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Upreti, Trilochan, International Watercourses Law and Its Application ... Upreti, Trilochan, International Watercourses Law and Its Application ...

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354 / <strong>International</strong> <strong>Watercourses</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Its</strong> <strong>Application</strong> in South Asia Bibliography / 355------, “The <strong>International</strong> <strong>Law</strong> Commission’s Draft Articles onthe <strong>Law</strong> of <strong>International</strong> <strong>Watercourses</strong>: Principles <strong>and</strong> PlannedMeasures”, (1992) 3 Colorado Journal of <strong>International</strong>Environmental <strong>Law</strong> & Policy 65.------, "Procedure in the Development of <strong>International</strong> DrainageBasins: Notice <strong>and</strong> Exchange of Information" (1972) 22University of Toronto <strong>Law</strong> Journal 205.------, “The Right to Utilise the Waters of <strong>International</strong> Rivers”,(1965) II Canadian Yearbook of <strong>International</strong> <strong>Law</strong> 190.--------,"The Primacy of the Principle of Equitable Utilization inthe 1997 Watercourse Convention", (1997) XXXV CanadianYearbook of <strong>International</strong> <strong>Law</strong> 215.-----, “The <strong>International</strong> <strong>Law</strong> Association’s Contribution to<strong>International</strong> Water Resources <strong>Law</strong>” (1996) 36 NaturalResources Journal 155.Brown, D., Ashburner’s Principles of Equity, London:Butterworth, 1933.Brunnee, J. & Toope, S. J., “Environmental Security <strong>and</strong>Freshwater Resources”, (1997) 91 American Journal of<strong>International</strong> <strong>Law</strong> 26.------ & ------, “The Changing Nile Basin Regime: Does <strong>Law</strong>Matter?”, (2002) 43 Harvard <strong>International</strong> <strong>Law</strong> Journal 105.Caflish, L., “Regulation of the Uses of <strong>International</strong>Waterways: The Contribution of the United Nations”, in M. I.Glassner (ed), The United Nations at Work, Westport,Connecticut: Praeger Publication, 1998.---------, “Judicial Means for Settling Water Disputes”,Permanent Court of Arbitration (edited), Resolution of<strong>International</strong> Water Disputes, the Hague: Kluwer <strong>Law</strong><strong>International</strong>, 2003.--------, “Unequal Treaties”, (1992) 35 German Yearbook of<strong>International</strong> <strong>Law</strong> 520.Caponera, D. A., "Legal Aspects of Transboundary RiverBasins in the Middle East: The Al Asi (Orontes), The Jordan<strong>and</strong> the Nile", (1993) 33 Natural Resources Journal 631.-----, “Patterns of Co-operation in <strong>International</strong> Water <strong>Law</strong>;Regulation versus Market Place,” (1985) 25 Natural ResourcesJournal 563.-----, (ed), Food <strong>and</strong> Agriculture Organization, (FAO), The <strong>Law</strong>of <strong>International</strong> Water Resources, Rome: FAO LegislativeStudy No 23, 1980.Chauhan, B. R., Settlement of <strong>International</strong> <strong>and</strong> Inter-StateWater Disputes in India, Bombay: Indian <strong>Law</strong> Institute, 1992.-----, Settlement of <strong>International</strong> Water <strong>Law</strong> Disputes in<strong>International</strong> Drainage Basins, Berlin: Eric Schmidt Verlag,1981.Chochai, P., “Management of Transboundary Water Resources:A Case Study of the Mekong”, Martin Ira Glassner (ed), TheUnited Nations at Work, Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1998.Chowdhury, S. R., “Intergenerational Equity: Substratum of theRight to Development”, S. R. Chowdhury, E. M. G. Denters &Paul J. M. De Waart (eds), The Right to Development in<strong>International</strong> <strong>Law</strong>, Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1992.Christie, I. & Warburton, D., From Here to Sustainability:Politics in the Real World, London: the Real World Coalition,Earthscan Publication, 2001.Clarke, R., Water: the <strong>International</strong> Crisis, London: EarthscanPublication, 1991.Crook, J. R. & McCaffrey, S. C., "The United Nations StartWork on a Watercourse Convention", (1997) 91 AmericanJournal of <strong>International</strong> <strong>Law</strong> 374.Crow, B., Lindquist A. & Wilson, D., Sharing the Ganges: ThePolitics <strong>and</strong> Technology of River Development, New Delhi:Saga Publication, 1995.

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