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References206. Esteller M (2007) Cancer epige<strong>no</strong>mics: DNA methylomes <strong>and</strong> histonemodificationmaps. Nat Rev Genet 8(4): 286-298207. Schuebel KE, Chen W, Cope L, Glockner SC, Suzuki H, Yi JM, Chan TA, Van NL,Van CW, van den BS, van EM, T<strong>in</strong>g AH, Jair K, Yu W, Toyota M, Imai K, Ahuja N,Herman JG, Bayl<strong>in</strong> SB (2007) Compar<strong>in</strong>g the DNA hypermethylome with genemutations <strong>in</strong> human colorectal cancer. PLoS Genet 3(9): 1709-1723208. Costello JF, Fruhwald MC, Smiraglia DJ, Rush LJ, Robertson GP, Gao X, WrightFA, Feramisco JD, Peltomaki P, Lang JC, Schuller DE, Yu L, Bloomfield CD,Caligiuri MA, Yates A, Nishikawa R, Su HH, Petrelli NJ, Zhang X, O'Dorisio MS,Held WA, Cavenee WK, Plass C (2000) Aberrant CpG-isl<strong>and</strong> methylation has<strong>no</strong>n-r<strong>and</strong>om <strong>and</strong> tumour-type-specific patterns. Nat Genet 24(2): 132-138209. Liu ET (2008) Functional ge<strong>no</strong>mics of cancer. Curr Op<strong>in</strong> Genet Dev 18(3): 251-256210. Buffart TE, Overmeer RM, Steenbergen RD, Tijssen M, van Grieken NC, SnijdersPJ, Grabsch HI, van d, V, Carvalho B, Meijer GA (2008) MAL promoterhypermethylation as a <strong>no</strong>vel prog<strong>no</strong>stic marker <strong>in</strong> gastric cancer. Br J Cancer99(11): 1802-180785

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