Course III Teachers Guide.pdf - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Course III Teachers Guide.pdf - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Course III Teachers Guide.pdf - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
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DESTINATION READINGETTING STARTED11The Tools MenuThe icons in the Tools Menu are displayedin the following order.Primary ReadingSecondary ReadingGlossarySticky notePrintAll these tools are available throughout the program, exceptduring instructional sequences and during introductions toactivities and games, when the icons will be disabled. TheReading Passage icons are not displayed while students areusing Lesson 3, the lesson devoted to the reading the passage(s)and answering questions about them.You’ll find directional arrows at the bottom of the Tools Menu.• Click the down arrow on the Tools Menu to open it.• Click the up arrow on the Tools Menu to close it.Primary Reading PassageThe Primary Reading Passage icon is located on the Tools Menu on the right side of the user interface. A student canopen and read the Primary Reading Passage at any time during the unit. The Primary Reading Passage icon displays onthe Tools Menu except while the Primary Reading Passage is open.When students click the Primary Reading Passage icon, the Primary Reading Passage displays, sliding onto the screenfrom the right-hand side. When students click the icon the second time, the Primary Reading Passage will slide off theright-hand side of the screen. Students return to the place in the program where they were when they opened the readingpassage.The Primary Reading Passage icon is a toggle button.1. Before the Primary Reading Passage icon has been clicked tomove the passage onto the screen, the small directional arrowin the icon is located on the left side of the icon, pointing to theleft. This indicates that the Primary Reading Passage willmove onto the screen from the right to the left.2. Once the Primary Reading Passage has moved onto thescreen, the small directional arrows are located on the rightside of the icons, pointing to the right. This indicates that thePrimary Reading Passage will move off the screen to the right.

ETTING STARTED 12Teaching TipsEncourage your students to access the Primary Reading Passage throughout their use of the unit. Students can click thePrimary Reading Passage icon• to preview the passage before reading it.• to look at the text structure and characteristics of the genre that the passage exemplifies.• to reread the Primary Reading Passage before or while taking the Comprehension Quiz in Lesson 3.• to review the Primary Reading Passage while working on activities in other lessons.Secondary Reading PassageA Secondary Reading Passage icon displays on the Tools Menu when the unit contains a second reading passage.About 25 percent of the units in Destination Reading have two reading passages rather than one. A double-text unit givesstudents opportunities to compare how the same topic is treated in a different genre or how a particular skill or strategy isuseful in different genres. Students can access and read the Secondary Reading Passage at any time during the unit, inthe same ways that they access and read the Primary Reading Passage.The Secondary Reading Passage displays when the student clicks the Secondary Reading Passage icon in the ToolsMenu. On first click, the Secondary Reading Passage slides over to the content area from the right-hand side of thescreen. On second click, the Secondary Reading Passage slides off the content area to the right-hand side of the screen.The Secondary Reading Passage icon is a toggle button and functions like the Primary Reading Passage icon.GlossaryThe Glossary icon displays on the Tools Menu. The glossary for Course III and for Course IV contains the learnervocabulary (the words for instruction that are included in each reading passage) for the whole course. The definitions andexamples in the glossary typically reflect only the words’ meanings in the reading passages. The Glossary pop-upwindow displays when the student clicks the Glossary icon on the Tools Menu. Clicking the entry word in the Glossarywindow allows students to hear the word pronounced correctly.Note: The Glossary pop-up window also displays automatically when students click the learner vocabulary words (thosewith a blue font) within the reading passage(s) in Lesson 3.

ETTING STARTED 12Teaching TipsEncourage your students to access the Primary Reading Passage throughout their use of the unit. Students can click thePrimary Reading Passage icon• to preview the passage before reading it.• to look at the text structure and characteristics of the genre that the passage exemplifies.• to reread the Primary Reading Passage before or while taking the Comprehension Quiz in Lesson 3.• to review the Primary Reading Passage while working on activities in other lessons.Secondary Reading PassageA Secondary Reading Passage icon displays on the Tools Menu when the unit contains a second reading passage.About 25 percent of the units in Destination Reading have two reading passages rather than one. A double-text unit givesstudents opportunities to compare how the same topic is treated in a different genre or how a particular skill or strategy isuseful in different genres. Students can access and read the Secondary Reading Passage at any time during the unit, inthe same ways that they access and read the Primary Reading Passage.The Secondary Reading Passage displays when the student clicks the Secondary Reading Passage icon in the ToolsMenu. On first click, the Secondary Reading Passage slides over to the content area from the right-hand side of thescreen. On second click, the Secondary Reading Passage slides off the content area to the right-hand side of the screen.The Secondary Reading Passage icon is a toggle button and functions like the Primary Reading Passage icon.GlossaryThe Glossary icon displays on the Tools Menu. The glossary for <strong>Course</strong> <strong>III</strong> and for <strong>Course</strong> IV contains the learnervocabulary (the words for instruction that are included in each reading passage) for the whole course. The definitions andexamples in the glossary typically reflect only the words’ meanings in the reading passages. The Glossary pop-upwindow displays when the student clicks the Glossary icon on the Tools Menu. Clicking the entry word in the Glossarywindow allows students to hear the word pronounced correctly.Note: The Glossary pop-up window also displays automatically when students click the learner vocabulary words (thosewith a blue font) within the reading passage(s) in Lesson 3.

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