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REFERENCES1. Breasted J (1930) The Edw<strong>in</strong> Smith Surgical Papyrus. University of ChicagoPress, Chicago,2. Levy S, Sutton G, Ng PC, Feuk L, Halpern AL, Walenz BP, Axelrod N, Huang J,Kirkness EF, Denisov G, L<strong>in</strong> Y, MacDonald JR, Pang AW, Shago M, Stockwell TB,Tsiamouri A, Bafna V, Bansal V, Kravitz SA, Busam DA, Beeson KY, McIntosh TC,Rem<strong>in</strong>gton KA, Abril JF, Gill J, Borman J, Rogers YH, Frazier ME, Scherer SW,Strausberg RL, Venter JC (2007) The diploid ge<strong>no</strong>me sequence of an <strong>in</strong>dividualhuman. PLoS Biol 5(10): e2543. Wheeler DA, Sr<strong>in</strong>ivasan M, Egholm M, Shen Y, Chen L, McGuire A, He W, ChenYJ, Makhijani V, Roth GT, Gomes X, Tartaro K, Niazi F, Turcotte CL, Irzyk GP,Lupski JR, Ch<strong>in</strong>ault C, Song XZ, Liu Y, Yuan Y, Nazareth L, Q<strong>in</strong> X, Muzny DM,Margulies M, We<strong>in</strong>stock GM, Gibbs RA, Rothberg JM (2008) The completege<strong>no</strong>me of an <strong>in</strong>dividual by massively parallel DNA sequenc<strong>in</strong>g. Nature452(7189): 872-8764. Mendel G (1866) Versuche über Plflanzen-hybriden. Verh<strong>and</strong>lungen desnaturforschenden Vere<strong>in</strong>es <strong>in</strong> Brünn. pp 3-475. Hershey AD, Chase M (1952) Independent functions of viral prote<strong>in</strong> <strong>and</strong> nucleicacid <strong>in</strong> growth of bacteriophage. J Gen Physiol 36(1): 39-566. Watson JD, Crick FH (1953) Molecular structure of nucleic acids; a structure fordeoxyribose nucleic acid. Nature 171(4356): 737-7387. Suter CM, Mart<strong>in</strong> DI, Ward RL (2004) Germl<strong>in</strong>e epimutation of MLH1 <strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>dividuals with multiple cancers. Nat Genet 36(5): 497-5018. Li E (2002) Chromat<strong>in</strong> modification <strong>and</strong> epi<strong>genetic</strong> reprogramm<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>mammalian development. Nat Rev Genet 3(9): 662-6739. Funk JO (1999) Cancer cell cycle control. Anticancer Res 19(6A): 4772-478010. Rajagopalan H, Nowak MA, Vogelste<strong>in</strong> B, Lengauer C (2003) The significance ofunstable chromosomes <strong>in</strong> colorectal cancer. Nat Rev Cancer 3(9): 695-70111. Nowell PC (1976) The clonal evolution of tumor cell populations. Science194(4260): 23-2812. Hanahan D, We<strong>in</strong>berg RA (2000) The hallmarks of cancer. Cell 100(1): 57-7013. Vogelste<strong>in</strong> B, K<strong>in</strong>zler KW (2004) Cancer genes <strong>and</strong> the pathways they control.Nat Med 10(8): 789-79968

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