Family Assessment in Child Welfare - Center for Social Services ...

Family Assessment in Child Welfare - Center for Social Services ...

Family Assessment in Child Welfare - Center for Social Services ...


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parent<strong>in</strong>g doma<strong>in</strong> (competence, social isolation, attachment to child, health, role restriction,depression, spouse) and the child doma<strong>in</strong> (distractibility, adaptability, parent re<strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>cement,demand<strong>in</strong>gness, mood, acceptability). An optional n<strong>in</strong>eteen-item life stress scale is also provided(Terry, 1991a). The advantages <strong>in</strong>clude a brief adm<strong>in</strong>istration time of 20-25 m<strong>in</strong>utes <strong>for</strong> the full<strong>in</strong>strument (recommended <strong>for</strong> a more comprehensive assessment), and a 36-item short <strong>for</strong>m isalso available <strong>for</strong> situations requir<strong>in</strong>g more rapid assessment. Additionally, the PSI is available <strong>in</strong>eight languages permitt<strong>in</strong>g its use with non-English read<strong>in</strong>g populations. Psychometricevaluations have demonstrated high <strong>in</strong>ternal consistency, high correlations with <strong>in</strong>strumentsmeasur<strong>in</strong>g the same construct, and relatively good test-retest reliabilities (Terry, 1991b).However, evaluators caution that low rat<strong>in</strong>gs on the PSI do not necessarily <strong>in</strong>dicate the absenceof problems, <strong>in</strong> part due to the lack of validity measures that address potential social desirabilitybias (Touliatos et al., 2001).Beavers Model of <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>. The Beavers Model of <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>consists of three <strong>in</strong>struments that assess parent<strong>in</strong>g practices us<strong>in</strong>g a comb<strong>in</strong>ation of self-reportand observational methods: (1) the Beavers Self-Report <strong>Family</strong> Inventory (SRFI) whichmeasures self-reported parent<strong>in</strong>g practices and competence; and (2) the Beavers InteractionalStyle Scale (BISS) and the Beavers Interactional Competence Scale (BICS), which are bothscored us<strong>in</strong>g observer rat<strong>in</strong>gs of parent<strong>in</strong>g style and competence based on a ten m<strong>in</strong>uteobservation of a semi-structured episode of family <strong>in</strong>teraction (Beavers & Hampson, 2000). TheBeavers <strong>in</strong>struments may be adm<strong>in</strong>istered throughout the course of a child welfare case, andconsequently, assist with multiple stages of assessment, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g screen<strong>in</strong>g, diagnosis, treatmentplann<strong>in</strong>g, and monitor<strong>in</strong>g progress/follow-up. The SFRI is a 36-item Likert-<strong>for</strong>mat questionnairethat may be completed by family members eleven years of age or older, and is brief and easy toscore (McCubb<strong>in</strong>, McCubb<strong>in</strong>, Thompson, & Huang, 1989). Psychometric evidence of itsreliability and validity is substantial; studies demonstrate a 91% correct classification of cl<strong>in</strong>icalversus non-cl<strong>in</strong>ical cases, high test-retest reliability, high <strong>in</strong>ternal consistency, and concurrentvalidity (Halvorsen, 1991). The BICS also has demonstrated strong reliability and validity;studies <strong>in</strong>dicate that this <strong>in</strong>strument has a 65% sensitivity rate <strong>for</strong> cl<strong>in</strong>ical families, a 90%specificity rate <strong>for</strong> non-cl<strong>in</strong>ical families, high <strong>in</strong>ter-rater reliability, high overall test-retestreliability, and high construct validity (Carlson, 2003). Psychometric evidence of thereliability/validity of the BISS is still <strong>in</strong> progress; however, one study suggests that it has limited20

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