Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms

Unapproachable East.pdf - The Forgotten Realms


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(47); Militia: War1 (241), Com1 (65); Other Characters:<br />

Bbn10, Bbn7, Bbn5 (2), Bbn3 (2), Bbn2 (5), Bbn1 (11); Brd12,<br />

Brd9, Brd7, Brd6, Brd5, Brd4, Brd3 (3), Brd2 (7), Brd1 (14);<br />

Clr9, Clr8, Clr6 (2), Clr5, Clr4 (2), Clr3 (3), Clr2 (7), Clr1<br />

(22); Drd10, Drd7, Drd5, Drd4, Drd3, Drd2 (2), Drd1 (5);<br />

Ftr9, Ftr7 (2), Ftr6, Ftr4, Ftr3 (3), Ftr2 (4), Ftr1 (17);<br />

Mnk10, Mnk7, Mnk5 (2), Mnk4, Mnk3 (3), Mnk2 (7), Mnk1<br />

(7); Pal9, Pal8, Pal5, Pal4 (3), Pal3 (3), Pal2 (5), Pal1 (16);<br />

Rgr10, Rgr9, Rgr6, Rgr5, Rgr4, Rgr3 (3), Rgr2 (8), Rgr1 (6);<br />

Rog12, Rog7, Rog6 (2), Rog3 (6), Rog2 (5), Rog1 (7); Sor7,<br />

Sor6, Sor5 (2), Sor4 (3), Sor3 (5), Sor2 (3), Sor1 (9); Wiz10,<br />

Wiz8, Wiz5 (2), Wiz4 (2), Wiz3 (2), Wiz2 (7), Wiz1 (15);<br />

Adp12, Adp7, Adp6 (2), Adp5, Adp4, Adp3 (4), Adp2 (7),<br />

Adp1 (22); Ari10, Ari9, Ari8, Ari7, Ari6, Ari5, Ari4 (3), Ari3<br />

(4), Ari2 (8), Ari1 (22); Exp14, Exp7 (3), Exp4 (2), Exp3 (4),<br />

Exp2 (20), Exp1 (153); Com17, Com11, Com8, Com7, Com6,<br />

Com4 (4), Com3 (14), Com2 (98), Com1 (5,076).<br />

Furthinghome (METROPOLIS)<br />

Built on the site of one of the first human settlements in what<br />

would become Aglarond, Furthinghome (population 40,643)<br />

is one of the largest cities in the land, second only to Velprintalar<br />

itself. Lord Fardyl Albin (LN male human Ari16),<br />

a descendant of the old royal line of Velprin, rules the city.<br />

He is a member of Aglarond’s Royal Council but prefers to<br />

leave the affairs of the kingdom to the Simbul, concentrating<br />

on keeping things as they’ve always been in his city and catering<br />

to the interests of its powerful merchants (many with similarly<br />

noble pedigrees).<br />

Ships from many nearby nations continually scud in and<br />

out of Furthinghome’s port. <strong>The</strong> harbor is smaller and shallower<br />

than that of Velprintalar, so only merchants with<br />

smaller vessels can use it. <strong>The</strong> people of Furthinghome are<br />

hungry for exotic imports from other lands and export goods<br />

of all sorts to the rest of Faerûn, including fish, produce, a<br />

limited amount of Yuirwood timber, and the famous herbs and<br />

flowers grown in the city’s numerous greenhouses.<br />

Furthinghome is built in and around a circular road that extends<br />

from the port into the rest of the town. Near the port,<br />

in the center of the business district, is a large, cobblestoned<br />

public park known as Old Furthing, which is the social and financial<br />

center of the city. Merchant princes and magnates<br />

meet here to arrange trades and broker deals affecting the fortunes<br />

of the entire kingdom. Most of the buildings are extremely<br />

old, built of stone and weathered wood. As in the rest<br />

of Aglarond, there is little new wooden construction.<br />

Furthinghome’s eastern hills are blighted by one of the<br />

few truly impoverished areas to be found in Aglarond. Generations<br />

ago, settlers driven off from the eaves of the Yuirwood<br />

came here and raised a sprawling shantytown of<br />

lean-tos and thatch huts called Furthingharrow. While the<br />

lords and merchants of Furthinghome live in grand manors<br />

overlooking the sea, the poor folk of Furthingharrow scrabble<br />

to make a living by hiring themselves out as dockworkers,<br />

laborers, and drivers. <strong>The</strong> slums have become a center of<br />

human racist sentiment, since most of the people here blame<br />


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the elves for their lack of prosperity. <strong>The</strong>y believe it takes<br />

elven blood to get ahead in Aglarond, and the Sons of Hoar<br />

have found the warrens of Furthingharrow a fruitful ground<br />

for recruiting to their cause.<br />

Furthinghome is also known as the City of the Peacock.<br />

Flocks of the birds roam the countryside, having been brought<br />

here nearly a century ago for a Mulhorandi nobleman by the<br />

name of Lord Ceraut. Since his death, his beautiful estate has<br />

gone to seed, and the peacocks run wild.<br />

Glarondar (SMALL CITY)<br />

Glarondar isn’t a true city, although it is home to more people<br />

than all but a handful of communities in Aglarond. More<br />

than two thousand troops are stationed here at the end of the<br />

Watchwall, in a fortress of black stone built by the same galeb<br />

duhrs who fashioned the massive wall for King Brindor. Another<br />

two thousand soldiers guard the Watchwall itself,<br />

stretching another thirty miles to the north. This is the Army<br />

of the Green Drake, and it is also the largest garrison ever<br />

posted on this front—Glarondar and the Watchwall are bursting<br />

at the seams.<br />

Glarondar Keep is made of a nearly indestructible, shiny,<br />

black stone resembling magically enhanced obsidian, giving<br />

rise to its nickname: the Night Fortress. A small town of<br />

1,500 or so people sits in the shadow of the great keep, between<br />

the massive structure and the Yuirwood. Most of the inhabitants<br />

here are half-elves, many of whom migrated from<br />

the wood to start anew in the open air. <strong>The</strong> structures here are<br />

mostly made of weathered wood harvested from trees that<br />

have naturally fallen in the forest.<br />

c Glarondar (Small City): Conventional/nonstandard; AL<br />

LG/LN; 15,000 gp limit; Assets 4,116,750 gp; Population<br />

5,489 (including 4,000 troops); Integrated (human 58%,<br />

half-elf 42%).<br />

Authority Figures: Lady Benetia Ordo, LG female human<br />

Exp7 (appointed ruler of Glarondar); Lord-General Nartandil<br />

Greatshield, LN male half-elf Ftr20 (Marshal of the Keep and<br />

commander of the Army of the Green Drake).<br />

Important Characters: Captain Alwyl Madrell, LN female<br />

human Ftr8 (a high-ranking officer in the garrison, secretly<br />

a supporter of the Sons of Hoar who leads a circle of likeminded<br />

officers stationed here).<br />

Army of the Green Drake: Ftr14, Ftr10, War9, Ftr8,<br />

War8, Ftr7 (2), War7, Ftr6 (5), War6 (2), Ftr5 (4), War5 (6),<br />

War4 (33), War3 (208), Ftr2 (5), War2 (647), Ftr1 (11),<br />

War1 (3,069); Town Guard: War6, Ftr5, War3 (2), War2 (4),<br />

War1 (6); Militia: War3 (2), War2 (7), War1 (53), Com1<br />

(12); Other Characters: Bbn3, Bbn 2, Bbn1; Brd6, Brd5, Brd3,<br />

Brd1 (4); Clr9, Clr8, Clr6 (2), Clr5, Clr4 (4), Clr3 (5), Clr2<br />

(11), Clr1 (22); Drd5; Ftr3, Ftr2, Ftr1 (4); Mnk7; Pal3, Pal1<br />

(2); Rgr8, Rgr5, Rgr1; Rog4, Rog2, Rog1; Sor7, Sor5, Sor4;<br />

Wiz14, Wiz7, Wiz5 (2), Wiz4 (3); Adp6, Adp3, Adp1 (3);<br />

Ari4, Ari2, Ari1 (7); Exp7, Exp5, Exp4, Exp3 (2), Exp2 (9),<br />

Exp1 (31); Com8, Com5, Com4, Com3 (5), Com2 (24), Com1<br />


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