Upreti, Trilochan, International Watercourses Law and Its Application ...

Upreti, Trilochan, International Watercourses Law and Its Application ... Upreti, Trilochan, International Watercourses Law and Its Application ...

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International Treaties and other DocumentsConvention relating to the Development of Hydraulic Poweraffecting more then one State and Protocol of signature,Geneva, 9 December 1923.Convention on Law of Non-Navigational Uses of InternationalWatercourses, 21 May 1997.Convention on the Protection and Use of TransboundaryWatercourses and International Lakes, Helsinki, 17 March1992.International Regulation Regarding the Use of InternationalWatercourses for Purposes other than Navigation, Declarationof Madrid, 20 April 1911.The Convention and Statute on the Regime of NavigationalWaterways of International Concern, Barcelona, 20 April,1921.The Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Waters of InternationalRivers, Helsinki, February 1966.Resolution 33/87 on Cooperation in the Field of theEnvironment Concerning Natural Resources Shared by Two orMore States, New York, 15 December 1978.1. Table of Bilateral Treaties1. Convention between Norway and Sweden on CertainQuestions Relating to the Law on Watercourses, signed atStockholm on 11 May 1929.2. Convention Regarding the Determination of the LegalStatus of the Frontier between Brazil and Uruguay signedat Montevideo on 20 December 1933.3. Treaty between Great Britain and the United StatesRelating to Boundary Waters, and Questions arisingbetween the United States and Canada signed atWashington, 11 January, 1909.4. Treaty between the United States and Mexico relating tothe utilization of the waters of the Colorado and TijuanaRivers and of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) from FortQuitam, Texas, to the Gulf of Mexico, signed atWashington on 3 February1944, and supplementaryProtocol, signed at Washington on 14 November 1944.5. Exchange of Notes between His Majesty’s Government inthe United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government inRegard to the Use of the Waters of the River Nile forIrrigation Purposes, Cairo 7 May 1929.6. Agreement between the United Arab Republic and theRepublic of Sudan for the full Utilization of the Nilewaters, signed at Cairo on 8 November 1959.7. Treaty between India- Pakistan Regarding the Use of theWaters of the Indus, signed at Karachi on 19 September1960.8. Treaty between the United States of America and CanadaRelating to Co-operative Development of the WaterResources of the Columbia River Basin, signed atWashington, 17 January 1961.9. Agreement between the Government of Nepal and theGovernment of India on the Gandak River Irrigation andPower Project, signed at Kathmandu on 4 December 1959.10. Agreement between the Government of India and theGovernment of Nepal on the Kosi Project, signed atKathmandu on 25 April 1954.XVII XVIII

11. The Treaty on the Lesotho-Highland Water Project 1986,Lesotho-South-Africa.12. The treaty of the utilisation of the Parana River, Gauirafalls and Ygazu River, 1973 Paraguay-Brazil (ITAIPU).13. The Treaty of Peace 1994, Israel and Jordan.14. The Treaty on Sharing of the Ganges Waters at Farakka1996, India-Bangladesh.15. The Integrated Treaty on the Sharing of Mahakali River1996, Nepal- India.2. Table of Multilateral Treaties1. The Treaty for Amazon Co-operation, 1978 Bolivia-Brazil-Columbia-Guyana-Peru-Surinam and Venezuela.2. Agreement on the Environmentally Sound Management ofthe common Zambezi River System 1987 Angola,Botswana, Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius,Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa,Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Zambia.3. Agreement for the Sustainable Development of theMekong River Basin, 1995 Thailand, Laos, Cambodia andVietnam.Table of Cases1. Decided by International Courts/ Tribunals1. The case relating to the territorial jurisdiction of theInternational Commission of the River Oder, 1929 (PCIJ).2. The Diversion of Water from the Meuse 1937 (PCIJ).3. The Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Case 1997 (ICJ).4. Helmand River delta case 1872 and 1905 (Arbitration).5. Lake Lanoux case 1857(Arbitration).6. Gut Dam case 1968 (Arbitration).7. The Trail Smelter case 1938-1941(Arbitration).2. Major cases decided by municipal courts.1. Kansas versus Colorado 1902 & 1907.2. Wyoming versus Colorado 1936 & 1940.3. New Jersey versus New York 1931.4. Connecticut versus Massachusetts 1931.5. The Krishna River Dispute, 1961.6. The Narmada River Water Dispute, 1978.7. The Godawari River Water Dispute, 1980.8. The Punjab-Rajasthan-Haryana Water Dispute 1986.9. The Tungabhadra River Dispute 1944.10. The Muskhund Dam project Dispute 1965.11. The Bajaj Sagar Dam Project 1966.12. The Zwillikon Dam case 1878.13. The Leith River case, 1913.14. Societe Enerfie Electrique verusa Compaynia ImpreseElectriche Liguri 1939.15. Wurttemberg and Prussia versus Baden case 1927.XVII XVIII

<strong>International</strong> Treaties <strong>and</strong> other DocumentsConvention relating to the Development of Hydraulic Poweraffecting more then one State <strong>and</strong> Protocol of signature,Geneva, 9 December 1923.Convention on <strong>Law</strong> of Non-Navigational Uses of <strong>International</strong><strong>Watercourses</strong>, 21 May 1997.Convention on the Protection <strong>and</strong> Use of Transboundary<strong>Watercourses</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>International</strong> Lakes, Helsinki, 17 March1992.<strong>International</strong> Regulation Regarding the Use of <strong>International</strong><strong>Watercourses</strong> for Purposes other than Navigation, Declarationof Madrid, 20 April 1911.The Convention <strong>and</strong> Statute on the Regime of NavigationalWaterways of <strong>International</strong> Concern, Barcelona, 20 April,1921.The Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Waters of <strong>International</strong>Rivers, Helsinki, February 1966.Resolution 33/87 on Cooperation in the Field of theEnvironment Concerning Natural Resources Shared by Two orMore States, New York, 15 December 1978.1. Table of Bilateral Treaties1. Convention between Norway <strong>and</strong> Sweden on CertainQuestions Relating to the <strong>Law</strong> on <strong>Watercourses</strong>, signed atStockholm on 11 May 1929.2. Convention Regarding the Determination of the LegalStatus of the Frontier between Brazil <strong>and</strong> Uruguay signedat Montevideo on 20 December 1933.3. Treaty between Great Britain <strong>and</strong> the United StatesRelating to Boundary Waters, <strong>and</strong> Questions arisingbetween the United States <strong>and</strong> Canada signed atWashington, 11 January, 1909.4. Treaty between the United States <strong>and</strong> Mexico relating tothe utilization of the waters of the Colorado <strong>and</strong> TijuanaRivers <strong>and</strong> of the Rio Gr<strong>and</strong>e (Rio Bravo) from FortQuitam, Texas, to the Gulf of Mexico, signed atWashington on 3 February1944, <strong>and</strong> supplementaryProtocol, signed at Washington on 14 November 1944.5. Exchange of Notes between His Majesty’s Government inthe United Kingdom <strong>and</strong> the Egyptian Government inRegard to the Use of the Waters of the River Nile forIrrigation Purposes, Cairo 7 May 1929.6. Agreement between the United Arab Republic <strong>and</strong> theRepublic of Sudan for the full Utilization of the Nilewaters, signed at Cairo on 8 November 1959.7. Treaty between India- Pakistan Regarding the Use of theWaters of the Indus, signed at Karachi on 19 September1960.8. Treaty between the United States of America <strong>and</strong> CanadaRelating to Co-operative Development of the WaterResources of the Columbia River Basin, signed atWashington, 17 January 1961.9. Agreement between the Government of Nepal <strong>and</strong> theGovernment of India on the G<strong>and</strong>ak River Irrigation <strong>and</strong>Power Project, signed at Kathm<strong>and</strong>u on 4 December 1959.10. Agreement between the Government of India <strong>and</strong> theGovernment of Nepal on the Kosi Project, signed atKathm<strong>and</strong>u on 25 April 1954.XVII XVIII

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