LEVEL I MUSCLE CHART Use this chart as a guide for ... - Kinetacore

LEVEL I MUSCLE CHART Use this chart as a guide for ... - Kinetacore

LEVEL I MUSCLE CHART Use this chart as a guide for ... - Kinetacore


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<strong>LEVEL</strong> I <strong>MUSCLE</strong> <strong>CHART</strong><strong>Use</strong> <strong>this</strong> <strong>chart</strong> <strong>as</strong> a <strong>guide</strong> <strong>for</strong> the muscles you will be expected to treat in FDN level one. If there are anydiscrepancies between <strong>this</strong> <strong>chart</strong> and the full muscle <strong>chart</strong> it is reflective of some of the variations that arefound in the anatomy books. Focus on attachments, understanding the three dimensionality of theanatomy and the myotomes of each muscle.Posterior HipMuscle Action Innervation AttachmentsGluteusMaximusExtension, lateralrotation andabduction <strong>for</strong> thehipL5-S2 InferiorGluteal NerveIliac wing behind posterior gluteal line, iliaccrest, thoracodorsal f<strong>as</strong>cia, post surface ofsacrum, coccyx and sacrotuberous ligamentand f<strong>as</strong>cia over glut med.Gluteus MediusAbducts and medialrotation of hip jointL4-S1 sup.glut. nn.Iliac wing behind post. gluteal line, iliaccrest, and post thoracodor<strong>as</strong>al f<strong>as</strong>cia togluteal tuberosity.GluteusMinimusAbduction andmedial rotation ofhipL4-S1 sup.glut. nn.Ilium b/w ant. and inf. gluteal lines toantero-superior angle of greater trochanter.Muscle Action Innervation AttachmentsPiri<strong>for</strong>misLateral rotation andabduction of hipL5-S2 VentralRamiAnt attachment of Sacrum S2-4 toupper/medial <strong>as</strong>pect of the greatertrochanter.Tensor F<strong>as</strong>ciaLataePulls ITB sup andant. Assists in flex,abd, and med.rot/ext of hipL4-5 superiorgluteal nn.Anterior part of the outer lip of iliac crestand lateral <strong>as</strong>pect of ASIS attaching to ITband.Lumbar SpineLongissimusand IliocostalislumborumExtension andunilateral rotaionand sidebendingSegmentalinnervationPosterior surfaces of sacrum, SP’s and TPsand fourth to twelfth ribs(<strong>for</strong> longissimus)to thoracolumbar f<strong>as</strong>cia and Inferior anglesof ribs 7 through 12 <strong>for</strong> Iliocostalis.LumbarMultifidusStabilization, localmobility and globalstability dependingon depthMedial branchof thesegmentallevel itattaches to.Inferiorly from the dorsal surface of thesacrum, psis, and SI ligament. Lumbarmamillary processes L1-5 to SPs of C2through L5

ThighV<strong>as</strong>tus Lateralis Extension of knee L2-4 Upper half of intertrochanteric line, ant andinf borders of greater trochanter and laterallip of greater trochanter and glutealtuberosity, upper half of linea <strong>as</strong>pera toQuad. fem. tendon.V<strong>as</strong>tusIntermediusExtension of knee L2-4 Ant. and Lat surface of proximal 2/3rds offemoral shaft to Quad. fem. tendon.V<strong>as</strong>tus MedialisStabilizes patella andextends kneeL2-4 Attaches to spiral line on postero-medial<strong>as</strong>pect of upper part of femoral shaft, med.lip of linea <strong>as</strong>pera and medial supracondylarline and tendon of add magnus toaponeurosis of patella/Quad. fem. tendon.Rectus FemorisFlexes hip joint,clears capsule of hipand extends knee.L2-4 Straight tendon to capsule of anterior hipand groove of upper acetabulum andattaches to Quad. fem. tendon.SartoriusWeak flexor, lat.rotator and abductionof hipL2 and L3ASIS to upper part of the medial surface ofthe tibial shaft in front of tendon of gracilisand semitendinosusGracilisKnee flexion andmedial rotation of hipand weak adductorL2 and L3Ant. surface of body of pubis to upper partof medial surface of tibial shaftAdductorLongusAdduction/medialrotation of hip andflexion of ext. hipL2-4 Body of pubis to medial lip of linea <strong>as</strong>pera.AdductorMagnusExtends and mediallyrotates hipL4 and L5Lateral surface of the conjoined tendonischiopubic ramus and infero-lateral <strong>as</strong>pectof ischial tuberosity to gluteal tuberosity andlinea <strong>as</strong>pera of femur.SemimembranosusExtension of hip andflexion of kneeL5-S2Supero-lateral <strong>as</strong>pect of ischial tuberosity toposteromedial surface of medial tibialcondyle.SemitendinosusExtension of hip andflexion of kneeL5-S2Supero-medial part of ischial tuberosity withbiceps long head to upper part of the medialsurface of the tibial shaft.Biceps FemorisExtension of hip andflexion of kneeL5-S1primary andSuperomedial <strong>as</strong>pect of ischial tuberosity <strong>for</strong>long head. Short head: lateral lip of linea

L4-S3secondary<strong>as</strong>pera on posterior <strong>as</strong>pect of femoral shaftto lateral <strong>as</strong>pect of fibular head.Lower ExtremityMuscle Action Innervation AttachmentsG<strong>as</strong>trocnemiusSoleusAnteriorTibialisPlantarflexion ofankle and flexion ofthe kneePlantarflexion ofankle jt andeccentric control ofdorsiflexionDorsiflexion andinversion of the footS1-2 Medial head to upper <strong>as</strong>pect of the posteriorfemoral condyle, popliteal surface of femurand capsule of knee joint. Lateral head tolat. fem. condyle and underlying capsule ofknee joint both joining at the Achillestendon.S1-2 Post. surface of the head and upper third ofthe fibular shaft. Soleal line of the tibia andmiddle third of the medial border of thetibial shaft.L4-5 Inf. surface of lateral condyle of tibia. Upper2/3rds of lat. tibial shaft, ant. surface ofinterosseous membrane to the extensorretinaculae onto medial surface of the medialcunei<strong>for</strong>m and medial <strong>as</strong>pect of the b<strong>as</strong>e ofthe 1 st metatarsal bone.PeroneusLongusEversion of thefoot, plantar flexionof ankle and supportof archL5-S1Lateral surface of head of fibula, upper2/3rds of lat. fibular shaft and ant. and post.intermuscular septa of leg behind lat.malleolus deep to lat. surface of calcaneus.Peroneus Brevis Eversion of foot,plantarflexion ofankle andstabilization ofsubtalar andmidtarsal jointsL5-S1Distal 2/3rds of lat. surface of shaft offibula. Adjoining anterior and posteriorintermuscular septa to styloid process on thelateral <strong>as</strong>pect of the b<strong>as</strong>e of 5 th metatarsal.Ext. DigitorumExtension of lateralfour toes atinterphalangeal andMTP joints, <strong>as</strong>sistsin DF of ankleL4-S1Inf. <strong>as</strong>pect of lateral tibial condyle, upper3/4ths of med. surface of fibula, ant. surfaceof interosseous membrane, ant.intermuscular septum and overlying deepf<strong>as</strong>cia to the dorsal <strong>as</strong>pects of the middleand distal phalanges of corresponding toesvia dorsal digital expansions.

Cervical SpineMuscle Action Innervation AttachmentsTrapeziusElevation of scapulaand stabilization ofscapulothoracicmotionSpinalAccessory <strong>for</strong>motorinnervationand C3/4sensorySuperior nuchal line of occipital bone, extoccipital protuberance, and ligamentumnuchae and SP’s of C7-T12.SuperficialCervicalExtension, rotationand sidebending ofC/spSegmentaldorsal ramiOcciput to various cervical and thoracicattachments to T7Deep C/spmultifidusStabilization andextension androtationMedial brandof dorsal ramisegmentallyDeep attachments from SP to TP insuperomedial angle of attachment.ShoulderMuscle Action Innervation AttachmentsInfr<strong>as</strong>pinatus External RotationC4-6 supr<strong>as</strong>capularnn.Infr<strong>as</strong>capular Fossa to middle facet ofgreater tuberosity of humerusTeres Minor External Rotation C5/6 axillary nn. Lateral Border of Scapulae to lowermost ofthree facets on humerusTeres Major Internal Rotation C5-7 lowersubscapular nn.Dorsal <strong>as</strong>pect of inf. angle of scapulae tomedial lip of bicipital groove.LatissimusDorsiRetraction ofshoulder girdle andstrong extensor ofhumerusC6-8 thoracodorsalnn.Supr<strong>as</strong>pinous lig. of lower 6 thoracicvertebrae and thoracolumbar f<strong>as</strong>cia, post.iliac crest and lower four ribs with small slipto inf. angle of scapulae.DeltoidFlexion, abductionand extension ofhumerusC5-6 axillary nn. Deltoid tuberosity to clavicle, acromion,and spine of scapulaePectoralisMajorAdductor andinternal rotator ofhumerusC5-6 clavicularportion C7-T1sternal portionSternum and clavicle to lateral lip of thebicipital groove.

Upper ExtremityBicepsSupination of<strong>for</strong>earm and flexionof arm.C5/6 Long head to Superior Labrum and shorthead to corocoid processBrachialis Flexion of the elbow C5/6 Lower half of the humerus, intermuscularsepta to the coronoid process and tuberosityon the ulnaTricepsExtension of elbowand inferior stabilityof shld.C6-8 Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula supportinginf. <strong>as</strong>pect of shld jt.Brachioradialis Elbow flexion C5-7 Upper 2/3 of the lat. supracondylar ridge ofhumerus and ant. <strong>as</strong>pect of lat. intermuscularseptum to distal radius at b<strong>as</strong>e of styloidprocessWrist Extensors Wrist extension C6-8 Various attachmentsSupinator Forearm supination C5/6 Lateral epicondyle, radial collateral andannular ligaments of elbow to proximal thirdof radiusPronator Teres Forearm pronation C6/7 Humeral attachment proximal medialepicondyle and Ulnar attachment tocoronoid processWrist Flexors Wrist Flexion C6/7 Various attachments

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