Comptroller's Debt Set-Off Program - Virginia Department of Accounts

Comptroller's Debt Set-Off Program - Virginia Department of Accounts

Comptroller's Debt Set-Off Program - Virginia Department of Accounts


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Taxation—DOA PartnershipThe CDS program runs under a partnershipbetween DOA and <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Taxation.Taxation is responsible for the automatedset<strong>of</strong>f payments system.DOA is responsible for interpreting the Codewith respect to eligible and ineligible funds.9/9/2008 Financial Reporting 4

Vendor Doe owes $1,000 to Agency A.Vendor Doe’s account becomes past-due.Agency A (Claimant Agency) enters VendorDoe’s debt in CDS.CDS at WorkCoincidentally, Agency B owes Vendor Doe a$1,350 refund.CDS matches these transactions, pays $1,000 <strong>of</strong>the refund to Agency A (Claimant Agency),and pays the remaining $350 to Vendor Doe.9/9/2008 Financial Reporting 5

Processing ClaimsA registered agency can submit claims for CDScollection.The following information is needed to submit aclaim:– Claimant agency code–<strong>Debt</strong>or name– Social Security Number or Employer IdentificationNumber–Amount <strong>of</strong> debt9/9/2008 Financial Reporting 6

ExceptionsNot all payments are eligible for set<strong>of</strong>f.CARS stores information to identifypayments that should bypass theset<strong>of</strong>f process (such as payments toother governments).9/9/2008 Financial Reporting 7

Match FoundSSN or EIN is used to match a payment with adebt listed at Taxation.Funds move from the paying agency to theDOA “Suspense Awaiting <strong>Debt</strong> <strong>Set</strong>-<strong>Off</strong>”account.Taxation is notified about debt match andfunds move from DOA suspense account toTaxation suspense account.9/9/2008 Financial Reporting 8

NotificationTax notifies claimant agency that funds are beingheld.Claimant agency must notify debtor that fundsare being held and the specific reason.If only partial payment is taken, debtor receivespartial payment and check stub (or EDInotice) saying:• Balance taken for debt owed, and• Written explanation will follow.If full payment taken, nothing sent to debtor untilclaimant agency notifies them <strong>of</strong> funds <strong>of</strong>fset.At notification, debtor may contest claim.9/9/2008 Financial Reporting 9

FinalizationThe claimant agency notifies Tax that they willaccept funds collected by set<strong>of</strong>f.After 60 days, funds are transferred to theclaimant agency and noted as finalized in Taxsystem.9/9/2008 Financial Reporting 10

Funds Release Before FinalizationMoney can be released to the debtor for these reasons:Tax receives finalization notice from claimant agencywith zero dollar amount.Finalization notice shows only part <strong>of</strong> set<strong>of</strong>f amount isneeded to satisfy claim.Finalization notice not returned in 60 days.<strong>Debt</strong>or proves he or she is entitled to money.Claimant agency deletes claim.9/9/2008 Financial Reporting 11

After FinalizationOnce funds have been forwarded to claimantagency, the claimant handles any debtorrequest for funds released because debtorproves entitlement to money.9/9/2008 Financial Reporting 12

9/9/2008 Financial Reporting 13Your Participation<strong>Program</strong> participants must register withTaxation. For more information, contact:Marian Jackson(804) 786-0637Marian.Jackson@tax.virginia.gov

Key Contacts after Registration(804) 367-8031(804) 371-83839/9/2008 Financial Reporting 14<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Taxation Customer Service<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong> Comptroller’s <strong>Debt</strong><strong>Set</strong><strong>of</strong>f Coordinator

ReferencesCAPP Manual Topics– 20505, <strong>Accounts</strong> Receivable– 20310, ExpendituresCode <strong>of</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> § 2.2-4800 – 2.2-4808 The<strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>Debt</strong> Collection Act9/9/2008 Financial Reporting 15

gacct@doa.virginia.gov804-371-8383 – voice804-371-8387 – facsimileU. S. Mail:General Accounting<strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong>P. O. Box 1971Richmond, VA 23218-1971Contacts9/9/2008 Financial Reporting 16

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