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TARGET GENES OF MSI COLORECTAL CANCER144. Yamamoto H, Perez-Piteira J, Yoshida T, Terada M, Itoh F, Imai K, PeruchoM. Gastric cancers of the microsatellite mutator phenotype display characteristicgenetic and clinical features. Gastroenterology. 1999;116:1348–57.145. Kloor M, Becker C, Benner A, Woerner SM, Gebert J, Ferrone S, von KnebelDM. Immunoselective pressure and human leukocyte antigen class I antigenmachinery defects in microsatellite unstable colorectal cancers. Cancer Res.2005;65:6418–24.146. Nakagawa H, Koyama K, Nakamori S, Kameyama M, Imaoka S, MondenM, Nakamura Y. Frameshift mutation of the STK11 gene in a sporadic gastrointestinalcancer with microsatellite instability. Jpn J Cancer Res. 1999;90:633–7.147. Shimizu Y, Ikeda S, Fujimori M, Kodama S, Nakahara M, Okajima M,Asahara T. Frequent alterations in the Wnt signaling pathway in colorectal cancerwith microsatellite instability. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2002;33:73–81.148. Myeroff LL, Parsons R, Kim SJ, Hedrick L, Cho KR, Orth K, Mathis M, KinzlerKW, Lutterbaugh J, Park K. A transforming growth factor beta receptortype II gene mutation common in colon and gastric but rare in endometrial cancerswith microsatellite instability. Cancer Res. 1995;55:5545–7.149. Parsons R, Myeroff LL, Liu B, Willson JK, Markowitz SD, Kinzler KW, VogelsteinB. Microsatellite instability and mutations of the transforming growthfactor beta type II receptor gene in colorectal cancer. Cancer Res.1995;55:5548–50.150. Renault B, Calistri D, Buonsanti G, Nanni O, Amadori D, Ranzani GN. Microsatelliteinstability and mutations of p53 and TGF-beta RII genes in gastriccancer. Hum Genet. 1996;98:601–7.151. Olschwang S, Hamelin R, Laurent-Puig P, Thuille B, De RY, Li YJ, Muzeau F,Girodet J, Salmon RJ, Thomas G. Alternative genetic pathways in colorectalcarcinogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997;94:12122–7.152. Iacopetta BJ, Welch J, Soong R, House AK, Zhou XP, Hamelin R. Mutation ofthe transforming growth factor-beta type II receptor gene in right-sided colorectalcancer: relationship to clinicopathological features and genetic alterations. JPathol. 1998;184:390–5.153. Ohwada M, Suzuki M, Saga Y, Suzuki T, Ikeda M, Yamada M, Sato I. Mutationalanalysis of transforming growth factor beta receptor type II and DNAmismatch repair genes in sporadic endometrial carcinomas with microsatelliteinstability. Oncol Rep. 2000;7:789–92.154. Watanabe T, Wu TT, Catalano PJ, Ueki T, Satriano R, Haller DG, Benson AB,III, Hamilton SR. Molecular predictors of survival after adjuvant chemotherapyfor colon cancer. N Engl J Med. 2001;19;344:1196–206.255

TARGET GENES OF MSI COLORECTAL CANCER144. Yamamoto H, Perez-Piteira J, Yoshida T, Terada M, Itoh F, Imai K, PeruchoM. Gastric cancers of the microsatellite mutator phe<strong>no</strong>type display characteristic<strong>genetic</strong> <strong>and</strong> cl<strong>in</strong>ical features. Gastroenterology. 1999;116:1348–57.145. Kloor M, Becker C, Benner A, Woerner SM, Gebert J, Ferrone S, von KnebelDM. Immu<strong>no</strong>selective pressure <strong>and</strong> human leukocyte antigen class I antigenmach<strong>in</strong>ery defects <strong>in</strong> microsatellite unstable colorectal cancers. Cancer Res.2005;65:6418–24.146. Nakagawa H, Koyama K, Nakamori S, Kameyama M, Imaoka S, MondenM, Nakamura Y. Frameshift mutation of the STK11 gene <strong>in</strong> a sporadic gastro<strong>in</strong>test<strong>in</strong>alcancer with microsatellite <strong>in</strong>stability. Jpn J Cancer Res. 1999;90:633–7.147. Shimizu Y, Ikeda S, Fujimori M, Kodama S, Nakahara M, Okajima M,Asahara T. Frequent <strong>alterations</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Wnt signal<strong>in</strong>g pathway <strong>in</strong> colorectal cancerwith microsatellite <strong>in</strong>stability. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2002;33:73–81.148. Myeroff LL, Parsons R, Kim SJ, Hedrick L, Cho KR, Orth K, Mathis M, K<strong>in</strong>zlerKW, Lutterbaugh J, Park K. A transform<strong>in</strong>g growth factor beta receptortype II gene mutation common <strong>in</strong> colon <strong>and</strong> gastric but rare <strong>in</strong> endometrial cancerswith microsatellite <strong>in</strong>stability. Cancer Res. 1995;55:5545–7.149. Parsons R, Myeroff LL, Liu B, Willson JK, Markowitz SD, K<strong>in</strong>zler KW, Vogelste<strong>in</strong>B. Microsatellite <strong>in</strong>stability <strong>and</strong> mutations of the transform<strong>in</strong>g growthfactor beta type II receptor gene <strong>in</strong> colorectal cancer. Cancer Res.1995;55:5548–50.150. Renault B, Calistri D, Buonsanti G, Nanni O, Amadori D, Ranzani GN. Microsatellite<strong>in</strong>stability <strong>and</strong> mutations of p53 <strong>and</strong> TGF-beta RII genes <strong>in</strong> gastriccancer. Hum Genet. 1996;98:601–7.151. Olschwang S, Hamel<strong>in</strong> R, Laurent-Puig P, Thuille B, De RY, Li YJ, Muzeau F,Girodet J, Salmon RJ, Thomas G. Alternative <strong>genetic</strong> pathways <strong>in</strong> colorectalcarc<strong>in</strong>ogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997;94:12122–7.152. Iacopetta BJ, Welch J, Soong R, House AK, Zhou XP, Hamel<strong>in</strong> R. Mutation ofthe transform<strong>in</strong>g growth factor-beta type II receptor gene <strong>in</strong> right-sided colorectalcancer: relationship to cl<strong>in</strong>icopathological features <strong>and</strong> <strong>genetic</strong> <strong>alterations</strong>. JPathol. 1998;184:390–5.153. Ohwada M, Suzuki M, Saga Y, Suzuki T, Ikeda M, Yamada M, Sato I. Mutationalanalysis of transform<strong>in</strong>g growth factor beta receptor type II <strong>and</strong> DNAmismatch repair genes <strong>in</strong> sporadic endometrial carc<strong>in</strong>omas with microsatellite<strong>in</strong>stability. Oncol Rep. 2000;7:789–92.154. Watanabe T, Wu TT, Catala<strong>no</strong> PJ, Ueki T, Satria<strong>no</strong> R, Haller DG, Benson AB,III, Hamilton SR. Molecular predictors of survival after adjuvant chemotherapyfor colon cancer. N Engl J Med. 2001;19;344:1196–206.255

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