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ReferencesLeggett B, Levine J, Kim M, French AJ, Thibodeau SN, Jass J, Haile R, Laird PW(2006) CpG island methylator phenotype underlies sporadic microsatelliteinstability and is tightly associated with BRAF mutation in colorectal cancer.Nat Genet 38(7): 787-793109. Lee S, Cho NY, Yoo EJ, Kim JH, Kang GH (2008) CpG island methylatorphenotype in colorectal cancers: comparison of the new and classic CpGisland methylator phenotype marker panels. Arch Pathol Lab Med 132(10):1657-1665110. Boland CR, Thibodeau SN, Hamilton SR, Sidransky D, Eshleman JR, Burt RW,Meltzer SJ, Rodriguez-Bigas MA, Fodde R, Ranzani GN, Srivastava S (1998) ANational Cancer Institute Workshop on Microsatellite Instability for cancerdetection and familial predisposition: development of international criteria forthe determination of microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer. Cancer Res58(22): 5248-5257111. Ehrlich M (2003) The ICF syndrome, a DNA methyltransferase 3B deficiencyand immunodeficiency disease. Clin Immunol 109(1): 17-28112. Dhillon AS, Hagan S, Rath O, Kolch W (2007) MAP kinase signalling pathwaysin cancer. Oncogene 26(22): 3279-3290113. Oving IM, Clevers HC (2002) Molecular causes of colon cancer. Eur J Clin Invest32(6): 448-457114. Thorstensen L, Lothe RA (2003) The WNT Signaling Pathway and Its Role inHuman Solid Tumors. Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. Logan CY, Nusse R (2004) The Wnt signaling pathway in development anddisease. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 20:781-810. 781-810116. Fang JY, Richardson BC (2005) The MAPK signalling pathways and colorectalcancer. Lancet Oncol 6(5): 322-327117. Engelman JA, Luo J, Cantley LC (2006) The evolution of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases as regulators of growth and metabolism. Nat Rev Genet 7(8): 606-619118. Shaw RJ, Cantley LC (2006) Ras, PI(3)K and mTOR signalling controls tumourcell growth. Nature 441(7092): 424-430119. Massague J (2008) TGFbeta in Cancer. Cell 134(2): 215-230120. Xu Y, Pasche B (2007) TGF-beta signaling alterations and susceptibility tocolorectal cancer. Hum Mol Genet 16 Spec No 1 R14-R20121. Derynck R, Akhurst RJ (2007) Differentiation plasticity regulated by TGF-betafamily proteins in development and disease. Nat Cell Biol 9(9): 1000-100476

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ReferencesLeggett B, Lev<strong>in</strong>e J, Kim M, French AJ, Thibodeau SN, Jass J, Haile R, Laird PW(2006) CpG isl<strong>and</strong> methylator phe<strong>no</strong>type underlies sporadic microsatellite<strong>in</strong>stability <strong>and</strong> is tightly associated with BRAF mutation <strong>in</strong> colorectal cancer.Nat Genet 38(7): 787-793109. Lee S, Cho NY, Yoo EJ, Kim JH, Kang GH (2008) CpG isl<strong>and</strong> methylatorphe<strong>no</strong>type <strong>in</strong> colorectal cancers: comparison of the new <strong>and</strong> classic CpGisl<strong>and</strong> methylator phe<strong>no</strong>type marker panels. Arch Pathol Lab Med 132(10):1657-1665110. Bol<strong>and</strong> CR, Thibodeau SN, Hamilton SR, Sidransky D, Eshleman JR, Burt RW,Meltzer SJ, Rodriguez-Bigas MA, Fodde R, Ranzani GN, Srivastava S (1998) ANational Cancer Institute Workshop on Microsatellite Instability for cancerdetection <strong>and</strong> familial predisposition: development of <strong>in</strong>ternational criteria forthe determ<strong>in</strong>ation of microsatellite <strong>in</strong>stability <strong>in</strong> colorectal cancer. Cancer Res58(22): 5248-5257111. Ehrlich M (2003) The ICF syndrome, a DNA methyltransferase 3B deficiency<strong>and</strong> immu<strong>no</strong>deficiency disease. Cl<strong>in</strong> Immu<strong>no</strong>l 109(1): 17-28112. Dhillon AS, Hagan S, Rath O, Kolch W (2007) MAP k<strong>in</strong>ase signall<strong>in</strong>g pathways<strong>in</strong> cancer. Oncogene 26(22): 3279-3290113. Ov<strong>in</strong>g IM, Clevers HC (2002) Molecular causes of colon cancer. Eur J Cl<strong>in</strong> Invest32(6): 448-457114. Thorstensen L, Lothe RA (2003) The WNT Signal<strong>in</strong>g Pathway <strong>and</strong> Its Role <strong>in</strong>Human Solid Tumors. Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol.http://atlas<strong>genetic</strong> Logan CY, Nusse R (2004) The Wnt signal<strong>in</strong>g pathway <strong>in</strong> development <strong>and</strong>disease. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 20:781-810. 781-810116. Fang JY, Richardson BC (2005) The MAPK signall<strong>in</strong>g pathways <strong>and</strong> colorectalcancer. Lancet Oncol 6(5): 322-327117. Engelman JA, Luo J, Cantley LC (2006) The evolution of phosphatidyl<strong>in</strong>ositol 3-k<strong>in</strong>ases as regulators of growth <strong>and</strong> metabolism. Nat Rev Genet 7(8): 606-619118. Shaw RJ, Cantley LC (2006) Ras, PI(3)K <strong>and</strong> mTOR signall<strong>in</strong>g controls tumourcell growth. Nature 441(7092): 424-430119. Massague J (2008) TGFbeta <strong>in</strong> Cancer. Cell 134(2): 215-230120. Xu Y, Pasche B (2007) TGF-beta signal<strong>in</strong>g <strong>alterations</strong> <strong>and</strong> susceptibility tocolorectal cancer. Hum Mol Genet 16 Spec No 1 R14-R20121. Derynck R, Akhurst RJ (2007) Differentiation plasticity regulated by TGF-betafamily prote<strong>in</strong>s <strong>in</strong> development <strong>and</strong> disease. Nat Cell Biol 9(9): 1000-100476

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