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pseudogene, leading to a high rate of falsepositives.[38] In the present study, we used MSPprimers specifically designed to amplify the proteinencodingPTEN gene,[39] and showed that PTENwas not subject to promoter hypermethylation incolorectal carcinomas. A novel study confirms thatmethylation of PTEN is an unusual event incolorectal cancer as a whole.[40]Figure 5. Distribution of colorectal carcinomasaccording to site associates with sex, age, MSIstatusand methylation frequencies. The circlesindicate 52 carcinomas placed according to site, the redcircle=female, the blue=male. Top right section of thecircle: blue=MSS, red=MSI. The lowest section:green=patient 68years. Widespread methylation is given in the top leftsection: white= methylation in < 5 genes,black=widespread methylation > 5 genes.polarization of epithelial cells caused by apicaltransport of lipids and proteins. Loss of cell polarityis often seen in neoplastic transformation.[31] ForMGMT the early involvement is further supported bythe fact that promoter methylation has previouslybeen identified in aberrant crypt foci.[32]Our data do not suggest that any of the markersincluded here were methylated in an age dependentmanner. Of the 11 analyzed genes, six wereunmethylated in all normal samples from nonaffectedindividuals, excluding them as age-specificmethylation targets. For two genes (SCGB3A1 andMAL) only one of 21 samples was methylated.Although the sample in question was from an olderindividual (75 years), the resulting overallmethylation frequency was only 5%. This is instrong contrast to the frequent reported age-specificmethylation of the N33 gene, which showsapproximately 46% methylation among normalsamples in general and 58% methylation in normalsamples from individuals over 60 years.[33] HOXA9is the only gene in the present study harboring“frequent” promoter methylation in normal samples(19% overall, and 43% for individuals of 60 years orolder). Binary regression analysis resulted in asignificant P value, however, when using the samestatistical analysis in the tumor sample series agedependence could not be confirmed. Both technicaland biological aspects influence the interpretation ofDNA promoter methylation analyses.The importance of primer design is emphasized inthe PTEN assay. Promoter hypermethylation ofPTEN has been frequently reported in various tumortypes, including CRC.[34-37] However, the majorityof MSP primer sets used have failed to discriminatebetween PTEN and its frequently methylatedInterdependence among hypermethylated genesand wide spread methylationThe hierarchical clustering analysis of genepromoter methylation status in normal, benign, andmalignant samples confirmed that the distribution ofHOXA9 and MGMT methylation frequencies acrosssample groups differed from the other genes.Overall, methylation of NR3C1 and RUNX3 had thehighest correlation (figure 3 and Additional file 7), inaddition to MLH1, which was also closely related toNR3C1 and RUNX3. Furthermore, the present studyconfirmed that hypermethylation of MLH1 wascharacteristic of right-sided sporadic colon tumorswith MSI.[41] The lack of MLH1 hypermethylation inadenomas analyzed in the present study supportsthe theory that CIMP and MSI-tumors arise fromsessile serrated polyps rather than fromadenomas.[42] NR3C1, RUNX3, CRABP1, andSCGB3A1 were also shown to have the samecharacteristics as MLH1, supporting the hypothesisthat DNA methylation plays a more prominent role inproximal than in distal carcinogenesis. CRABP1,MLH1, NR3C1, and RUNX3 have recently beenshown to belong to a panel of epigeneticallyregulated genes which best discriminate betweenCIMP-positive and CIMP-negative tumors, aphenotype strongly related with MSI status.[43]We found that the MSI positive samples with V600EBRAF mutations were accompanied by promoterhypermethylation of several genes, in agreementwith the CIMP phenotype (Figure 4). Furthermore,we also confirmed that MSS tumors with TP53mutations had less overall methylation, and thus inagreement with a CIMP negative phenotype. KRASmutations were evenly distributed between MSI andMSS samples but seemingly the KRAS/MSIsamples had more methylation than KRAS/MSSsamples. Interestingly, three MSS samples hadBRAF mutations, and all differed from the V600Emutation found among the MSI tumors.Methylation markers suitable for early tumordetectionFor genes previously analyzed for promotermethylation in normal colon samples, our results arewithin the expected range (CDKN2A, 0-33% (rangeof samples 9-100, total methylation frequency~4%)[44-57]; MGMT, 0-39% (range of samples 12-220, total methylation frequency~7%)[14,15,44,49,50,53,56-61]; and MLH1, 0-50%(range of samples 8-100, total methylationfrequency ~5%)).[44,46,49,50,52,53,55-57,62-67]SCGB3A1 and RUNX3 have previously beenanalyzed in only one study, and both wereunmethylated in 57 normal samples.[48] The studyshowing the highest methylation frequency ofCDKN2A and MLH1 were biased towards normal6

samples taken distant from MSI- and CIMP-positivetumors,[46] thus a higher degree of methylationmight be expected.A suitable, highly specific, biomarker should beunmethylated in normal mucosa from healthyindividuals and frequently methylated in carcinomas,and possibly also in benign lesions. To date, onlyfew such markers have been identified,[10,68,69]and one of the most suitable ones, Vimentin, is nonexpressedin a normal, healthy, colon.[69] The factthat an important biomarker is non-expressed innormal tissue supports the choice of a low thresholdfor methylation positive early lesions, applied in thepresent search for early onset biomarkers.Hypermethylation of genes such as ADAMTS1 andMAL are also suitable biomarkers for earlydetection, as they are infrequently methylated innormal mucosa taken from individuals withoutcancer (0% and 5%, respectively), but highlymethylated in malignant lesions (71% and 82%,respectively)[9,13]. In addition, both are frequentlyhypermethylated among the adenomas (37% and71%, respectively) independent of size. Of course,sufficient sensitivity and specificity of thesehypermethylation markers must be shown in fecesor blood samples for the purpose of non-invasivetesting. It should be note that this is an obstacle yetto be overcomed by suggested markers in existingnon-invasive tests.It has been speculated that methylation of specificgenes, such as MGMT, may yield a so-called “fieldeffect”, providing favorable conditions for furtheralterations which eventually might lead to tumorformation.[58,70] The initial steps in tumorigenesismight be due to an epigenetic disruption of aprogenitor/stem cell which may be followed bygenetic mutations of gatekeeper genes, and thesubsequent acquisition of other genetic andepigenetic alterations.[71] This model provides apossible explanation of why we see relatively highmethylation frequencies for genes such as MGMT,and HOXA9 in normal samples taken from cancerpatients.Summarized, this study has shown that genespecificpromoter hypermethylation is an early eventin colorectal tumorigenesis, exemplified byhypermethylation of MGMT in adenomas andnormal mucosa from cancer patients, and by thehigh frequency of ADAMTS1 and MAL methylationin polyps irrespective of size. These markers aresuitable as part of a panel aiming at detecting earlycolorectal lesions, and possibly a field effect in a“labile” colon. In general, we saw that aberrant CpGisland hypermethylation increased with malignancy.Finally, methylation of CRABP1, MLH1, NR3C1,RUNX3, and SCGB3A1 were identifiers of MSIcarcinomas.Competing InterestsThe author(s) declare that they have no competinginterests.Authors’ ContributionsAll authors have read and approved the final versionof the manuscript. TA was main responsible for thelaboratory analyses, performed statistical analyses,made all figures and drafted the manuscript. GELparticipated in the study design, in experimentalanalyses and in the preparation of the manuscript.VLC performed the quantitative methylation specificPCR analysis. GIM collected the cancer series andprovided the clinicopathological information. MVparticipated in the screening study from which wereceived adenomas and patient information. GSHwas responsible for the screening study from whichwe received adenomas and patient information.TOR collected and provided normal mucosa fromnon-cancerous individuals, the carcinoma seriesand participated in scientific discussions. RIScontributed to the statistical analyses and inscientific discussions. ETE participated in thescreening study from which we received adenomasand patient information as well as in study designand scientific discussions. RAL conceived the study,participated in the evaluation of the results and inmanuscript preparation.AcknowledgementsThis study was funded by grants from theNorwegian Research Council (163962/V50 and161448/V40, RAL), the latter supporting TA as aPhD student. Funding was also received from theNorwegian Cancer Society (A95068, RAL)supporting GEL as post doctoral fellow.References1. Ponz dL, Di Gregorio C: Pathology of colorectalcancer. Dig Liver Dis 2001, 33:372-388.2. Grady WM, Markowitz SD: Genetic and epigeneticalterations in colon cancer. Annu Rev GenomicsHum Genet 2002, 3:101-28. Epub@2002 Apr 15.:101-128.3. Toyota M, Ahuja N, Ohe-Toyota M, Herman JG, BaylinSB, Issa JP: CpG island methylator phenotype incolorectal cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1999,96:8681-8686.4. Shen L, Toyota M, Kondo Y, Lin E, Zhang L, Guo Y,Hernandez NS, Chen X, Ahmed S, Konishi K et al.:Integrated genetic and epigenetic analysisidentifies three different subclasses of coloncancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007, 104:18654-18659.5. Meling GI, Lothe RA, Børresen AL, Hauge S, Graue C,Clausen OP, Rognum TO: Genetic alterations withinthe retinoblastoma locus in colorectal carcinomas.Relation to DNA ploidy pattern studied by flowcytometric analysis. Br J Cancer 1991, 64:475-480.6. Thiis-Evensen E, Hoff GS, Sauar J, Langmark F, MajakBM, Vatn MH: Population-based surveillance bycolonoscopy: effect on the incidence of colorectalcancer. Telemark Polyp Study I. Scand JGastroenterol 1999, 34:414-420.7. 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pseudogene, lead<strong>in</strong>g to a high rate of falsepositives.[38] In the present study, we used MSPprimers specifically designed to amplify the prote<strong>in</strong>encod<strong>in</strong>gPTEN gene,[39] <strong>and</strong> showed that PTENwas <strong>no</strong>t subject to promoter hypermethylation <strong>in</strong>colorectal carc<strong>in</strong>omas. A <strong>no</strong>vel study confirms thatmethylation of PTEN is an unusual event <strong>in</strong>colorectal cancer as a whole.[40]Figure 5. Distribution of colorectal carc<strong>in</strong>omasaccord<strong>in</strong>g to site associates with sex, age, MSIstatus<strong>and</strong> methylation frequencies. The circles<strong>in</strong>dicate 52 carc<strong>in</strong>omas placed accord<strong>in</strong>g to site, the redcircle=female, the blue=male. Top right section of thecircle: blue=MSS, red=MSI. The lowest section:green=patient 68years. Widespread methylation is given <strong>in</strong> the top leftsection: white= methylation <strong>in</strong> < 5 genes,black=widespread methylation > 5 genes.polarization of epithelial cells caused by apicaltransport of lipids <strong>and</strong> prote<strong>in</strong>s. Loss of cell polarityis often seen <strong>in</strong> neoplastic transformation.[31] ForMGMT the early <strong>in</strong>volvement is further supported bythe fact that promoter methylation has previouslybeen identified <strong>in</strong> aberrant crypt foci.[32]Our data do <strong>no</strong>t suggest that any of the markers<strong>in</strong>cluded here were methylated <strong>in</strong> an age dependentmanner. Of the 11 analyzed genes, six wereunmethylated <strong>in</strong> all <strong>no</strong>rmal samples from <strong>no</strong>naffected<strong>in</strong>dividuals, exclud<strong>in</strong>g them as age-specificmethylation targets. For two genes (SCGB3A1 <strong>and</strong>MAL) only one of 21 samples was methylated.Although the sample <strong>in</strong> question was from an older<strong>in</strong>dividual (75 years), the result<strong>in</strong>g overallmethylation frequency was only 5%. This is <strong>in</strong>strong contrast to the frequent reported age-specificmethylation of the N33 gene, which showsapproximately 46% methylation among <strong>no</strong>rmalsamples <strong>in</strong> general <strong>and</strong> 58% methylation <strong>in</strong> <strong>no</strong>rmalsamples from <strong>in</strong>dividuals over 60 years.[33] HOXA9is the only gene <strong>in</strong> the present study harbor<strong>in</strong>g“frequent” promoter methylation <strong>in</strong> <strong>no</strong>rmal samples(19% overall, <strong>and</strong> 43% for <strong>in</strong>dividuals of 60 years orolder). B<strong>in</strong>ary regression analysis resulted <strong>in</strong> asignificant P value, however, when us<strong>in</strong>g the samestatistical analysis <strong>in</strong> the tumor sample series agedependence could <strong>no</strong>t be confirmed. Both technical<strong>and</strong> biological aspects <strong>in</strong>fluence the <strong>in</strong>terpretation ofDNA promoter methylation analyses.The importance of primer design is emphasized <strong>in</strong>the PTEN assay. Promoter hypermethylation ofPTEN has been frequently reported <strong>in</strong> various tumortypes, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g CRC.[34-37] However, the majorityof MSP primer sets used have failed to discrim<strong>in</strong>atebetween PTEN <strong>and</strong> its frequently methylatedInterdependence among hypermethylated genes<strong>and</strong> wide spread methylationThe hierarchical cluster<strong>in</strong>g analysis of genepromoter methylation status <strong>in</strong> <strong>no</strong>rmal, benign, <strong>and</strong>malignant samples confirmed that the distribution ofHOXA9 <strong>and</strong> MGMT methylation frequencies acrosssample groups differed from the other genes.Overall, methylation of NR3C1 <strong>and</strong> RUNX3 had thehighest correlation (figure 3 <strong>and</strong> Additional file 7), <strong>in</strong>addition to MLH1, which was also closely related toNR3C1 <strong>and</strong> RUNX3. Furthermore, the present studyconfirmed that hypermethylation of MLH1 wascharacteristic of right-sided sporadic colon tumorswith MSI.[41] The lack of MLH1 hypermethylation <strong>in</strong>ade<strong>no</strong>mas analyzed <strong>in</strong> the present study supportsthe theory that CIMP <strong>and</strong> MSI-tumors arise fromsessile serrated polyps rather than fromade<strong>no</strong>mas.[42] NR3C1, RUNX3, CRABP1, <strong>and</strong>SCGB3A1 were also shown to have the samecharacteristics as MLH1, support<strong>in</strong>g the hypothesisthat DNA methylation plays a more prom<strong>in</strong>ent role <strong>in</strong>proximal than <strong>in</strong> distal carc<strong>in</strong>ogenesis. CRABP1,MLH1, NR3C1, <strong>and</strong> RUNX3 have recently beenshown to belong to a panel of epi<strong>genetic</strong>allyregulated genes which best discrim<strong>in</strong>ate betweenCIMP-positive <strong>and</strong> CIMP-negative tumors, aphe<strong>no</strong>type strongly related with MSI status.[43]We found that the MSI positive samples with V600EBRAF mutations were accompanied by promoterhypermethylation of several genes, <strong>in</strong> agreementwith the CIMP phe<strong>no</strong>type (Figure 4). Furthermore,we also confirmed that MSS tumors with TP53mutations had less overall methylation, <strong>and</strong> thus <strong>in</strong>agreement with a CIMP negative phe<strong>no</strong>type. KRASmutations were evenly distributed between MSI <strong>and</strong>MSS samples but seem<strong>in</strong>gly the KRAS/MSIsamples had more methylation than KRAS/MSSsamples. Interest<strong>in</strong>gly, three MSS samples hadBRAF mutations, <strong>and</strong> all differed from the V600Emutation found among the MSI tumors.Methylation markers suitable for early tumordetectionFor genes previously analyzed for promotermethylation <strong>in</strong> <strong>no</strong>rmal colon samples, our results arewith<strong>in</strong> the expected range (CDKN2A, 0-33% (rangeof samples 9-100, total methylation frequency~4%)[44-57]; MGMT, 0-39% (range of samples 12-220, total methylation frequency~7%)[14,15,44,49,50,53,56-61]; <strong>and</strong> MLH1, 0-50%(range of samples 8-100, total methylationfrequency ~5%)).[44,46,49,50,52,53,55-57,62-67]SCGB3A1 <strong>and</strong> RUNX3 have previously beenanalyzed <strong>in</strong> only one study, <strong>and</strong> both wereunmethylated <strong>in</strong> 57 <strong>no</strong>rmal samples.[48] The studyshow<strong>in</strong>g the highest methylation frequency ofCDKN2A <strong>and</strong> MLH1 were biased towards <strong>no</strong>rmal6

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