and to this end she has been<br />

working to entrap young ethrans and seduce them to her way<br />

of thinking with offers of power and wealth. So far she has<br />

had little success, and any Witch who falls into her hands<br />

soon winds up dead.<br />


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Below the Sunrise Mountains lies a strong kingdom of duergar<br />

known as Darzalstaukh, the City of Dark Dreams. So far,<br />

the gray dwarves have not engaged in overtly hostile actions.<br />

However, given their generally evil nature and the rarity of<br />

their expeditions to the surface, most Rashemi assume the<br />

duergar are up to no good. Drow are rumored to appear in the<br />

Running Rocks from time to time, so if the Underdark beneath<br />

Rashemen is contiguous, the gray dwarves may be able<br />

to strike at any portion of the country from below.<br />

Already, duergar outposts in surface caves come into conflict<br />

with Rashemen’s miners over the land’s meager supply<br />

of iron ore. <strong>The</strong> miners are preparing for inevitable war and<br />

don’t plan on being the victims of a surprise attack. <strong>The</strong><br />

hathrans suggest patience and caution, for the numbers of<br />

duergar are unknown, and they might be interested in trade<br />

rather than war. <strong>The</strong> duergar may be unsavory trading partners,<br />

but peace with Darzalstaukh would give Rashemen access<br />

to iron and other valuable metals.<br />


<strong>The</strong> wychlaran aren’t the only female spellcasters manipulating<br />

events in Rashemen. <strong>The</strong> durthans are a generally evil<br />

group of women with powers similar to those of the<br />

hathrans, but they are focused more on the spirits of destruction<br />

and vengeance that live within the land. <strong>The</strong><br />

durthans believe the only way to protect Rashemen is to be as<br />

ruthless to its enemies as its enemies are to the Rashemi<br />

people. <strong>The</strong>y dream of mounting attacks into Thay and Narfell,<br />

stealing magic, and eliminating powerful foes. <strong>The</strong>y would<br />

tax the Golden Way and demand tribute from <strong>The</strong>sk to allow<br />

eastern goods to reach that country. <strong>The</strong> Great Dale, a similarly<br />

forested and natural place, would become a target of<br />

Rashemi expansion; the durthans are certain they can<br />

awaken the spirits in that land and make it a place much like<br />

their home.<br />

As it stands, the durthans are greatly outnumbered by the<br />

Witches, but because they work in secret and sometimes pretend<br />

to be hathrans themselves, the extent of their power is<br />

unknown. <strong>The</strong> Witches are grateful for the respite from<br />

Thayan attacks, which gives them time to concentrate on this<br />

danger from within. Most durthans take the durthan prestige<br />

class (see Chapter 2: Prestige Classes), although they are<br />

grooming many underlings for membership in their dark<br />

order, much as the hathrans count the ethrans among their<br />

number despite the inexperience of the “untried.”<br />


Old Narfell may be long dead, but the descendants of those<br />

evil priests live on as bloodthirsty marauders and raiders who<br />

fight with one another and anyone who stumbles into their<br />

cold lands. From time to time, aggressive Nar tribes cross the<br />

River Erech to battle the Rashemi, and when the two groups

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