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Referencesquantitative real-time RT-PCR for colorectal cancer diag<strong>no</strong>sis. Cancer Sci99(10): 1977-1983168. Muller HM, Oberwalder M, Fiegl H, Mor<strong>and</strong>ell M, Goebel G, Zitt M, Muhlthaler M,Ofner D, Margreiter R, Widschwendter M (2004) Methylation changes <strong>in</strong> faecalDNA: a marker for colorectal cancer screen<strong>in</strong>g? Lancet 363(9417): 1283-1285169. Chen WD, Han ZJ, Skoletsky J, Olson J, Sah J, Myeroff L, Platzer P, Lu S, DawsonD, Willis J, Pretlow TP, Lutterbaugh J, Kasturi L, Willson JK, Rao JS, Shuber A,Markowitz SD (2005) Detection <strong>in</strong> fecal DNA of colon cancer-specificmethylation of the <strong>no</strong>nexpressed viment<strong>in</strong> gene. J Natl Cancer Inst 97(15): 1124-1132170. Lofton-Day C, Model F, Devos T, Tetzner R, Distler J, Schuster M, Song X, LescheR, Liebenberg V, Ebert M, Molnar B, Grutzmann R, Pilarsky C, Sledziewski A(2008) DNA methylation biomarkers for blood-based colorectal cancerscreen<strong>in</strong>g. Cl<strong>in</strong> Chem 54(2): 414-423171. Itzkowitz SH, J<strong>and</strong>orf L, Br<strong>and</strong> R, Rabeneck L, Schroy PC, III, Sontag S, JohnsonD, Skoletsky J, Durkee K, Markowitz S, Shuber A (2007) Improved fecal DNA testfor colorectal cancer screen<strong>in</strong>g. Cl<strong>in</strong> Gastroenterol Hepatol 5(1): 111-117172. Oberwalder M, Zitt M, Wontner C, Fiegl H, Goebel G, Zitt M, Kohle O, MuhlmannG, Ofner D, Margreiter R, Muller HM (2008) SFRP2 methylation <strong>in</strong> fecal DNA--amarker for colorectal polyps. Int J Colorectal Dis 23(1): 15-19173. Wang DR, Tang D (2008) Hypermethylated SFRP2 gene <strong>in</strong> fecal DNA is a highpotential biomarker for colorectal cancer <strong>no</strong>n<strong>in</strong>vasive screen<strong>in</strong>g. World JGastroenterol 14(4): 524-531174. Huang Z, Li L, Wang J (2007) Hypermethylation of SFRP2 as a potential markerfor stool-based detection of colorectal cancer <strong>and</strong> precancerous lesions. DigDis Sci 52(9): 2287-2291175. Tan SH, Ida H, Lau QC, Goh BC, Chieng WS, Loh M, Ito Y (2007) Detection ofpromoter hypermethylation <strong>in</strong> serum samples of cancer patients bymethylation-specific polymerase cha<strong>in</strong> reaction for tumour suppressor genes<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g RUNX3. Oncol Rep 18(5): 1225-1230176. Nakayama G, Hibi K, Nakayama H, Kodera Y, Ito K, Akiyama S, Nakao A (2007) Ahighly sensitive method for the detection of p16 methylation <strong>in</strong> the serum ofcolorectal cancer patients. Anticancer Res 27(3B): 1459-1463177. Leung WK, To KF, Man EP, Chan MW, Bai AH, Hui AJ, Chan FK, Sung JJ (2005)Quantitative detection of promoter hypermethylation <strong>in</strong> multiple genes <strong>in</strong> theserum of patients with colorectal cancer. Am J Gastroenterol 100(10): 2274-2279178. Grutzmann R, Molnar B, Pilarsky C, Habermann JK, Schlag PM, Saeger HD,Miehlke S, Stolz T, Model F, Roblick UJ, Bruch HP, Koch R, Liebenberg V, Devos81

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