Upreti, Trilochan, International Watercourses Law and Its Application ...

Upreti, Trilochan, International Watercourses Law and Its Application ...

Upreti, Trilochan, International Watercourses Law and Its Application ...


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290 / <strong>International</strong> <strong>Watercourses</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Its</strong> <strong>Application</strong> in South Asia Conclusions <strong>and</strong> Recummendations / 291Nepal, the former, being better off than the latter, should givepriority to the development of it less developed neighbour,Nepal. This is also a finding of this research. A world ordercharacterised by equitable development <strong>and</strong> provision ofservices to the people of developing nations like those enjoyedby the people of the developed nations is indispensable tokeeping the peace, harmony, <strong>and</strong> welfare of this planet. Povertyhas been blamed for the Maoist uprising. Similar problemsexist across other parts of south Asia. Thus, in order toestablish an equitable society in these countries, broadening thescope of the MDG’s, is urgently required. The issue of cleanenergy such as hydro-energy <strong>and</strong> the supply of potable water<strong>and</strong> sanitation service are linked with the freshwater issue.Nepal requires cooperation without conditions (imposed asriparian consent) from western governments <strong>and</strong> multilateralinstitutions. These issues require further research. The otherimpediment for Nepal, regarding the utilisation of its resources,is the lack of its ability to generate power at competitiveprices. 46 The private sector should be encouraged tosupplement the public sector so that cheap energy generation<strong>and</strong> competitive marketing can be undertaken. 47 Enhancedtechnology, competitive energy prices (as required <strong>and</strong> set bythe market) <strong>and</strong> maximisation of efficiency are essential toensure competitiveness. Alternative markets such as China <strong>and</strong>Bangladesh need to be explored so that India is not the solemarket. The provision of modern technology to provide quick<strong>and</strong> dependable energy is related to the water resourcesavailable in south Asia.This study shows that application of the principle of equity <strong>and</strong>the rule of ‘reasonable <strong>and</strong> equitable utilisation’ will helpunravel the intricate <strong>and</strong> complex problems associated with theharnessing <strong>and</strong> sharing of Himalayan waters. As stated inChapter three, the principle of equity has the ability to reconcileinterests of all states by considering socio-economic <strong>and</strong> otherrelevant factors. The norms associated with it will helpmaximise the benefits to all the nations concerned. Such amindset on the part of the regional <strong>and</strong> sub-regional partnerswould ensure justice <strong>and</strong> prosperity for not only Nepal but thewhole of south Asia.•46 Supra note 28, p. 30: Government-developed hydropower in Nepal hascost an average of $ 2800/kw while private generation costs are$ 1000/kw; see S. Rana, “Don’t Blame Private Power Producers” in(2002) September, 111 Nepali Times; also see M. Pradhan & S. B. Pun,“Private Sector Participation in the Power Sector LessonLearnt/Unlearnt so far” 14-20 (2003) February, in 22 Spotlight, p. 5.;also note “Chilime begins production” in The Kathm<strong>and</strong>u Post 26August 2003.47 S. B. Pun, “The Evolving Role of Public <strong>and</strong> Private Institutions in theNepalese Power Sector” in (1999) WECS Annual Report, pp. 38-49.

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