Various articles by Manly Breaker - to go to my website

Various articles by Manly Breaker - to go to my website

Various articles by Manly Breaker - to go to my website


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,. XXV,'N0. g+.laprrsr Countrn.I A R,T: D EI-': R' 7I I LIRA N A Y.::DA[C, IN AI'IITNCE:(rcF, - tt.oo,nihi, - tl,oo.'H0MAS, !!::!--=+:=Propfie<strong>to</strong>rs,)ra 8lt!hrY 8o<strong>to</strong>oL LaS<strong>to</strong>xE.ariln aY cRlnl4U4!LY.'. iI--; ra. .ru.. 17tr UoLt'l|r3'1.3rs-tqI tlcr. Xlobrtltl;8sDitlE,iisrlod'eriodiccls<strong>by</strong> lf,e Suudayrsrd of the Southcro Baorielr. Ohriotiao llroti*o is'rbsected for tho lcnsoi of thie Sodrprcposed <strong>to</strong> Bke tho sno sobtbllowaubstgnrirlls tbe treat.r io tbo ..\dvoqccd Quarterly.iNt DNaAo giveo obovo, the, eophuized is thlt baptiBm is.M iDp@ieQ E ibbol of onru bcliever{ witb Ohriat io bi!burirl The uoioo o{' the be-Cbd* must nculr io dsth <strong>to</strong>oDsequetrtDcFo*oflifo. Thesa{e reaobe t}r^at boptirm i.o-!usstroo-a Iello9Ehlp wtrbiis oew li[e, erpr@joB itself iohore thiogs qhich sro rbove.istsiuoth oo tho rigbt hrnd ofre third pusrge gives tho high-: slocn9n <strong>to</strong> otpttsm &3 a duty,tioo of rllegiaboc <strong>to</strong> tbc 6duuoIhrtstin llqrf,1r a. lr i8 theiD wltcr 0l s l':?lietet. h thee Prtbcr, aod ot rhe Soo, endr i;hoEt. As <strong>to</strong> iu bcins imris i{hhowoc omoioll r,f tbe {jreck wordhtptinr Out l.)rgliuh wordsd lnptl;etrc traosllrred fr,rmlr. j,rst as our word intntcraincd io<strong>to</strong> nur lrdcuate lrou tho.crrr',e 'l'uc No-w 'frstsoeot is;rixioally. I'hc mcaoiog ol thel. the-rrlbro, is tu be sought. if,r surc &9 <strong>to</strong> wbat ir iotcodedIords traoslurrcd in<strong>to</strong> olhcriro tbe (ir,:ck, oay, in p<strong>to</strong>ccsarndcr<strong>go</strong> variom Dodi0otiooet hst do Dot bcloog o thc nrigiIl':oe our linclirh lal,lani,rdcfiocd io ao lioclieb dicLron-'!r thc (jreek word, ,,rrtdrr,r rr is derived. wou|d be dclineddiccionary. Tho (;reck Eordrm-whiolr qrues ow b,t7'ti:e,iuoerrc. ll the testioooy;, ar rhowliu thc bcet ,licrttlcasoythroN, it settlc8 this.ng. or iw e,luivaleot, is tbo oo-:lr is ruited ro all the pusageshc 0rcek sord oe,re. Aoyily tcst thir, io thc l..rnTcrta-io the plwa'uttiD<strong>go</strong>t ldpl;2.'mm? rta \ podr, tl t r i nt le.d two will 8u'ri rll rhc plec8, -twlDEa OOe.tereD@s <strong>to</strong> baptirm u r burial ;0 : :1, .l i Ooi. .:i : l!. Thidr plaio enough lbr any body ;ition, the |ollowiog looguoge iali.m rr fi..J <strong>by</strong> cooocotabrrr ltap'iird, irz : (J,ntbcaro ood:1 tho Church ol lloglaod, sat,ace @mot l,e undcrs<strong>to</strong>od unroroc ir uiiil thtt tho prioiq vu <strong>by</strong> iarrlcrsioo." John.be qrcat .Ucttiodidt, sryelIrt hira-alludiog,<strong>to</strong> the ooci"ntbeptrzrog bp truotruioo " l)r.a learocd I'rtr<strong>by</strong>tcrieo. uayu .nal oeanio<strong>go</strong>i tbe word bap.remion. lVeladvcrt <strong>to</strong> thie'pw of throviop lixbt oo thetr id ioBtitutd io dheao vcrren. "riuooy mi6bt bo iorlofioitr:lYraoDles of baptitJ in tho \e*. \l'hco we trad lhet tho ordi.adoiotstcred in llte iuer, jlLrt Ihc brl,trzcd flersoo "4.n1thla aater," aod ali'r tho bap.'ut' oril ilf the w.lt?r, f*tr \:aL,J,rho *ax beptit<strong>to</strong>( <strong>to</strong> a ccrl*cewc tlLere wat nrch u.rtdro :l: 2. ll. tbo Nrlu@eoi lmmoz ol ltttttizt, and'frou thc ro'<strong>to</strong> baptioo ar a bqrial, ia oo,ere oo circumetanc{s io ebich srxoeot bapriso ofruned, lbrrratrlcl, io all i@lrorfsot psrtlcurorbc csily lbuod 4@oog thepu also etated th.t,i io r (jhrissm,z Lelieaer is t& Eubjl$t.-e penoo boptlzodiir ooc whoa dcdiblo prulcsiob ol Pcrson'l'here ir no int<strong>to</strong>ood io the Ncw. whore baoti<strong>to</strong> wadadoiDistcr'rt such o orof'esioo of fuithds fipteE r de8oits miriturl rtrtc. lDovory oao vho hu beo pLoper{v brptliodlbolc rho qoft nattralllj.a\s maltdssoodstt! of Abmhrn wived tho aimof .ths moiolt @y€mul, i rhm who !l/ar?/!, witbout rcAcrd ro-r'a, beoono epiriitrrlcbildreD of frithful Abnbrm. rcoeivotbe tiga of tbc low ee€oa!!.'GoLIf boptism hu omo io tbo ptroe ofcimuuoirioD, r<strong>by</strong> did not tho rn6gtls <strong>go</strong>tercb-epmirlly rhen a rerlooi disrurb.e[& and oootrclo<strong>my</strong> sould havg beoasvoided ? Ses Aat6 l5 : 5, 10. 19.Ig it peible rbrt PeuI bdlisvoil tharbrptiao croo io the olioc of oimumcisioo?Could be, hoil-bo rc betioved.have rritteo s bo ilid <strong>to</strong> tte Gd*ieu ?Seo, opccielly, OeL 5 r 2. 3. Ig it iudecdtruo tbrt if qe ba baptized,. Cldttshull nrofit va nothino IWoll f,rs tbo Goro-ao rcbolu. Sohleinoacber, uid : "All traer of infanr boD.tie o wbich ooo sill fiod io ths New Tetlr.Deot, EWt flr8t bo put ih<strong>to</strong> it."Iro. Tho Baprlot fror<strong>to</strong>r,,.ssoItLD f,oll! SPtaa rf EtxSD a8.E8l|lltlBEf-lo. a.BY BEV, A. W. SASDERII,Ir ir Dot tho wish of rho prseot, writar<strong>to</strong> h8e0 <strong>to</strong>o rcuoh <strong>to</strong> ray-oo.rty quctioo,sbd it Eay son be tlo6 <strong>to</strong>r hio t! "bu8bup" oo tbe obove subjeot Ho osy orDqylot b€ heud frou egrio. That- dopcads.Bqt tbem sre Booo thiDrs whiohbc begs <strong>to</strong> fay furtber and somwbar iothc way of me<strong>to</strong> tcorrLaTbe "eregeeia," ifitio sorthy ofthotnaoc, sppeeriog io Tns CorHEa., Mry:.1{th, wu ocarly all ready'lbr tho prioteibc{'ore tbs qrircr'a limt gniclo of daie llaylrnb, aDd thc edi<strong>to</strong>ricl or '{be WooanQueatioo" io tbe aemo popor @Do oul,{ paraqroph or so ws added <strong>to</strong> tbo rrtiole(\o. :l) rtwr rcadio3 Tttr Cornrre ofIIay I r)rh, So tbst tbe erprwed wirb ofTub 0ounlnn that I sbould st<strong>to</strong>Dpt ro"suppleucDt" Dr. llroaduo' tnot, t;kiDgup ccrtaio "rlucslioos sod di$oukio,bad littlo or ro cf*t io ahapios wbai Iuid io oy *oood ertiolo. 8o fgr ae a"auppleoco!" <strong>to</strong> Dr. Droaduc' trur uwoceroed,' it 8oeEB fsr botter tbat hoshould be nqueeted <strong>to</strong> give us thaL Lotu hope thsr be osy ot ooe do m. W<strong>by</strong>oot mk lrio <strong>to</strong> nut hie aupoleoeo! bofore0hio oodo<strong>go</strong>, rod ef<strong>to</strong>rrard <strong>by</strong>tho Woooo'i Cbrir.tiso Tropotsle Uoioo. lt ie sell Loosuthot Qulon horo -tlwayr.oomon<strong>go</strong>dwoooD <strong>to</strong> apeak io tho publio oootiogrw<strong>to</strong>o wboo they lelt I'elt uor,ed uoved tb€re<strong>to</strong>.: tbelre<strong>to</strong>: drc tbat tbrtl.'nivershets qod Uoitr i:os bove rcootioeeeoounged soues thoe <strong>to</strong> eDeekthosbodis not rc!.oowledgiog thrt theyowo striot nod minuro ob,:dioooo <strong>to</strong> thore,luboEeutd ol tbo Ncw'l'cstamcoL Atbc rerderu oi' Tse Uorntr:n ?()urohjecr io arriclo l, lbuod io TrruCo|nrrlot )r R|ERot l\lsy:ltb- trlsy 2{tb, wu w08 not <strong>to</strong> trv try roexbrustthosubjmi exhro8tLhoSubJmi ia ra haod.or haod.0r <strong>to</strong> t0 mske m8kethe discus'ron cor!plelc io &ll its Loarioalor dcuils Our orm wu <strong>to</strong> helo help on- oa, -r1' il' <strong>go</strong>od dloy Coogregationohou oow boldaoybodl occded occdcd bplp aod wo we might poe-poe. looeo viewa ol' ioepirutioo. rod ioqo ofribly give live it. <strong>to</strong> eo uDdcrrtsDdrog uDdcrrtsDdro{ ofwhat ofwh.t thcu hovo brol rtady <strong>to</strong> <strong>go</strong>r mido thol'rul ieally trught. \Ve werc not dealiog rportlo'a prohibition.wirb wrrh rbe Lbe "wbls w<strong>by</strong>d and whereforeo" whereforee" but tbor'd,1,. rirrtr. 'l'he I'he inqurry iDquiry wm, w4, what"lo tho zoolou rod hmorod loopor.did l'oul som sork abovo meoliooed,oomo Bxplist<strong>by</strong> iDspirotioD teally leacb as <strong>to</strong> public lodiq bo<strong>to</strong> uoited. throurh fcrveot avmpu<strong>by</strong>with tbo oljoctr, ood uaually wirh'rp.akiog l,y woooo ? Tbar is or should lrothc lirnt snd @dro,tustioo. Settlo th8t, ou! oosidtntron m <strong>to</strong> tho ersot mrluiroaollit doca sco thor tho guidiog priooiplo EeDt6 of Scripturo. .lllore recootly rcmout ouco Eppean, viz , implicit. aod^loviog woroo'e oimiooary socictiu hrvo ullowedobcdlonF lo tne elol6eq wlll oI Uod. rho preloo@ of DcD at their uoetiogr.Io the eflort <strong>to</strong> rcmh s ooclusioo m b but othor sooicti@ bavo atriotly eroludodI'rul'r ueaoir.rg, we conridr.td somethios of @oD. th6 lolbt ols atill ohowinr s doirottre uo ol lul,ir, tho Orcck word uucd <strong>by</strong> b obcy tbo Sorrpturo prohibiilona Irrhc apoEtle, aud romo erpoortiooe of oblosooot b€ qu@tioned tbqt tbo !r@t @oele{tre whom rorke happoncd @ bo oo joriry of Biptirt lediu who biyo booahon,l. We thiuk it wiac o weigh carc{ullylrrduolly drirro iDlo tbls Dovc@oD? furthc viera o{ such writen N qero oooted. wcqco'c ebeakiog io mircd uoobliea,To lre lcd awey <strong>by</strong> theo u ilola thpoti bocc boco is8ococod <strong>by</strong> uorrllootio6 eym.ruipht be <strong>to</strong> bc mrclcd, but ol ths! danser pathy, or <strong>by</strong> me<strong>to</strong> ooeitlcntiou ol sup.wc hooc lho readcm rod wrlteri ol 'IttE pood erpcdioocy.(jrr:riru"oced oot be warocd. ()urgrertDr. lJrordua' oocludinr remarh io thocr ririk is probably not Fo Euch io thefollowing: "()oo other xlot. Sours willteDptrhoo b l;ll,)w grett erpdi<strong>to</strong>n ar tt6st, 'lfro undortrko [o oorry out 8u0hii b trLo a prido io <strong>to</strong>o great stra;Ditr{striot vi€wr, thoy will bo found <strong>to</strong>olr,,r rnrlsrollictehow ol iodcmodeoce ol thco.rith tho eork which rcno wo@o! sro sle6!oeoaywhor€ doiog m tcrchcro o['.\nrl ootaLly ro. perhrir, io. tho vcry ortrcr ol rlrc 'ruotionnow uodor oooeiilcrr'uralo lliblo olwa, or profosrcretion. l,rtin o.uB not stsod up re etraigbt astduqtiog ollogcs, ood soootiuea u mir!o l.an ovet thc other tsY.rioorry workcn iu lbrcign fioldn.' I ghrllNor, ag b lhc rr:fercoco <strong>to</strong> thc o.der innot oow inquiro how frr thcm practteathc crcB[,,n ut A'lam and l]ve, otc , i<strong>to</strong>o00ict pith tho opstlccc.os r Dmbibruoo.l,loru tnougb that thc apoetlo ,JcUut rl ooy of thom do thu @n0ict, thoorirnud ur xlrow th8t tho prohrhtl<strong>to</strong>. qsiDdksd of b€iDB rclied oo s pre

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